CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2) (30 page)

BOOK: CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2)
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debate for a split second on
whether I should tell her, then change my mind.
I'm not struggling,” I answer, pushing the thought of marrying Tristan aside.

“Well yes, I know but’ –“I think what your
mother is trying to say, is that this is spare cash to her. I'm wealthy enough
to support us both, so she has split the money from the sale of the house between
you and Debbie.” Malcolm takes a drink.

“Oh!” I swallow hard and look up at Gladys.
“T-thank you. I...I don't know what to say?” I stutter. “That’s...that’s really
generous,” I add as it slowly starts to sink in.
I'm rich – not Tristan rich
– but I'm rich!
I can pay off my mortgage I can...well do so many things...

“We have more news,” Gladys says taking a
large gulp of wine.

I knew it was too good to be true. Placing
the envelope and the Bankers Draft on the table, I pick up my wine and take
another gulp. I’ve nearly finished the glass and I’m starting to feel tipsy;
I’ve only eaten a Chocolate swirl today.

“News?” I question, looking across the
table to Malcolm.

“Well it’s not really our news. It’s
Debbie’s,” Gladys says.

I snap my head to the side and glare at
her. “If it’s Debbie’s news why couldn’t
tell me?” I snap.

“Because it also concerns Malcolm and I.”
she scolds.

I instantly feel guilty for snapping,
considering what I’ve just been given. “Sorry Gladys, I didn’t mean to…” I
drift off.

“It’s alright,” she says, patting my hand

“Ok,” I say my voice shaking slightly. She
takes another deep breath, looks at Malcolm for reassurance then her eyes meet

“Well you know Scott got a promotion?” she

“Yeah?” I drawl.
I don't like where this
is going.

“Well...well, the job is in Spain.
Barcelona to be exact,” she says taking another gulp of wine.
Spain? They’re
moving to Spain?

“So they’re moving to Spain,” I say numbly.

“Y-yes,” Gladys stutters watching me
carefully. I nod my head. I feel a little pissed that Debs didn’t tell me but
other than that – “And we’re going with them,” she chokes out and bursts into
hysterical tears.

My mouth pops open, my mind feels numb –
all moving to Spain?

Malcolm jumps up from his seat and wraps
his arms around Gladys.

“When?” I ask Malcolm, my voice flat.

“Not until January. We’ll all be together
for Christmas and New Year.” I nod as I listen to his answer, and then totally
unexpectedly, I start to laugh. I don’t know if it’s because I'm way past tired,
if it’s the alcohol, or the fact that Gladys is sobbing like a baby, but the
whole situation seems hilarious to me. They turn in unison and gape at me.
Gladys stops blubbering, her eyes red and tear stained, Malcolm’s eyes widen
with surprise.

“But...but...” Gladys wipes her eyes and
blows her nose. “Aren’t you angry?” She asks incredulously.

“Why should I be angry?” I ask my sense of
humour dissipating.

“Well’ – “Gladys,” I interrupt. “I’ve
already accepted you are leaving, you told me you were, besides Spain sounds
wonderful, much better than this country. I can really see you there, lounging
by the pool in your costume and sunhat.” Her mouth pops open in shock. I
immediately picture her asking Malcolm to go get her another cocktail as she
soaks up the sun.

“What?” I chuckle.

“You’re taking this all very well,” Gladys

I roll my eyes at her. “Look, if you told
me you were all moving to Australia or Africa, somewhere on the other side of
the world then no, I wouldn’t be very happy at all. But Spain is only a couple
of hours on a plane isn’t it? That’s no hardship.” I take another drink.
“Besides, it means I get a free holiday each year,” I chuckle.
Yeah, that’ll
be cool!

I’ve never been abroad, hell I’ve never
even had a real holiday, but I don’t feel worried about that anymore, not now I
have Tristan to go with. I look up and see they are both still gawking at me,
which is really starting to annoy me.

“Gladys you deserve this. You dedicated a
large part of your life to us. Raising Debs and I can't have been easy,
especially on your own, and I know I was a very difficult child. But like I
said before, it’s your life you should do what you want with it. I think it
sounds fabulous, wait till I tell Rob and Carlos!” I beam.

I actually feel quite excited about it all,
although I don't quite understand why? Gladys is right, I should be freaking
out about this.

“Oh, darling!” Gladys screeches. Standing
up, she pulls me to my feet and into her large bosom, hugging and kissing me as
she wails with delighted tears. I chuckle and hug her back, wrapping my arms
tightly around her.

She really does deserve this, she’s been an
awesome parent to me, but I'm all grown up now, I know I can let her go. Then I
think back to last week and the confusion she has put me through by not telling
me in the first place, which instantly pisses me off!

Pulling out of her arms, I take a step back
and put my hands on my hips. “So this is the big secret you’ve all been keeping
from me?” I snap. Malcolm shakes his head slightly and Gladys has the decency
to look guiltily at me.

“Now that I'm pissed about,” I growl. “I
knew you were all keeping something from me! How do you think that made me
feel?” I add, gritting my teeth.

Gladys mouth pops open to a perfect o and
she turns to Malcolm, for back-up I think, but he just purses his lips at her
then mouths, ‘I told you so’ she looks back at me, with wide eyes.

I'm on a roll, so I keep on going. “I’ll
tell you shall I. Excluded from the family, that’s how it made me feel! You
made me feel shut out Gladys, it felt really awful, you kept the fact that you
were seeing Malcolm from me, and now this?” I pick up my wine and gulp it all
back in one go.

Malcolm hasn’t stopped shaking his head. “I
told you to tell her!” he barks.

I feel like he knows me better than Gladys
and Debs. Gladys falls to her seat, I follow suit I don't want to lose it, and
to be quite honest; I’m tired of feeling pissed off all the time. And I have to
remember, I have just been gifted two hundred and fifty grand.

“Look Mom,” I softly say and reach for her
hand. “You’ve got to stop keeping things from me. I’d rather deal with it than
feel like I'm the one being left out, it really hurts, sucks actually. I could
understand your apprehension of telling me, if it was somewhere on the other
side of the world, but Spain? Come on...” I say, shaking my head in annoyance.

“I'm so sorry darling, I...” she sniffs
loudly then looks at me with big round, guilty eyes. “Can you forgive me?”
Gladys croaks.

I roll my eyes and sigh. “Yes, of course I
can, just don't do it again!” I lean forward and hug her. “Malcolm!” I bark. “From
now on I am making it your responsibility to keep me informed, about everything.”
I look up at him and smile.

“Absolutely,” Malcolm agrees, nodding his
head approvingly.

“Good, let’s eat. I'm starving.” I’ll be
pissed as a fart if I don't eat something.

“Yes, lets. You look like you’ve lost
weight Coral,” Gladys says, really scrutinizing me now.

“I haven’t had much of an appetite lately,”
I answer wistfully, thinking about Tristan again. She takes my hand and gives
me a knowing smile, I try not to smile back at her, but my face has other
ideas, and I grin from ear to ear.

Gladys leans forward and whispers in my ear.
“I’m so happy for you darling,” then she kisses my cheek, picks up the wine and
refills our glasses.

“Thanks,” I whisper, praying she doesn’t
ask me anything about it. I wait patiently for Gladys to walk over to the stove
and get dinner ready, because my belly is rumbling at me, but she when she doesn’t,
I decide to push. “Mom, aren’t you getting dinner ready?”

Gladys beams, shakes her head at me, and
then looks up at Malcolm. As my eyes follow hers, I'm shocked to see Malcolm
tying an apron around his waist, it has a logo on it –
Danger Man Cooking Proceed With Caution
– I giggle out loud
as I read it.

“I didn’t know you could cook Malcolm?” I
say, he opens his mouth to respond but Gladys cuts in.

“Oh, he’s a wonderful cook, got me eating
all sorts darling, you’ll be very proud of me. I’ve had curries and spices and
well all sorts, right Malcolm,” she looks up at him adoringly.

“Indeed my darling.” Malcolm slowly bends
down to Gladys and kisses her lightly on the lips. I look away feeling a little
Tristan….I miss you so…

“Shall we sit outside?” Gladys asks as
Malcolm stands and turns to the stove. I nod, pick up my wine and follow Gladys
out to the patio. “So,” Gladys says sitting next to me and squeezing my free
hand. “Tell me all about Tristan.”

I choke on the sip of wine I have taken. “Um...we’re
just friends.” I answer staring down at the table. I really don’t want to get
into that one. I already feel lost without him, talking about him and how
wonderful he is; it’s just going to make me feel worse.

“Nonsense, come on!” I look up at Gladys. I
can see her eyes are full of excited anticipation.

“Really, there’s nothing to tell.” I take a
gulp of wine.

Gladys frowns and looks down at the table.
“Alright darling, you don't want to talk about it. I understand,” she says,
looking a little forlorn, which makes me feel guilty because I haven’t shared,
but I can't, not now. I have too many things swimming around my head and I just
want to forget it all. At least I know the big secret now, that’s something I
can cross of my list.

“Have you fallen out?” she asks softly.

“No,” I say shaking my head. “It’s not like
that,” I add. “I can't talk about him, I miss him terribly, and I’ve still got
two more days to go until’ –“It’s alright darling,” she says interrupting. “I
understand.” Reaching out she gently strokes my cheek. “But there’s something
else? Something you’re worried about?”
Crap, how can she tell?

I shake my head at her. “There’s just a lot
going on you know. Work, Rob’s having problems, and now you, Debs and Joyce are
leaving…” I trail off and take a breath. “It’s just a lot to handle in one go,
you know.” I shrug and drink more wine.

She narrows her eyes at me. “Yes, it is a
lot to deal with,” she pauses for a moment. “But if something were really
wrong, you would come and tell me wouldn’t you Coral,” she says in her firm,
not to be messed with voice, that always scared me as a child.

I swallow hard. “Yes, I would,” I whisper,
trying to put on my poker face, my mask.

Gladys stares back at me for the longest
time. “Alright,” she says firmly.

“Gladys, are you sure about the money?” I
ask, trying to sway the conversation.

“Of course darling,” she replies.

“It’s such a large amount though, don’t you’
– “Hush,” she scolds, instantly silencing me. “It’s what I want to do for you,
I won’t have it back Coral,” she adds, reading my expression.

“Ok,” I whisper wondering what the hell I’m
going to do with that amount. “Thank you,” I add, “I really mean it.”

“I know you do darling,” she replies in a
softer tone.

I smile at her and drink more wine, trying
to think of something to say.
The Wedding!

“So you’re having the Wedding soon, have
you found a dress yet?” I ask…


chatting about the move, and the different places where they’re
looking to buy. Gladys tells me about Lily joining her new school, and that
she’s very excited about learning a new language, and the place Scott and Debs
are looking to buy is right near the beach, that’s another free holiday!

For the first time since Tristan left, I
feel relaxed. I’ve even managed to eat a big plate of Paella; turns out Malcolm
really cook, but I have to wonder whether it’s being in the comfortable
surroundings of my childhood home that’s making me feel this way.

As I sit in the kitchen listening to
Malcolm and Gladys banter with one another, I suddenly realise I will really
miss this place, it’s filled with so many warm and happy memories. I feel
blessed to have been raised here, blessed to have had such a wonderful person
like Gladys with the patience of a saint to raise me, teach me wrong from right;
shower me with love and affection. I’ve also learned that life has to move on,
move forward, that change has to happen, otherwise life becomes stale and

As the evening draws to a close I feel
myself start to become tense about going home, I feel angry that I do, that
someone has made me feel like that – that Susannah has made me feel like that –
don’t know it was her
, I castigate myself.

I reluctantly call a taxi and as I'm
waiting for it to arrive, I have to keep convincing Gladys and Malcolm that I'm
fine – I think they can see I'm on edge.

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