Criminal Poisoning: Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys (31 page)

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Odell R:
Exhumation of a Murder: The Life and Trial of Major Armstrong
. Harrap, London, 1975.

Odell R:
Exhumation of a Murder: The Crimes, Trial and Execution of a Perfect English Gentleman
. Proteus, London, 1978 (contains a discussion of the case of Major Herbert Rowse Armstrong).

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Landmarks in 20th Century Murder
. Headline Book Pub., London, 1995.

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Women Bluebeards
. Stanley Paul & Co., London, 1928.

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. Warner Books, New York, 1993 (contains a discussion of the Stella Nickell case).

Osius TG: The historic art of poisoning.
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Pachter HM:
Magic into Science: The Story of Paracelsus
. Henry Schuman, New York, 1951.

Paddock FK, Loomis CC, Perkons AK: An inquest on the death of Charles Francis Hall.


Palmer H: Dr. Adams’ trial for murder.
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Lady Poisoners
. Bluecoat Press, Liverpool, 2001 (contains discussions of the following cases: Florence Maybrick, Dorothea Waddingham, Mary Ann Cotton, Louisa Merrifield, Christina Gilmour, Ethel Major, Christina Edmonds, Charlotte Bryant, Adelaide Bartlett, Mary Elizabeth Wilson, Catherine Flannagan, and Margaret Higgins).

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The Overbury Mystery
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. Churchill, London, 1927.

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. Canada Law Book, Toronto, 1931.


Criminal Poisoning

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The Molineux Affair
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. Gallimard, Paris, 1957 (in French).

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Harold Shipman: Mind Set on Murder
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. A. Michel, Paris, ca. 1977 (in French).

Phelps MW:
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. Pinnacle Books, New York, 2003 (contains a discussion of the Kristen Gilbert case).

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Plaidy J:
A Triptych of Poisoners
. Robert Hale, England, 1958 (reprinted by Barnes & Noble, 1994) (contains discussions on Cesare Borgia, La Marquise de Brinvilliers, and Dr. Edward Pritchard).

Anon: Poison at the priory.
Sunday Times Magazine
, London, October 20, 1968, pp. 26–41.

Anon: Poisons and poisoners: old and new.

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Quinn MC:
Doctor Crippen
. Duckworth, London, 1935.

Rabson SM: Doctors delinquent II—the trials of two physicians charged with murder.

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Ramet H, Voivenel P:
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[The Madonna of Arsenic, the Lafarge Affair]. Librairie des Champs-Elysees, Paris, 1936.

Ratzan RM, Ferngren CB: A Greek progymnasma on the physician-poisoner.
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Raymond E:
We, the Accused: A Novel
. Frederick A. Stokes, New York, 1935 (a novel based on the Crippen case).

Raymond E:
A Chorus Ending
. Cassell, London, 1951 (a fictional work based on the Crippen case).

Read S:
On the House: The Bizarre Killing of Michael Malloy
. Berkeley Books, New York, NY, 2005.

Real-Life Crimes . . . and How They Were Solved
, a magazine series by Eaglemoss Publications, London, 1993.



The Teacup Poisoner:
Graham Young case.

A Dose of Poison:
on poisoning investigation.

The Poisonous Major:
Herbert Armstrong case.

Poison Pellet Murder:
Georgi Markov murder.

Nurse Nancy’s Deadly Medicine:
Dorothea Waddingham case.

The Paraquat Poisoner:
Susan Barber case.

The Poisoned Wine:
Harold Greenwood case.

A Poisonous Affair:
Marcus Marymont case.

A Victorian Murder:
Adelaide Bartlett case.

The Deadly DIY Man:
Cranog James case.

Deadly Love Drug:
Arthur Ford case.

Death by Prescription
- Paul Vickers case

The Balham Mystery:
Florence Bravo case.

An Overdose of Arsenic:
Florence Maybrick case.

Reinach T:
Mithridate Eupator—Roi de Pont
. Firmin-Didot, Paris, 1890 (in French).

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Report of the Trial and Conviction of John Earls
. Wm. F. Packer & A. Cummings, Williamsport, PA, 1836.

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. T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1857.

Reston J:
Our Father Who Art in Hell
. Times Books, New York, 1981 (contains a discussion of Rev. Jim Jones).

Reubold W: Poisonings since antiquity. Frederich Bl.
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Robert M: Les Empoisonnements criminels au XVIe siecle [Criminal Poisoning in 16th Century]. Storck, These Med, Lyon, France, 1903 (in French).

Rosen G: Arrow poisons.
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Malice Domestic
. Green & Son, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1928 (contains a discussion of the case of Dr. Pritchard and others).

Roughead W:
Classic Crimes
. Cassell & Co., London, 1951.

Rowland J:
Poisoner in the Dock—Twelve Studies in Poisoning
. Arco Publications, London, 1960 (contains discussions about the following poisoners: Lamson, Pritchard, Charlotte Bryant, Arthur Ford, Adelaide Bartlett, Crippen, Kenneth Barlow, Nurse Waddingham, Mrs. Merrifield, Ethel Major, Louisa Taylor, and Palmer).

Rowland J:
Murder Revisited: A Study of Two Poisoning Cases
. Longwood, England, 1961. (studies of the Major Armstrong and Harold Greenwood cases).

Rubinstein N:
Lucrezia Borgia
. Instituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome, 1971 (in Italian).

Rule A:
Last Dance, Last Chance: and Other True Cases.
Pocket Books, New York, 2003 (contains a discussion of the Dr. Anthony Pignataro case).

Ryan B, Havers M:
The Poisoned Life of Mrs. Maybrick
. Penguin, England, 1989.

Sabatini R:
The Life of Cesare Borgia
. Brentano’s, New York, 1923.


Criminal Poisoning

Sakula A: “Amadeus” was Mozart poisoned?
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Salzman MS, Haroz R, Bartrand TA, et al: The Tokyo subway Sarin attack revisited.
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Sardou V: L’Affaire des poisons.
L’Illustration Theatrale
, no. 84, March 14, 1908.

Sauke K:
Death of Halloween
. Cork Hill Press, Indianapolis, IN, 2003 (contains a discussion of the Ronald Clark O’Bryan case).

Saunders E:
The Mystery of Mary LaFarge
. Pagnerre, Paris, 1840.

Saunders E:
The Mystery of Marie LaFarge
. Clerke & Cockeran, London, 1951.

Schecter H:
Depraved: Herman Mudgett, America’s First Serial Killer (1886)
. Pocket Books, New York, 1994.

Schecter H:
Fatal: The Poisonous Life of a Female Serial Killer
. Pocket Star Books, New York, 2003 (contains a discussion of the Jane Toppin case).

Schirokauer A:
Lucretia Borgia,
Griffin G, trans. Jarrolds, London, 1937.

Schutze J:
Preacher’s Girl: The Life and Crimes of Blanche Taylor Moore
. William Morrow & Co., New York, 1993.

Scott H, ed.:
The Concise Encyclopedia of Crime and Criminals

Seth R:
Petiot: Victim of Chance
. Hutchinson, London, 1963.

Shearing J:
The Lady and the Arsenic: The Life & Death of a Romantic Marie Cappelle, Madame LaFarge
. William Heinemann, London, England, 1937.

Sheeran G:
The Bradford Poisoning of 1858
. Rayburn Publishing, Halifax, Canada, 1992.

Shew ES:
A Companion to Murder
. Alfred Knopf, New York, 1961.

Shew ES:
A Second Companion to Murder
. Alfred Knopf, New York, 1962.

Smith A:
The Marchioness of Brinvilliers: The Poisoner of the Seventeenth Century. A Romance of Old Paris
. Richard Bentley & Son, London, 1886.

Smith EH:
Famous Poison Mysteries
. Dial Press, New York, 1927 (published in England as
Famous American Poison Mysteries
, Hurst & Blackett, 1926) (contains discussions about the following poisoners and cases: Cordellia Botkin, Carlyle Harris, Dr.

Buchanan, Molineux, Dr. Bowers, Mrs. Maybrick, Otto Hoch, Herman Billik, Dr.

Crippen, the Wilson Case, Dr. Hyde, Mrs. Schenck, the Twigg-Elosser Case, MacFarland, Louise Vermilya, Annie Monahan, Mrs. Archer-Gilligan, Clarence Richeson, Frederick, Mors, Waite, and Will Orpet).

Smith S: Poisons and poisoners through the ages.
MedicoLeg J

Somerset A:
Unnatural Murder—Poison at the Court of James I
. Weidenfeld & Nicholson, London, 1997 (contains a discussion of the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury).

Somerville A: Early history of poisons and poisoners, In:
Mysterious Crimes
. Mittal Publications, New Delhi, India, 1986.

Sparrow G:
Women Who Murder: Crimes & the Feminine Logic Behind Them
. New York, 1970.

Sparrow JG:
Vintage Victorian and Edwardian Murder
. Victorian Book Club, London, 1972 (contains discussions about the following poisoners: Maybrick, Palmer, the Seddons, and Crippen).



St. Aubyn G:
Infamous Victorians—Palmer and Lamson—Two Notorious Poisoners

Constable & Co., London, 1971.

Stevenson LG:
The Meaning of Poison
. Logan Clendening Lectures on the History and Philosophy of Medicine, University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, 1959.

Stewart JB: Annals of crime—professional courtesy.
The New Yorker
, November 24, 1997, pp. 90–105 (contains a discussion of the Michael Swango case).

Stewart JB:
Blind Eye: How the Medical Establishment Let a Doctor Get Away with Murder
. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1999 (contains a discussion of the Michael Swango case).

Stokes H:
Madame de Brinvilliers and Her Times, 1630–1676

Stories of Great Crimes & Trials—from American Heritage Magazine
, Jensen O, ed.

American Heritage Publishing, New York, 1973.

Stowe W:
A Toxicological Chart
, 8th ed. S. Highley, London, 1936 (varnished and mounted on cloth, with a roller).

Swinburne AC:
Lucretia Borgia
. Golden Cockerel Press, London, 1942.

Symons J:
A Pictorial History of Crime
. Crown Publishers, New York, 1966.

Symons J:
Sweet Adelaide: A Victorian Puzzle Solved,
Collins, London, 1980 (contains a discussion of the Adelaide Bartlett case).

Tavernier R:
Alors rodait dan l’ombre le docteur Petiot
. Presses de la Cite, Paris, 1974

(in French).

Thompson CJS:
Poison Romance and Poison Mysteries
. Scientific Press, London, 1899.

Thompson CJS:
Poison Mysteries in History, Romance, and Crime
. J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1924.

Thompson CJS:
Poisons and Poisoners—With Some Historical Accounts of Some Famous Mysteries in Ancient and Modern Times
. Harold Shaylor, London, 1931 (reprinted by Barnes & Noble, New York, 1993).

Thompson CJS:
Poisons and Poisoning with Historical Aspects of Some Famous Mysteries.
H. Stysen, London, 1931.

Thompson CJS:
Poison Mysteries Unsolved—“By Person or Persons Unknown”

Hutchinson & Co., London, 1937.

Thompson CJS:
Magic and Healing—The History and Folklore of Magical Healing Practices from Herb-Lore and Incantations to Rings and Precious Stones
. Bell Publishing, New York, 1989 (reprint of the 1942 edition).

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