Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (22 page)

BOOK: Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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guys are scared of a woman who’
s locked in
an institution. She can’t
get to us. If you act like she’
s the boogie man, that’s just what she will become. Oooww, beware of the ninety-pound blonde, she’s out to get you. You guys are so weak you make me sick.” I yell at my parents.

I just stood up in the middle of class
and screamed at my parents. I just
enacted the next phase
off my mother
Last night as I laid in Whitt’s arms I came to a conclusion about the woman. I can’t prove it yet. So I’m testing her to see if she will
save me from my fate. After my tests
I’m talking to Marcus.

Plus, I’m
sick of fucking with everyone else. Speaking of everyone else, all eyes are on me in shock and awe. I just called to two strongest people in the room weak.
I no longer care who the mole is. I have my sights set on the one who’s pulling the strings. If you’re going to kill me get it the fuck over with.
“We don’t need a fucking babysitter. What does it matter if you’re here at Restraint or not? You haven’t accomplished anything other than making us do this stupid shit-” I point around the room at the class and how we have to
train again. “Hell, I think it’
s worse
that you’re here.
Restraint is closed.
now have a sequel. Maybe that’
s your angle. You wanted in the
book. It was too boring for you
in Vegas. Olivia Fontaine needed at

I taunt.

My mother’s green eyes glow at me like laser beams. Devlin has a hold of her upper-arm keeping her from attack
ing me. I smirk knowing that I’
m one of a small few that has the ability to make her lose her
shit. Devlin looks pissed that I’
m forcing him to do this, but knows it’s necessary.
“Master, we do not punish in anger and you are very angry right now. Do not feed into his insults.”
“The level of disrespect demands punishment.” Her accent is so thick that I’m not sure anyone but Devlin and me know what she said. Her fists c
lench and unclench. I know she’
s playing my punishment out inside her mind. She has never punished me by her own hand. Tony and Devlin were the task masters. Until this moment she has never had the stomach for hitting her own flesh and blood. I’m sure news of Bianca has hit her ears, as well as all the antagonistic glares I’ve been giving her
. They
made he
want to physically hurt me.
“Bring it on, Bitch,” I say as I rotate in a circle w
ith my hands out to my sides. I’
m just begging for a beating, and for once I don’t need one.
My mother lunges when I say bitch. I laugh- not Thompson- Font. My mother can tell the difference and flinches.
Yes, Mother, you
son is doing as you bid. You just don’t like that it’s your turn to be disrespected in the name of Restraint. You’ve never had a taste of your own medicine. I can tell she doesn’t like it very much. Well, neither do the rest of us.

“Master, allow me to dole
the punishment. I was disrespected as well.” Devlin’s voice drops lower as he speaks. It gains her attention, but not as well as the large hand squeezing her arm. She will be badly bruised tomorrow.

“Very well, you ma
y punish him for his disrespect,

she hisses between her clenched teeth.
Devlin releases his hold on her arm and steps back. I try not to smirk when her hand twitches in the direction of her aching arm. She wants to rub the pain away
but it would make her look weak.

“Well, I guess it’s time to show the class how you punish poor behavior, Devlin. Meet us in the dungeon in ten minutes. You can have a bit of a break. Dalton, stay for a moment. We
need to speak to you privately,

she demands.

I sit back down in my seat and wait while everyone files out. Every person looks at me before they leave the room. I receive several looks of pity. It’s not my first punishment at the hands of Devlin or even my hundredth. I begged for them all- including this time.

“I should slap you right this instant,” she hisses as Devlin latches the door. “Are yo
u testing me- punishing me? You’
re fucking up your life, Font, and I don’t want to watch it.”
s holding herself back from attacking me. Her shoulders and chest rise as she draws air into her lungs at a rapid rate. Even her hair moves as she breat
hes. Standing before me is the
facsimile of the stunning demon that is imbedded in the flesh of my side.
don’t you mean that I’m fucking up the life you want me to live?”
“Bianca is a good girl. She’
s a good wife. The two of you are happy. Why ruin it?”
She tries to manipulate, only now I see her clearly. I see through her lies and partial-truths.
“And you’
re a good judge of those things?
Since when?
I want Bianca to be happy.
I admit I was nasty to her, but it was the only way to cut it off. If I were nice we would have compromised and nothing would have changed. This was a clean break.”
‘There is no reasoning with you when you get like this. I don’t know where my obedient child went

she says dramatically, playing the part of the victim. 
s no reasoning with me on this because you don’t get to have
a say in my life. I grew up. I’
m a man. You train us to become dominant to everyone but you. Well, I will not be pushed by you any longer.”
“You’re not acting like yourself, Font.” She looks at me sadly.
“No, I’
m finally acting like myself,” I say proudly and stand. “It’s time to spank me for being naughty, Dad.”  The smirk that I’ve been fighting to hold back spreads across my face and I beam at my parents in pride and happiness.

Devlin starts to smile and sees the look of horror on my mother’s face and he scowls. He stalks over to me angrily and grabs the back of my neck.
“Your attitude is about to be adjusted. You will
apologize to your mother and me
after I punish you. Do you understand?” He looks feral in his anger. I flinch. I thought he understood why I was doing this.
“Yes, Sir,” I say meekly.
He leads me down the hall and into the dungeon. He positions me in front of the device I will be punished on.
“I’m proud of you, Son,” he whispers in my ear. I can hear the pride in his voice and it helps me relax
I look around- or try to. I’
m facing the rear wall of the dungeon with
the seating area to my back. I’
m as far from the voyeurs as possible. I thank Devlin for this small favor. I don’t like to be on display after years of being on exhibit
for my parents at Pierre’s request. I pull my shirts over my head and place them at my feet.
I kneel on the fabric. Another M
aster would have reprimanded me for the action, but Devlin says nothing. The observers aren’t close enough to see what I just did and I truly don’t deserve this punishment anyway. I shift my weight around on the shirts until my knees are comfortable.

I sigh heavily at the piece of equipment before me. It’s my least favorite. Actually, I don’t like to use anything. It’s not m
y kink to be restrained. I like
the pain from my punishment, but part of the thrill was my ability to kneel and take it without restraints.
Devlin slowly lower the device until I can prop my chin in the middle section and my hands farther at the edge of the wooden support. He waits while I find a comfortable position in the stocks. My wrists and nec
k are nestled in the curved cut-
outs. The wood is rubbed smooth from repeated use. I shiver when I think of how much use it would take to create something so smooth from wear. I get skeeved out when I think of all the sweat and tears that have soaked into the wood. The upper board is placed and slid down until it traps me at the
back of the neck and wrists. I’
m immobile- I hate it.
Devlin’s hands skim my shoulders, nec
k, and back making sure that I’
m not clenched tight. A cramp isn’t the
kind of punishment and pain we’
re looking for.

“Why are you being punished, Dalton?” His deep voice carries throughout the dungeon.
“I disrespected you and Master,” is all I say. I do not elaborate.

The bite of the cane has me clench my teeth. I know the sensation well and I ride the pain. The second and third hits have me sucking back my groans. By the sixth swat my back and shoulders are radiating fire. I start to get lightheaded as my body is swamped with endorphins. There is one thing different about this time from all the other punishments I’ve received over the years, whether caning, burning, whipping, or a brutal beating I
always disconnect from my body and enter
my h
ead. Usually during a caning I’
m propelled into my past and I live out the memory in real time without feeling the resu
lts of my punishments until it’
s complete. This time I sta
y in my body and my mind stays
in th
e present. It’

I breathe through the pain and try not to freeze up as the cane
slashes across my skin. Devlin’
s skilled with this weapon
That’s why it’
s what we
use. He never breaks t
he skin or even bruises me. I’
ll have red welts that will fade in a day or so.

Three more strikes with the cane and my rib starts to p
rotest the force on my back. I’
m gasping in breath and each time it
hurts worse than the last.
m thankful that I don’t have to live out my past, but it was a reprieve from
the pain. I’m not sure which is worse the agony of the past or the pain of the present. This is the first time I’ve been in the moment and it’
s agonizing.

I try to force my mind to see it as atonement for my sins and the sensati
on starts to change. I start to feel pleasurable warmth radia
te throughout my body. My back i
s in agony, each hit hurts worse than the last, but my brain begins to interpret it differently. My dick swells and I curse myself. I don’t want to have that reaction when the man with the cane is my Dad.
I scream when I’m struck across my neck. Burning and stinging from the hit spread out from my neck. I fight my restraints. I try to pull my wrists from the stocks to cool the bur
n. I groan when I cannot get free and soothe
I scream louder as a second hit to my neck flashes. My agonized scream echoes around the dungeon several times. I kneel panting in wooden stocks hating my mother. She put me here even if it was my decision to make Devlin punish me. I blame her for doing this to us.
The beating stops. I found no relief from subspace. I found no release as the pain turned to ple
asure. I’
m left aching, sore, and in agonizing arousal.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t punish you lightly. I ha
d to punish you harder than I’
ever punished anyone before
. The membership couldn’t see me pull my hits.” Devlin’s voice is rough. His dark complexion takes on a sickly pallor.

‘How many times did you hit
me?” I ask through dry lips. I’
m cotton-mouthed fro
m screaming.
“Thirty-five strikes
. This time was different, why?”
“I think I’m finally over the past. I didn’t enter a memory. I also didn’t enter subspace. I felt ev
ery hit as if it were the first,

I admit.
Devlin winces and looks ashamed.
I want to comfort him, but I’
m still in the stocks. He notices my predicament and quickly slides the wooden board up the grooves in the device. It sticks along the way and he has to use his palm to force it to budge.
I jump to my feet the second the board is removed. I couldn’t kneel there one second longer. I step away from the stocks and grab my shirts. I don’t want to be within touching distance to that
device from hell.

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