Read Cutlass Sharpened Online

Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

Cutlass Sharpened (38 page)

BOOK: Cutlass Sharpened
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He knelt into bed and laid down beside her,
consuming her with his eyes and savoring the moment till he could
no longer resist being unable to touch. His hand fell upon a taut
stomach and glided up to the mounds of shapely breasts that had her
breath hitch. A trail of fire trailed behind the touch. She planted
her heels, lifted her hips and in a fluid move she pulled her dress
off and threw it to the ground to feel more of that sensation.

Oliver was truly speechless
as he explored a woman he had desired since his eyes first opened.
In nothing other than a bra. And
at long last. Rough fingers caressed flesh much
different than his own. Hers was softer, smooth and sensual. Unlike
other women, Renee was the perfect type for him. She was firm,
solid, large in a healthy way, soft and physically strong at the
same time. He felt taut muscle beneath the flesh. She didn’t have a
Hunter woman’s thick muscles, but she was plenty thick in the right
way and her curves were exquisite. He stared at the freckles not
just on her nose and cheekbones. It was as if a painter’s stiff
bristles speckled her curved neck, shoulders and arms in a
masterpiece of design. Ginger spots lightly sprinkled her milky
chest down to the areolas and stopped to let the rest seem ethereal
and spotless.

He went to her snowy bra and undid the clasp
between the mounds. They sprang free, displaying their fullness and
perky pink nipples the same shade as she had done her fingernails.
He extracted the bra and threw it with her dress before leaning in
and brushing his lips on her stomach and kiss his way up to the
first of many treasures. He made a long lick between the valley of
her breasts, savoring the flavor of her sweat she made at the
arena, her eyes were closed and her soft moaning noises told him
not to stop. He kissed her breasts and took her nipple in his mouth
to suckle in a way that had her panting. With the hardened peak
worked to perfection he pinched it between his teeth that had her
gasp and open her glazed eyes. “More.” She crooned, her knees
rubbing together as her core wetly burned for him in a way she
never realized possible.

He kissed his way down from the breasts,
drawn to the sweetness that he craved more than a Beast foolish
enough to try making him prey. He moved from her side, her head
propped upon a pillow watched on in a sultry haze as he settled
between her thighs. He kissed her knees and massaged sculpted
calves of a woman who exercised often, but not to the point of
losing their femininity.

And as he promised a week ago, he got close
to her heat and breathed deep through his nose to make a deep,
masculine sound in his throat. Renee found it erotic his sense of
smell was so keen.

So exposed to a man so massive and desirable,
she finally felt diminutive for once in her life and saw a
fierceness in him that had no limits other than one. He would never
hurt her, no matter what she did. He would be her shield when no
one else would. It was a comfort that almost brought on tears, but
then he leaned forward and kissed her flat stomach to enflame the
passion again and worked his way down till she gasped loudly as his
tongue slid into her creamy pink fold. Her fists grabbed the sheets
as her back arched as he licked and feasted on her, stealing more
than her body along the way. He was stealing her heart with every
delicious motion. Her eyes rolled back into her skull as wave after
wave tightened the knot in her core. Never had a man made her
tighten more and more by oral. Her clit swelled as he worked her
into a mindless frenzy, suckling upon her as he had her nipples,
but to ready her to take such enormity he slid in one finger, then
another. Coaxing, rising, building.

The line snapped as she yelled aloud as the
climax shattered her sense of self, freeing her from isolation. Her
orgasm made her shiver and shake, squeezing on his fingers and he
hooked his middle and ring finger in her channel and squeezed while
rapidly powering them up and down, keeping her in constant orgasm
as she thrashed in constant agonizing bliss.

When he knew to stop he crawled up over her.
He met and stole her lips and she tasted her own sex on him and
found it to be mind melting and erotic. She began to perspire and
her hands stroked his massive arms. “That was amazing. You did
learn how to please a woman.”

That was not learned. It
felt right to please my mate first, make her happy.”

My turn to please my mate
then.” She hooked a long leg around his naked waist and flipped him
on his back. A powerful move that had her seeing those knee
weakening dimples show on his surprised cheeks. She sat on his
unforgiving abdominals, feeling an even harder object throbbing
with a pulse between the cheeks of her ass. She leaned forward to
kiss him, steal him as much as he had stolen from her. A slight
scruff of beard tickled her tongue as she licked the throbbing vein
in his thick neck and kissed his hairless chest as her fingertips
explored the hard planes and angles of a real man beneath her. He
was so solid he had no give. Only the softness of skin kept him
from being a boulder. It aroused her further. She made him moan
like he had done to her and gave great satisfaction.

But when she needed more than to kiss she
flopped around to sit on his chest and turn to face the thick
broadsword of all cocks. She licked her lips before devouring the
head and half the shaft before needing to stop or risk gagging.

Oliver was in bliss as he watched her head
lift and fall and felt her wet tongue circulate around the tip. To
make it better he finally got to see the full view of her tattoo.
It was exotic, fierce and as beautiful as the woman who wore it.
The thorny vines and delicately vibrant flowers covered nearly her
entire back. The plant seemed alive as she moved her shoulder
blades to use one hand to grab his cock’s base as she sucked and
licked his moist tip. The tattoo wasn’t overwhelming as a full back
would seem. The vine, thorn and flowers were the foreground to her
creamy back. Her firm ass and tight vagina sat in full view for his
pleasure and the smell it gave off drew him in for another helping
he could not resist. He grabbed her hips and took her off his chest
so he could take her swollen lips with his own.

Renee struggled with sensations and found a
rhythm to work him faster and faster as he worked her. She was
frantic to get him off before he destroyed her again and didn’t
know if it would go according to plan.

She felt him clench up and his hips thrust
him deep in her mouth as molten saltiness filled her. She distantly
heard his loud grunt of release as she swallowed the most massive
load she could ever remember taking since being sexually active at
sixteen. She didn’t like swallowing semen half as much as she did
right then. She licked her lips then cleaned the tip to get it all.
She crooned “Delicious.”

So are you.” He punctuated
the words with another deep flick of his tongue over the bungle of
nerves in her clit.

No way. You’re… still
hard.” Renee said in disbelief as she still held him in both her
hand. She expected him to need a few minutes to recover.

It is like this when I
picture you. Every morning I ejaculate ten times before it relaxes
and I can be in the same room with you.”

I’ll be the judge of that.
You mind if I ride on top first? Let me find my pace.” She said as
she tossed her leg around his head to keep away from that wicked

I’m your man now. You do
not need to ask, but once you get comfortable you will be under

She grinned and kissed him.
“I guess denying it now is pointless. Hold on, Idiot. Here comes
your first and
pussy you’ll ever get. I’ll kill anyone who takes what is

So will I.”

Renee straddled him,
standing to either side of his hips and squatted, her hand grabbing
his cock and guiding it home. She felt the thick head spread her
painfully wide, sliding down inch after inch. Her breathing turned
shallow as more and more filled her sheathe. Stretching her to make
gasps into moans. She bit her bottom lip and whimpered loud and
higher in a way only a woman’s softer vocals can reach. “So
…” she moaned,
consuming him slowly till reaching the base at long last where her
nails scratched his stomach. “Don’t move… you’re huge and so
filling you’ve reached the entrance to my very womb… what do you
think of finally becoming one with me?” She panted with her eyes
closed and then rubbed and groped her own breasts to relieve the

Next to kissing you it’s
the best thing I’ve ever felt. You’re warm, wet and so tight my
head’s spinning. We fit perfectly together.”

Oh, Oliver, I feel the same
way.” She opened her eyes and leaned forward. Her breasts pressed
in his chest and he kissed her gently. “Forget marriage or being
mates. Just be mine. I can’t explain it, but I can’t resist you
anymore. Please don’t leave me and make me feel alone. I really
can’t lose you for some reason. Not even my exes made me feel like
this. Be mine and mine alone.”

Go in my mind.”

Connected in body, Renee looked in his loving
eyes as he brushed her cheek and let her power slip inside his
consciousness. What she saw stole her very breath. His feelings
went beyond words. Weren’t human in how he saw her. She could feel
his heart and soul dependent on her very existence to draw another
breath. To keep her safe. To keep her happy. He had seen the act of
sex and naked bodies, but it was hers alone that held any meaning.
She was the center of his universe and always had been since first
seeing and smelling her. She was his other half. His perfect mate.
He knew with an assurance even he could not explain, but there was
no one else in the very universe for him other than her. No words,
traditions or customs could ever be enough to show she was his
match in every way. He was a protector and would lose everything
without her. Losing his memories would not compare if he lost her.
He would be truly lost without her.

A frozen and deadly rogue planet without her
star to keep orbit and warm.

Tears spilled from her eyes, but the makeup
didn’t smudge at all. She kissed him and said “How can you feel as
I do? After hooking you up to the fluids I felt a pull too as you
slept those two days. How?”

All that matters is we
belong to each other. I do not believe in mystical fate, but we are
like two binary stars who found each other. Like Jessica and
Stephanie. You are mine forever.”

Yes…” she couldn’t fight it
any longer and just gave in. Gave her heart to a man she hardly
knew more than a month, but could no longer resist. She knew he was
true to his word and never questioned it.

Renee began lifting her hips, sliding him
partially out and twirled her hips to bring him back in. She let go
of over thinking and felt the tension in her core winding up again.
She moved and he began to match her thrusts from below, taking all
of him and giving herself completely over to him. Faster and faster
she took him.

Then he changed as the time was right,
grabbing her hips and powering faster than she could keep up with
and she panted in his ear. “Oliver, gather. Gather. Do it as you
cum inside me.”

He pulled the mental lever and noticed her
own pupils and irises shone with inner light. The harmonic
vibration of gathering doubled sensation and Renee felt his
gathering synchronizing with her own through the powering cock
demolishing her assumptions he had no clue what he was doing. He
was her master pure and simple. Just as she was his. Her eyes
rolled back up into her skull as her back arched and she screamed
in soft ecstasy as another shattering orgasm took her and wasn’t
alone as his hips lifted her up for the deepest penetration she
ever endured and he locked up. Volcanic warmth flowed inside the
chamber of her womb, hotter than her own core and filled her to the
brim before he buckled.

By the STARS!!!” She
praised as her eyes held onto the gathered. “I forgot about your
ligaments. You just fucked my brains out like not dildo I’ve ever

You won’t be needing them

Maybe.” She bit his bottom
lip and sucked on it before releasing, still joined. “Perhaps I
need to see if that wasn’t a fluke.”

Renee laughed as he took the bait and rolled
her onto her back. He pulled almost all the way out to make her
whimper. “You.” Slid back in nice and gentle. “Will.” He kissed her
aching breasts once. “Have.” He slid out again. “Me.” In.
“Forever.” Kissed her silky neck. Her legs wrapped up and locked
around his ass. “From. Now. On… You’re. MINE.”

His possessive nature called and fill her
need for more than physical intimacy. She held his gaze and was
ravished. She didn’t say anything and his thrusts slammed into her
pelvis harder and harder, sending the shockwaves all the way to her
scalp till it hurt so good. “YES! FOREVER!!!”

She saw him smile and worked her into a third
orgasm, fourth, fifth, sixth…

Renee at last crumpled as he came in her from
behind for the eleventh time. Her body was hot, sticky and more
tired than she can ever recall. She would be sore in the morning,
but knew it would be worth it. He pulled out completely, making her
feel hollow, but also relieved for a break. He collapsed on his
back and she propped herself up on her elbows to glory in his
physique and what it had given her. She smirked. “What? Done
fucking me already. And here I thought you would be better.”

BOOK: Cutlass Sharpened
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