Cowboy Country (34 page)

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Authors: Sandy Sullivan,Deb Julienne,Lilly Christine,RaeAnne Hadley,D'Ann Lindun

BOOK: Cowboy Country
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The heat from her inner thighs against his scalded him, as he slid into her. His hands were locked around her waist. Her baby blue eyes rolled back into her head as she thrust her breasts forward.

“Hells bells woman, I’ve missed you.” He rolled her over pinning her beneath him. The heat of their bodies consumed him. He kissed her, trailing his fingers through her snowy white hair.

She held his face and kissed him, a gesture so tender his throat tightened.

“And I’ve missed you, missed this. It’s been so lonely without out,” she gasped and bit back a sob.

Her attempt to keep from crying failed.

Guilt, so deep and dark ate at him. How could he have left her?

“I miss loving you.” He gave her this best cocky grin. When she chuckled, some of the tension he’d been holding released.

The familiarity of her touch sent a flutter of emotion rushing through him. The tender gleam of love her eyes, as familiar as ever and just a life affirming. When had he turned into such a silly old woman, all touchy-feely and cheesy?




Gigi was in heaven. The feel of Sterling’s hard body surrounding her own was like coming home. How she’d missed his touch. When he plunged into her, her breath caught in her throat. The sheer magnificence of the man never failed to amaze her. She clutched his shoulders pulling him closer. The unmistakable strength of his chest, pressed to hers. Sterling was all male, raw and pure, and just as wild as the desire blazing in his good eye. Not even the patch detracted from his rugged good looks.

She’d craved this feeling of ardor. Oh how she’d missed the eroticism of their coupling in his absence. It wasn’t lust. It wasn’t covetousness. Sterling was her one true obsession. Anticipation roared through her, building with the arousal pooling in her lower abdomen. His kisses stripped away her defenses, claiming her body and soul, not just her heart.

How many nights had she longed for the swell of his body inside her. She kissed him back just as fiercely, electrical jolts leapt between their bodies. This is the reason she’d never dated anyone else. She’d held out the secret hope they might reunite one day and be together again.

He groaned, pumping his body into hers. His bare chest against her bare breasts, skin-to-skin, and yet it still wasn’t enough.

She shifted beneath him, craving more of him, his intoxicating kisses, the feel of every nuance of his body melding into hers.

“I love you,” she said as her body shook in rapture and ecstasy. The passion of their bodies carried away all the angst and chaos of missing him.

Sterling cried out her name with his release collapsing on her. His body was covered with a thin sheen of perspiration, his breathing rough and harsh with every breath. It took awhile before his breathing returned to normal.

She almost started laughing when he began to gently snore. She’d heard orgasms were a great cure for a headache, now she knew for sure. She’d have to remember that for his next headache, sex would take on a whole new meaning. She rolled him on his side and slid out from under him, afraid of disturbing his sleep. He needed sleep more than she needed to cuddle.

Regina also needed food, a shower, and to check on Silver, not necessarily in that order. She dialed the ranch.

 Dane answered. “Circle B, it’s your dime?”

“Hi Dane.”

“Hey Gigi, how’s Rooster?”

She chuckled at his nickname. “Still has a whopper of a headache. How long do these things usually last? I’m worried.”

“Depends—when he’s stressed they seem to get worse and last longer.”

“How’s Silver?” She changed the subject before he could ask more personal questions.

“The new queen bee is having a ball. Now that she can claim us she’s shadowing everybody reminding us we’re related. It’s pretty damn cute.”

“Uncle Dane, that’ll be a buck,” Silver said in the background.

“I think you have a future banker on your hands.” He chuckled.

“Is that Regina, let me talk to her?” Lena said in the background. Then she must have taken the phone from him. “Hi Hon, how’s Sterling?”

“Nice talking to you Gigi. Gee Ma, I wasn’t done talking,” Dane yelled.

“Yes you were. You just weren’t smart enough to realize it. She doesn’t need you prying into her personal life,” Lena said. “What can I do for you?”

She was grateful for Lena cut Dane off. She wasn’t ready to discuss anything that had to do with her and Sterling just yet. “Sterling’s headache is still incapacitating him. Is that normal?”

“It can be. Keep him well hydrated, in a darkened room, and continuous cool compresses and be sure to let me know if I should bring his meds.”

“He says he doesn’t want them.”

“He’s so stubborn. Maybe you can get him to realize that sometimes the meds are necessary.”

“I’ll try. About Silver—I hesitate to ask but can she stay another night.”

“You don’t even need to ask. She’s always welcome here. It does my heart good every time she calls me Grandma. She’s helping me and Darcy in the kitchen. We’re going to get the Apricot’s ready for you.”

“Oh that’s right, I forgot all about the Spring Fling. Are the guys going to be able to get ready without Sterling?”

“We hadn’t planned on him being here so we’re fine. Make sure he takes it easy.”

“I will, but you know how he can be.”

“I do. Let me know if I need to send Dad to pick him up.”

“No, don’t do that. It’s giving us time to talk a bit and Lord knows we need it.”

“Is Silver asking about us? I hate that she’s not here, but Sterling wouldn’t get better. She’d be clamoring for his attention.”

“Don’t worry, she’s fine. Would you like to talk to her?”


 Lena called Silver to the phone.

“Hi Mommy, how’s Daddy?”

“He’s getting better.”

“I miss you guys,” Silver said.

She could hear the sadness in her tone. “We’ll bring you home tomorrow, no matter what.”

“Okay Mommy. Uh-oh I gotta go. Aunt Darcy is fixing ice cream. Bye.”

“Don’t worry, she’s fine,” Lena chuckled.

“I’m not the least bit worried. I know you all love her. By the way, has anyone heard from Virgil?”

“No, and it’s really scaring me. He’s never disappeared like this before.”

“Sterling will look for him tomorrow. He’s ready to apologize.”

“Thank God. I don’t like dissention in the family.”

“Me either.”

“Tell Sterling we hope he feels better.”

“Will do. Bye.”

“What’s up,” Sterling asked standing naked in the doorway. A frown etched his brow, but his erection called her back to bed.

“You mean besides you,” she said, leering at his salute.

“Uh-yeah...I missed you. Is Silver okay?”

“She’s fine. Let’s get you back to bed.”

“Sounds good to me,” he said.

They headed back to the bedroom with their arms around each other.




Silver squealed when Aunt Darcy set a huge banana split in front of her.

“Whipped Cream?” Aunt Darcy asked.

Silver grabbed her spoon, “Yes, please.” Then added, “I sure hope Mommy and Daddy are done being mad at each other. I need to practice some more for the rodeo.”

“Don’t worry sweetie, if they aren’t here by tomorrow I’ll work with you.”

“Really? Cool. Mommy said I can go home tomorrow. I can’t wait.”

“Your dad’s headaches can get pretty bad, so don’t forget you’ll need to be quiet until it’s gone.”

“I will.”

“Hey Munchkin, is that mine?” Uncle Clayton asked as he tromped in the back door and dropped his dirty lasso on the counter before stealing her spoon and took a bite of her ice cream.

Uncle Quinton picked up the lasso, swung it over his head and snagged his twin, pulling him away from her side. “No, it’s mine isn’t it Princess. Move over,” Uncle Quinton said then stole the spoon from Uncle Clayton, taking a bite of his own.

Aunt Darcy’s face got all scrunched. She raised her voice, “And your dad won’t get any peace and quiet around here. It will be better if your mom takes care of him alone,” she said. “Get that dirty rope out of this kitchen. Can’t you two idiots see we’re cooking in here?”

“Don’t they want me to help?” Silver asked before taking a bite of her ice cream.

“Oh Cupcake, I’m sure they do, but we have to do what’s best for your dad right now. Besides with all this attention, who wants to be around a boring mom and dad?”

“Yeah Princess,” Uncle Quinton said. “We’ll teach you how to be a real cowboy,” he said roping her before Aunt Darcy chased them back outdoors.

Then Aunt Darcy leaned over and whispered, “I’ll teach you to be a better cowgirl, they can’t barrel race for beans.”

Silver and Aunt Darcy finished their ice cream then helped Grandma finish getting the apricots ready for when her mother came back. Her mom made the best apricot preserves. Silver washed them, Aunt Darcy dunked them in the boiling water, and Grandma peeled them. Mommy was going to be so proud of her for helping.

“I wish Mommy and Daddy were here now. Daddy was going to try to help me talk Mommy into one of Cindy Lewis’s puppies,” Silver said, hoping maybe Aunt Darcy and Grandma would help convince her mom she was ready.

“Don’t the Lewis’s raise Mastiffs?” Grandma’s eyebrows went up.

“I don’t know anything about that ‘cept they have cute puppies.”

“What about Rocket, Red, and Buster?” Darcy asked.

“Rocket is Daddy’s and Red and Buster are Uncle Dane’s dogs. I want one of my very own.”

“Maybe we’ll go check out the pound. No way is your mom going to let you have a dog that will be bigger than you in about a year?” Aunt Darcy said then ruffled her hair.

“Oh,” Silver said suddenly losing interest in washing the apricots thanks to Aunt Darcy’s comment.

“If you’re done maybe Aunt Darcy can help you with your bath,” Grandma said.

“Okay.” She dried her hands and ran for the stairs. If she couldn’t have one of the Lewis puppies, maybe Mommy would let her have one of the funny black and white kittens she found in the barn today.










“Get that flock loaded on the trailer,” Sterling yelled over the bleating sheep.

Rocket ran circles around them keeping them in order while his brothers were getting them ready to transport to the fair grounds

“Come on Clay, get a move on. Quit daydreaming about women.” Sterling nudged Luther into a trot, clapping his lasso to his leg, turning two sheep that attempted to escape.

“Geez guys, Silver could do a better job than you,” he said.

“What’s with the Captain Bly routine?” Quinton asked. “I thought you outgrew it.”

“Listen Rooster, you may have been the cock with the walk in school and Captain Bly on the football field, but we’re just rounding up sheep for the rodeo. Get over yourself!” Clayton shouted over his shoulder.

“At least he looks better than he did this morning, his headache must be gone,” Quinton said to his twin.

“Yeah and I’m getting one. Hey Sterling, go play with your daughter and leave us alone,” Clayton said.

“I can’t go play with her until they’re all loaded, so quit screwing around and do your job.”

Dane rode up and said, “Dad wants to talk to you, he asked me to relieve you.”

“Why? What’s up?” he said.

“Who cares, just get him the flock out of here before he drives us crazy,” Quinton shouted.

Sterling ignored the twins to concentrate on Dane.

“Dad, Gramps, and Pop are all at the house waiting on you.”

“Ah shit,” he covered his mouth and looked around for his daughter. “Whew. I swear that kid’s robbing me blind.” She always seemed to be around when he cussed.

“Dude, that can’t be too hard, you only have one eye,” Dane quipped.

“How observant of you little brother, any other words of wisdom you care to impart?”

“No just get your crotchety old ass to the house before Dad comes looking for you.”

“You sure you can finish up here?”

Dane rolled his eyes. “The day I can’t move a flock of sheep faster than you is the day they can bury me.”

Sterling rode of toward the house to the sound of his brothers berating him. He flipped them the bird and headed home.

As he rode up to the barn to the left of the house, the smell of Apricot preserves filled the air. He could overlook many things in the military, but food wasn’t one of them. He wanted to run inside get a kiss from Regina and maybe grab a bite to eat.

Dad, Gramps, and Pops stood next to the Suburban. Looks like food would have to wait.

“Glad you made it,” Dad said. “We want you to take a ride with us.”

“Sure thing, what’s up?” he asked.

“You’ll see.”

They all jumped into the old wagon and aimed toward the East Meadow, kicking up a cloud of dust. 

A considerable time later his stomach rumbled at missing out on lunch, but then when they pulled up to the pond that Silver had fallen into, his stomach turned churned, going sour. He’d come so close to losing his daughter.

They got out the vehicle. Sterling paced. He wanted to go back to the house and see Regina and Silver. He needed to hold them both. “Why are we here?”

“Your grandfathers and I have been talking and it’s about time we took care of a few things,” Dad said.

Gramps and Pop stood beside his father, all three with grins spread clear across their faces.

Dad handed him an envelope. “Go ahead, open it.”

Sterling looked from one man to the next trying to read anything that would clue him in. Dad waved the envelope before his good eye and he took it.

“Go on,” Pop said.

He and Gramps winked at one another. Were they all going bat-shit crazy?

He pulled a sheet of paper from the envelope and unfolded it. He scanned the page unable to believe what he was reading.

“Now that you’re home for good, we want you to have a good start on a future. You’ll always have a place at the main ranch, but we want you, Gigi, and Silver to have a chance to be a real family.”

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