Read Cutlass Sharpened Online

Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

Cutlass Sharpened (39 page)

BOOK: Cutlass Sharpened
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I’d feel wounded if you
don’t sound so sated and pleased.” He breathed, winded from doing
all in his power.

You’ve certainly made your
point we belong. You do know once we set sail again you’ll live
with me right?” She scooted closer and laid her head on his firm
shoulder and threw a leg over his thigh.

I think I can get used to
waking up every morning looking in those eyes that haunt my every

She ran a finger down his knotted chest. “So
can I. I just love your amber eyes flecked in both gold and brown.
They are like two little suns. I hope one day you become class nine
at least so I can see what they look like in gathering.”

I just can’t believe how
amazing it is to gather during the act.”

I think it was more to do
with us being made for each other.”

Look up. We’re missing the
show.” He said as soon as something flashed in the corner of his

Renee turned and stared up into the empty

Holographic roads guiding travelers were gone
and in their place hurdled tiny meteors in the dense Verard
atmosphere going thousands of kilometers per second. Friction
turned fragments to thousands and thousands of shooting stars.
Bright streaking fireballs that showered the expanse above.

Oliver, tonight was the
second best night of my life.”

I know. The first was with

Yep… but if we decide to
have children… this’ll be knocked to three.”

It doesn’t matter. Not to
me. I can’t categorize something over another. And do not worry
about children. You are not ovulating.”

No shit. I’ve frozen my
reproductive cycle like any responsible adult. Till my nanites are
reprogrammed and we are ready, we don’t need to worry like
pre-nanite woman had to with other inaccurate

Let’s enjoy the

That lasted about thirty minutes till Renee
was horny again and they took it to the hot tub for a few hours
before crawling into bed. Renee molded perfectly up against his
chest and slept more peacefully than in ten years of being alone.
She knew she’d not willingly give up this feeling.


Faint light trickled Renee into waking. She
was disoriented momentarily as she didn’t recognize her own bedroom
she had woke up in for most of the past decade. She felt her head
rise on its own upon something warm and firm to look and find she
was with a male specimen of immense proportions. It all came
flooding back in the penthouse solar room brightening in the Verard
morning light. Her sense of smell wasn’t near Oliver’s, but it was
above average and she smelled the scent of sex in the air and it
made her smile. On the growing smile she stretched and aside from a
little vaginal soreness, her body was putty. It was a feeling she
never felt so keenly after getting laid with someone, or getting
off all on her own for that matter.

Sensing her awake, she felt
the connection to Sparky widen to speak rather than feel
“I can tell you had a rather
wonderful night.”

Renee snuggled her naked
body and though Oliver was still sound asleep he pulled her
“You can sure say that again. The
sex was mind blowing and spectacular. He fucked me raw and then

It was more than the
pleasure of mating and you know it.”
thought sagely from far away. They were inseparably connected and
she could never hide anything from the old Drake more insightful
than anyone she knew.
“You’ve given
yourself to him for all time. Just as I told you would

Yeah. Yeah. I’m a stubborn
bitch. It isn’t anything no one already knows. And for your
information, thank you. How did you know?”

Oliver and I may be of
different species, but we know our true mate’s scent and cannot
resist it.”
Sparky said just as another
mind surged along the pathway they shared.

Rose’s gentle and motherly
voice thought
“Do not be ashamed, Little
One. I felt Oliver’s connection to you and my mate and I decided to
gently prod you to see what we do. Sparky’s worry for you blinded
him to how your scent changed, but when I came by I knew right away
he was your true mate, not the one jealous of the bond you share
with what is mine. I’m grateful you took our advice the day Oliver
captured you in the training room. If you hadn’t listened and taken
the outing he planned, you would not have been happy and found the
future father of your hatchlings.”

I learned a long time ago
never to go against what you say, Rose. If not for my nanites and
immortality I’d still have the scars from where you bit

I warned you not to go near
those flowers and saved your life. You are a stubborn and foolish
hatchling, but then again, so was my mate when he was your

Do not make me seem lower,
Rose or I won’t scratch your scales they way you like.”
Sparky teased.

Oh? If you are serious then
maybe you should stay out of our nest for a few days.”

Bah! You will hate being
alone without me to keep you warm.”

Listen, you two can banter
privately and I don’t need to see what you’re planning Sparky. I’ve
got a long day ahead and a morning surprise I’m not going to slip
by. I keep my thoughts to myself and you do likewise.

Just enjoy yourself for
now. Soon I want your hatchlings to dote on.”
He smugly insinuated.

Screw you, Lizard. I’m not
getting pregnant anytime soon. I’m going to enjoy being a woman
before becoming a mother. Maybe in sixty years will I

Many have thought like
Rose commented.
“So did I many hundreds of years ago, but soon you will find
yourself longing to bare the offspring of the male who keeps you
safe and most of all… happy. Sex will always be great, but before
you even realize it all you will think about is making your male a
father. I will not push it on you. I do not need to. Sparky and I
know the true nature you hide from others. Your mate senses it too.
We will leave now so your relationship will bloom. We just wanted
to wish you congratulations. We will see you soon.”

The pressure on Renee’s mind slackened till
all she felt was the separate emotions of Sparky.

Renee though returned to her other plan she
was having before being interrupted and moved the sheet down off
them both and sat up. She marveled at the man sprawled out and the
sleeping face of her new lover. She stared for several minutes in
the brightening penthouse before moving without disturbing him with
a wolfish grin taking command of her expression.

A strange pulling sensation washed exhausted
sleep away as the feeling took precedence. The motion tickled and
aroused at the same time and his groggy eyes fluttered open to look
down and find Renee sucking on his already stiff cock with a wicked
gleam in her eyes as she had them on him the entire time. One hand
held the thick base as she didn’t stop. If anything, awakening made
her bob faster. Before fully awakening he grunted and exploded in
her mouth. Her cheeks filling as her throat worked to swallow it
all. She stopped sucking and her tongue flowed along the long vein
underneath his cock slow and erotically. “Good morning, Oliver.”
She licked her lips. “I guess I couldn’t help myself from chopping
morning wood since I haven’t had any to play with in a long

You’re an evil woman. You
know that?”

Too bad I’m all you’ve
got.” She stuck her tongue out.

Did I say I didn’t love you
being anything else?”

Good answer. We got a few
hours. Got any idea how we can spend it?”

His eyes locked on her nipples suddenly
surrounding his rigid pole and they hardened achingly under the
heat the orbs gave off. “Oh, do I ever. Get up here and let me show

Her expression brightened and on hands and
knees she crawled over, dragging her sensitive breasts the entire
way up. A hand cradled and fisted her hair just enough to take
control as his other came around to caress the slope of her lower
back and firm ass. Renee though reached between her already slick
legs and grabbed his cock to slide him right in where he belonged
to groan in his mouth as they kissed. Her emerald gaze was already
alight and his harmony synched with hers. Her bottom lip quivered
as he filled and stretched all over again. Breathlessly she said
“Yes. Yes… Harder.” His hips slammed up as she rocked her body back
to match the impact and strengthen the spots dancing in her vision.
“Oh… That’s the spot.” She opened her eyes to find his on her,
eagerly watching her expression as another impending orgasm was on
its way as her elusive G-spot had been fully uncovered by a man she
helped uncover as well.

OLLY!!!” she screamed his
name as she flew into the massive shocking spasms of orgasm that
soaked her further as well as made his pumping shaft and groin area

She collapsed directly on top of him and felt
his hands slide between their bodies and come out wet. She watched
as he brought it up to smell and his nose flared widely and he then
sucked them clean. His moan was as if her flavor was the best taste
there would ever be and she found it too enticing to be left out.
Renee took his thumb and sucked it too before stealing his lips. He
smiled and licked and nipped her bottom lip. Then he pulled back,
still imbedded to ask “Renee, is this the feeling of love I read

She kissed him and bit his bottom lip too.
“There are many kinds of love. Love for a sibling, a parent, a
friend, a child. But this? I don’t know. This goes further than I
ever felt love with a boyfriend or mate. I think the way we fell so
hard and the way we feel… it probably is love… but…”

But the word is too
generic?” he brushed her cheek as she got stumped.

Right. All month long I’ve
wanted you inside me just like this. And now that I have you I
can’t think clearly. My hormones are as fucked as you’ve done me.
Yet I can’t get enough. Your cock… the way you look at me… I don’t
want to lose it. Like you, I can’t breathe without you alive and
well. But it wasn’t this strong till I let my pussy eat you

Then, until we find a word
more descriptive, I love you.”

She actually smiled and didn’t feel any
impending tears or warning bells she used to get when hearing the
most solidifying three words in any relationship. “Oliver, if I
cool down and come to try and take it back don’t be mad, but I love
you too. Now get up with me riding this cock and let’s take a
shower then fuck me in the pool and on the balcony.”

Large hands gripped her ass and he easily got
up and she moaned loudly as he slid deeper to the very hilt. Her
ankles locked herself around his narrow waist as they took the ride
to the hot and steamy shower where Renee cried his name over and
over as she was ravished and Oliver finally felt he belonged
somewhere important.


What the hell are you
doing?” Renee asked as he was back in the armor of last night,
swinging his sword around slowly and carefully in the

Vanishing Claw taught me
these steps and every morning I’ve been practicing. I can almost
make my sword sing like he made it do. It’s a lot harder to do than
I thought.”

She moved to the bed to slide into her heels
of last night. Renee had her dress and undergarments cleaned and
returned after a few seconds in the laundry box standard in all
hotels and homes. Her kohl was still perfect, lining her eyes as
did regardless of the water and sex-proof blush also held strong.
She kept it on since everything was still perfect. The only thing
she needed to apply was her anti-static hairspray that kept her
styled hair from looking like it stood out like thousands of
crimson quills.

As she watched him maneuvering she tapped her
ear “Auntie, you available?”

Jessica replied in unrestrained giddiness
“Renee? Guess what? I’ve just left the Splicers and I’m walking on
four point six three gees! The manipulation went perfectly! Now I
don’t need to be cooped up on the ship all the time.”

Renee grinned though only Oliver noticed. “So
how much weight did you gain?”

That made Jessica’s euphoria
take a nosedive. “Over fourteen kilos you nosy brat. I’m nine
centimeters taller too, but my figure is still perfect and slutty
just the way Steph likes. So how did
date turn out? Did our resident
discovery show you a good time?”

You won’t believe it. He
took me to The Pits!”

He. Did. Not!” Jessica
gushed again. “Even I believed it was only rumor.”

The fights were amazing,
Auntie. So was the private booth Oliver got as he was named Elder

That I
know. I helped make sure his story
is solid, but to use it to enter The Pits was pure genius.
? What else did he do?
End the celibacy streak with your ass imprinted in a wall for all
to bear witness to his prowess?”

That and more. He took me
to the penthouse Sky Room of the Luxoreene to watch the meteor
shower last night.” She looked up as a family size shuttle flew
over the clear roof.

BOOK: Cutlass Sharpened
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