Country Boy 2 (10 page)

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Authors: Blake Karrington

BOOK: Country Boy 2
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"You judge people the same way Shawtey, only they have the luxury of hiding behind clothes."


After leaving the Kennel they walked back to their future Home site. Van held his hand, lost in her own thoughts she knew Q had just schooled her with a dose of valuable wisdom. The reason, only time would reveal, but from this point Van knew that she would never judge a person, man or woman from the neck down.








June's pager vibrated again before sliding off his nightstand hitting the floor. Picking it up he noticed it's memory bank was full. Half of them from his Baby's Momma Pandora, threatening to leave him 'for not coming home.


Checking his text messages he saw that all of the Girl's had texted him with the Crew's Code 45 behind each of their names.


"Damn." He mumbled to himself, shaking his head knowing he would have to answer for not hitting them back. June's last three text messages were from Q.... One with the Crew's Code, the other two messages ended with a five followed by several zero's.


"What tha fuck.... My nigga home." June mumbled. Then reached over Keshia for his HTC Smart Phone.


Q was in the middle of a back massage when he received the " message from June.


"Hummmm.... Damn that shit feels good, ma." Q said to Van as she rubbed his back. She would sometimes scratch his back with only her fingernails, that shit would drive him crazy. Beep.... Beep.... Beep.... His Black Berry chimed.


"Could you check that for me ?" He said never opening his eyes.


"Anything for you Dear." Van teased.


Message 1.... "Q could you stop by the Hotel mun...? These walls closing in on the Ghost mun.... Hurry, ye hear me now...? Rasta."


By the time Van had finished reading the message they both were laughing uncontrollably.


Message 2..., "Sup, Homie...? Welcome Home.... The Invisible Man.... Call me, 45." End message.


Without hesitation, Q rolled over taking his cell phone from Van who was already handing it to him.


June answered on the first ring.


"Sup Homie?"


"What's up.... I'll tell you what's up Homie.... What's up is all those motha-fuckin 45's on yo joint nigga." Q stated.


"My badd. Big Homie.... And to be honest, I really don't have any excuse for not hitting you right back."


Q held his phone for a moment while thinking about what June had just said. His last statement is what separated him from your average street nigga. Right or wrong, he was willing to deal with or suffer the consequences of any situation. But one thing he didn't do is lie.


"It's all love Homie.... I guess I'm only stressing because I haven't seen any of my Boy's since I've touched down."


"Yeah.... I feel you on that Q.... They've got our peoples down there on some bullshit."


"Not for long June.... Not for long." Q said.


We need to get up and I will lay everything down. Damn I almost forgot the reason I was paging you, It looks like you been busy making enimies, and one decided to put some bread up for you. You must have really pissed him off, he got an half a loaf.”




Yea, but we will talk when I see you”







Chapter 7


[I can’t go on this way]





Keshia reached over and kissed June on the cheek. It was her first day of classes at the Community College. She'd dropped out with only two semesters left over a year ago.


"I'm nervous." She said.


"Don't be nervous, Kesh. Look where you've come from in the last two weeks."


June was right, Keshia had moved into a small two bedroom house in a new development called Southwind Housing. June then surprised her with her first Car.


"I couldn't have done it without you." She said squeezing his hand. "Thank you for believing in me."


He smiled before giving her a long soft wet kiss.


"Now get out of here before this shit get out of hand and you be late on your first day back, " He teased.


"Okay, wish me luck." She said.


"Good luck, Kesh. Call me on your lunch break."




"Alight, cool."








Keshia watch as June pulled away In his short-dog Caddie. Her heart fluttered, bringing a smile to her face as she thought about the love and affection he'd been showing her over the past two weeks. June had done everything that he promised her he would. Even after she'd had dealings with Dame, he'd somehow found it in his heart to forgive her.


After dropping out of school over a year ago, Keshia always wanted to go back and finish. But each weekend hanging at the Club with her back-stabbing friend Candi became longer and longer until school was an after thought. June's constant encouragement finally gave her the will and drive she needed to pick her books up again and get back on the right track. Now the only issue she hadn't addressed him with was to her the most important but difficult one, that was telling him he was Jarvis' Father.


"Tonight." She mumbled. "I'll tell him tonight." She mumbled again.


Keshia let out a long sigh before turning and walking towards her class.


Shriek.... Shriek.... A Gray Sedan jammed on the brakes only inches from her. The cars front bumper just missed her as she stumbled onto the sidewalk. Upset, Keshia turned around to give the motha-fucka with the sudden case of road rage a piece of her mind, but could only watch as the Gray Sedan sped off in the other direction, Keshia couldn't see the white man driving the Gray Sedan clearly, but had no problem making out the three letters on his jacket reading DEA. She quickly reached in her purse grabbing her cell phone to call and warn June.


Ring.... Ring.... Ring.... "Damn." June mumbled as he pulled his caddie out into the early morning traffic. His cell phone had already began ringing as it did every morning since he'd gotten back into the game.


"Yeah." He answered.


"Baby, it's me, Kesh."


"Damn ma, I just...." June was cut off by Keshia who began speaking in codes. She told June all she could about the Gray Sedan that almost hit her speeding out of the College Parking Lot heading in his direction.


"Baby, please be careful." Keahia said before saying goodbye.


"Alight ma, I will. But right now I've gotta hit Game Tight on the hip. Alight?"


"Be careful." Keshia stressed to him again.


"I will Kesh, I'm out."








The subject just turned on Highway 7 West. Do you have a visual?"


"No visual yet, officer. Maintain your position. Roger."


June had just hung up the phone with Game Tight when he looked in his rear view mirror. Six, maybe seven cars back, he noticed a Gray colored Car lagging behind traffic. He checked his mirror, other cars were passing him, but the Gray one held to it's same distance.


"I repeat. Do you have a visual?"


"Visual confirmed."


"Roger. I'll be ending my position at the next exit."




Officer Stokely turned the unmarked Sedan off at the next exit. June looked in his rearview mirror at the Gray Sedan who now had it's right turn signal on, much too early for the exit he himself had just passed. Then he caught it. The switch was smooth, but not undetectable. He was now being followed by a Black SUV.


Officer Stokely and Jacobs his partner, were at a stand still on the recent murder cases. No witnesses, nothing but several Mac-10 casings at each crime scene. A couple of forty caliber rounds were also found, but officer Stokely would never forget the damage the Double .00 Buckshot had did to the last victim found in the back of the badly burned Impala.


June didn't panic, he kept his cool. Besides, he wasn't riding dirty. The only thing he had on his person was his Mac and a whole lot of ammunition. With his left hand on the steering wheel he used his right hand to make sure his Mac-10 had a full metal jacket. He then drove on as if he wasn't being followed. He had already made his mind up. If they kept their distance cool, if not he was going to make sure the flag in front of the court house was raised only halfway tomorrow in the honor of some fallen Officer's.


June made it to the meet-up location without any trouble. He'd called Game Tight again on his cell phone and warned him about the situation. After cleaning himself up Game Tight parked inside the stall at the far end of the Car Wash. He watched as June pulled into the busy parking area. The SUV with the tinted windows slowly drove by disappearing around the next corner.


"Damn Homie, what the fuck was that all about?" Game Tight asked.


"Don't know, Homie." June responded. "They switched up a couple miles from the R.C.C. exit."


"What were you doing at the college, nigga? Trying to creep up on a come-up?" Asked Game .




"Nah Homie, I was dropping Keshia off. She started her classes today."






"That's good Homie, but what about Pandora?"


"She'll be in D.C. for at least another month. Her Grandmother's been sick." June answered.


Game Tight could see the concern on his man's face and decided to change the subject.


"So what's up wit Dame and dem nigga's, Homie? Word on the street is that Dame been fuckin round wit Candi's nympho ass all the time, playa."


"Yeah, I been peeped that shit." June responded. "I may just slump her trifling ass for being so damn nasty."








"Hey yo Son, you know Wifey's coming down soon?" Said Dame.


"Word?" Answered Scar.


"Yeah, she said when she do decide to come, she wasn't flying.... Said she was hopping the Train."


"Train!?! What the fuck is ma ma doing riding on a Train, B?"


"Chill nigga, she just wanted my little princess to see the South."


"You mean Horse's and Cow's and shit like that, Son?"


"That's exactly what I mean. Scar, Lil Mami has never been anywhere outside the city. Maybe a small vacation will help her forget about Daddy being away from home so long. "


"That's word, Son." Responded Scar. "Get some sleep then, B.” I'm gonna check on these country nigga's at the spot. You need something?" He said grabbing the keys to Dame's Navy Blue Suburban.


"Yeah Son, hit the ABC Store and don't fuck up my shit'!!"








Browder Park was crowed for a Friday afternoon. Van was on her fourth lap around the local track. For the last ten days she'd stopped at the Park to exercise. Q had teased her about being over her normal weight of a hundred and five pounds, so everyday she would load Bear up before heading to the track to exercise. Today she watched as Bear loafed off ahead of her.


"Hi there." Someone said startling her.


She turned to see Dirk's Mother and his Sister Monica. They walked and talked several more laps.


After Scar picked up the money from their workers he headed back to their room.


"Damn Son, you slippin." He said to himself thinking about the ABC Store. He made a quick left into the parking area of the Park. He was about to head in the direction he'd come from when he spotted the back end of the Black CL600 Benz. He quickly threw the Suburban in reverse. After finding a parking space with a good view and a fast exit he sat behind the heavily tinted windows scoping out the scene. The basketball court was full, but none of them fit the description' he was looking for.

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