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National Planning Association Planning Pamphlets Nos. 30–31,
UNRRA: Gateway to Recovery
, February 1944, p. 9.

Harry L. Coles and Albert K. Weinberg,
Civil Affairs: Soldiers Become Governors
. United States Army in World War II: Special Studies (Washington, DC, 1964), pp. 52–54.

NA RG 59 T1250/20, “For Norman Davis from Bullitt,” 22 January 1942.

Gross and Gross,
War Through Children’s Eyes
, pp. xxiv–xxvi, 241–42.

NA RG 331/3136/579–98, OSS “Egypt—Yugoslavia—Internal Conditions at Yugoslav Evacuees Camp at Suez (MERRA),” 26 February 1944.

UNA PAG 4/4.1/9, “Excerpts from Miss Margaret Arnstein’s Letter of May 19, 1944.”

UNRRA, European Regional Office, DP Division No. 4,
People Displaced: UNRRA Part in Their Repatriation
, 2nd ed., rev., December 1944, p. 58.

Coles and Weinberg,
Civil Affairs
, pp. 306–16.

Ibid., p. 329, penciled memo, Seguin, CAO, San Salvo, Chieti Province, 12 December 1943.

NA RG 331/3113, AMG 15th Army Group to Hume, AMG/66/86, 25 November 1943.

NA RG 331/3113 4673, William H. Stoneman to Colonel Warren, 21 December 1943.

NA RG 331/3113, AMG CAO Northern Division to SCAO, HQ, Naples, 12 December 1943.

NA RG 331/3113, Civilian War Relief, Field Report for 10–31 December, Silber and Boie, ARC, 5 January 1944.

NA RG 331/3313, E. A. Turner, “Sanitary Report on Refugees Camps at Piccolo Cottolengo and Piazetta Forcella,” 27 February 1944.

NA RG 331/3113/4243,
Stars and Stripes
,4 March 1944.

NA RG 331/3113 4644–46, “Refugee Operations—Western Italy,” 10 March 1944.

NA RG 331/3113 4475–74, “Report by Captain Outred Namo and Medical Staff of No. I Refugee Center,” March? 1944.

Coles and Weinberg,
Civil Affairs
, p. 332.

Iris Origo,
War in Val d’Orcia: A Diary
(London, 1984), pp. 28–29.

Ibid., pp. 217–21.

Coles and Weinberg,
Civil Affairs
, Chapter 22.

NA RG 331/53/2749/1, E. G. de Pury, “Recce Report on Bayeux,” 4 July 1944.

NA RG 331/52, Daily Report, W. C. Henderson, Det. A1A1, 16 July 1944.

NA RG 331/53/2748/8 G-5, DP Branch, Schottland, “Trip to Normandy,” 12 August 1944, p. 3.

NA RG 331/52, 1st ECAR Regiment, Detachment A1A1, “Report on Cherbourg, 27 June—11 August 1944,” 16 August 1944.

NA RG 331/54/2821/2, ARC, “Report of Operations as of October 31, 1944.”

William Shirer,
End of a Berlin Diary
(New York, 1947), p. 16.

NA RG 331/53, Detachment B1D1, Bradshaw Report, 18 September 1944.

NA RG 331/53/2748/9, P. Wood, “Report on Visit to DP Assembly Center Chalons sur Marne,” 10 December 1944.

See, on this subject, de Jong,
Het Koninkrijk
, Vol. 10b, Part 1, pp. 160–279; Vrijenhoek,
Oorlogskinderen in Nederland
, Chapter 4.

General State Printing Office, The Hague,
Malnutrition and Starvation in Western Netherlands, September 1944-July 1945
(The Hague, 1948).

Diary of M. Klee-Ripson, cited in de Jong,
Het Koninkrijk
, Vol. 10b, Part 1, p. 206.

NIOD CNO 188F/126, Binnenl. Zaken Gem. Utrecht, Nov 1941/Mei 1945, passim.

De Jong,
Het Koninkrijk
, Vol. 10b, Part 1, p. 256.

Oorlogskinderen in Nederland
, p. 96.

General State Printing Office, The Hague,
Malnutrition and Starvation in Western Netherlands
, pp. 45–46.

Coles and Weinberg,
Civil Affairs
, pp. 830–32, passim; General State Printing Office, The Hague,
Malnutrition and Starvation in Western Netherlands
, p. 44.

Oorlogskinderen in Nederland
, p. 101.

Russia at War
, p. 897.

Ibid., pp. 892–93.

Ibid., p. 898.

Elena Putilina, pp. 43–51, in Projektgruppe Belarus im Jugendclub Courage Koln e. V.,
“Dann kam die deutsche Macht
Weissrussische Kinderhäftlinge in deutschen Konzentrationslagern, 1941–1945. Eine Dokumentation
(Cologne, 1999).

Piper and Swiebocka,
, pp. 281–86, 139.

UNA PAG 4/4.2/81, UNRRA History of Child Welfare, Cornelia D. Heise, ed., 1 February 1948, Exhibit 7, Fortner to Camp Leaders, 21 April 1945.

See, for example, Speer,
Inside the Third Reich
, Chapter 30.

UNA PAG 4/4.2:24 S-0524–008, UNRRA Historian Subject File 1944–1947, Austria, Child Welfare in DP Program, No. 20, enclosure 5, W. van Dop, “Searching for Unaccompanied Non-Austrian Children in Upper Austria,” 22 November 1946.

“Lebensborn e.V.,”
pp. 235–36.

Hillel and Henry,
Of Pure Blood
, pp. 207–8.

“Deutsche Mutter,”
p. 206.

Hillel and Henry,
Of Pure Blood
, pp. 210–13.

UNA PAG 4/4.2:24 S-0–524–0048, Austria Child Welfare enclosure 7, Miller to Starov, 23 January 1947.

UNRRA Handbook,
People Displaced
, DP Division No. 4, 2nd ed., December 1944, p. 3 and passim.

Coles and Weinberg,
Civil Affairs
, p. 858.

Ibid., Stearns, G5 ETOUSA, report, 30 June 1945, pp. 858–59.

NA RG 331/57/2912/1 SHAEF G5/DP, Report No. 30, 30 April 1945.

Dwight D. Eisenhower,
Crusade in Europe
(New York, 1948), p. 409.

Margaret Bourke-White,
“Dear Fatherland Rest Quietly”: A Report on the Collapse of Hitler’s “Thousand Years”
(New York, 1946), p. 76.

Albert Speer
, p. 515.

“Dear Fatherland Rest Quietly,”
p. 79.

Earl F. Ziemke,
The U.S. Army in the Occupation of Germany, 1944–1946
, Army Historical Series (Washington, DC, 1975), p. 245.

David Eisenhower,
Eisenhower at War, 1943–1945
(New York, 1987), p. 765.

Ibid., p. 766.

Muriel Knox Doherty,
Letters from Belsen, 1945: An Australian Nurse’s Experiences with the Survivors of War
(Sydney, 2000), p. 169.

Ibid., pp. 42, 169.

Ibid., pp. 43, 36–37.

Ibid., pp. 72–73.

NA RG 331/54 2821/2 50 174, ARC-CRW reports, 7 June 1945.

Papers of Richard S. Winslow, Winslow letters, 11 and 15 June 1945.

All descriptions of Wildflecken are taken from Kathryn Hulme’s extraordinary book
The Wild Place
(Boston, 1953).

Ibid., p. 15.

The U.S. Army in the Occupation of Germany
, p. 358.

The Wild Place
, pp. 60–66.

NA RG 331/54/2814 contains numerous documents on these transfers, especially from Buchenwald.

UNA PAG 4/4.2/81, UNRRA History of Child Welfare, pp. 3, 86.

UNRRA History of Child Welfare, Exhibit 31, Rachel Greene, “Report on Aglasterhausen Children’s Center,” 5 May 1947.

The full text of Harrison’s preliminary report was published in the
New York Times
on 30 September 1945.

UNA PAG 4/4.1/8, Eisenhower to President, 8 October 1945.

NA RG 200/10, Clay Papers, NX-55599 USFET Main 20/11, McCloy to Acheson, Eisenhower et al., 10 October 1945.

UNA PAG 4/4.1/8, Sir George Reid, “Report on an Enquiry into the Provisions Made for Displaced Persons in Germany,” 24 May 1945.

See, for example, David McCullough,
(New York, 1992), pp. 595–620.

UNA PAG 4/4.2/81, UNRRA History of Child Welfare, p. 82.

Ibid., passim.

Joseph B. Schechtman, “Resettlement of Transferred Volksdeutsche in Germany,”
Journal of Central European Affairs
, 7:3 (October 1947), pp. 262–63.

McNarney to WARCOS, 25 December 1945, cited in Ziemke,
The U.S. Army in the Occupation of Germany
, p. 418.

On this subject, see Nicholas Bethell,
The Last Secret
(New York, 1974).

PRO FO 1013/2109 51593, Russian Repatriation, 53/DP/100 (3), Hilden, 6 March 1946.

Winslow Papers. Memo, Samuel Margoshes to Gerald Keith, “The Jews in Poland,” 12 February 1946.

Winslow Papers, War Department Press Release, 6 April 1946, Report by Judge Simon H. Rifkind.

UNA S-0437–0016/2, UNRRA Germany Mission, Subject files of the Department of Field Operations in the U.S. Zone, “DP Children—Movement of Children to England,” 11/1/45–11/30/46, Rhatigan memo, 8/26/45.

UNA S-0524–0106, UNRRA—Historian Subject Files, 1944–1947; PAG-4/4.2/82, Dorothy Pearse, “Historical Documentation of Child Welfare Services in British Zone, German Operations,” DP BR No. 21, undated.

Winslow Papers, UNRRA memo to G. K. Richman, “Meeting with Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Bavaria,” E. M. Davidson, 10 November 1945.


UNA S-0437–0015 No. 11, Rifkind to Guyler, 14 November 1945.

UNA S-0437–0016/1, Guyler to Rifkind, 7 November 1945.

UNA S-0437–0015 No. 11, Rifkind to Guyler, 14 November 1945.

UNA S-0437–0016/1, Schottland to Director UNRRA, U.S. Zone.

Winslow Papers, Davidson to Winslow, 16 December 1945.

Winslow Papers, Cable USFET MAIN 091445 A, Ref No. S-34347, 9 December 1945.

UNA S-0437–0013, Subject files, Field Operation in the U.S. Zone. DP—Children Center—Strüth. Jewish Area Team 1041, Ansbach. “Operation of the Project,” January 1946.

UNRRA History of Child Welfare, Exhibit 25, “Rosenheim Children’s Transient Center,” UNRRA Area Team 1069.

See Kurek,
Your Life Is Worth Mine
, Appendix 5; Sliwowska,
The Last Eyewitnesses
, which contains more than sixty histories of Jewish children who remained in Poland.

The Last Eyewitnesses
, pp. 51–52.

Winslow Papers, letters from E. Davidson, H. Matouskova, 6 and 7 January 1946.

UNA S-0437–0015/15, UNRRA Germany Mission, Field Ops—U.S. Zone, 1945–48, DPs—Children—Jewish Infiltree Children, 22/2/46–22/5/47, 29 November 1946, “Report on Illegal Movement of Jewish Children from Rosenheim to Lindenfels” and “Segregation of Jewish Unaccompanied Children in Accordance with Their Political Affiliation,” 5 November 1946.

“Report on Illegal Movement of Jewish Children from Rosenheim to Lindenfels.”

UNRRA History of Child Welfare, Exhibit 25, pp. 6–7, 8, 10.

UNA S-0437–0015/6, UNRRA Germany Mission, Field Ops—U.S. Zone, 1945–8, DPs—Children, Ruth Cohen to Child Care Committee, Jewish Children, 22 February 1947, and UNA S-0437–0015/7, “Minutes of Jewish Child Care Committee Meeting,” 13 March 1947.

UNA S-0437–0015 Field Ops—U.S. Zone, DPs—Children—Children’s Centers—Strüth Jewish Area Team 1041 Ansbach, “Operation of the Project,” p. 58.

UNRRA History of Child Welfare, Exhibit 37, L. Pinsky and M. J. Matthews, “Children’s Transport to Palestine,” 25 April 1946.

UNA S-0437–0015/11, DPs—Children—Jewish Children—Infiltrees, 11/4/46–2/10/47, “Draft Report on Infiltree Children,” C. D. Heise, undated.

Winslow Papers, Dorothy Johnson to Winslow, 4 August 1946.

There are many accounts of this incident. See, for example, Douglas Botting,
The Aftermath: Europe
(New York, 1983), pp. 100–111.

Marc Wyman,
DP: Europe’s Displaced Persons, 1945–1951
(Philadelphia, 1989), p. 192.

PRO FO 1013/2108 51583, Review of PW and DP work up to December 1947, 11 June 1948.

UNA S-0437–0016/9, UNRRA Germany Mission, Field Ops—U.S. Zone, DPs Children—Nationality Policy—General, 2/12/46–1/28/47, “Formula of the Boy Scouts Detachment,” March 1946.

UNA S-0437–0016/9, UNRRA Germany Mission, Field Ops—U.S. Zone, DPs Children—Nationality Policy—General, 2/12/46–1/28/47, “Disappearance of 74 Polish Children from Children’s Centre in Regendorf,” L. Pinsky, undated.

UNA S-0437–0013, UNRRA Germany Mission, Field Ops—U.S. Zone, DPs—Children—Child Search and Tracing, 2/1/46–6/30/47, “Monthly Report—Child Welfare U.S. Zone—February 1946,” Heise.

UNRRA History of Child Welfare, Exhibit 33, S-0437–0017/14, DP—Plans for Unaccompanied Children, 11/1/45–12/28/45, Morgan to Heise, 18 December 1945; UNA S-0524–0048 PAG-4/4.2: 24, UNRRA Historian Subject Files, 1944–1947, Austria Child Welfare, DP Program. No. 20, report by Anita Brownlee; Winslow Papers, Davidson to Winslow, 21 December 1945.

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