Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4 (19 page)

BOOK: Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4
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I have some big decisions to make that could forever shape my future. Wanting to help others is a new found passion and I need to explore the possibilities. Going back to college at this point of my life probably isn’t the best option for me, but maybe I could volunteer some of my time at a local clinic or something. People have the choice to make changes for the better; they just need a voice and someone to listen to them. I could be that person…or something.

Linc and Dault’s house comes into sight as I pull the car up along the sidewalk. As I step out of the car, I move up the walkway to the front porch and knock on the door.

“Come in,” Dault’s voice sounds from the other side of the door.

Pushing through, I walk into the house to see him sitting on the couch.

“Hey, man, how goes it?” I ask moving into the living room.

“It’s going, you about ready to head over to the shop?” He asks.

“I am, are you?” I ask in a sarcastic tone

Watching as he runs his hands over the top of his head, he looks to me with pain in his eyes. Having known Dault for as long as I have, I know this look isn’t good. Something is brewing in that head of his and I’m almost afraid to ask what it could be.

“Talk to me, man. What’s going through your mind right now?”

“Fuck, is it wrong if I tell you that I don’t even want to go to this thing today?”

“What?” I ask, surprise and shock pouring from my expression. “You don’t want to go to the shop, this event is huge. The girls will be so disappointed if I show up without you.”

“Seriously, Steve, there’s so much pressure being put on me right now. I can’t stand to let you guys down anymore. I know you’re all excited for this big event today, but all I can think about is that it’s just another thing y’all have worked so hard to help me…I feel like a failure.”

Shaking my head I move in closer to where he’s sitting. Shit, I suppose I shouldn’t have said he’d disappoint the girls….
damn it to hell

“You are not a failure, Dault, never have been. No one is expecting you to remember shit over night, we all get that this is a work in progress.”

“See right there, you’re wrong. That’s what you’re expecting of me, isn’t it the reason you wanted me back here…so I would remember who I really was? It was hard enough dealing with the memory loss in Charleston, but coming back here and see the want in all your eyes, it’s really starting to kill me. ”

Taking a moment to think about what he just said, yeah, I guess he’s right.

“I’m not in your shoes; I don’t know what it’s like to be unaware of the world around me. But I can tell you that I was blinded by those that loved me for far too long. Don’t give up hope yet, there is an entire crew standing behind you, pulling for you. If you give up now you’ll never know what could have been. Yeah, time sucks, but that’s all you have. The right moment will happen where you see something and in the blink of an eye, your world is going to spin. Whether it’s today, tomorrow, or a week from now, you have all of us here for you.”

“Yeah, I guess,” he responds.

“Don’t be so down man, it’ll happen.”

“You know a part of me is pulled to her. I can’t keep my eyes off of her when she’s near me. I don’t know what it is…it’s like a magnetic pull and I can’t turn it off. Don’t get me wrong, I’m physically attracted her in every way. She’s gorgeous, those eyes and when she smiles…it’s like the whole fucking room lights up.”

Yup, he’s hook, line, and sinker for our Etty. There’s no doubt about it now for him to just admit he has feelings…shit, he’s getting so close. The thought of punching him in the head filters through my mind. Maybe he needs a good jolt to wake him the fuck up…nah, probably not such a good idea right about now. I don’t think the girls would appreciate us coming into the shop looking like we just came from a bar brawl. “Why do you look like you’re up to something?”

With a laugh, I shake my head as I push the thoughts of punching him to the back of my mind.

“It sounds to me like you’re starting to have feelings about her, Dault.”

“Yeah, I know, but it’s not what she wants from me. She wants the Dault she knew before. I get her point, well at least I’m trying to, but it’s so frustrating. Last night I was so wrapped up in her that when she started yelling at me I snapped. I had to touch her once and for all.”

“Not to sound like a chick or anything, but how did she make you feel?”

“Shit, my heart was pounding through my chest and I can guarantee she could feel I was happy to be on top of her.”

Laughing to myself, I shake my head.

“Dude, it’s not fucking funny. If it were up to me I would have stripped her right there and then and had my way with her. She’s been giving me a hard on every since I saw her on the steps of Aunt Kellie’s porch.”

“She’s just trying to protect herself. These women are strong willed and independent, it took me quite a while for Ashley to see that she wasn’t just a notch on my bed post. Believe me the sex was great, but with them, they need to know that there’s more than just the physical connection.”

“Exactly… Etty wants me to be the man I was before, feel the emotions we shared before…I can’t give that to her yet. I want to, I just can’t fucking remember…”

Moving to stand from the couch he begins to pace a small path along the carpet.

“Look, the last thing I want is for you to be frustrated and upset. We all see what’s going on, like a ticking time bomb waiting to go off in your brain. Maybe the stress you feel is what’s holding you back from remembering? You need to take it easy, let each day happen. When it’s time, you’ll know.”

“You sound just like your girlfriend, you know that?” He says with a smirk.

“Hahaha, yeah, I’m sure. We’re all pulling for you and care for both you and Etty. We just want to see our friends happy. Now come on, wipe the smug look off your face and let’s head to the shop. Today is going to be a good day, I can feel it.”

“From your lips to God’s ears, I sure as hell hope you’re right.”

Clapping my hand against his back, we walk out the front door leading to my car. As we are about to approach the street, Dault stops for a second staring at my car.

“What’s wrong?” I look back to him.

“Is that your car?” He asks pointing to
car. “Have you driven it to the house before?”      

His questions throw me off guard; of course that’s
fucking car. Hell, I don’t remember if I’ve ever driven it over his since he’s been back. Wait, come to think of it I haven’t. We usually ride over in Ashley’s car since we’re always at her place.

“Dault…what are you thinking right now? It’s just a car, I’m sure you’ve seen hundreds of them like this around.”

Moving in closer to him, he closes his eyes and raises his hand for me to wait.

What the…

Shaking his head, he opens his eyes and takes a step away from me toward the car.

“Dude, you are freaking me out. You all right?” I ask, moving toward the driver’s side of the car.

Waving his hand for me to get in the car, I open the door and move inside.

“I’m fine…I just thought I recognized the car. It was kinda weird for a minute, but whatever. I guess it’s nothing. You’re right; I probably saw one like it around town. ”

Staring up the engine, I put the car in drive and pull away from the house.

“Okay, man, if you say so.”

For the rest of the ride to the shop, we sit in silence. I’m not quite sure what the hell happened back there but that was weird as fuck.



Chapter 24

Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, I dab a cool rag against my skin. I’m burning up and my nerves are a twisted mess. Steve should be here with Dault any minute and I have no idea what to expect. I feel like I’ve put all my eggs in one basket, if this part of the plan doesn’t work, I’m not sure what else I can do.

As I look at my reflection in the mirror, I see a woman filled with so much hope, so much passion, and so much love for a man that still doesn’t recognize me as who I once was to him.

Scanning over my body, I glance up to my face. My blue eyes are striking thanks to the fantastic makeup job of Jo. My hair is pulled up with a few loose strands hanging down around my face. My lips, with a perfect pout, are shaded with a color that I’ve never worn before, but they look amazing. Gently touching them, I’m reminded of the kiss from last night. He took my breath away and I didn’t want the moment to end. It felt so good to have him embracing me and kissing me like that again.

A knock sounds on the bathroom door and I’m torn away from the mirror. Turning the knob, I open it to see both Jo and Ashley standing before me.

The three of us are all wearing shredded Pink Crew tee-shirts with black tanks beneath them, tight black leather pants and four inch heeled stilettos…not so sure that was a wise idea. I’m pretty certain we’ll be limping out of the shop by the end of the night.

“You ready, Miss Thang? Steve and Dault just got here.”

My chest begins to ache and I’m starting to feel slightly dizzy. Stumbling back a few steps, the girls each grab me by an arm.

“Damn it to hell, Etty. You are not passing out on us! You’ve worked too hard for this shindig to be knocked out all night. Pull yourself together and go show your man what you’ve done for him,” Jo spats at me.

Nodding, I bite down onto my lower lip and take a step forward.

“You got this, girl. We’re all behind you.”

Walking past the girls, I make my way down the hallway into the reception area. Everyone is standing around talking…all conversations stop and all eyes are on me as I walk into the large space.

“Holy shit,” Dault mumbles under his breath, still loud enough for me to hear.

My face instantly blushes as I move into his direction. 

“You ladies look hot,” Steve says moving past me to Ashley.

Dault’s eyes meet mine and a smile pulls from his lips, his dimples teasing me. I can’t help but lick my lips as he continues to stare back at me. For who knows how long, I feel as if I’m in a trance. It’s just us…no one else.


I scrunch my brow and pull myself out of my fog looking to Linc.

“Umm yeah sorry, what?” I ask with an awkward smile.

“I was asking you if you wanted to give Dault the grand tour…ya know, before we open up.”

Looking between both Dault and Linc, I focus my gaze back to Dault.

“Yeah sure, come on and I’ll show you around.”

Feeling like a complete idiot, I stand motionless waiting for him to follow me. Taking him through the shop, I show him each of the guy’s and Ashley’s rooms, saving his for last. Moving to the end of the hall, I step into his room. Everything looks exactly as it did the last time he was here, I made sure of it. As he steps forward into the space, he begins to scan the walls. With my feet already starting to ache, I sit down on his table while I watch him take everything in. He takes a step behind me, looking to the far wall that holds his favorite pieces. The room is completely silent—it’s so quiet I can practically hear my heart beating through my chest.

Cool fingers touch my upper back, which is exposed by the low cut of my shredded shirt.

“That tattoo…”

“Yup, it’s mine. I’m kinda attached to it,” I reply, releasing a puff of air.

“Etty,” he says, moving in closer.

He’s so close to me, I can feel his hot breath hitting the back of my neck. His fingertips trace the lines of my favorite tattoo…the one he gave me.

“That’s my tattoo, Etty. I gave that tattoo to you,” he whispers from behind me.

Unsure if I heard him right, I spin around on the table knocking his hand from my back.

“W-what did you just say?” I ask, my mouth gaped open.

Shaking his head back and forth, he steps back from me, leaning himself against the wall.

“Dault, don’t you dare shut down on me now. What about my tattoo? What did you say about my tattoo?” I ask in a pleading tone.

I’m standing before him breathless, hope is coursing through my veins as I take his hands in mine…
Please God, tell me he’s remembering.

BOOK: Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4
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