Craving Talon (32 page)

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Authors: Zoey Derrick

BOOK: Craving Talon
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“This is really happening, isn’t it?” I say to no one and I don’t get a reply.

I continue scrolling through her emails and find one with the subject “assistant?”

I open it.

“We’re sending Raine to New York to meet with you. We’re finalizing your schedule for the time that you’re there and right now it’s packed full and I think things would be easier for you if you have someone to help you out. Though she is my assistant, she’s more of a decoration around here, and she is very good at what she does. I think she can be put to better use helping you.”

“Well, okay then,” I mutter. Maybe she has a point, but I shouldn’t be given an assistant because I’m not doing my job. If I spent time doing my job more and Talon and Kyle less, it wouldn’t seem like I’m not.

The bus jerks a little and I look to Tori and her men coming up the stairs. I close my laptop. “Hi Tori,” I say.

“Addison, let me introduce you to Bruce,” She gestures to the biggest of the three men, how apt, “Troy,” the cutest of the three, “and Casey.”

I stand up and walk around the table, taking their hands. “Pleasure to meet you guys. I apologize for earlier and I appreciate you going to work without knowing who you were protecting.”

“No problem, ma’am,” the cute one says and I watch Tori stiffen and I laugh.

“Troy, right?” he nods. “My name is Addison or Addie, I don’t answer to ma’am.”

“Yes ma’am, I mean, Addison.” He blushes.

I laugh. “I understand it goes against anything you’re taught, but I am hardly old enough for ma’am.”

Bruce is bald, not by age but by razor and he is huge. His bicep is probably bigger than my head. Troy is slimmer, but no less bulky with reddish military short hair. And Casey is a little more wiry, kind of like Kyle. He’s muscular, but in sleeker ways. They’re all at least six feet tall. Tori is a tall brunette, slim, but she has some muscle and she stands about five ten or even five eleven. She has wider shoulders than I do, but less hip and ass than me.

“So explain to me what happened when I came back to the bus?” I ask.

“We’re required, by Mills, to lock the bus doors when no one is on board, but regardless of the doors being closed and locked and guarded, we will be checking the bus to be sure that no one is on board who doesn’t belong. Once someone is on board, their bodyguard is to stand by with the original guard. It’s a safety precaution to make sure no one else gets on board.

“We also have a guard with the event security at the gate. This is to ensure no one who isn’t supposed to be here gets past security and the gate closes fifteen minutes after showtime and opens for exits only ten minutes before show end. If anyone tries to leave through the back door prior to that time, they’re told to go out a normal door or wait. Crowd control really,” Tori tells me.

“So what happens when we go out after a show, the next one for example?” I ask, I really don’t need to know, but I think I am entitled to know the processes.

“We will divide the guards, sending no less than two, in advance, to the venue to review their security protocols, this will happen before the show starts. Once everyone is in the greenroom following the show, those same two guards will go ahead to the venue. Ensuring security procedures are being met, and the safety of everyone’s arrival. We will always leave two guards with the buses and the remaining six of us will be on hand at the bar.”

“Who’s primarily responsible for me?” I ask.

“That would be all of us,” she says and I look at her. “Everything we do revolves around you and your safety, Addison. However, outings will involve me and one other guy, whether it’s one from Mills’ team or my own.”

“I like Rusty, if you’re going to pick one of Mills’ team. He’s been my shadow for a while and I’m comfortable with him. So until I get fully comfortable with you, I ask that you bring Rusty along. Though I don’t go very many places.”

She nods. “As you wish.”

“I’d just like some more time to get to know everyone. I’ve been with the other guys for over two weeks, and I’m comfortable with them, so I imagine the same will happen with all of you. Lastly, I have a firm request, and by not honoring this request can lead to your dismissal.” I look at all of them. “If I ask you a question, especially procedure, problem or otherwise business related, I expect an honest, immediate response. Do not beat around the bush. I am not made of glass, I need to know. If something happens, a security threat, and I have to be whisked away, I expect an explanation.”

“Yes, Addison,” Tori says.

I look to Bruce. “Yes, Ms. Beltrand.”

Then Troy and Casey both confirm their yeses. “Thank you. I also agree to notify you if at any time I feel uncomfortable and need your assistance. In an incident where talking isn’t exactly possible, do you have a signal?”

“Thumbs down, if it is an immediate need. If it is an uncomfortable need, tug on your ear.”

“Like this?” I tug on my earlobe.

“Yes, though you can be a little more subtle.”

“Okay, that is something I do from time to time, a nervous fidget. So can we add something to that?”

“How about this, do it like you’d normally do.” I do. “Okay, your hand opens up. If it is something that you need our help with, keep your hand near your face after you do it. You can do something like this.” She tugs on her ear, then crosses her other arm across her body and then rests her arm against it. Keeping her hand near her face. It’s a casual gesture and shouldn’t alert anyone other than my security staff.

“Perfect, I can do that.”

We continue our conversation for a little longer and then they leave. I notice that the guys still haven’t come back yet. I text Kyle.

Me: Where are you guys?

Cowboy: They’re having a meeting about tonight and then tomorrow.

Me: how much longer?

Cowboy: a while, why?

Me: come help me with something. I’m on the bus, bedroom.

Cowboy: on my way.

“Hey baby girl, what’s up?”

“I need your help.”

“With?” I turn around, three things in my hand, I show him. His jaw drops. He swallows hard. “I…um, how?”

“Well, I want you to get me set up for Talon. I figured you could um, help me to help him.”

“Absolutely. What do you want me to do?”

I tell him and we go to work.

Two orgasms later and I’m all set. Lying on the bed, naked. Kyle’s cock is in my mouth, I’m sucking and working it with excitement, waiting rather impatiently for Talon to show up.

“Ahh!” I moan as Kyle pulls on the purple cock protruding from my body. Though the Feeldoe didn’t elicit as much excitement within when I saw it, it’s still sexy as fuck. Kyle’s cock in my mouth is serving as a great distraction from looking at it.

I continue licking and sucking, toying more than putting forth solid effort in getting him off. I want him to save it for Talon. I told Kyle my plan and he was more than excited for it. Talon hasn’t had a chance to experience my cock and I want him to feel it with Kyle underneath him.

“Angel?” I hear Talon shout.

I pull Kyle’s cock from my mouth. “In the bedroom,” I shout and take Kyle’s cock back into my mouth. He tugs again on my cock and it sends a shot of pure pleasure through my body.

“Addie, are you…” Talon stops dead in his tracks as he opens the door. He stands there completely dumb struck and I smile around the head of Kyle’s cock.

I turn toward him. Kyle’s hard-on in my hand, his hand on my purple dick, “I’m great.” I smile. “Come here, big man.”

I can see a visual as his mind clears. “We need to talk.”

“Is it about earlier?” I ask him, losing focus as Kyle strokes along my shaft, tugging it and pushing it back just enough that the bulb shifts against my g-spot. “Or is it something else?”


I smile. “Then it can wait.”

“But, Addie…”

“Listen, I’ve come to a realization and right now, I am craving you so bad that I want to fuck you. I promise that we will talk, but right now, I am desperate to be inside you.” I moan as Kyle continues pushing and pulling on the toy that is giving me immense pleasure just by being stroked. “Please,” I beg.

His answer is removing his vest, then his t-shirt. I watch as he unbuttons his fly and slides his jeans down his legs, springing his rock hard erection free. “I can’t say no to you,” he breathes. He sounds almost disappointed that we aren’t talking.

“I promise, we will talk,” I reassure him and he nods as he kicks off his boots, shedding his jeans completely and climbing onto the bed. He goes straight for my toy. He takes it from Kyle with a smile and he wraps his mouth around it. Pushing it down, the ridges stroke my clit, the bulb slides against the plug in my ass and I moan, pulling Kyle’s cock back into my mouth with gusto.

Talon and I continue sucking, licking and stroking the toys in our mouths. I am however, rewarded with little dribbles of Kyle’s delicious pre-cum. Talon slides up on all fours and he begins stroking his cock while he licks and sucks mine. I moan at the sight of him between my legs.

Kyle pulls back from me, moving off of the bed and walking toward the foot of the bed. He taps on one of Talon’s legs to get him to spread wider and he does. There is a flash of terror in his eyes. That is, until Kyle lays down on his back, pushing himself between Talon’s legs. Talon lifts his hips, giving Kyle better access to what he’s after. I can barely see what’s happening but I watch as Kyle takes Talon’s dick from his hand and begins stroking it for him. I watch as Talon’s eyes roll up into his head with the pleasure Kyle’s mouth is bringing him.

Talon begins stroking my cock a little harder and a little faster, igniting my orgasm and sending shivers up my spine. With my hands free now, I stroke Talon’s hair, encouraging him to suck faster and he does. The ridges bounce along my clit and the bulb moves up and down, in and out slightly. “Fuck!” I moan and Talon’s eyes turn white. “Don’t stop,” I moan and he continues, my legs lock up and my orgasm rolls through my body, seizing my muscles and shooting off fireworks behind my eyelids at the same time that I hear him groan.

He comes off of my cock and moans as Kyle continues sucking him. I watch as Talon’s hips begin to bounce up and down slightly and I know he’s close. “Jesus, Kyle, fuck!” he moans.

Kyle groans as Talon erupts in his mouth. Kyle swallows him down, stroking him, milking him and I nearly come unglued watching it.

Kyle slides out from between Talon’s legs. Talon rolls onto his side. I roll the other direction so that I can get up. I can’t actually sit with either device. I pull myself up onto all fours, then come up on my knees. I hear Talon hiss through his teeth as he takes in the sight of me. “Fuck, angel, that’s so goddamn hot.”

I look at him through hooded eyes and he groans. I put myself in position, on my knees at the head of the bed. Using my pointer finger I gesture for him to come to me and he does. Crawling to me face first. I don’t understand why until he runs a wet, flat tongue over my nipple and I tremble as pleasure ignites once again. “Turn around,” I command.

He obeys, having done this with Kyle, but Talon is a little more excited about it. Though I know he’s never done this, anytime I play with his ass, he’s loved it. Kyle is standing at the end of the bed. “Come here, cowboy,” Talon says to him. Kyle smiles.

“Oh I will, but not yet,” he says with a satisfied smirk on his face. “I want to watch our baby girl fuck you.”

I shiver with Kyle’s dirty talk. He doesn’t do it often, but fuck, it’s hot when he does. I reach over for the bottle of lube and Talon readies himself. Spreading his legs to either side of mine. I put a cold drop of lube right on his entrance and he jumps slightly, but he settles quickly.

I begin working the lube around the tight ring of his ass and he moans. I continue playing, probing only with the soft pad of my middle finger. With my other hand, I rub his back. I can see him clenching and releasing. “If it’s too much, just tell me and I’ll stop,” I tell him.

“It feels so good,” he moans. I can feel his hand come to his cock, and start stroking it.

“Don’t you dare take that orgasm from me, Talon Carver,” I say and he stops. “Good boy,” I praise him and watch as he shivers with anticipation. “Are you a switch, big man? Do you like to be mister tough guy or do you like to submit to me?”

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