Cottage Witchery (23 page)

Read Cottage Witchery Online

Authors: Ellen Dugan

Tags: #home, #hearth, #garden, #garden witchery, #dugan, #spell, #herb, #blessing, #protective, #protection, #house, #witchcraft, #wicca, #witch, #spell, #ritual, #Spells, #earthday40

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* Two magnolia-scented candles

* Two coordinating candleholders

* Two rose quartz tumbled stones

* Magnolia leaves or a blossom

* A lighter or matches

Arrange your two magnolia candles side by side on your altar or hearthstone setup. Position the foliage and the stones around the candles in a way that pleases you—just make sure to keep any foliage clear of the flames. Light the candles and then repeat the following charm three times:

Magnolia has a charming scent, healing it does impart,

Now spin a spell with wisdom from the magick of the hearth.

I call earth for stability, for strength and health that shines,

Send both healing and contentment, let harmony be mine.

Allow the candles to burn out. Set the stones in a place where you will see them every day, or tuck them into your pocket to reinforce those happy and healthy feelings. You can keep a magnolia leaf or petal with you for a few days, until you start to get back on your feet. Then return the foliage neatly to nature.

An animal's eyes have the power
to speak a great language.

Martin Buber

Dogs and Magick

There is nothing like a faithful pet to welcome you home after a tough day. Pets add so much to our lives. They become part of the family and trusted companions and confidants. Take the dog, for example; the dog is a faithful protector and a friend. There's something about a dog, no matter what breed they are. They can be regal and gorgeous, clever and energetic, or just big and goofy.

I will admit to a love for dogs, but I have a small problem: I'm terribly allergic to them. Every time I pet a dog too much, I break out in big nasty hives, and then I start to sneeze loudly, followed by wheezing. It's really attractive, let me tell you. I get along well enough with dogs, if they are content with a cautious pat or two on the head from me. I envy people who have great relationships with their dogs, as for me this was never a possibility. However, for those of you who share your lives and homes with a canine, here is some magickal lore and tips.

There are a few goddesses associated with the dog, such as Artemis/Diana; the wolf-hound, in particular, is associated with her. The Crone goddess, Hecate, is connected with black dogs. Dogs especially sense when Hecate is near; they bark and howl.

Dogs may sense a ghost or warn you of negative influences. If you notice your dog growling at corners and can't place the cause, then I would definitely do a cleansing. Keep the animal with you while you do the cleansing and see if they act differently when you're finished.

If you'd like to work magick for your pet, try enchanting their collars with a little color magick. Purchase a new collar for whatever specific color magick you require. A black or red collar could be enchanted for protection. Try a soft pink collar for your female dog if she is expecting puppies; this should help promote good mother energy for her. A blue or green collar would work out nicely for healing, if your dog had surgery or is ill. You could go with a purple collar to help boost a spiritual connection with your pet, especially if you'd like them to be your familiar. Also, you could paint a star on the back of their ID tags. My friend Nicole hangs a small hematite ring from her dogs' collars, along with their identification tags, to boost her dogs' protection. I'll bet you can come up with even more ideas.

See how your dog reacts to the atmosphere in the home after you perform a cleansing or a blessing. Does your dog stick by your side whenever you cast any spells? Animals are typically sensitive to magickal energy. Do they walk through cast circles or do they sit attentively outside of them? It would be interesting to keep track and see how they react to the magick in your house. You never know, they may have a few new tricks to teach you.

At this point, I am sending your dog a mental scratch behind the ears. I wish both you and your canine friend a long and wonderful life together. Now, here is that pet collar spell for you to try out. Go ahead and adapt and change the words around in the second line to suit your specific magickal purpose, and don't forget to have fun.

I call on Artemis/Diana and Hecate,

Send healing to my pet in the best possible way.

This collar represents the magick of hearth and home,

Always you'll come back to us, no matter where you roam.

Slip the collar onto the dog and close the spell with this line:

For the good of all, with harm to none,

By the hearth and home, this spell is done.

Black cat, cross my path,

good fortune bring to home and hearth . . .

Claire Nahmad

House Cats and Magick

Whenever a cat comes into your life, look for magick and mystery to follow. The domestic cat makes a wonderful companion and housemate. An age-old symbol for witchcraft and magick, the cat can add to the energy of your spellcasting and to the overall atmosphere of the home. They are also good barometers of the household energy. A cat that is snoozing the afternoon away in a chair may symbolize peace and contentment. A cat that flies through the house looking for a rumble can be a sign of building negative energies or unhappy vibrations. A cat that leaps and plays by itself is thought to be playing with the faeries.

Adding a few strands of loose cat hair to a hearth and home spell is thought to increase the power of the enchantment. The next time you pet or brush your cat, pick up a couple of those loose hairs. Add them to charm bags or tuck them under a candle for a touch of cat magick. When a circle has been cast, cats seem to like to walk back and forth through the area. I wonder if it gives them a tingle? However, anyone who has a cat knows they have their own set of rules. They either are interested in magick or they're not. That may change tomorrow, never, or maybe in the next moment.

My old orange tabby, Skippy, would always sit at attention on the outside of my circles until I formally invited her in. Then she would flip her tail up high and stroll in to sit at the center of the circle. She wouldn't budge until I was finished. Skippy was definitely my familiar. She usually showed up whenever I was studying magick. She loved to rub her face all over the books, and Skippy always popped up whenever I was casting any spells or writing charms. I miss her still. Isn't it funny how a pet can keep a hold on your heart for years after they have passed on?

Recently our gray tabby cat, Samantha, graced a circle meeting at my house. Typically she ignores the magickal comings and goings. She may jump in a lap for attention but once the magick starts, she finds a good spot to watch and usually takes a nap. A few weeks ago, during a Sabbat ritual, we were all sitting on the living room floor, hands linked, raising energy together. Samantha walked around the circle, purring and rubbing her face on everyone's joined hands, which was quite a surprise.

Around the circle she went, from person to person, causing lots of chuckles from the ladies. Once Samantha had worked her way around the group, she positioned herself regally in the center and sat as still as a statue until we were finished. Will she join us again? With a cat, you never know. They are as unpredictable as the weather.

Which reminds me, did you know that cats are thought to be weather predictors, according to folklore? If your cat sleeps with its head upside down, that means a big change in the weather is forthcoming. There is that old country saying that states, “The cat's sleeping on its brain, it's surely going to rain.” That always seems to hold true with my cats. Another way to predict rain was if your cat rolls over on her back, swings her tail playfully at you, and darts her eyes back and forth—supposedly she is communicating with the water spirits and a shower will come soon.

If you have dreams that feature cats, the color of the dream cat has a specific lucky meaning. If you dream of black cats, this symbolizes all-around good luck. The Egyptian cat goddess Bast was typically portrayed as a black cat. Later, the Greco-Roman culture identified Bast with Artemis/Diana. During the Middle Ages, the goddess Diana was called the “Queen of the Witches.” Therefore the cat became linked with the Craft and with goddess worship. However, the many different shades and patterns of cats also have folklore and magickal significance attached to them as well.

A tortoiseshell cat signifies that you'll be lucky in love and all manners of the heart. Dreaming of an orange cat is a sure sign of good fortune in business and an increase of your prosperity. Dreams of a black and white cat mean that you are genuinely fond of children and that conception shouldn't be an issue for you. A tabby cat in any color was thought to be a favorite pet among Witches. The striped cat is also a symbol of a happy hearth and home for your family.

Should a smoky gray cat make an appearance in your dreams, they are thought to lead you to hidden treasures. Gray cats are also sacred to the Norse goddess Freya. If gray cats are slinking through your thoughts, perhaps this is Freya's none-too-subtle way of trying to get your attention. Now, a calico cat in a dream symbolizes a close bond with your friends, both old and new. Here's something else to consider about the magickal calico cat: the three traditional calico colors—reddish-orange, white, and black—are triple goddess colors. Finally, if a white cat haunts your dreams, then you'll be blessed with inspiration, foresight, and imagination, and you are an adept at the Craft.

Should you care to try and see a cat in your dreams tonight, then try this charm that calls on the cat goddess Bast and see what wisdom she and her feline messengers may be waiting to impart. Say this charm as you turn in for the night:

Goddess Bast, bless me with visions in my dreams this night,

Cats are lucky omens, whether black, orange, or white.

Softly now, on padded feet you glide into my dreams,

Tabby stripes or calico, you are more than you seem.

By all the power of three times three,

Send your messages gently to me.

Make happy those who are near,
and those who are far will come.


Backyard Magick

For our last backyard magick section, let's talk about the maple tree. The maple tree does not usually spring immediately to mind when folks start thinking about magickal trees, probably because it's so common. I imagine most practitioners would choose the rowan or the hawthorn, but oddly enough, those are fairly common as well. Even though this book focuses on the hearth and home, the techniques are all based upon the practice of natural magick. And where do you find those natural magick supplies? You guessed it. You find them outdoors, in nature. So go and take a stroll outside for a moment. Walk around your yard or the neighborhood and really look at those trees. Go find a healthy maple and ask if it's okay if you gently harvest a few leaves. Thank the tree for its help and then make your way back home. We've got some spellcasting to do.

The maple tree is associated with the element of air. Its planetary association is Jupiter. Maple branches may be used to create wands, and the leaves are worked into homey spells and charms designed to bring love, happiness, and prosperity. As the three- to five-lobed leaves turn in the fall, use the various colors of red, orange, and yellow in color magick. Basically, the maple leaf “sweetens spells up.” To reinforce the happy vibrations in your home, try working with the foliage of this wonderfully common and enchanting tree.

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