Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (23 page)

BOOK: Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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I pull
on my shirts
with relief. I hiss as the cotton makes contact with my welts, but I feel comfort from the coverage. I don’t want anyone seeing what I find immensely private.

I follow Devlin over to the crowd
seating area. You can see who is in charge. They all have comfortable seats on the sofas while the submissives sit
on the floor and the training M
asters stand behind the sofas.

My skin flushes red as I walk. My erection hasn’t gone down. I curse Thompson for the infinite time for his love of loose fitting jeans. My cock moves as I walk
waving at everyone. 
I kneel at my mother’s feet in embarrassment and discomfort. I don’t want to be in this position in front of my mother and definitely not in this condition.
“Master, please forgive my transgressions. I profusely apologize for disrespecting you and yours. I offer the punishment I just received as penance for my behavior. Do you find the punishment worth the crime? I will gladly take more to earn you forgiveness.”
She looks down at me. It was tota
l bullshit and she knows it. I’
m a good actor or I’d be dead by now. She, however, is my mother and she taught me everything I know. She
smirks at me, but not like she’s happy. It’
s bitter and I can see her underlying shame
and hatred- whether it’s self-hatred or directed at me, I don’t know

I reach
a fingertip out and softly touch her foot. I want to comfort her. No matter what she does to me I will alwa
ys ache when I see her pain. I’
m a part of her and I live her anguish and shame as if it were my own.

“Dalton Thompson, you are forgiven.” She uses my alias- meaning Font is not forgiven and the discussion isn’t over for him. “Please, everyone go about your nightly duties. I have some work to do. Devlin, will you please join me in the training room?”
Olivia Fontaine rises with all the grace of a ruling queen. My Dad follows her one step behind
giving her the respect she demands. I can see from th
e set of his shoulders that it’
s no longer respect freely given. That hurts my heart more than anything. My parents have never been lovers, but they have partnered to raise my sister and myself to the best of their ability. I feel like a child that just learned their parents are divorcing. I would worry that Devlin would leave Spy and me when they break. But I wonder if Devlin stuck around for me and Spy or for my mother. Spy’s rapidly approaching eighteenth birthday has me guessing it’s the former.














I look back to the silent members. No one has moved, let alone breathed, since my mother rose from her seat on the sofa. I see a mixture of expressions- pity from most. A handful of people look at me with pride. I don’t me
et there eyes. I know why they’
re looking at me that way. I thought I was a better actor than that. That section of
the group knows exactly who I’
m. It’s more than third of the people seated here.

I rise to my feet and defiantly stare them down. They should hate me, not accept me. Even the ones that I know have no clue of my true identity look at me with compassion and camaraderie. What the hell is wrong with these people? I bully them and act downright nasty and yet they look to me as a part of their group.
I will earn their respect somehow.

n, may I relieve you?” Kristal’
s leering at my crotch. I will say it’s making an impressive showing. I feel nothing, but the damned thing won’t go down. These stupid jeans make it look obscene. I plan on going into my bathroom and rubbing one off real quick- like two strokes. It’s pounding to the beat of my heart.
My eyes seek Whitt out as usual. He looks starved. My mind goes from disagreeing with my body to being in total agreement. My mind conjures up thousands of way to get Whitt from this room without suspicion so that he can fuck me good and hard. He winks at me rea
ding the hunger on my face that’
s mirroring his.
I start to tell Kristal no when Whitt approaches.
“I’ll hold him down while you suck him off. Make
me proud, Kristal. I know you’
re a fabulous cocksucker.” You can hear the mischief in his voice and his blue eyes are twinkling from suppressed laughter.

s show a different emotion. He’
s so hard I can see all of him. He presses a perfect outline in his trousers. I groan in need and Kristal takes it as permission. She drops to her knees in front of everyone. I start to protest, but Whitt beats me to it.
“Let go over to the wall where it’s more comfortable for everyone. He was just

He leads me over to the wall just a few feet from everyone. They will all have a view of my cock. But
at this point I don’t care. I’m so horny that I’
m willing to let Kristal suck me as long as Whitt is touching
me at the same time. I think if
Whitt were to touch me I cum instantly.
Whitt leans against the wall and opens his arms to me. I look a question at him in confusion.

“Lean on my chest. This way you can’t get away and I will hold you up. You’re running on empty from your punishment.”
I do as he says and his arms envelope me. To t
he spectators it looks like he’
restraining me, in reality he’
s just holding me. I start to freak out when Kristal kneels at my feet.
“Shh… It’s alright, it will feel good. Trust me, Dalton.” Whitt whispers softly in my ear. His teeth graze my lobe as he talks. I shiver and he tightens his arms around me. My seared back hurts where it comes in contact with his chest, but it makes my nerves come alive.
Whitt’s hands move down on me and unzip my pants. I start to freak because this will out him. He just calmly opens my pants and pulls them down too far for comfort.  I just need my cock out, not have my ass hanging out too.

I look at the crowd and they look at my dick in surprise. I guess they couldn’t fathom a small, drab and boring guy packing a twelve inch cock. It’s like a train wreck; they can’t look away.

“Put your hands on his hips and do not let go. If you do
ll punish you. Suck him off with only your mouth. Don’t touch his balls either; he doesn’t like that.” He laughs about that last part knowing how much I love just that.
Her small hands cover my hip bones and she lowers her mouth to the head of my dick
. I’
m shocked that it bobs out for
her touch. Never have I wanted her
mouth on me. Right now I would let them all line up and suck me just as long as Whitt didn’t stop touching
me and I got to get off.

My head falls back and my eyes close as the crown passes her wet, hot, lips. I groan out and it sounds like I’m in misery.
Whitt’s hand moves behind me and I feel him fumble between our bodies. I try to
move when I figure out what he’
s up to. His arm tightens and
leaves me immobile.
“Shh… No one will see. She won’t even be able
to tell. That’s why I only
let her touch you with her mouth
. It won’t matter is she knows anyway
Kris knows that I’m gay.
” He whispers so softly I barely hear him as his lips press to my ear.
“No way will they not notice,” I say in protest.
“A few may, but they won’t judge or tell anyone. I want you so bad. Watching your punishment was torture for me. I want to make you feel good. I know that Kristal is very good at what she’s doing, but not as
as this will feel.”
I gasp as I feel the head of hi
s cock slip past my cheeks. He’
s saturated and
it drips
down the crack of my ass. Kristal looks up and me when I gasp. Her brown eyes look surprised that she pleasured me so well. She begins to do it again hoping I will like it. I gasp again, but not because of her.

Whitt works his way into me and I push out with my muscles helping him gain entrance. He turns his face to the side and moans into the back of my neck so no one can see his face.

My hand
on their own accord and my fingers wrap around the back of Whitt’s neck. I push my hips out and bury my cock deep in
Kristal’s throat. I moan so loud it startles me.

Whitt’s hands grip my hips over Kristal’s not allowing her to move her hands even an inch.
He slowly thrust inside
me and I whimper in pleasure. He moans quietly in
to the back of my neck.
“I’m stealing your phrase, Mon Dieu.
My God this is fucking hot. I’
m fucking you and no one is the wiser. I’m not goin
g to last long, beautiful.” He’
s panting agai
nst my ear almost in distress.

I lose myself in the sensation of Whitt behind me and Kristal in front of me. I envision taking someone while I’m taken, but I want it to be a man.

I momentarily feel bad for using Kristal and not caring about her, but she looks lost in her work. She worships at my cock. Her eyes are glazed and I know that the submissive at my feet loves the force of two masters giving her direction. She loves to please and right now she is doing a very good job. 

I watch the crowd to see if anyone notices. Most are captivated by Kristal. The woman are staring at her as well, but with bemused expressions on their faces- no doubt wondering how she is sucking down my
cock to the hilt. A few people catch my eye and I know
they know that Kristal is a diversion. The hungry expression on one of the faces makes my heart ache for him. I don’t want him, but I know the longing when you don’t get what you need so desperately.

“They know,” I moan out to Whitt. He looks up from the back of my head and quickly returns to my ear.
“He was the first one I told that I was gay. He already knows. And what he knows, they undoubtedly know. You can trust him. Just enjoy this. It feels fabulous; better than I could’ve imagined.”
He thrusts harder into me than he had last night and I cry out. I lose myself to the pleasure of it and allow my worries to float away on a cloud of pure bliss. Kristal begins moaning and the vibrations radiate up my cock and into my body.

Whitt is groaning too loud for it not to be noticeable. He starts to cum and it’s my undoing. I scream as jets of cum sh
oot down Kristal’s throat. She’
s a pro; her fingers dig into my skin and her mouth is pressed
to my pelvis. She doesn’t move, just allows me
flow down
her throat in pleasure.

s tryi
ng not to move and groan, but he’s
failing. My spine bows and tak
es him with me. He fuses
to my body and bites the back of my neck hard, silencing his own scream.

Whitt falls back against the wall and takes me with him. Kristal is left kneel
without a cock in her mouth. She looks satisfied and pleased. I can tell she found her own release from pleasing us both. I want to
hide my cock in my pants, but I can’t since Whitt is still inside me. I have no clue how he plans on fixing this without it being obvious.

I look out to our spectators; most are engaged in their own fun and games. Marcus abruptly pulls Cort from the sofa and drags him down the hallway. That leaves one very sad man on the sofa paying attention to us.

Whitt notices that no one
who doesn’t already know what we were doing
is watching
anymore. He pulls
free of my body and zips up. I bend down and pull up my pants. I flush bright red when I realize what I just did in front of a crowd. They don’t look turned off by what they saw. They look crazed. Couples, threesomes, and mini-orgies are being performed in the seating area.

“I’m not done with you, yet,” is whispered in
my ear. I gasp in shock and run down the hallway. I make it as far as the stairs and an arm hooks my waist from behind.

“This is fun,” he chuckles out. “I got you.” One hand is locked around my waist and the other is fumbling at my zipper.
“That wasn’t enough for you?” I ask incredulously.

No- never,” he vows.

t will never be enough.” His voice is raw with emotions and his eyes glow in the dim stairwell.

He yanks my jeans and boxers off me and tosses them up the stairwell.
“Good throw, you made it all the way to the landing,” I laugh out.

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