Criminal Poisoning: Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys (30 page)

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Langlois JL:
Belle Guness: The Lady Bluebeard
. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1985.

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The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America
. Crown Publishers, New York, 2003 (contains a discussion of the case of H. H. Holmes).

Latour A:
The Borgias
, Mann N, trans. Abelard-Schuman, New York, 1963.

LaWall CH:
Four Thousand Years of Pharmacy
. J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1927.

Lebigre A:
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. Editions Complexe, Brussels, Belgium, ca. 1989.

Legué G:
17th Century Poisoners
. Charpentier & Fasquelle, Paris, 1895 (in French).

Legué G:
Médicine et empoisonnements au XVIIe siécle
[Medicine and Poisonings in the 17th Century]. Bibliotheque-Charpentier, Lyon, France, 1896 (in French) (reprinted in 1903).

Legué G: Women poisoners in history.
Med Leg

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Le Poison à travers les âges—Les Empoisonneurs
[Poisons Across the Ages—Poisoners]. Librairie Alphonse Lemerre, Paris, 1923 (in French).

Leleux C:
Le Poison, sa nature, ses effets, avec une preface de M. le batonnier Henri Robert
[Poison, Nature and Effects, with a Preface by the President of the French Bar Henri Robert]. Librairie Alphonse Lemerre, Paris, ca. 1923 (in French).

Lemoine J:
Madame de Montespan et la legende des poisons
[Madame Montespan and the Legend of Poisons]. Paris, Librairie Henr: Leivre, 1908 (in French).

LeNeve E:
Ethel LeNeve: Her Life Story: With the True Account of Their Flight and Her Friendship for Dr. Crippen. Also Startling Particulars of Her Life at Hilldrop Cresent—Told by Herself
. Publishing Office, Haymarket London, 1910. (This three-penny pamphlet, which was sold on the streets of England, was an illegally produced reproduction of accounts that were first published in the
Lloyd’s Weekly News
of November 6 and 13, 1910.)

Lepine P: Un Dossier conteste: l’affaire LaFarge [A debatable record of the LaFarge matter].
Lyon Pharmaceutique
1980;31(1):39–44 (in French).

Levitt L:
The Healer: A True Story of Medicine and Murder
. Viking, New York, 1980

(contains a discussion of the Dr. Charles Friedgood case).

Levy JH:
The Necessity for Criminal Appeal as Illustrated by the Maybrick Case
. King, London, 1899.

Lewin L:
Die Gifte in der Weltgeschichte—Toxikologische, Algemein-Verstandliche Untersuchungen der Historischen Quellen
[Poisoning in World History]. Verlag Von Julius Springer, Berlin, 1920 (in German).

Lewin PK: Napoleon Bonaparte—no evidence of chronic arsenic poisoning.
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Criminal Poisoning

Lewis D:
The Rugeley Poisoner: A Biography Looking Back at Dr. William Palmer, the “Prince of Poisoners”
. Artloaf, Stafford, UK, 2003.

Lewis RH:
Victorian Murders
. David & Charles, London, 1988 (contains discussions about the poisoners William Palmer, MD; Adelaide Bartlett; Madeline Smith; Florence Maybrick; Edith Carew; Thomas Smethurst, MD; Mary Leffey; George Lamson, MD; J. Milton Bowers, MD; Edward Wm. Pritchard, MD; Carlyle Harris; Robert Buchanan, MD; Thomas Neill Cream, MD; as well as the murder of Charles Bravo).

Lewis RH:
Edwardian Murders
. David & Charles, London, 1989 (contains discussions about the poisoners Johann Hoch; George Chapman; Hawley Crippen, MD; Henri Girard; Arthur Waite, DDS; Bennett Hyde, MD; Richard Brinkley; Roland Molineux; Albert Patrick; as well as the murder of Henry Bingham).

Lifflander M:
Final Treatment: The File on Dr. X
. W.W. Norton, New York, 1979

(contains a discussion of the case of Dr. Mario Jascalevich).

Linedecker CL, Burt WA:
Nurses Who Kill
. Pinnacle Books, Windsor Publishing, New York, 1990 (contains discussions of the Richard Angelo and Donald Harvey cases).

Lloyd M:
The Guiness Book of Espionage
. Da Capo Press, New York, 1994.

Lucas-Dubreton J:
The Borgias
, Stead PJ, trans. E.P. Dutton, New York, 1956.

MacDonald JD:
No Deadly Drug
. Doubleday, New York, NY, 1968 (contains a discussion of the case of Dr. Carl Coppolino).

MacDougall AW:
The Maybrick Case: A Settlement of the Case as a Whole
. Baliere, Tindall & Cox, London, 1896.

MacGowan D:
Murder in Victorian Scotland: The Trial of Madeleine Smith.
Praeger, Westport, CT, 1999.

Mackay C: The slow poisoners. In:
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
. Barnes and Noble, New York, 1993, pp. 569–592 (a reprint of the 1852


Mackenzie FA:
. Famous Trial Series, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1928.

MacNalty A:
The Princes in the Tower and Other Royal Mysteries
, Christopher Johnson, London, 1955.

Maeder T:
The Unspeakable Crimes of Dr. Petiot
. Penguin Books, United Kingdom, 1980.

Mair G:
Angel of Death: The Shocking True Story of Charles Cullen the Serial Killer Nurse and the System That Failed to Stop Him
. Chamberlain Bros., New York, NY, 2004.

Maitai CK, Faure J, Yacoub M: A survey on the use of poisoned arrows in Kenya during the period 1964–1971.
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Mallet ME:
The Borgias
. Bodley Head, London, 1969.

Mandelsberg RG:
Medical Murderers
. Pinnacle Books, Windsor Publishing, New York, 1992.

Mann J:
Murder, Magic, and Medicine
. Oxford University Press, New York, 1993.

Manners T:
Deadlier Than the Male: Stories of Female Serial Killers
. Pan Books, London, 1995 (contains discussions about the following poisoners: Beverly Allitt, Velma Barfield, Mary Ann Cotton, Nany Doss, Dorothea Puente, and Terri Rachals).

Manon P:
Trois siecles d’empoisonnements en Provence
[Three Centuries of Poisonings in Provence]. M. Leconte, Marseille, France, no date (in French).

Marriner B:
Murder with Venom
. True Crime Library No. 4, A Forum Press Book, London, 1993.



Martinetz D, Lohs K:
Poison—Sorcery and Science—Friend and Foe.
Grafische Werke Zwickau, Leipzig, Germany, 1987 (translated from the German by Alistair and Alison Wightman).

Mason AHB: Crime and anesthesia—robbery.
Hist Med
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Massengill SE: “Poisons”
In A Sketch of Medicine and Pharmacy
. S.E. Massengill, Bristol, TN, 1942, pp. 311–361.

Masson A:
La Sorcellerie et la science des poisons au XVII siecle
[Witchcraft and Poisoning of the 17th Century]. Librairie Hachette, Paris, 1904 (in French).

Masson R:
Number One: A Story of Landru
, Tindall G, trans. Hutchinson, London, 1964.

Massu GV:
L’Enquete Petiot
[The Petiot Inquiry]. Librairie Artheme Fayard, Paris, 1959

(in French).

Mathew AH:
The Life and Times of Rodrigo Borgia
. St. Paul, London, 1912.

Mattossian MK:
Poisons of the Past: Molds, Epidemics and History
. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 1989.

Maybrick F:
Mrs. Maybrick’s Own Story—–My 15 Lost Years
. Funk & Wagnalls, New York, 1905.

Mayor A:
Greek Fire, Poison Arrows & Scorpion Bombs: Biological and Chemical Warfare in the Ancient World
. Overlook Press, New York, 2003.

McClure Stevens FA:
Famous Crimes and Criminals
. Frederick A. Stokes, New York, no date.

McDonald RR:
Black Widow—The True Story of the Hilley Poisonings
. New Horizon Press, New York, 1986.

McElwe E:
The Murder of Sir Thomas Overbury
. New York, 1952.

McLaren A:
A Prescription for Murder: The Victorian Serial Killings of Dr. Thomas Neill Cream
. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1993.

Meadley R:
Classics in Murder—True Stories of Infamous Crimes as Told by Famous Crime Writers
. Ungar Publishing, New York, 1986 (contains discussions of the poisoners Dr. Crippen and Mary Blandy).

Meadows C:
. V. Gollancz, London, 1935 (a novel based on the Crippen case, published in the United States as
Doctor Moon
, by G.B. Putnam’s Sons, 1935).

Meek WJ: The gentle art of poisoning [reprinted from
Phi Beta Pi Q
, May 1928].

Medico-Historical Papers
, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1954, pp. 1–11.

Micca G: Historic poisons and poisoning.
Minerva Med

La Sociere
[The Witch]. E Dentu, Paris, 1862 (in French).

Milt B: 1737 poison case in Zurich.
Gesneurs (Aarau)

Mongredien G:
Madame de Montespan et l’affaire des poisons
[Madame Montespan and the Affair of Poisons]. Hachette, Paris, 1953 (in French).

Montespan M:
Memoirs of Madame la Marquise de Montespan
, P.E.P., trans. Grover Society, London, 1904.

Moore K, Reed D:
Deadly Medicine: The Chilling True Story of a Pediatric Nurse Who Murdered Scores of Her Infant Patients
. St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1988 (contains a discussion of the Genene Jones case).

Morison J:
A Complete Report of the Trial of Miss Madeleine Smith
. Wm. P. Nimmo, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1857.

Morland S:
That Nice Miss Smith
. St. Martin’s, New York, 1988.


Criminal Poisoning

Morrison JTJ:
. Benn, London, 1930.

Mortimer J:
Famous Trials
. Dorset Press, New York, 1984 (contains discussions of the poisoners Madeleine Smith, Dr. Crippen, and H. R. Armstrong).

Mortimer J:
The Oxford Book of Villains
. Oxford University Press, New York, 1992.

Mossiker F:
The Affair of the Poisons—Louis XIV, Madame de Montespan and One of History’s Great Unsolved Mysteries
. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1969.

Muntner S:
Treatise on Poisons and Their Antidotes
Volume Two
The Medical Writings of Moses Maimonides
). Lippincott & Co., Montreal, Canada, 1966.

Murder Casebook, a magazine series, by Marshall Cavendish, London, 1989–1993.

The Mild-Mannered Murderer:
H. H. Crippen case #40—
Eastbourn’’s Doctor Death:
Bodkin Adams case

The Poisoners:
Florence Maybrick and Henry Seddon cases #50—
France’s Angel of Death:
Marcel Petiot case

The Croydon Poisonings:
Grace Duff case

The Modern Bluebeard:
Henri Landru case

A Passion for Poisoning:
Graham Young case

Adultery and Arsenic:
H. R. Armstrong, Greenwood, and Arthur Waite cases #85—
Simone Weber case

The Whisperings:
Marie Besnard and Louisa Merrifield cases #105—
A Woman’s Weapon:
Charlotte Bryant, Ethel Major, and Violette Nozieres cases

Traces of Poison:
Florence Bravo and Adelaide Bartlett cases #118—
Imperfect Parents:
Marie Hilley case

Deadly Doctors:
Carl Coppolino and Geza DeKaplany cases Murgatroyd E:
Cooking to Kill! The Poison Cook-book: Comic Recipes for the Ghoul, Cannibal, Witch & Murderer. Stewing and Potting Mothers-in-law. Tested Recipes for Spoiled Brats, Business Rivals, and Strayed Lovers. Cannibal Picnic Meat. Sure-fire Salads. How to Make Friends Die Laughing
. Peter Pauper Press, Mount Vernon, NY, 1951 (a humorous book discussing poison recipes).

Nash JR:
Look for the Woman: A Narrative Encyclopedia of Female Poisoners. Kidnap-pers, Thieves, Extortionists, Terrorists, Swindlers and Spies from Elizabethan Times to the Present
. M. Evans & Co., New York, 1981.

Nash JR:
Encyclopedia of World Crime
, 6 vols. Crime Books, Wilmette, IL, 1990 (contains more than 10,000 criminal biographical sketches, including more than 300


Nass L:
Les Empoisonnements sous Louis XIV
[Poisonings Under Louis XIV]. Carre et Naud,
These Med
, Paris, 1898 (in French).

Neville R, Clarke J:
The Life and Crimes of Charles Sobhraj
, J. Cape, London, 1979.

Newton M:
Bad Girls Do It! An Encyclopedia of Female Murderers
. Loompanics Unlimited, Port Townsend, WA, 2001.

Norman C:
The Genteel Murderer
. Macmillan, New York, 1956 (the life of Thomas Griffiths Wainewright).

Norton C:
Disturbed Ground: The True Story of a Diabolical Female Serial Killer
. W.

Morrow and Co., New York, 1994 (contains a discussion of the Dorothea Puente case).



Notable British Trial Series. W. Hodge & Comp., London, England, 1927.

Trial of H.R. Armstrong
, ed. by Filson Young.

Trial of Adelaide Bartlett
, ed. by Sir John Hall, 1927.

Trial of George Chapman
, ed. by H. L. Adam, 1930.

Trial of Neill Cream
, ed. by W. Teignmouth Shore, 1923.

Trial of H.H. Crippen
, ed. by Filson Young, 1920.

Trial of Harold Greenwood
, ed. by Winifred Duke, 1930.

Trial of Dr. Lamson
, ed. by H. L. Adam, 1913.

Trial of Mrs. Maybrick
, ed by H. B. Irving, 1912.

Trial of William Palmer
, ed. by G. H. Knott, 1912.

Trial of Dr. Pritchard
, ed. by Wm. Roughead, 1906.

Trial of the Seddons
, ed. by Filson Young, 1914.

Trial of Madelaine Smith
, ed. by A. Duncon Smith, 1905.

Trial of Madelaine Smith
, ed. by F. Tennyson Jesse, 1927.

Ober WB: Did Socrates die of hemlock poisoning?
New York State J Med
1977;77(2): 254–258.

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