Cunningham, Pat - Legacy [Sequel to Belonging] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (21 page)

BOOK: Cunningham, Pat - Legacy [Sequel to Belonging] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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If only people really could die of embarrassment or sink through the floor or something. Colleen prayed for such a swift escape. The universal forces chose to ignore her. Thanks for nothing, universal forces.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” she croaked and tugged clumsily at the door.

This time when Wallace moved, he didn’t blur. He approached at human speed. She could have fled downstairs. She could have ducked into the bathroom. Colleen did neither. Wallace’s hand closed over hers on the knob. Her stare met steamy jungle eyes smoldering with arousal.

“You’re not going anywhere,” he said.

“I can’t,” she said. They’d looked so right together. How could she even think to intrude on that?

“Sure you can.” That was Jeremy, appearing at her side as quickly and silently as a vampire himself. His big hand carded through her hair. “Join us.”

Neither tried to restrain her. The stairs were right at her back. She could still pull away and bolt down them to safety. Wallace’s eyes, Jeremy’s touch, and her own insistent desires held her in place.

She couldn’t deny it. After her various shocks tonight, she ached for the ultimate human comfort. Or inhuman, she thought, staring at Wallace. She let her hand fall away from the knob and took the single step that admitted her into their bedroom, and their lives.

Jeremy shut the door. The gentle click triggered a host of uncertainties. Jeremy she trusted completely. Wallace was a whole other animal. Maybe literally. Her stare went automatically to his mouth and the fangs currently concealed behind those plump, enticing lips. How often did his lovemaking end in bloodshed?

No bitey
whispered across her thoughts, with a rumble of vampire laughter. “I don’t eat and fuck at the same time,” Wallace assured her aloud. “Your neck is safe tonight. The rest of you, I can’t make any promises.”

“I can.” Jeremy kissed her cheek beside her ear. “If you get uncomfortable, or scared, just say so, and we’ll stop.”

“Speak for yourself,” Wallace growled. “I don’t stop for anything.”

She temporized by glancing at the bed. “Is there room?”

“Hey, if it gets crowded, we’ll just kick Mr. Sprawly out.”

“Kiss my ass,” Jeremy said. “But first, I want to see you kiss Colleen.”

“You pervy bastard,” Wallace said, but he didn’t hesitate to obey.

Colleen opened her mouth to his bold, probing tongue and the teasing scrape of his fangs. He tasted of coffee, roast beef, and Jeremy. If any hint of blood lingered, she couldn’t find it.

Two pairs of arms encircled her. Two hard male bodies captured her between them. Wallace’s teeth played with the thin stretch of skin over her jugular. Jeremy’s breath stirred the hair at the nape of her neck. His heartbeat thudded in her ears. A second—it had to be Wallace’s—pounded beneath it, one sporadic thump at a time.

Wallace’s mouth left her neck for her cheek, then her ear. His hands toyed with her breasts through the thin fabric of her dress. Jeremy eased the zipper down its entire length and devoted his fingers and mouth to the exposed skin of her back, setting her on fire. Her hands kneaded first the back of one and then the ass of the other, unable to settle on a single target.

Jeremy lifted his lips from her shoulder. “Undress her,” he ordered Wallace.

“Hey, ease off. I know what I’m doing. I’ve been with a woman before. It’s just been a while. A really, really, really long while.” Wallace tweaked her cotton-shielded nipple. “This is—wait, it’ll come to me—a tit. Right?”

Colleen giggled into his neck. She knew he was trying to set her at ease in his sledgehammer way. “Do you need any help?”

“No, I got this.” With more finesse than she’d expected from him, he eased her dress off her shoulders. The garment slid to the floor. Jeremy bent his knees and peeled off her panties. She stepped out of them and her pumps. Meanwhile, Wallace scrutinized her bra and its front clasp.

“Maybe you better deal with that. I’m liable to just rip it off you.”

“That’s what Jeremy does.”

“I do not.” Jeremy’s lips moved against the small of her back.

“You do so,” Wallace said. “I go through a ton of boxers thanks to you. Show some respect for the lady’s undergarments.” He brushed his thumb over the clasp, bringing a shiver from Colleen’s already-tortured nerves. “Would you do the honors?”

Colleen quickly obliged. Like Jeremy, he didn’t seem to mind her lack of spillage. His tongue flicked over his lower lip. “Yeah,” he murmured, “it’s all coming back.”

He applied his lips to the tops of her breasts while Jeremy devoted himself to her thighs, her butt cheeks, and her lower spine. Between the two of them, she quickly lost any hope of resistance. Her heart pounded for them, her skin hummed at their twin touch, and the heated core of her pussy ached to be filled.

When they’d started, she’d figured Jeremy would be the one. He was the man with the living dick. Now, with Wallace in front of her and his huge throbbing cock bumping her belly through his jeans, she wasn’t so sure any more.

At some unspoken signal they switched direction. Wallace kissed his way down her belly while Jeremy kissed his way up her back. Wallace paused with his nose in her bush. “Let’s see if I remember how this works,” he muttered. The next thing she knew, he was tonguing her clit.

Oh God. That tongue. That tongue had a life of its own. Rough as a cat’s, it hit every nerve in her most sensitive spot and found a few new ones to boot. No man, not even Jeremy, had ever brought her to the brink so quickly.

Colleen cried out and would have buckled if not for Jeremy’s solid support at her back. He held her hips and nuzzled her neck while Wallace completed his sweep. Colleen rocked against Wallace’s mouth and dug her hands into his crew cut.

“Still got it.” Wallace licked his lips while Colleen rode out the last delicious shudders of her orgasm. The tongue that had just spun her over the edge teased at her open mouth to share her own taste with her. Her eyelids fluttered shut. Too soon he took it away. She peeked through slitted eyes and saw Wallace kissing Jeremy over her shoulder. “You selfish shit,” Wallace growled when the kiss ended. “Keeping her all to yourself.” He pecked another kiss on Jeremy’s lips, then one on hers, then reached for his belt.

Jeremy stopped him. He removed Wallace’s hand from the buckle and replaced it with Colleen’s. “Let Colleen do it.”

“Aren’t you the bossy bitch.”

“And you’re an impatient jerk. Slow down. I’m sick of wham-bam bat sex. We’re going to make this last.”

“How many of us? I notice you’ve still got your pants on.”

Jeremy rested his chin on Colleen’s shoulder to gaze into Wallace’s eyes. The hungry rumble in his voice made her shiver all over again. “I’ll get my turn.”

“Bossy bitch,” Wallace repeated. He looked Colleen full in the eyes with that unblinking jungle stare. “Any time you’re ready.”

She got his belt undone with fingers that only shook a little. Unbidden and unwanted, her revulsion of vampires threatened to butt in and derail her need. How did one make love to the undead? Obviously, Jeremy had no complaints, but Colleen was used to living men. While she didn’t object to the occasional kink, necrophilia lay way outside her comfort zone.

Her trepidations vanished when his jeans fell away, and his blunt, thick cock bolted up to say howdy. Nothing undead about
. She stared at it, then into Wallace’s eyes. The same rough hunger she’d heard in Jeremy’s voice glittered in their green. Her timid question, and his eager answer, flitted between their minds. Steeling herself, Colleen took his dick in her hand.

Not dead. No way, no how dead. Nor cold and clammy as she’d feared. His penis was as hot as a poker and throbbed in her hand. Its tip wept for joy at her touch. Wallace sucked in a breath he didn’t need and hissed it out again. Jeremy hissed against her neck in concert.

pounded inside her as strong as her heartbeat. Yes to both of them. She didn’t need to say it aloud. It passed between them through their hands and lips and burned in three sets of eyes. Yes. Forever yes.

Afterwards, Colleen was never quite sure just how she wound up on the bed or which of them placed her there. Perhaps she jumped into bed herself. She was fairly sure it was Wallace who maneuvered her onto her back since he was the one on top of her. Her hands explored his warm-as-living skin, memorizing every crease and scar.

The bed creaked and the mattress dipped when Jeremy, now as naked as they, climbed aboard. He alternated his caresses between Colleen and Wallace. She did the same. Her palms compared the curve of shoulders and jut of hips and found both to her liking. Her fingers traced the inked outline of Wallace’s axe tattoo then moved upward to perform a similar scan on Jeremy’s jaunty scarecrow.

Wallace didn’t bother with hands. Typical vampire, he let his mouth do all the work. It travelled along her collarbone before he circled down for a lengthy visit to her nipples with that raspy, sinuous tongue. Her hands roamed from his arms to Jeremy’s face and hair and back down to Wallace again.

Jeremy, meanwhile, rubbed himself against Wallace’s back and ass like an affectionate cat. He reached around his lover to trace his own fingers back and forth over her lips. She drew his index finger into her mouth and sucked on it as she would his cock. He slipped another finger into her mouth, then a third. Colleen shut her eyes and pretended it really was his penis she was slicking up. She picked up his soft laugh as he withdrew his fingers. He didn’t need any vampire telepathy to know what she had on her mind. The way she frantically ground her hips against Wallace’s groin pretty much said it all.

I can’t take it, she thought, and knew Wallace heard her. As she teetered on the brink of begging aloud, Wallace suddenly jerked and swore. Colleen’s eyes snapped open. Wallace half-lifted off her and twisted around to meet Jeremy’s unapologetic grin.

“The hell? I thought you just wanted to watch.”

Jeremy nipped his ear. “C’mon. You know me better than that.”

There. She definitely heard a thump from Wallace’s chest. His voice shook, and not with the annoyance he was trying so hard to project. “Cool your jets, Scarecrow. You’ll get your turn.”

“Damn right I will.” The slicked-up finger he’d teased Wallace’s ass with abruptly plunged in to the knuckle. He must have hit home because Wallace yipped in pure pleasure. His undead heart thumped again. Jeremy winked at Colleen. “You’re ignoring our guest.”

“Oh. Yeah. Right.” He turned back to Colleen. He looked a bit unfocused. Colleen got him back on track with a quick, firm bite to the neck. Jeremy had told her that was the best way to get a vampire’s attention. She dropped her voice to an approximation of his gravelly growl.

“Ready when you are,” she taunted.

Already wet and wanting, she still gasped when he entered her. Introductions weren’t Wallace’s style. He slid right in and made himself at home. Perched behind him, so did Jeremy. The two of them began to move in tandem, Wallace within her, Jeremy within Wallace. Wallace levered himself on his elbows, his vampire strength supporting their combined weight. Colleen spread her legs wider and lifted them to wrap around Wallace’s hips and Jeremy’s thighs.

It was Jeremy who set the pace, Jeremy who controlled Wallace’s performance like a benevolent puppet master. His every thrust into Wallace became a thrust inside Colleen. It was like she had them both inside her at once. The notion sent her reeling to dizzying heights she’d never experienced before.

He wasn’t icy, or scary, or any kind of a monster. He was Wallace, rough-edged, smart-assed, and totally, obsessively devoted to those he loved. She felt it blasting off his thoughts like the heat of his desire. Her own swept up to engulf her as well as both the men, and she thrust at him and Jeremy through their connection greedily.

“Oh, Christ,” Wallace groaned. “I’m gonna—”

“Don’t you dare,” Jeremy snarled. “Don’t you dare come. Not until she’s ready.”

BOOK: Cunningham, Pat - Legacy [Sequel to Belonging] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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