Covering the Carolinas (19 page)

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Authors: Casey Peeler

Tags: #romance, #southern fiction, #nicholas sparks, #deathanddying, #reallife, #newadult, #southern american romance, #teen 15 and up, #country and small town life, #caisey quinn

BOOK: Covering the Carolinas
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Hey, Gunner, tell Pap who this is,” I say
pointing to Gunnison. He crosses his arms and pouts.

Her boyfriend. I her boyfriend, Pap!” He
stomps, but then Gunnison grabs him, tosses him in the air and
begins to tickle him. “Stop Daddy!” He laughs, and just like that
my parents know without asking that life is good between us

As I go to give Gunner a bath, Gunnison asks if he
can instead. Shrugging my shoulder, he takes over, and it’s
wonderful to let him. When he is finished, Mama takes over and
tells us to hurry and get out of here.

We both take a moment to freshen up and I slide on
my boots. Gunner runs into my room with Gunnison right behind him.
“Night night, Mommy. I love you,” he says. Kissing his cheek, he
then takes off to his room where Pap is waiting to tell him his
favorite bedtime story. Making our way to my car, Mama stops us and
tells us they won’t wait up.


The ride to the concert is nothing but pure torture.
Looking at Marleigh in those tight jeans and the way her top
accents her chest, I can’t handle it. As we pull into the gravel
parking lot, I’m in shock at the number of people here. She turns
and looks toward me.

You ready?”

Always for you. I’m ready. Thank you for
letting me in my son’s life.”

Gunnison, once we crossed paths again, I knew
I couldn’t keep you away, but for tonight, can we just focus on us?
Sometimes being a parent is tiring and more like work than a real
job. Heck, I use to love working at the grocery store because I
wasn’t in charge of anyone. So tonight… it’s me and

I never thought about that. I’ve never really
thought about everything she’s gone through, what she’s given up.
She didn’t just give up us; she gave up her life as a teenager.
Trying not to ponder on what my life would have been like, I then
realize she really did make a selfless decision, and one day I’m
going to let her know.

Once we are inside, the sound of country music fills
our ears from the house band, but as the ten o’clock hour rolls
around, Outshyne takes the stage and there’s pure bliss on her
face. When they begin to play a song that I don’t know the name of,
I can’t help but realize that it’s exactly how I feel about her. As
she begins to sing the words, she looks in my direction and they
are right—I love every inch of her. She’s my definition of
perfection, and she has been since Spring Break four years ago.
Taking her by the hand, I pull her close and we begin to dance to
the music regardless of what is going on around us. As the song
ends, I dip her backwards and kiss her deeply.

As they finish their last set, we move away from the
stage and head to her car. Not only has today been amazing, but
tonight has made it even better. She hands me the keys and I drive
back to her house. As she places her head on my shoulder, there is
no doubt that I’m head over heels in love with her and that perfect
little boy.

We spend Sunday going to church as a family, fishing
the Broad River, eating popcorn and watching Nick Jr. Whoever
thought that the joys of a three year old would now be mine? As I
tuck him into bed, Marleigh comes to tell him goodnight. Once he
drifts off to sleep, we make our way to the front porch with a
blanket to stay warm and we swing and enjoy the peaceful country
life that we both enjoy.

Mar, I don’t want to leave tomorrow.” She
pulls her head from my chest.

Gunnison, I completely understand.” She
doesn’t try to make me feel better or reassure me because she’s the
only person in this world who actually understands me in this

The following morning, we spend as much time with
Gunner as possible, and then say our goodbyes. I do my best to keep
myself together but as soon as he’s out of sight, tears fill my
eyes. Marleigh takes my hand in hers and kisses it without a

Chapter 38


It’s been a month since Gunner found out about
Gunnison and I have been blown away by Gunnison’s desire to take
over as a dad and the way Gunner has taken to him. It has made me
realize that keeping him away from his dad was the worst mistake I
could have made.

Each day we call Gunner and check on him. When
basketball season is over, we are going to try to work out a
schedule for him to visit every other week. My parents are unsure
we can handle classes and a child, but let’s face it—it’s what we
need to do.

Round one of the Big South Championship begins this
week. I’m extremely nervous about this week and it’s not because of
the game. It’s because Gunnison’s parents are going to be in town
as well. Gunnison and I have done our best to try to prepare him
for this, but bringing new people into his life is scary.

As Wednesday rolls around, I wish my classes
would hurry up because I can’t wait to be with my entire family
watching the first game. The professor looks at her watch and
dismisses us for the game.
I just love
I text my sister and hurry to the gym where
they are waiting. Daddy stands and waves me over to the seat.
Gunner is standing there in his Del Valle jersey. Making my way to
him, he meets me with open arms. Pointing to my shirt, he says,
“Mommy we twins.”

Yes, baby, we are.”

Scanning the crowd for Gunnison’s parents, I wave
toward them when I see them. We have had a major conversation about
how we will introduce them to Gunner, and we all agree that
Gunnison needs to be the one to make that happen.

Taking my seat beside my son and family, I blow
Gunnison a kiss when he winks at me. “Hey my kisses!” Gunner says
to me. I hug him tighter and give him kiss on the top of his

As the game is underway, I don’t think I sit down
the entire time Gunnison is on the court. I’m a nervous wreck, and
I’ve never been this way about a game. At the half, I walk to the
lobby and run into Brett, who looks as if he wants to say

Everything okay, Brett?”

Marleigh, I just wanted to let you know I’m
glad that Gunner has his dad in his life. That’s important. I
really did care about you and it was hard to walk away but I’m glad
you are happy. ”

Thank you,” I say as I give him a brief hug
and grab Gunner a drink from the concession stand.

The rest of the game, I’m on pins and needles with
the back and forth of the score. As the buzzer sounds and Coastal
wins by two, the crowd goes crazy and I lift Gunner in my arms as
his daddy makes his way to us.


Watching the love of my life and my son cheer from
the stands, I can barely focus on the game. I want nothing more
than to be with them each and every minute. As the buzzer sounds, I
shake hands and make my way to them. Kissing Marleigh briefly, I
watch Gunner’s reaction after. I believe he’s adjusted to the fact
that he’s not the only one she kisses these days.

As my parents begin to make their way to me, I feel
butterflies in the pit of my stomach, but as soon as Marleigh gives
me the slightest bit of reassurance, they disappear.

Hey, Mom and Dad,” I say as they approach.
Mom embraces me in a hug and Dad gives me a good job pat on my
shoulder. I take a minute to introduce them to Marleigh’s family
and when I get to Gunner, I scoop him into my arms. “Mom and Dad,
this is Gunner. My son.”

Gunner looks at me. “I have two Mimi and Pap’s?” he

Yup, little man, you do.” He squeezes his
little arms around my neck and relief washes over me. I don’t push
my parents on him, but I can tell my mom is about to burst to hold
him. “How about we grab something to eat? How’s that sound, little

Looking at me, he nods his head yes and we all make
our way to River City Café for a melt in your mouth burger. As we
wait on the food, the conversation between both of our families
flow and it amazes me. Gunner points to a game, and when I start to
walk over there with him, my dad asks Gunner if he can take him to
play it. When he says yes, I see a light in my father’s eye that
I’ve never seen before.

As they finish with the game, they come back to the
table, and that’s when Gunner steals my heart completely. He walks
to my mom and crawls in her lap without being prodded. I see the
tears swell in her eyes as he places his head on her shoulder and
within minutes, he’s asleep. Marleigh squeezes my hand and I know
that regardless of what the future brings, we’re in this

Chapter 39


With both of our families here, this week has been
nothing far from amazing. Gunnison doesn’t have a game due to the
earlier win this week, and we use this to our advantage. We spend
each and every moment together as a family. I hate having to send
Gunnison home each night, but it’s only appropriate and his parents
are in town.

On Thursday, Gunner asks me if he can go home with
Gunnison. I’m unsure of what I feel in this moment. It’s not as if
I don’t trust him or his parents, but this would be the first time
that Gunnison has had him alone over night. When Gunnison looks my
direction, it’s obvious he can see my fear.

Mar, it’s okay if you don’t want him

It’s not that. It’s just the first time he’s
been away and not been with either my sisters or parents. It’s hard
on a mommy,” I say, hoping and praying I haven’t upset Gunnison,
but it’s the truth. From the day he’s been born he’s only been with
my family, and as much as I hate to admit it, I’m scared to

Mommy please me go with Daddy.”

Gunnison walks toward me and places his hands on my
shoulder. “If you’re not ready for this, it’s okay.”

No, I want him to, but I wish that this
wasn’t even an option for him.” I want Gunnison to know that I want
to be with both him and my son in the same house.

Mar, I couldn’t agree more,” he says as he
kisses my forehead. “Gunner, why don’t you go hang out with Aunt
Tin while we pack your things.”

As he finds Tinleigh, Gunnison and I walk to my room
to get his things together. When we are out of ear’s reach of
everyone, Gunnison closes the door, wraps his arms around me and
tells me I don’t have to do this.

Gunnison, I want him to, but being a mother
changes you.”

He lifts my chin so my eyes are looking into his.
“Just as finding out I was a father changed me. I won’t let
anything happen to him. I promise.” As he seals his promise with a
kiss, I know I’m overreacting.

After packing Gunner’s clothes, I tell him goodnight
and he promises to call me before bed. As soon as their headlights
disappear, I walk back into the house and spend the rest of the
evening with my family.

My phone begins to ring around eight thirty and when
I see Gunnison’s name, I hurry to answer. After I say, hello, I
hear the sweetest sound: Gunner. It’s obvious he has had an amazing
evening with his dad and grandparents. When he is finished talking,
he tells me that he’s going to bed and that Daddy will call me

As I wait impatiently for Gunnison to call, I
start thinking about my life. It’s hard to believe that for the
past three years I haven’t had anyone to rely on besides my family,
and now I have Gunnison and his parents.
Could Gunner stay here full time? Maybe we could find a way
to raise him together while we finish our last year of
Shaking it from my head, I decide to get the
laundry and other household things done while I wait for Gunnison
to call.

Within the hour, I’ve finished a load of laundry,
cleaned the kitchen, and straightened up my room. As I take a seat
and turn on the TV, Mama sits down next to me.

Mar, I’m proud of you. Tonight, the way you
reacted was normal. A parent feels that way regardless of who their
child leaves with, but it’s the way that GC chose to handle the
situation that impressed me the most.”

Whatcha mean?”

When he saw the hesitation in your eyes, he
didn’t push. Instead, he let you process and explain it. When you
sent Gunner to Tin, I knew that the two of you needed a moment, and
it’s obvious that you handled it like responsible adults. I’m proud
of who you’ve become,” she says as she gives me hug and then makes
her way to her room.

I take a moment to think about what she’s said, and
I know she’s right. To know that my parents are proud means
everything to me, especially considering I haven’t been easy on


Closing the door behind me, I realize that tucking
Gunner in has to be the highlight of my parenting career so far.
When Marleigh was unsure about letting him come home with me, I
knew I wanted to get this right. I can’t blame her, but the only
way I’m going to figure this out is to do the work. Walking back
into the living room, I take a seat and enjoy some quiet time with
my parents. The time I spend with them is rare.

GC, he’s precious,” Mom says

Yeah, he is. I’m glad things went well after
the game, and it looks like tonight has been a success. Thanks for
being here with me. It means a lot and not just because of the

GC, we wouldn’t have missed the game and
seeing Gunner has made this trip even better. I just want you to
stay focused on school because reaching that goal will impact
Gunner and Marleigh as well,” Dad says, and I can see he wants to
say more.

Go on, Dad. I know there’s something else you
want to say.”

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