Read Crime and Punishment 4: Burning Submission Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #BDSM; Suspense; Paranormal

Crime and Punishment 4: Burning Submission (17 page)

BOOK: Crime and Punishment 4: Burning Submission
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Instead, he dropped to his knees between her splayed thighs and grabbed the candle off the coffee table.

“What are you doing?” she asked as she eyed the candle warily.

“Relax, Jenn. Have I hurt you yet?”

She shook her head as she began to relax. “No. Not really.”

“Good. Then just lie there and enjoy what I’m about to do to you. But first,” he said as he set the candle down on the floor by her hip, “I think I want a little taste.”

He moved back, and Jennifer watched in fascination as he put his mouth right at her pussy. Jennifer bit her lip, knowing the second his tongue touched her clit, she would explode, but at the same time wanting it so badly she could hardly breathe.

He put his hands beneath her hips and lifted her. “Do not come, Jenn, or there’ll be hell to pay.”

Jennifer gasped as his breath blew over her sensitive mound. “I’m not sure I can stop my…”

Josh’s tongue did a wicked dance around her opening, and she groaned. Her fingers clenched and unclenched in the pillow beneath her head as her hips rocked and undulated against his mouth.

Just when she was about to explode, Josh pulled away. Jennifer growled and slapped the floor with her hands, making Josh chuckle.

“That’s being a bad sub,” he said with amusement.

Jennifer snorted, unsure if she cared.

Josh put his palms on the floor by her shoulders and stared down at her face. “As a sub, you take what I give you without complaining.”

“Do you really want me to be that docile?” she asked breathlessly, so turned on she was ready to shove him to the floor and just take what she wanted.

“Depends on my mood,” he replied, but the wicked light in his eyes let her know he was teasing her.

He pushed up and moved to his knees, then reached for the candle. Jennifer watched warily as Josh tilted the glass container holding the candle and let one small drop of wax land on her stomach. She jerked at the slight burn, expecting much more, but definitely not expecting the sizzling spark of lust that shot to her womb.

Was it because she was aroused that the pain blended with pleasure, making her all the more turned on?

Josh dropped another, this time higher, letting it hit between her breasts. Jennifer arched her back as the burn seemed to travel straight to her clit.

“This, Jenn, is wax play,” he murmured as he let one drop fall right next to her left nipple.

Jennifer moaned. She was shocked at just how bad she wanted him to drop it onto the sensitive peak. Instead, Josh moved to the other breast and drizzled a series of drops all around the areola. She was now panting, her entire body writhing in slow, sensual movements. This time Josh let one drop fall directly on her nipple, and she arched off the floor.

“Josh! Please,” she screamed, her pussy now aching for him so badly it hurt.

Josh set the candle aside and lowered himself so that his cock rested right at her entrance. Her hips lifted anxiously as Josh grabbed her wrists and pinned her hands over her head. Jennifer tried to break free. She wanted to touch him, to grab his ass as he slid into her, but Josh would have none of that. He kept her pinned, imprisoned, and immobile as he shoved his cock balls-deep in one long, harsh thrust.

Jennifer screamed as his groin brushed against her overly sensitive clit, sending sparks of pleasure across her nerve endings. She forgot about being bound, held captive as he pummeled her over and over. He felt so good, so thick, and so incredibly powerful inside her all she could do was yell again and again as he drove her increasingly closer to her release. There was no fear, no trepidation, just pure physical pleasure.

“Now, Jenn,” he growled. “Come now.”

She came hard, jerking with every pulse of her channel. Josh kept thrusting, grinding against her, wringing every last throb out of her until she thought she might black out. With one final thrust, Josh groaned as he found his own release.

Jennifer could still hardly breathe when Josh leaned down and softly kissed her. As his tongue slid into her mouth to toy with hers, she moaned and kissed him back. It was sweet. She wanted nothing more than to melt into him and stay there forever.

This was bad. This was so very bad.

JOSH FELT HER tense beneath him and wondered what caused it. He pulled away and stared down into her sex-drunk eyes. He saw worry in them. Was she worried about the same thing he was? Was she falling for him like he was falling for her?

He sucked at relationships. She deserved so much better than he could give her. Not to mention her whole questionable future. Could he really get her out of this mess? And even if he could, then what?

Trying to force all his questions from his mind, he placed a kiss on her forehead and let his lips linger against her skin. He inhaled the smell of hay in her hair from the barn earlier that mingled with the vanilla shampoo she used.

He should move. He was heavy, and she was lying against a hard floor. Damn if he could, though. Instead, he rolled to his back and pulled her with him, letting her body cover his.

She sighed and rested her cheek against his shoulder. Her breath was warm and soft against his neck, her heartbeat slowly winding down along with his.

He wrapped his arms around her and held tight. What the hell was he going to do without her?

“Where did you learn to do all that?” she asked sleepily.

Josh smiled, thankful for something to think about other than a future without her. “At clubs.”

“Did you have a teacher or something?” she asked. “Are there classes for this?”

Josh chuckled. “Probably somewhere, but I never took any. I just watched others, practiced on a few willing subs. That sort of thing.”

“Oh,” she said and tried to reposition. “Am I squishing you?”

“I can assure you, you’re not squishing me,” he replied with amusement as he slowly slid his finger up and down her spine.

She shifted as though it tickled, and giggled when he slid his finger over her ribs. She stiffened and lifted her head to look down at him, worry in her gaze. “I shouldn’t be lying on your chest like this. You’re sternum may not be fully healed.”

He smiled. “I’m fine.”

She pushed off him with a stern look. “Which one of us went to med school?”

Josh lowered his arms, allowing her to move. “Fine. I concede. But only on one condition.”

She frowned down at him as she sat up. “What?” she asked warily.

Josh chuckled. “What’s that about? Don’t you trust me?”

“Well, yeah,” she began. Then grinned and sighed. “Fine. What’s the condition?”

Josh couldn’t help but laugh at her. She was so damn cute. As his laughter faded, he feathered the backs of his fingers down her arm. “That you join me in my room for a movie. I still haven’t gotten to watch that
movie I have up there.”

She pursed her lips briefly and then replied, “That sounds tame enough.”

“Tame enough, huh?”

She smiled as she leaned down and placed a quick kiss on his lips. “I would love to watch a movie with you.”

“Good,” he whispered against her lips as he put his hand at the back of her head and brought her down for another slow kiss.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Jenn moaned as a warm hand gently cupped her breast from behind. She arched, filling his palm, silently begging him to squeeze harder. Rough fingers brushed over the sensitive skin that had been burned by wax hours earlier. The brief bite of discomfort sent a shiver of delight down her spine.

Was she dreaming? The last thing she remembered was falling asleep in Josh’s arms as the movie played in the background.

The sheets felt soft against her skin. A hard body pressed against her back, and she tried to snuggle closer. Her body ached in places she’d never noticed before. Even the morning light felt oddly sensual as it heated her flesh.

“Josh?” she whispered.

“Who else would it be?” he murmured in her ear, his voice deep and full of promise.

“Well, it could be that adorable produce boy at the store or that sexy male waiter at—”

Josh pinched her nipple hard, making her squeak.

“Was that bad of me?” she asked playfully. “Will you punish me now?”

Josh’s chuckle was both sexy and wicked, which made the tingles simmering under her skin begin anew.

“Have I created a monster?” he whispered as he let go of her breast and feathered his palm lower.

Jennifer held her breath as his fingers moved between her legs and smoothed over her pussy lips in a sensual caress that quickly had her panting for more.

“Just…uh…just trying to…” Josh separated her labia and slid his fingers through her cream.

“No punishment this morning,” he said softly as he lifted her leg over his and pushed the head of his cock into her wet channel. “Just sex.”

Jennifer moaned as he gently pushed into her tight passage. She felt tighter than last night and wondered if maybe she was a little swollen, but that thought soon faded as the sensation of him filling her shoved out what was left of her wayward thoughts.

“I like sex,” she whispered as he began a slow assault on her pussy as well as her senses. “Oh, I definitely like sex.”

Josh kissed her neck, and she sighed. God, this felt so good. She could wake up like this every morning for the rest of her life. If he would only stay with her. It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him—to beg him—to stay, to make this farmhouse his home along with her, but instead she bit down on her tongue and winced.

Josh whispered, “Shh,” in her ear, and she closed her eyes tight against the tears that threatened to spill.

Sharp tingles sparked along her spine, and she sucked in a breath. Josh hissed softly, and she assumed he felt them too and tried to concentrate on keeping them more under control.

How had she allowed herself to fall in love with him, especially after he’d made sure to tell her this wouldn’t be permanent? She’d accepted it. Agreed with him, even. She didn’t have a future and had no right to ask him to give up his just so she could have sex like this every day. It wasn’t fair to him.

Josh took her hand and lowered it to her pussy. Cream coated her fingers as he placed them against the base of his cock. She felt him moving in and out of her. She wished she could see it.

The rolled end of the condom caught her finger, and she wondered what it would be like to feel him inside her just once without it. She imagined a child with his smile and eyes, his teasing, easygoing personality.

This time, a tear slipped free. She should never have a child. She would be terrified. What if they found her again? What would happen to that child?

Josh moved her fingers to her clit, and she shuddered at the feel of both their fingers slowly massaging the hard nub.

“Josh,” she whimpered.

Would he make her hold off this time? She wasn’t sure she could even if she wanted to. She felt it building from deep inside, taking everything she had bottled up and letting it loose.

“That’s it, sweetheart,” Josh whispered. “Let me feel those walls suck at my cock as you come all over it.”

Those words were the final straw. Josh pinched her clit between their fingers, and she exploded like a rocket, screaming as every pulse seemed to shoot out of her like a fountain of sparks.

She heard Josh curse in her ear, and then he shoved deep as he shouted out his own pleasure. Even though the sex was so different from the other times, the release was just as sweet if not more so. She’d never felt anything like it.

Josh kept his cock inside her as he cradled her back against his chest. “Talk to me, Jenn,” he whispered. “Why the tears?”

She tensed, shocked that he’d actually known. She sniffed and shook her head. “Don’t make me talk about this. Please.”

JOSH FELT A tightening his chest. He had a feeling he knew what the tears had been about. As her Dom, he should force her to talk about her fears or her wants, but the realist in him decided not to push.

He’d spent half the night thinking about them, about how they could make this work.

Would he be happy to quit his job? Could she live with him if he didn’t? Would he eventually run her off like he had the other women in his life? The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her, but neither of them would get out of this unscathed.

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he whispered and kissed her temple.

She snuggled closer to his chest and wiggled her hips. Josh pushed his cock deeper, and her moan sent a tingle along his spine. She’d gotten much better control over her abilities, but it still hadn’t stopped the weird fiery tingles that sparked along his cock as he came. It was the oddest damn feeling, but at the same time, it intensified his orgasm and made the top of his head feel like it was shooting off.

He sighed and kissed the back of her shoulder. He wished they could stay here just like this for the rest of the morning. Unfortunately, they had work they needed to do. He wanted to help her get as much stuff done to the house as he could before he left.

Which meant they needed to lay off the sex for a few hours.

His phone beeped, indicating an incoming text. With another tired sigh, he pulled free of her warm pussy and rolled away so he could grab his phone.

He glanced at the screen and read the text from Nathan.

Jennifer rolled to her back and stared over at him. “Anything important?” she asked.

“Nathan says we’re doing Skype at ten this morning.” He grinned. “So that means we have two hours to get our showers and get something to eat before he calls.”

Jennifer frowned. “I don’t have the Internet here.”

“I have one of those Mi-Fi devices, so we’re good.”


Her brow creased, and Josh rolled to his side. Resting his head on his palm, he stared down at her. “You wouldn’t be looking for reasons not to do this, would you?” She bit her lip, and Josh used his thumb to pull it free. “Jennifer,” he said, expecting her to answer.

“I remember so little,” she argued.

“You might be surprised how much comes back once you start talking about it.”

“But what if it doesn’t?”

“Maybe Nathan can pick something up.”

BOOK: Crime and Punishment 4: Burning Submission
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