Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (29 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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And that wasn’t love. That was bullshit. It wasn’t fair to her, and it wasn’t fair to Tim. How long before the resemblance wasn’t enough to make up for the differences in her personality from Mel?

After a few weeks, he and Tim settled into some semblance of normal, but he noticed his lover was more subdued, less playful.


Tim looked and acted like Jack felt.


Missing Gwen.

There were plenty of times he contemplated sending her an e-mail, or asking Tim to go ahead and e-mail her regardless of what she’d said to Tim, but then he’d chicken out. What if she’d already moved on? What if he was wrong and she had only been in it for the fun? If she really wanted them, wouldn’t she have tried harder to hold on to them?

It wasn’t worth the heartache. The new heartache, that was.

He was already used to heartache. Tim didn’t call him Stoneface for nothing.

* * * *

Jonathan, Markham, and Shelaine didn’t waste any time. The men stripped first, and helped Shelaine out of the remainder of her frocks before collapsing to the soft, down-stuffed mattress.

“You will be a well-fucked woman tonight, love,” Jonathan promised.

She giggled. “Is that so?”

“Yes.” Two days before the full moon, Markham’s voice always sounded nearly like a growl, even when full of sibilants. “We will bury our cocks deep and hard inside you and make you howl like a she-wolf.”

Their searingly filthy language in bed always melted her insides and turned her pussy wet and wanton. “Then fuck me, my mates, so howl I might.”

The men jumped on her, hard and fast, making her smile. Being surrounded by her virile mates, who were perpetually horny this time of the month, always made her feel lustful and beautiful.

Jonathan’s thick member accurately slid home into her pussy, staking its claim there. Markham would have to grab the lotion and take her from behind. “Ah, woman, you unman me—”

“Earth to Gwen,” Liam teased. “You back in werewolf world?”

“Oh, sorry.” She smiled. “Yeah, writing in my head. Occupational hazard, you know.” Her first Pellington Pack novel had soared to number one on her publisher’s bestseller list within twenty-four hours of release. Her editor immediately asked if she had more on the way. She hadn’t originally planned to make it a series, but she wasn’t going to argue or complain at the additional two books they gave her advances on. Being on the beach seemed to inspire her, stoked her imagination.

Gwen buried her toes into the warm, white sand and wiggled them. “So, what do you think?”

Liam sat, his cane in the sand beside him, head thrown back, eyes closed behind his sunglasses. He’d splayed his arms out behind him and looked happier than she’d ever seen him. “Sun. Sand. Waves. It’s fucking snowing in Ohio, did you know that? I looked it up this morning. It’s seventy-five here, and I’m probably getting laid tonight.”

He looked at her with a wide grin. “Life is gooood, sis. Damn good. That’s what I think.”

She couldn’t help but smile with him. Liam had made friends online with a guy, Hal, in Sarasota. Probably not long-term relationship material, he admitted, but they would meet up tonight and possibly spend the night together at a nearby hotel. She’d drive Liam to the restaurant, hang out long enough for Liam to decide if he wanted to go through with it, then she’d return to the RV.

Where she would, invariably, wait up all night with her cell phone in her lap, praying he was all right and having fun.

“No regrets?” she asked.

“Nope. You?”

She shook her head and stared out at the Gulf of Mexico. She missed Tim and Jack, but knew that was a dead end as far as her heart was concerned. She couldn’t get Jack’s angry words out of her mind and didn’t want to try beating herself up for the loss. “No regrets.” She reached over and cupped his hand. “Thelma and Louise.”

He roared with laughter. “I’m not driving off any cliff for you, baby sis, and I’m damn sure not letting you drive off one.” He shifted position and draped an arm around her, then kissed the top of her head. “Wubs you.”

She snuggled closer. She had Liam. So far, romantic love had brought her nothing but heartache. First Dickweed, then Tim and Jack. Liam was the bright spot in her life. For the rest…

Well, she had a vibrator that never let her down—as long as she kept fresh batteries in it. “Wubs you too, bro.”

* * * *

Liam looked a little nervous as he tried to tie his necktie. He finally gave up and turned to Gwen. “Please?”

She smiled and fixed it for him. “You never wear a tie for me.” She faked a pout.

He laughed. “Um, yeah. I don’t date you, either. You get a tie on your birthday dinner, I promise.” He’d put on jeans, a button-up shirt, and the blue tie covered in flamingoes.

“Why this tie?” she asked.

He looked shocked. “You gave me this tie! It’s my lucky tie.” He smiled and pulled her in for a hug. “Thanks for doing this for me, sis. I really appreciate it.”

“You locked and loaded?” she teased. She’d spotted the empty condom box in the bathroom trash.

“Yeah.” He patted his back pocket. “Armed and ready.” He’d been having a few really good weeks, not even needing his cane. She’d let him drive the Element a little, too, but not tonight. He felt far too nervous to drive. They got in the Element and he sat with his cane propped between his legs as she drove, fiddling with it, anxiously spinning it around between his palms as he stared out the window.

“Second thoughts?” she asked.

“No. Just hoping he doesn’t use a safeword and run for cover.”

“If he does, he’s an asshole who doesn’t deserve you.”

“Leave it to you to cheer me up, kiddo.”

She walked into the restaurant with him, close enough that he could easily reach out and grab her arm if he needed her to steady him. Hal was already there, sitting in the foyer and waiting for them. He stood when they walked in and she hung back for a moment while they shook hands and said hello.

Hal was cute. She felt a momentary stab of envy for Liam—and jealousy that unless Hal turned out to chew with his mouth open, Liam would most likely be busy that night.

“Gee.” She turned when Liam called her. He held out his hand to her and she walked over. “This is my sister, Gwen. Gwen, Hal.”

Hal offered a warm smile and a firm, but not obnoxiously strong handshake. “Nice to meet you. Liam’s told me a lot about you. I love your books, I’ve read all of them.”

Her turn to blush. “Thank you.” She wanted the night to be for Liam, not focused on her.

Dinner was fun, and by time for dessert, Liam had already given her their okay signal. She let out a yawn. “If you boys don’t mind, I’m going to head on back home.” She shook again with Hal. “It was very nice meeting you,” she assured him. She leaned in and hugged Liam and whispered in his ear, “Have fun. Wubs you.”

“Wubs you too, sis.”

She took her time driving back to the RV park, fighting her melancholy as she stared at houses already putting up Christmas lights. They planned to stay in Sarasota another week before heading south to Key West, where’d they’d spend at least a month or two. Then they’d slowly make their way west toward California in the spring. They wanted to avoid any snowstorms. Once spring settled in, they planned to take the Pacific Coast Highway north, through Oregon and Washington, then cut east through Seattle, Spokane, and eventually end up in Rapid City after the mountain passes were clear of snow.

There were a lot of National Parks, monuments, and tourist traps between Key West and South Dakota they could hit, lots of fodder for stories. Liam was already busy coordinating book signings with her agent and publishers all over Florida that winter, so she really couldn’t back out. He worked so hard for her.

And let’s face it, Rapid City is just big enough we could live there and never run into Tim and Jack as long as we don’t get ourselves arrested or go into Tim’s store.

Liam wanted another run at the city, to see the sights he missed the first time around. If she couldn’t handle it, he assured her, they’d roll out east across the state, and head maybe up to Maine before the end of the summer, then back south again. True snowbirds, following the good weather and rolling into bookstore parking lots.

She fired up her laptop and checked her e-mail, ignoring the pang of longing when she didn’t see an e-mail from Tim.

When would that die, anyway? When would her heart give up any hope of getting them back? It’d been stupid to rush into it in the first place, should have known better. Quickies were fun, but not when it meant getting your heart broken in the process.

She shut the computer down and tried to watch TV. Nothing interested her.

The sound of “Wipe Out” on her cell phone made her jump. “Ruthie?”

She sounded…happy. “Hi, Gee. How’s the road tripping?”

“What’s going on?”

Ruthie laughed. “I know, I sound normal, don’t I? Guess what I did today?”

“You finally killed Bob?”

Ruthie laughed again. “No! I took my first driving lesson.”

She sat up. “Your first

“Driving lesson! My brother signed me up, said I should go take them even though I still have my license, to get used to driving again.”

“That’s…that’s fantastic!”

“You want to know what’s even better?”

“Bob fell in a woodchipper?”

Ruthie’s laughed sounded almost alien to Gwen’s ears. How many years since she’d heard her friend genuinely laugh like that? “Not quite. My instructor asked me out on a date.”


“Yeah. He’s nice, too. Divorced, two kids. He gets along with his ex okay, they got married young and grew apart.”

“Holy crap, Ruthie, that’s fantastic!”

“I know, it’s a sign.” She went quiet for a minute. “I also wanted to tell you thank you.”

“For what?”

“Bob finally admitted what he did with Amy. What’s going on with them. He said you saw them at the doctor’s and that you and Liam pretty much disowned her.”

Gwen closed her eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I was afraid to, but dammit, I couldn’t stay there and look at her knowing what she’d done with him. I’m so sorry.”

“No, I know. It’s okay. I understand. But thank you for not abandoning me.”

Guilt pierced her. “Um, I’m halfway across the country, honey, if you haven’t noticed.”

“Yeah, but we talk all the time like we always did, so that’s okay. And you let me rent your house. I can’t thank you enough for this. I mean it.”

“You handling things okay?”

“Yeah. Bob refinanced the house and paid me my half of the equity to buy me out, and he’s buying me a car. He agreed to alimony for ten years unless I get a job paying more, and he’ll pay my health insurance and my deductibles.” She hesitated. “Amy moved in with him last week. They found out they’re having a girl.”

“I bet my parents are going batshit.”

“Not too bad. Your mom’s adopted me.”

Gwen grimaced. “Oh, Ruthie, I’m so sorry.”

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