Country Boy 2 (5 page)

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Authors: Blake Karrington

BOOK: Country Boy 2
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"Thank you, Jill."


"Oh, it’s nothing."


"Well thanks anyway," she said heading back to her office.


"Miss Ellis," her Secretary called out to her.


"Yes," she said turning towards her.


"These are for you," handing her a small stack of mail.


"Thank you again," she said before walking into her office.


Once inside her office Desirae glanced through each package then tossed them onto an already over flowing desk. The last package was addressed to her but had no return address.


"What is this?" she mumbled.


Desirae held the manila envelope in her hand then shook it trying to identify it's contents without opening it. Curiosity finally getting the best of her she ripped the tape away from the corners of the unidentified envelope.


Removing it's contents, Desirae found two newspaper clippings cut from the local paper. Silently she began to read them.... [Cover Story: Unidentified headless corpse found in wooded area. Reports claimed Body believed to be that of a woman, possibly 25 to 30 years of age. Only information given to the Press was that the body was savagely mutilated and all the evidence seem to point out that this woman was tortured alive. Police have no leads or suspects of interest. The only identification at the crime scene was a tattoo found on the victims body. Anyone knowing of any female with the name "Asia" tattooed just below the small of their back, please contact the Homicide Department immediately. All information is strictly confidential.]


With shaky hands she fumbled with the other article before opening it.... It read:[Obituaries, Desirae "Asia" Ellis, born June 21,1982; departed this life on May 1,2009. Funeral arrangements are incomplete for the formal Stripper turned Attorney.]


Desirae couldn't believe what she was reading. Tears formed in her eyes as she fought off the urge to scream. How could she have been so stupid to think that the police would keep their word and protect her, she thought to herself.


'What if they were outside her office waiting on her,' she continued thinking.


She grabbed her office phone, dialing Officer Jacobs number, but quickly decided against using the office phone. After retrieving her Blackberry from her purse, Desirae dialed Jacobs number and got his answering machine.


"Shitttt," she mumbled nervously.... Then dialed another number.


"Yo, talk son," the person on the other end of the receiver yelled.


"Tyreek.... Tyreek," Desirae yelled into the phone.


"Who da fuck is this?" Tyreek answered.


"It's me, Asia Ty...."


"OH, whassup Ma?" he said cutting her off.


"What's good ?" he continued.


"Look Tyreek, I need your help."


"Anything for you Ma, word.... Whatchu need?"


"Can you come to my office?"


"You talking bout me driving all the way downtown.... Now?"


"Come on Tyreek, this is on some serious shit."


"Aight word, but can't it wait until later, me and my nigga "Gold Mouth" just bagged this wicked Jamaican chick and her friend at the strip club?"


As soon as she heard the word strip club Desirae knew it would be useless for her to keep trying to convince Tyreek for help. Pussy clouded a man's judgment like a fatal disease. Desirae could hear the muffled sound of a woman's voice in the background. With nothing else to say she simply hung up the phone.








"Who da fuck was that Ty?" Gold Mouth asked looking up from a fresh bag of sticky.




"You heard me nigga, who tha fuck was that on the phone?" Gold Mouth asked him again.


"Nobody important son, now what's up wit that Purple B, you trying to smoke, get our drank on and fuck dem bitches or what?" he said pointing at the bathroom door where the two strippers were just stepping out of....


"You damn right Cuz," Gold Mouth answered smiling displaying a slugged up diamond and gold grill.


"I want that lil green eyed bitch," he said pointing at the short one who went by the name of Kitty."


"You can have her," Tyreek responded. His mouth drooling over the slightly taller, but much darker Jamaican chick named Yuma who'd exited the bathroom with a pink leather laced bikini on with handcuffs in one hand and a six foot whip in the other.


Seductively she began walking towards Tyreek who had slid • himself halfway upon the bed.


"What about this smoke cuz?" Gold Mouth said interrupting his thoughts.


"Fuck that smoke nigga," Tyreek answered just before the Jamacian Goddess straddled his torso then began grinding her hips against his dick.


"Mumm," he moaned as the sound of the first Handcuff made a low click locking his right arm to the bedpost. "What tha fuc...."


"Shsssss," Yuma said cutting him off.


"Relax mun.... me have something very special for you. Relax botchie boy, relax."


Yuma began kissing his chest, then slid a wet tongue down and around his navel. Low groans came from the back of Tyreek's throat. Kitty had already taken Gold Mouth back to the bathroom for their own private show.


"Knock.... Knock.... Knock.... Room service," another female voice yelled at the door.


"Room service," Tyreek said opening his eyes. "Who tha fuck called room service ?" He continued complaining.


"Relax mun.... everything alret," Yuma said climbing off of him heading for the door.


Before opening it she turned back towards Tyreek, then smiled before she spoke.


"Ice mun....Yuma will show you why back home they call me tha wicked one."


Tyreek damned near busted a nut in his pants at the thought of what this almond eyed Jamaican beauty planned to do to him with the cubes of ice. He closed his eyes and was about to relax when suddenly he felt something sharp dig into his chest causing excruciating pain. Before Tyreek could scream Yuma had opened him up from his chest to his navel.


"AAAAHHH.... OUCH!!!" He tried to yell but was cut off by something being stuffed down inside of his mouth.


After Tyreek's blurred vision cleared from the pain he looked up into the almond eyes of the Jamaican beauty, only this time he didn't see sexiness.... What he saw was the coldest, and deadliest eyes he had ever seen on a woman. A woman who'd replaced the whip she'd had only moments ago for two small machetes.


Seconds later his cousin Gold Mouth rushed out of the bathroom fighting to keep his beltless jeans from sagging down his thin frame,


"Tyreek what the fuc...." Gold Mouth stopped in mid-sentence when he noticed the two single red dots that had settled on his chest.... from behind him he felt the coolness of a gun barrel as it rested on the back of his head.


It was held by the stripper named Kitty. She spoke....


"Move motha fucka and I'll turn this room into a Jewelry store wit that grill of yours," she whispered on his ear.


Gold Mouth was confused, but he wasn't stupid. Groomed and molded on Betty's Ford Road, one of the most notorious and ruthless streets in Charlotte N.C. he new that all three of these bitches meant business. He'd also come to the conclusion that neither were strippers.


Slowly Gold Mouth watched as the two single red dots begin to move from his chest then traveled along the interior walls of the room until finally resting on the forehead of his cousin Tyreek. Still confused his mind fought frantically from within, trying to figure this whole situation out.


'Who tha fuck was these bitches,' he thought to himself. 'Could they be an all female stick-up crew,' he continued thinking. Even that concept seemed inevitable to him, because one thing he'd learned from being married to the streets was the fact that if something was happening in them, then the streets would definitely be talking. Unbeknownst to him, his cousin Tyreek had already broken the number one rule of the streets, disrespecting every code in the process.


"Tyreek," said the woman dressed in the room service uniform holding the two pistols that illuminated the room with red laser beam.


"Tyreek Donell Wilson," she repeated again breaking the


silence in the room, this time calling him by his full government name.


"Or should I say, Agent Tyreek Wilson," she said walking closer.


Tyreek's arms struggled against the Handcuffs as the two women stood over him, his body spread eagle on the bed bleeding profusely.


"What tha fuck is going on, and who you calling a snitch bitch?" Tyreeks cousin Gold Mouth snarled from behind them.


"Did you say bitch?" The room service woman calmly asked.


"Yeah Bitch," he repeated.


The room service woman smiled at him then produced a small video camera from the over sized dress she was wearing.


Without saying a word she pushed play, then held the small screen up to Gold Mouth's face. The screen came to life.... Gold Mouth watched in disbelief as his blood cousin shook hands, then embraced two of Charlottes Highest Ranking DEA Agents. The same Agents that seemed to always know when to raid their dope houses, search their cars, and run down on major players doing business at the local carwash on Betty's Ford Road. Various locations, different times on the small video screen seemed to always end the same way, with his cousin embracing the same two DEA Agents.. Before the video ended it showed one last scene.... It showed his cousin standing in the parking lot of the I-Hop Restaurant on Harris Boulevard talking to some chick he'd never seen before.


After walking up on some big nigga who was also unknown to him, Gold Mouth noticed how his cousin Tyreek gave dude the same type of hand shake he gave his co-working Agents. Then it happened, police cars, heavily tented SUV's, undercover officers dressed in civilian clothes swarmed down on the entire parking lot. Gold Mouth watched as his cousin and the unidentified woman walked directly between the scrambling officers, get in his car, then drive away. Afterwards the small screen went black.


"Yo Peoples?" Gold Mouth asked her referring to the last incident on the screen, but this time speaking in a much more mellow tone.


She nodded before speaking.


"That snitch nigga lying over there is the reason why my man is looking at 25years. Exactly three weeks from tonight he is scheduled to take the stand and testify on the behalf of the Government against my Peoples."


"What tha fuck that has to do wit me? I hate snitches," Gold Mouth said with anger returning in his voice.


"Nothing.... It has nothing at all to do with you." She continued.... "You see Gold Mouth you made only two mistakes tonight. The first one was the company you chose."


"And the second?" he asked, his voice still with a slight edge. She smiled before her facial features became ice cold....


"Never call a Real Bitch.... A Bitch!!!"


She raised both pistols and put his lights out forever. Before his body had time to collapse to the floor, Yuma was already putting the finishing touches on Agent Tyreek Donell Wilson.




Chapter 4

[Ambitionz Az A Ridah]



June wasted no time with his game plan. Within weeks the Block was flooded with his product. No weight was sold unless it went through one of his workers. Business was going good with no problems, until he caught his first "187" in almost two years.


It happened inside Grady's Store/Poker House. Game Tight, Gee, and Doe were all inside the place shooting craps. They were waiting on June, who was supposed to be meeting them there in an hour.


Two of Dame's runners entered the store and both were hooded up. Game Tight, Doe, and Gee didn't notice them until it was too late. They looked up and were facing the two men behind dark hoodies. All three knew that they were in trouble. Each one of them had wads of money in both their hands, while these two hooded mothafucka's already had their hands tucked, no doubt touching iron,

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