Read Cutlass Sharpened Online

Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

Cutlass Sharpened (36 page)

BOOK: Cutlass Sharpened
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Like he had flown for years.

Oh, just a head’s up. We’ve
got business to take care of in the morning.”

What kind?” He turned to
her after making a slight adjustment.

Got to renew our docking
visa. We aren’t the only procrastinators in the universe.” She
laughed. “We got the standard four days to get our visa updated.
We’re about five months late. Without a current visa, we’re unable
to dock anywhere in the Empire. I was surprised the Dorgenox could
dock in Zerika’s main terminal, but I guess some strings were
pulled to let us dock all month. If we don’t get it done we’ll be
charged till we can’t pay the ship off and it gets auctioned off to
the highest bidder. Many want the Dorgenox and would love to get
their grubby little hands on her so tomorrow, no matter what
happens, we’ve
to get it renewed.”

No problem.” They soon hit
atmosphere, but were going the recommended speed so reentry didn’t
cause too much friction to make a fireball. As they followed the
twisting and turning road of light Oliver’s eyes took in massive
gemstone skyscrapers, some grown in conjunction with trees to make
massive trees beyond nature’s intent. Since crystalline objects can
take information, and used in conjunction with psionic energy as a
power source, can grow by taking baser materials from the ground
itself or loads of graphite to make homes, building and
rather than build. Most dangerous construction is a thing of the

One such building looked like a white tusk
standing high above all others. Ice covered the tip it reached so
high. Though it looked like an ivory tusk, it was made of ceramic
and was truly a massive freestanding structure. Twelve thousand one
hundred and thirteen meters from the ground up and had a base of
twenty two hundred and nine. Oliver asked “Renee, is that the
King’s Tusk Tower?”

Better believe it. Largest
and most dangerous artifact left behind after the Solarains
disappeared. The place is crawling with Beasts. Only an S-Rank
quarantine barrier imposed by the emperor keeps that place from
setting loose all those Beasts.”

I find it hard to imagine
anyone could make such a thing… out of ceramic no less.”

Hey, don’t ask me.
Solarains left the Geo Record behind… not to mention the sword and
multi-tool you carry around. They seeded every breathable planet we
know of. Hell, we believe they were who seeded Earth when it
finally cooled and allowed us to evolve. I just wish to meet one
one day. All the stories Papa told me… it would be historic. The
few fossils we found show we have an identical skeletal structure…
proving convergent evolution, but their DNA strands were
exceedingly more intricate. They have a decuple helix. Ten
spiraling ladders in a single strand. They are the wet dream of
every geneticist I’ve met.”

What do you think happened
to them?” Oliver asked.

She shrugged the thin straps on her moonlit
dress. “Don’t know. Such an advanced race couldn’t have been wiped
completely out. They probably moved to some far away galaxy, still
seeding worlds along the way. If my mission was to ensure life
continued no matter what, it is what I would do.”

Oliver gave one final glance to the dark
tower and continued on, leaving it far behind.

Traffic thickened further down the planet
they got and soon enough he spotted the nearest landing building.
He pulled straight into the predetermined space and set the landing
gear. Smoothly they landed. “Not bad for an idiot.”

Flatterer.” He quipped and
shut down the engines.

Outside was a terminal, but before Renee
could place her palm on the screen to pay for parking, he pressed
his. There was a beep followed by a woman’s voice saying ‘Thank you
and have a nice day.’

And where did you get… oh,
never mind. Hunters don’t need to pay to park their

Warming up to me

Not till I see where you
plan on showing me off in this dress.” She remarked

He extended his right arm. “Take my arm and
the date shall begin.”

We’re not a couple yet and
don’t think I don’t know you want to feel my breasts brush your

Can’t blame a man for

I’m busting your balls.”
She laughed and wove her left arm through his right. “Lead on.” He
cleared his throat as she intentionally gave him a clear line of
sight down her well developed chest. She laughed harder. “Where did
all that confidence go? Huh? If a little cleavage makes you
speechless, seeing me naked will make you pass out.”

The last thing you have is

Don’t I know it!” She
laughed as he led her to the elevators and soon they reached the
bottom floor and stepped out onto a clean pathway where people
moved along on personal errands. A nearby man and woman held the
hands of a little boy, swinging him through the air between them
with a smile on their faces. Different styles of clothes from
conservative to provocative clothed everyone. A few Drakes soared
around or sat with people by benches. A Hunter or two leisurely
walked the streets, talking with military officers who protect and
police all of Verard. They were the Marines.

Few gave a second glance as Oliver and Renee
took to the path and walked together, taking in the sights, lights
and crowds. He knew the path, mentally rehearsing it several times
after bringing up a map back on the ship and learning special
events. He was quiet, enjoying the sights and having Renee on his
arm. Her annoyance was at an all time low and her excitement at a
high. Until they rounded a corner and she noticed the people had
gone up in social class to outrageously expensive. As far as she
could see were restaurants and he scented her anger. He patted her
hand on his arm. “I promise, it’s not what you think.”

All I see is five star
cuisine down this strip for over a kilometer. I hate stuck up
entitled assholes.” A woman fitting that very description heard the
remark and spun. Renee’s flashing eyes had the woman back down.
“See, they can’t do shit without their credits.”

Oh, will you just relax.
lied to
you and I won’t start now.”

That shut her right up.

Fifteen minutes later he turned her down a
dark alley and they went right to the dead end where a closed door
awaited beneath an ominous light. Oliver pounded a fist against it
and a slit opened. A woman’s hazel eyes peered out and she said
“You’re not on the list.”

You’ll make an exception.”
He replied and brought his right hand forward. Renee let go and
withheld a gasp as the top began to glow gold just below the

Hope you won’t be offended
if I don’t authenticate it first?”

Be my guest.”

He held his hand out as the door opened up to
reveal a woman with a knockout figure, thin and curvy with long
brown hair with red highlights. A glittery red dress made it seem
she was poured in it. In her hand was a pen-like scanner she wove
over his fist and both watched her eyes lose focus. “My apologies,
High Elder Void. You are now registered with us and my boss will
accommodate you inside. You and your guest.”

Thank you.” He held his arm
out and Renee took it, more so she didn’t fall.

They entered and walked down
a dim and unassuming hallway. When she was sure to not be overheard
she hissed “
They made you a damn elder?”

What, you think they would
keep me as a common Hunter? Not even they could get in here.” He

Where is
anyway…” her head
cocked as she looked ahead to realize they were heading down. “Is
that a cheering crowd on gold spoon fed street? Oliver, where the
hell are we?”

He said not a word till reaching the end, the
cheering and jeering crowd growing louder with each step. They made
it to a set of thick, wooden double doors guarded by a pair of
muscular and bodybuilding bouncers who showed uncertainty when
seeing Oliver’s enormity and outfit coming their way.

Then the doors opened to reveal a tall, lanky
man in a pinstripe business suit who bowed as soon as spotting
Oliver. “Welcome, Elder Void. I’m Marcus, owner and legal
proprietor of The Pits. You are in luck. I’ve one private ringside
box left open for you and your lovely lady. Tonight’s lesser
matches have begun already I’m afraid.”

So long as Samuel
Mourningspike and Fredric Monsoon’s main event match hasn’t begun,
my night will have not been wasted.”

Marcus grinned brightly “I see you are well
informed. Please follow me to your private accommodations.” He
turned and the bouncers opened the doors.

Renee’s jaw dropped as the roar of a large
crowd yelled in a frenzy as she came into the most exclusive
fighting arena in all of Verard. Two men were shirtless and
fighting in a pit of sand, electrical energy crackling around their
fists as they threw punch after punch, trying to break through
their opponent’s defenses and land a kinetic blast. The sand was
red from years of blood soaking into it. She even saw knocked out
teeth sprinkled among the sand.

Her grin grew so much it hurt.

Oliver nearly had to pry her from the railing
and follow the man. Marcus gestured for one of the pretty serving
girls to come forth and spoke in her ear over the roar of the
crowd. She nodded and left. They walked down a flight of steps to
the bottom where the ring hid the combatants. A building was below
the stands and Marcus opened the door to gesture for them to enter.
Inside was a private viewing room right at the fighter’s level and
so close one could almost be hit with sweat and blood. A single
intimate loveseat sat in the empty room. Marcus said “Enjoy the
show, Elder. Ma’am.”

Once the door shut Renee rounded on Oliver
after finding the fight over. The loser lay unconscious, being
tended to as the winner walked around, arms raised to the love of
the crowd. She shook from head to toe. “Oliver, you know what
you’ve done?”

I believe

She grinned, grabbed the collar of his armor
and brought him down. “Damn right you did.” She pulled him close
and kissed him. He was caught off guard as his arms snaked their
way around her, but what really did it was his kiss. It stole her
breath away. His tongue parted her lips and hers went on the
attack. She tasted him and swooned.

Renee took a breath after finding he sat her
beside himself on the loveseat. “Wow… who taught you to kiss like

No one.” He grinned and
kissed the tip of her nose. “It felt right doing it.”

Lean back.” He complied and
so caught up in the excitement she sat right between his legs. “If
I sober up and don’t fuck you senseless tonight, I’ll made damn
sure I’m comfortable sitting like this.”

He smiled. “Not fuck, make love. Haven’t I
told you that? If you didn’t know already, that woman who let us in
was nearly as powerful as you, is unmated, but still her scent is
still not right. You will be my woman.”

We’ll find out later, won’t
we.” She grinned mischievously. “How did you learn of this place?”
she asked as the next combatants were minutes away.

In my studies during the
time I needed to rest training in gravities. I figured you eat good
food all the time and you’re too brusque to enjoy some fancy meal.
You’re a woman of action, passion, emotion and excitement. Don’t
worry about the little details, but know that after the main event,
I have one last surprise for you.”

Can I get a

Nope! Just know that
neither of us will have sexual tension after tonight.”

You’ve never had real sex
before. How do you know you are any good?”

Rather you should ask
yourself if you’re the only woman I’ve kissed and
go weak kneed, imagine what
I can do.”

Good point.” She glossed
her lips with her tongue. “Guess I really should have worn

Their conversation cut short as the door
opened and the woman the owner talked to came in with a tray
holding two glasses and a chilled green bottle. “Pardon me, but
Marcus sends his compliments with a bottle of three hundred year
old wine from Earth. Can I get you anything else? Something to

Get me a big, juicy piece
of steak on the bloodied raw side, strong steak sauce, green beans,
garlic potatoes and we’ll split chocolate ice cream for

Excellent choices, Ma’am.
If you need anything else just flip this switch and I’ll tend to
any needs for the remainder of your stay.” She sat down the drinks
and left.

Renee was giddy as she got up and poured the
drinks. She then kicked Oliver’s foot, making it clear she would
sit nowhere else except framed between his legs.

Outside the one way screen of their booth, it
looked like no one was down in The Pit’s ring except two women
circling one another. The private booths could not be seen inside.
To all onlookers it seemed the women were surrounded by a concrete
wall five meters tall. It was necessary because Verard’s gravity
was twenty five percent less than standard Earth. They jumped
higher and used the ring to pummel one another senseless.

BOOK: Cutlass Sharpened
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