Cursed Ecstasy (Cursed Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Cursed Ecstasy (Cursed Series)
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I shake my head and turn toward the new receptionist, Ashley. With her bright pink hair piled on top of her head and hazel eyes staring back at me, she smiles and lets out a loud laugh.

“You two are something else, you know that, right?”

“Yeah, we’re somethin’ alright. This place wouldn’t be Cursed Magic if we were normal...right?” I reply with a cocky smirk.

She looks up at me with a look of confusion and then smiles again.

“Just tell Linc to come out when he’s done. Oh, and let Steve and Cliff know we won’t be coming back. We need to get some stuff ready for when Jo gets home.”

“Will do,” she replies before answering the phone.

This chick has only been here covering for Etty and Jo for two weeks and already she’s getting used to The Linc and Dault Show we put on every day.

With a wave of my hand I walk out of the shop and onto the sidewalk. Pulling a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket, I lean up against the old building and light up a smoke.

The past two weeks have flown by so fast that it all feels like a dream speeding through in fast motion. The house is finally back to normal, Etty has decided to stay in Birmingham, Linc is out and trying to return to his normal life, and Jo should be released from the hospital any day now.

Things seem to be going good for everyone else, but it’s me that has the trouble dealing with everything that has happened. I’ve learned that life is worth so much more than I ever thought. I’ve taken too much for granted, and in a short time I’ve realized that life is too important to disregard those that mean the most to me.

I wish I could say that I have no regrets in life, but now, as I take a step back and reevaluate the way in which I’ve lived…there’s a lot of shit that I wish I

I’m trying to be a better man and let the monster I once was go away. I can still be a complete asshole to most and think that I’m the best at everything I do, but there’s an appreciation for my friends that I’d never taken into account before this huge mess hit us.

For the past two weeks, I couldn’t ignore the guilt and regret I’ve been feeling. Since Linc was released from the hospital, all I’ve done is stick to his side. Morning, noon, and night I keep him in my sight. He may think I’m a pain in his ass, but it’s for his own good. I’m determined to show him that I won’t let anything like this happen again.

Every appointment he’s scheduled, I’m there. I take him to his therapy sessions—watching as the physical therapist works to regain his range of motion and use of his hand. The gunshot wound did a real number on him, and with the nerve damage he suffered, Linc has been having a hard time keeping up with all the strength exercises.

I know he’s frustrated and wants to get back to the ink gun, but he’s a long way off from returning to work.

Steve, Cliff, and I have been doing the best we can to keep things in motion with the clients, but it’s not the same without Linc in his chair. He insists on coming in and working on the books while we’re there, but I can see the look on his face every time one of his regulars comes in. He wants to work, yet he can’t.

Our worlds were turned upside down that night and there’s been a lot to move past. I’ve given up blaming Etty for all of this, and once the police were able to determine why Rick was there, I felt kinda bad for putting all of the heat on her.

If only I could get up the nerve to say I’m sorry and find a way to get back to where we were before all of this happened.

How the hell was I supposed to know that Michael was related to Rick or that Michael had a hidden stash of drugs and money in the fucking wall?

Once everything was all uncovered, we
were in shock with the way things went down.

Michael had more of a problem than Linc and I thought. Shit, if I had known what was hiding in our walls, I would’ve done something about it a lot sooner.

Now he’s sitting in a cell, right where he belongs. With all the charges put against him, and the death of Rick weighing on his shoulders, he’ll be locked up long enough.

Closure at its finest.

We have the answers to the questions we needed, so now it’s time to heal, regroup, and move on.

Etty and I haven’t spoken much since that night in the ER. In fact, I haven’t paid her much attention since she has a new shoe up her ass, one who doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.

Every time I turn around that fucker is there….doesn’t he have a life of his own?

I’m getting a little pissed with how Linc says it bothers me. I say that he’s full of shit and needs to mind his own damn business.

I don’t see a problem with Etty or her new friend; there’s enough shit in my own life to worry about…I don’t need hers. Hell, with everything going on between Linc, Jo, and Cursed Magic, I haven’t even had the time to bang a chick since that night at Jasmine and Sandra’s place.

No matter how much I needed those two women, I know now that I can’t act like that again. It’s been eating at me every day and night since.

No regrets, my ass.

I want to be able to cope with my life like any other man. I shouldn’t need to stick my dick in a pussy to help me forget the pain of my past. So, to torture myself even more, I’m refraining from any sexual contact until I can get my shit together.

It’s driving me insane, but it has to be done.


Looking down at the burnt butt between my fingers, I realize the cigarette I lit never even made it to my lips. With a flick of my finger, I toss the empty filter out into the street and light up another butt.

The door swings open to my right and Linc walks onto the sidewalk.

“Let’s go, man, you’re gonna make me late,” he says, clapping me on the shoulder.

“Yeah yeah, if we would have left when I called for you the
time there wouldn’t be an issue with us being late.”

He turns his body toward mine and gives me a left hook to the chest.

“What the fuck was that for?” I shout at him.

“Nothing, man,” he says, moving toward my car. “Just get in and let’s go.”

Flipping him the finger, I step down off the sidewalk and head to my car.

For the past forty-five minutes, I’ve stood here waiting while Linc paces Jo’s apartment.

“I think we’re all set; just about everything Jo will need is at our place.”

“Shut up, Dault, I need to make sure.”

He’s like a fucking nut searching around for a needle in a haystack. Looking throughout Jo’s empty apartment, I can’t image what the hell Linc is trying to find…it’s empty.

“Dude, there’s nothing left.”

“I can see that, asshole, I’m just making sure before we hand in her keys.”

Propping myself up against the wall, I cross my arms while watching him shift through the drawers in the kitchen.

“Ya know, I still can’t believe she’s letting you do all of this without her being here. The Jo I know would be putting up a fight for her independence.”

“She doesn’t have much of a choice now, does she? I told her I was going to take care of her when she got out of the hospital and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

“Linc, I don’t think that meant moving her out of her apartment and into the house.”

He stops walking around the kitchen and comes out to the living space, turning to stare at me.

“You don’t think she’ll be mad, do you?” he asks, his eyes bugging out in panic.

I start to laugh so hard that I have to grab on to the wall to support myself from toppling over.

“What the fuck is so funny?” he asks, glaring at me.

“Your face is priceless.
Of course
she’s going to be pissed at you. Well, at least for a few minutes and then she’ll get over it. You guys make me fucking sick with all your happy shit, but I’m glad the two of you figured your shit out.”

“Thanks, I guess. You know, if you changed your shitty-ass male whore ways, you might be able to find a chick or….”

“Don’t even say it, Linc. Can we go now? I have some shit I have to take care of when I get home.”

“Yeah?” he asks with a raised brow.

“Yeah, so get whatever shit you need and let’s go.”

I watch as Linc takes one final look around the apartment and then leads us out to the car.

Knowing all too well what he was about to say, I had to stop him. He thinks he knows me and what’s best for me, but trying to push Etty and me together is a bad idea…a
bad idea.

At least that’s what I’ll continue to tell myself so that she can move on.

The girl gets under my skin and not in a good way.

Every time I’m near her I can feel my blood begin to boil, especially when that clown is attached to her hip. He’s always around—it’s kind of annoying. I’m not sure what the hell is going on between the two of them, but I doubt he has a chance with her. She’s way too good for him; at least
think she is.

I know Linc wants to see me happy, and I get that…I appreciate him trying to help me as much as I’m helping him, but he needs to focus on himself and Jo.

Things are going good for them and I couldn’t be happier for my two best friends.

I guess it really does take a life or death situation to wake someone up and realize what they really have…before it’s really gone.



Chapter 14

The sun is just about to set along the horizon as Christian drives me home from our night of dinner and a movie.

With the car window down, the wind blowing freely through my hair, I stare into the dimly lit sky.

My mind wanders, as it has for the past two weeks. I can’t seem to concentrate. Things are still a vivid blur and the choices I’ve made fight my subconscious every day.

Do I stay or do I go? Should I plant my feet or should I run?

The choices are something that weigh on me day and night. I’ve put the Cursed crew through a lot. It took me
to realize what had happened with Rick wasn’t really my fault at all…just a horrid coincidence.

Now he’s dead and his cousin Michael is behind bars…both exactly where they belong. The fears and nightmares of Rick finding me can finally be put to rest; I’m free of him and safe to know that he can never hurt me again. My life should be able to go back to normal, if I’d just let it.

I’ve decided to stay in Birmingham, although it was a difficult decision. I didn’t know what my next move would be if I were to leave, but after debating things with Linc, I realized that being here is the only place for me to continue my life. His strength and drive is an inspiration to me. As much as I want to run from it all, Linc is the one person that can talk some sense into me and help me find myself. I can
become the person I want to be.

Even though some parts of my life are starting to settle, it still hurts to know that Dault won’t talk to me. Well, he won’t unless he
to. We’ve crossed paths a few times at the house and the hospital, but it’s never been more than a glare in my direction or a snide comment about Christian being at the house…

I miss his presence, the way he used to look at me, and the memories of our bodies united as one. It hurts more than I thought it would, but Dault is who he is and I know he’ll stay as far away from me as he can. No matter how much I try to deny it, I miss him in my life. He holds a curse over me that I can’t move past, even though I know very well that I should.

Linc encourages me to let Dault vent out his frustrations, to give him more time. I laugh to myself at the thought…
it’s all I really have and it kills me that the one person I
to be close to me is still pushing me away.

I wish I could let it all go, forget about the night Dault and I shared, but it’s just too hard. There’s an incredible man sitting beside me that wants me…for me. Christian is the one that’s here and wants me to give myself to him, yet I can’t. My heart and soul are buried deeply into another man, and for the life of me, I can’t dig my way out of the trance Dault has put me in.

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