Covering the Carolinas (20 page)

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Authors: Casey Peeler

Tags: #romance, #southern fiction, #nicholas sparks, #deathanddying, #reallife, #newadult, #southern american romance, #teen 15 and up, #country and small town life, #caisey quinn

BOOK: Covering the Carolinas
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He looks at Mom and for some reason that scares me.
“We’ve got an offer on the farm, and we want to know what your plan
is for your future.”


GC, things aren’t as good as they used to be.
We’re getting older, and now that you have Gunner and Marleigh, I’m
not sure you will want to move back to Pennsylvania.”

He’s right. Absolutely right. “Dad, honestly I don’t
know the answer to that. I want to say I’ll go to Pennsylvania, but
with Gunner and Mar, I can’t make that promise.”

We don’t want you to feel pressured to choose
the farm. You have a family now, and that is more important than
the farm.”

What would you guys do if you sold it?” Mom
begins to smile.

We’d move further south. We don’t want to be
far from you or Gunner. We’ve talked about this and it’s not like
we couldn’t buy a smaller farm closer to you. Plus, we’ll be
retiring soon,” she says.

I rub my hands down the front of my jeans. “This is
totally up to you guys. I know that once Marleigh and I get
married, we will stay in the south. I don’t think I could uproot
Gunner from where he’s lived his entire life.”

I know I told you they come first. Once we
sell the farm and retire, we’ll move closer to you. Whether you
choose a CPA or the NBA, we’ll support you.”

After a few minutes of small talk to thin the air,
my parents decide to call it a night, I take a few minutes to take
in everything they just told me. Not only is my dad proud of me,
but I’m free to be the man that Marleigh deserves and the dad that
Gunner needs.


I answer my phone quickly when Gunnison calls
because I can’t wait to hear how the night has gone and how he
feels about parenting. Something doesn’t sound right in his tone,
but when I ask him if everything is okay he changes the

Mar, Gunner is great. We played games and he
hung out with my parents. I put him to bed and Mar, that has to be
the best part of it, watching that sweet little boy sleep like an

Yeah, it is. Remember the first time you saw
him sleeping?”

That was the moment I knew that my life was
worth living and making us work was my top priority. I love you,

Gunnison, please tell me what else is on your
mind.” I pause, unsure of whether he will or not.

My parents want to sell the farm.”
What. The. Hell.
“They said they
wanted to know my plan for the future, and if it doesn’t involve
the farm then they want to sell and move closer to us.”

As he says it, it warms my heart. “Gunnison, we will
go wherever you need us to go. That’s been your plan. I don’t want
to mess it up.”

Marleigh, my plan has always revolved around
you. We planned on going to college, but we never got past
graduation. If I went back to the farm how would you be a marine
biologist, you’d have to stay by the water. You’ve given up so much
for so long and you finally got to Coastal, maybe this is perfect
for us. We could stay here and you could have your career and I
could have mine. I can be an accountant anywhere.

But what about your dream? You love that
farm! He would adjust, and I would, too.”

Mar, I also dreamed I’d play in the NBA, and
we all know it’s a dream. The two of you come first. They mentioned
buying a small farm close to Gaffney. If they did, it would be the
best of both worlds. Gunner would have both grandparents, his mom
and dad, and not change what he knows in the process.”

Taking a deep breath, I think closely about how to
respond. “I thought I knew what was best for you when I found out I
was going to be a mother and pushed you away, but now I know you
are meant to be in my life, and I think you need to weigh the pros
and cons. Think about what you really want for your life. Don’t
make a rash decision like I did. Think things through. Regardless,
we will be by your side… if you are in the Carolinas, Pennsylvania,
or Timbuktu.”

My parents don’t have to sell quickly, but I
think someone must be interested. You’re right. I don’t need to
decide tonight, but when I say I want you and Gunner with me, I
mean every word of that. I won’t go where you can’t be with me. I
love you guys too damn much.”

I love you, too. Now if I were you, I’d get
some rest because he’s going to be up before the rooster

Chapter 40


Saturday, we are up early to go to Gunnison’s game.
Secretly I’m praying they win so that I can enjoy my two boys for
the rest of the day, but if not, it’s basketball for us. At the
eleven o’clock game, it’s obvious within a few minutes that this
game is going to be a breeze. When the buzzer sounds, I grin
knowing that my wish came true.

We spend the rest of the day going out with our
families, and then take Gunner to play indoor putt-putt. At the age
of three, his skills are quite impressive. As he hits the ball with
too much force, Gunnison comes up behind him and assists him on his
next putt. Being able to steal these sweet moments with the two of
them allow me to realize how much I need both of them in my

Gunnison has to leave us early due to his basketball
curfew. Tomorrow is a major day in basketball, and Coach is trying
to make sure the team is well-rested. Not only is it the Big South
Championship, but all the players know it’s the game the NBA scouts
like to sneak into. After breakfast with our families, Gunnison
asks Gunner if he’d like to come to shoot around practice before
the game. As Gunnison speaks to him, Gunner soaks in his words and
his eyes twinkle with hope as he looks my direction. Nodding yes,
my precious little boy grabs onto my leg and hugs me.

Entering the arena, Gunnison excuses himself to get
in uniform. As we wait on him in the hallway, Gunner’s excitement
grows as teammates make their way to the gym. Gunnison exits the
locker room and holds his hand out for Gunner while looking at me.
Gunner smiles up at me then takes his daddy’s hand as they walk
down the hallway together. I’m in awe as I watch the two pieces of
my heart walk toward the gym.


As we begin our typical shoot around, Gunner
stays right beside me, and I take turns letting him shoot. Gunner
takes the basketball and begins to attempt to dribble it, and it’s
the cutest things I’ve ever seen. It’s like looking at myself, but
with less coordination.
Wonder if that’s
how I was at that age?
Then Wade comes beside him and
begins to do the same, and before I know what’s going on, the
entire team is dribbling with him. I fall in beside him and as the
ball goes out of control, I give him mine and then teach him the
proper way to dribble, as much as a three year old can.

Coach calls for us to get in game mode, so we
make two lines and begin to pass and shoot toward the basket. As my
turn approaches, I grab Gunner, put him on my shoulders and let him
dunk the ball into the basket. When he does, the entire team goes
crazy. Gunner begins to squirm and then I hear crying.
He’s crying. Oh no! What did I do wrong?
Taking him from my shoulders, I wrap him safely in my arms
and tell him that everything is okay. When he looks into my eyes
for reassurance, I tell him again it was okay, they were excited he
made a basket and then look to Marleigh who is crying.
What did I do?

Daddy, we do again?” he asks. I shake my head
yeah, look toward Coach, and have a “do-over.” This time he doesn’t
cry; he claps and squeals with excitement. That’s the perfect way
to end this shoot around. I jog over to Marleigh who is still

Mar, what’s wrong?” I plead.

She shakes her head as I continue to hold Gunner.
“Absolutely nothing is wrong. Watching the two of you walk away,
holding hands, warmed my heart, but the way you took the fear away
from him … that, Gunnison Cyrus, is the moment I fell completely,
head over heels in love with you.”

Not wasting another minute, I pull Marleigh to me
and we freeze a moment in time.

Chapter 41


After the shoot around, Gunnison excuses himself to
head toward the locker room and prepare for the game. I sit with
Gunner and wait for our families to arrive. This game is intense
and I haven’t breathed the entire first half, but as the score is
tied and the buzzer sounds for halftime, I expel all the air in my
lungs. Tinleigh and Carleigh look my way and just shake their

During halftime, Daddy takes Gunner to the restroom
and I grab him a snack from the concession stands.  Looking at
the selection, I notice they are completely out of Hershey’s
Chocolate bars, but have the ones with almonds.  Unsure of if
he will like it, I purchase it anyway and then make my way back to
the stands.

Gunner waits until the second half starts to dig
into his candy bar.  Turning my eyes back to the game, it
takes no time for Coastal to fall into rhythm and put points on the
board. Glancing at Gunner, he has chocolate everywhere, and as I
turn to grab a tissue to wipe his face, I’m not prepared for what
finds me when I look back at him.  Oh mygosh!  Panic sets
in as I see that my son is having a reaction to something, but I
don’t know what.  His eyes fill with terror as he’s having
trouble breathing.  I grab him and stand, as everyone around
me begins to react to the situation.

As someone from the crowd begins to yell for help,
another person calls 9-1-1.  Never taking my eyes off him, I
hurry from my seat and begin to walk out of the arena with our
families in tow.  As the officials become aware of the
emergency, they call for a time out, and that’s when I lock eyes
with Gunnison.  He looks toward me with fear when he realizes
Gunner is in trouble.  He grabs the athletic trainers and EMTs
that are on standby and sprints toward us.

Gunner starts gulping for air and his lips are
swollen.  They realize they have to act fast and start asking
me questions as they pry him out of my arms. “Ma’am does he have
any allergies? Has he had anything to eat?”

I gave him a Hershey bar with almonds just as
the second half started.”

From the sound of his breathing I think he’s
having an allergic reaction to the nuts,” the paramedic states.
“We’ll need to administer an EpiPen immediately and then get him to
the hospital.” As tears consume me, Gunnison looks at

How could you not know he has an allergy to
nuts?!” he yells.

What do you mean?  How can you even ask
me that right now?!” I yell louder as Carleigh grabs my
forearm to calm me down so I’m not yelling in front of Gunner. I’m
ready to duke it out with Gunnison right here for even questioning
my parenting skills.  He’s been one for like, what, a

Look, you’ve had him for three years and you
didn’t know?”

No, I didn’t.”  Tears spew from my
How could I have not known?
 I’m such a bad mother!  What if he dies?  Oh God,
no!  Please save my baby!  Please!

Glancing at Gunnison, I know I’ve got to get to the
hospital.  Looking in the stands, I know he has a decision to

Ma’am, we’ve got to go.  He should be
okay, but we need to get to the hospital.  It’s right off
501.”  Shaking my head, I look to Gunnison.

Stay, there’s too much at stake.  He
will be okay.”  With those words, my family and I make our way
to the hospital, leaving Gunnison to finish the game.


Watching my child leave the arena on
a stretcher about kills me.  Looking towards my dad for
help with my decision, he looks over his shoulder and motions
toward the top of the bleachers.  That’s when I see, the one
and only, Michael Jordan.  Unsure of what to do, I look toward
my team, parents, and then close my eyes and see Gunner.  I
need to be with him, but this could change our lives, not to
mention I promised not to let my team down now that they are in my
life.  Dad brings me to reality.

GC, Gunner is with Marleigh and sometimes as
you have to make hard
decisions that affect the whole family. Gunner will be okay.
 He’s in good hands.  You have a chance to impact the
lives for the three of you as well as your teammates.  Think
about your future.”  All I can think about is Gunner and
his safety, but then I think about Michael Jordan in the
stands, my team, and why I came to school.  If they said he’s
going to be okay, I can finish this game.  As soon as it’s
over, I’ll go to the hospital.

Mom, will you please go and tell Marleigh and
Gunner I’ll be there as soon as I can.  Dad, will you please
stay and have the car ready when the buzzer sounds?  I’ll get
one of the guys on the bench to take you to get my stuff and keys.”
 Mom gives me a hug and runs out of the arena while Dad makes
his way to the bench and then is escorted to the locker room.
 I step on the court, Coach looks at me for reassurance
of my decision as well as my teammates, and it’s game

The remainder of the game, I focus on the end
 Without a doubt as soon as this game is over, I have to
get to him.  I play harder than I have in a long time, and as
the buzzer sounds, I look toward Coach and he tells me to go,
and that’s what I do.  I run like hell to the entrance of the
gym and sprint to my truck.  Dad doesn’t wait for me to close
the door before he takes off, and I pray harder than I ever

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