Dancing in the Light (42 page)

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Authors: Shirley Maclaine

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Personal Memoirs

BOOK: Dancing in the Light
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“That is correct,” it said. “And the negative, feminine side is the right side of the brain. You already realize that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body.”

“Yes,” I said, “I remember which is which by reminding myself that the male power structure rules the world and that is why most people are right-handed!”

“Very good,” said the being, whom I will refer to from here on as higher self or H.S. “And masculine priorities, such as assertiveness, intellectual pursuit, science, organization, mathematics, and the like are in vogue and have been for some thousands of years. But that will be balanced by the feminine, right-brained priorities of receptivity, intuition, feelings, artistic pursuit, and the like, very soon. As you know, we are now in the Aquarian age, which is a time of feminine energy. It will be necessary to balance the energies of yin and yang, positive and negative, before the end of this millennium. The human race has been operating with predominantly only one side of the brain for too long. But the change is coming.”

The image of H.S. stood calm and centered. I had the impression that it wouldn’t assert itself unless
motivated it to do so. I looked out the window at a tree outside. It was swaying in the breeze.

“Listen,” I said, “if I asked you to help me stop the movement of a tree, could we do it?”

“Try me,” said H.S.

“Okay,” I said. “That tree outside. Let’s stop it from swaying.”

“Very well,” said H.S. “Feel my power become your power. Know that together we can accomplish anything.”

I tuned in to this energy of my image of higher self and melded with it.

“Now,” it said, “ask the tree for permission to control its movement.”

“Ask the tree for permission?” I asked, suddenly understanding the more refined subtleties of karmic interreaction.

“Why, certainly,” said H.S. “All life must work in harmony, balance, and respect for all other life. There can be no abuse of power without reaping consequences. You will hear the tree respond to you. You will know how it feels about it.”

“Trees can feel?” I asked.

“Of course,” said H.S. “All life vibrates with feeling. And the
state of feeling is love. The state of love is achieved by simply
Nature is a manifestation of the state of simple
There is no judgment or morality attached to
It just
And that which
, in its purest sense, is perfect balance. Do you understand?”

I opened my eyes and looked up at the tape recorder realizing that it was impossible to record all of the two-way conversation. What was happening, though, left me with the certainty that I’d never forget one word of this literally ethereal conversation.

“Chris?” I said, “are you hearing any of this?” I asked.

“Not in detail,” she said. “I just feel an intense communication with your higher unlimited self. You should see your aura. It’s incredibly beautiful. Bright, bright copper color now. Keep going.”

I returned to H.S., who seemed to be waiting benevolently for me to ask permission from the tree to stop its movement.

I felt myself tune in to the branches and leaves of the tree outside. I had never had a problem talking to nature. Flowers, bushes, even rocks were entities I felt akin to, and almost capable of conducting a relationship with. However, until now I had felt this was a fairy-tale attitude that simply gave me childish pleasure. But this was different. This was enjoining the question of my own power in relation to nature. Abuse of my power was not something I had thought much about.

“The tree,” directed H.S.

“Okay,” I answered. I looked out the window and from my solar plexus, where my heart feelings lay, I asked if it was all right for me to stop its swaying branches. An interesting thing happened. I felt the tree not only give me a “yes,” but also communicate that it would stop
in harmony with my desire. In other words, the act of requesting
permission would enable the tree to manifest what I wanted because
energies would be utilized.

I watched through the window. I could see H.S. even though I had shifted the direction of my eyes. H.S. lifted its arms outstretched toward the tree. The tree continued to sway in the breeze. Then as if on cue the tree stopped swaying—completely ceased its movement. It was incredible. The tree literally stood stock-still. Several birds landed lightly on its branches and looked in at me through the window from the outside.

Of course it could all have been an accident. But as I had already learned, there was no such thing. All energy moves in relation to the laws of cause and effect.

I looked up at H.S. in my mind. The arms came down gently. “You see?” it said. “You did that. You can use your energy for anything. But you need to recognize me in order to do it.”

I felt confused and exalted at the same time. I had so many questions, yet they all came down to one.

“Then what is the difference between you and God?” I asked.

“None,” it said. “I am God, because all energy is plugged in to the same source. We are each aspects of that source. We are all part of God. We are all individualized reflections of the God source. God is us and we are God.”

are me.”


“Then how did we get separated? Why are we not all one great unified energy?”

“Basically, we are. But individual souls became separated from the higher vibration in the process of creating various life forms. Seduced by the beauty of their own creations they became entrapped in the physical, losing their connection with Divine Light. The panic was so severe that it created a battlefield known to you now as good and evil. Karma, that is,
cause and effect, came into being as a path, a means, a method, to eventually eliminate the artificial concepts of good and evil. Eventually, too, souls lodged in evolved primates that later became Homo sapiens. Reincarnation is as necessary to karma as karma is to reincarnation. This is the process which allows each soul to experience
human condition as the path back to full spirituality and eventual reuniting with the God force.”

“Then does everyone have a higher unlimited self of their own?”

“Exactly,” said H.S. “And each higher self is in touch with every other higher self. All unlimited souls resonate in harmony with each other. The reason you do not recognize that truth on the earth plane is because you are not in touch with the individual soul energy of your higher selves. But you will get there because there is no other place to go to achieve peace. Peace on the outside comes from peace on the inside. Peace on the inside comes from understanding that we are all God.”

“So then the conflict in the world is basically a spiritual conflict?”

“Exactly. Most of your wars are being fought over the interpretation of God. And the wars that are not, are being fought over values that have replaced God as the highest principle. There is nothing but the God Principle. Everything flows from that. To believe that technology, or oil, or money, or even a free, open society is more important than God is a mistake. It is not the truth. One cannot fight and kill over the freedom to worship God without violating the God Principle itself in the process.”

“So what will happen to us then?” I asked.

Higher self shrugged its shoulders. I felt it was me shrugging my shoulders.

“You will each have to deal with your own inner selves,” it said. “Your inner selves in relation to knowing that you are God. However, the discrepancy
comes in your not understanding that every other person is God also.”

“But down here we believe that people are people, and God is God, as though we are separate from God. I mean, almost everybody believes that.”

“Precisely what is causing the problem,” said H.S. “You will continue to be separate from each other until you understand that each of you
the God source. Which is another way of saying that you are One. You are having problems with this principle because your spiritual development is not advanced enough. You each need to become masters of your own souls, which is to say, the realization of yourselves as God.”

“But how do we deal with murderers and fascists and criminals in the meantime?”

“You must expose them to spiritual principles. None of these souls is happy being what they are. Destructiveness is not a natural state. Rehabilitate them to spiritual values. For example, you are already aware that your prison systems only exacerbate the problem. Put spiritual understanding in the prisons, not punishment. By the way, do you understand what the Bible meant by an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth?”

“Well,” I said, “I thought it meant that if someone smites you, you smite them back.”

“No,” said H.S. “It means that a person who takes the eye of another will inevitably experience the same trauma. It is a karmic statement, not a statement of punishment. You reap what you sow. It is a manifestation of the cosmic law of cause and effect which is administered by the souls themselves, not by the authority of the penal code or a government or even by God. The God energy is no judge of persons. In fact, there is no judgment involved with life. There is only experience from incarnation to incarnation until the soul realizes its perfection and that it is total love….”

There was a pause as H.S. waited for me to respond. “Do you understand?” it asked.

I sighed to myself. “Oh, yes,” I said, “I understand. But I think it will be difficult to communicate. I mean, everybody, including me, is all wrapped up in their own perceptions of right and wrong. I mean, the basis for morality in the world is knowing the difference between right and wrong and you’re saying there is no such thing.”

“That is correct,” said H.S. “Go to your Bible studies. It is very clear. The downfall of man, symbolized in the story of the Garden of Eden, was caused by eating the fruit from the tree of
of good and evil, not simply from the tree of good and evil, but from
, which is to say, the
of good and evil. Until mankind realizes there is, in truth, no good and there is, in truth, no evil—there will be no peace. There is only karmic experience with which to eventually realize that you are each total love. The recognition of incarnational experience is essential to the understanding of this truth. When mankind realizes there is no death, it will have taken a giant step in understanding the God Principle existing in each individual.”

“Oh my,” I said, sighing, “why is it so difficult to love ourselves, to forgive ourselves, to even believe we’re worth loving? I mean, how did we get off on such a wrong track? Was it meant to be like this? Do beings on other planets have the same karmic problems we have?”

“No,” said H.S., “not all. You must understand that there are trillions of souls with histories pertaining to other spheres in the cosmos. The earth is not the sole sphere which supports life. Life exists throughout the cosmos. Some of it is similar to earth life. Much of it is not.”

“Well, what happened to the others then?”

“Some souls have never incarnated, choosing only to oversee the creation of life, evolving it from the spiritual dimensions. Other souls waited until the
physical forms had evolved to a crystal base before incarnating. These soul beings never lost touch with their divine light because crystal makes it possible to resonate to a higher level of divine consciousness.”

“Are they more advanced than us then?” I asked.

“In a sense only,” said H.S. “They are only more advanced because they are spiritually more sophisticated. They understand the scientific principles of the energy which is the spiritual God-force, hey use their spiritual science to their advantage and they played intricate roles in the evolution of mankind. But it would be incorrect to say that what you know, or sense, as ‘extraterrestrial’ life is more advanced than your own in terms of soul
It would be unfortunate if human souls regarded extraterrestrial life as higher and more advanced than themselves simply because they traverse the universe. For you see, each soul is its own God. You must never worship anyone or anything other than self. For
are God. To love self is to love God. Actually some of the extraterrestrial beings, as advanced as they are, feel less love for self and the God-force than certain humans. So you see, it would be incorrect to compare the progress of the evolution of souls. Every soul is part of God and progressing according to its own pace, its own requirements, and its own karma, extraterrestrial or earth plane.”

I hesitated. “Do you mean that our karmic earth-plane lesson has to dio with being patient?”

“One of our lessons is patience, yes. Impatience caused us to become seduced by the pleasure and sensuality of the material earth plane originally. But human souls are on the path back to God. It has obviously been a long and arduous process, but there

My mind tumbled.

“So we, as souls, have devoted ourselves to evolving life on this earth so that ultimately we will realize once again that we are all part of God?”

“That is correct,” said H.S., smiling.

Again, I had to remind myself that in this circumstance I was actually teaching myself. “So,” I went on, “then both the creationists and the evolutionists are correct in their theories of how life developed?” I was beginning to understand this connection for the first time.

“That is correct,” said H.S. “Although both have missed the point of the role the soul played. The creationists believe that ‘God’ was responsible for creating all life instantly. The evolutionists don’t recognize the role of the soul at all. Neither has understood that the soul of mankind is responsible for its own destiny.
We are our own creators.
We, as souls, evolved life, working within the cosmic laws of the God-spirit. When we fell out of the flow of those natural laws, we experienced panic for the first time. The fear created negativity, which we have been contending with ever since.”

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