Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken (27 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hardin

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken
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“About what?” he asked.

“About her using him …”

“To run away from her feelings for blue-eyes and crime?”


Ronaldo chuckled, taking another long sip of his coffee. “Well now she done did it. Doctor Who was already sprung. He ain’t fittin’ to go nowhere now that she done broke him off a piece of that cookie.”

Tamara laughed. “Uh, uh! Don’t be nasty, Ron.”

He smacked his lips. “I’m being real,” he corrected, picking up his mug. “The girl was probably tight as hell as long as it’s been, she done put his ass in a coma.” He motioned toward Reanna. “And she’s actin’ all jumpy, making gourmet breakfasts and shit …” He looked over at her, a devious smile bright in his eyes. “He stunned your ass, didn’t he?” He let out a breathy chuckle. “Did he blow the back out?”

Tamara slapped her leg as her laughter became hysterical. And seemingly unable to hold his own back now, Ronaldo laughed, even as he attempted to take another sip of his coffee.

Blinking, her mouth agape, Reanna stood watching the two bitches laughing at her expense, all the while fighting back the urge to cross the room and strangle them. Just as she was positive she was about to lose that battle, something else caught her attention, and nearly caused her heart to jump right out of her chest.

The freaking doorbell rang.

If her eyes could have gotten any wider, trust, they would have. Who was it?

“Are you two expecting anybody?” she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Ronaldo and Tamara shook their heads, then Tamara stood from her seat.

“Nope,” she replied, leaving the kitchen, and surely making her way to the front door.

Quickly, Reanna wracked her brain, trying to figure out who would be knocking on the door right now. It couldn’t be any of their friends, because none of them would come over unannounced. And other than their friends, no one else visited them.

The doorbell rang once again, this time followed by a hard knock just as Tamara stood on her toes to look through the peephole.


Okay, maybe she was freaking out for no reason. It could possibly be … the mailman or something. But no, of course it wasn’t.

Reanna knew she was fucked—yes
, fucked
—the moment her sister lowered her heels back to the floor, and looked over her shoulder, a shocked expression now covering her face Reanna’s entire freaking body seized with so much fucking fear!

“Umm, Reanna?” she asked, then pointed to the door behind her. “What the hell is your boyfriend doing at the door?”

Dread … so much dread.


Chapter 12: Dr. Ex

“So you fucked her?”

“Don’t make it sound so crass, you idiot,” Kyle spat, reaching for the toothbrush in front of the mirror as he adjusted his phone to his ear. “It was more than just a fuck.”

Mickey chuckled. “You made love to her then …”

Kyle’s face twisted in disgust. “Now you make me sound like a bitch.”

He laughed. “You’re doing a pretty good job of that yourself, Kyle.”

Kyle rolled his eyes, even as a smile pulled at his lips. “Whatever. We,” he sighed, “made love last night, and now I don’t know what the fuck to do.” Especially since he’d watched Reanna basically escape the bed in horror of what they’d done a while ago. After she’d left, he’d gotten up and immediately went and called his brother, frantically explaining his fuck up.

He hadn’t meant for things to move so fast. He’d wanted to talk to her first, to tell her how he felt, but last night … well, emotion sort of took over and threw caution to the fucking wind.

“Well, what do you want to do?” Mickey asked, pulling him from his thoughts.

Frowning at the question, Kyle ran his toothbrush under the running water, then applied the toothpaste. “I don’t know,” he answered with a shrug as he went about brushing his teeth.

“That’s a lie, Kyle,” Mickey said. “You know what you want, you’re just afraid to talk about it with her.”

Kyle shook his head. He resented that claim, he wasn’t afraid of shit … well, not all the time at least. While it was true that he admitted his fear of his feelings for Reanna to himself once or twice, those fearful, hesitant feelings weren’t as overwhelming as they were say, a couple weeks ago. He wanted to tell Reanna how he felt, he simply didn’t know how to verbally communicate his feelings to her. At least not in a way that would be appealing to a woman. He wasn’t good at that shit. He didn’t have a poetic mind, and he was far from a sap. He liked to handle shit quick and without a bunch of talk. It was simple for him. Reanna was his, he wanted her, there’d never be a time in his life when he didn’t want her, and he was in love with her. Yes, in
with her. Madly. He loved her so much that he wouldn’t even allow himself to deny that he did.

It was like the woman invaded his mind and tossed out all of the fear that had inhibited him from admitting his feelings for her. Kyle had never felt so … out of control. That was what it was. He felt as if he’d willingly handed over his control. Like he’d put everything in her hands, which was very uncomfortable for him. Kyle loved control. He enjoyed being in control, but with Reanna … he felt as if he didn’t have it. Even last night while he made love to her, he’d surrendered to her, to his body’s need for her, and pleasing her had been his only focus. He hadn’t even cared about himself. Yes, of course he’d enjoyed himself immensely. It was actually the best sex he’d ever had. But still, he hadn’t been as selfish as he’d been with women before her. Before her, a woman’s pleasure had been nothing more than something that fueled Kyle’s egotistical persona.

‘Fuck the woman good, then leave her wanting more.’

But other than satisfying his sick need to be an unattainable, yet unforgettable, one-night stand, Kyle couldn’t give a fuck about being … generous in bed.

But that hadn’t been the case last night.

Last night, pleasing Reanna had been his only goal, and he’d put forth more fucking effort than he ever had before to do so. Like he was making up for all the time they’d lost due to his stupidity. He knew it would take more than that to make her love him the way he loved her, but he’d wanted to communicate everything he couldn’t communicate with words with his actions last night. And he hoped he’d been able to. He just didn’t know because he’d yet to find the courage to leave this damn room and go find his woman. He was being a fucking coward and he knew it.

Sighing sadly, he rinsed his mouth, then ran his hand over his face. “Shit,” he groaned, setting his toothbrush aside. “Maybe it is fear …”

“Who gives a fuck what it is, Kyle? It doesn’t matter unless you let it keep you from doing what you need to do.”

Nodding his head, Kyle looked at his reflection, feeling more determined than he had when he’d first called his brother. “It won’t.”

“Good,” Mickey said. “Now get your pussy ass off of the phone, and go tell her that you love her.”

Kyle chuckled. “Fuck you, Mick.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll keep everybody off your back until Monday. I think Nate and Lucca may be in the office sometime today. I’ll let him know you’re busy for the weekend.”

“Thanks …”

“Call me if you fail,” he joked. “We’ll get a drink.”

Kyle chuckled, then hung up the phone. He hated to admit it, but talking to his brother always helped him gain perspective. The man had his quirks, but when it mattered most, and even when it didn’t, Mickey was good brother. A better brother than Kyle had ever been to him … in Kyle’s opinion at least. He was sure Mickey wouldn’t agree. He never did.

After taking another couple of minutes to wash his face and pull himself together, Kyle finally felt like he had the courage to go do what he needed to.

Find Reanna, and have the talk they should have had a long time ago.

He actually felt pretty optimistic about their coming conversation as he walked out of the bathroom, into her room, where he took a moment to grab a T-shirt and throw it on before he left her room, and began his journey down the hallway. He smiled, looking down at his university shirt. He’d thought he’d lost this a long time ago, but of course, Reanna had stolen it. She was so damn cute with her gorgeous little thieving ass. Mmm … maybe later, after the talking was done, he’d punish her for her naughty stealing habits. Spank that sexy ass of hers, maybe withhold a few orgasms for an extended period of time. Kyle didn’t know what he’d do yet, he just knew he’d be doing something.

he couldn’t wait to get her back in bed. Just the thought of being inside of her again made his dick hard. She was so fucking sexy, responsive, warm, and wet, and so fucking tight. Kyle was positive he’d never experienced pleasure as intense as what he experienced with Reanna Pierce. The experience transcended any he’d ever had, and when he’d come …
, every time he’d come it had felt like a fucking out of body experience. He was addicted to that feeling now, and knew that only she could give it to him. She was fucking perfect
. His beautiful colomba …

As he neared the living room, her voice hit his ears immediately, and yes, his fucking heart nearly jumped right out of his chest, he was so eager to see her. Not only that, but he longed to kiss her. To take her in his arms and carry her back to the room where they could be alone, where he could make love to her all day.

Just as he made it to the end of the hallway, he smiled, knowing that he’d have her in his arms in a matter of seconds now. It wasn’t until he heard the words coming out of her mouth that he paused before he even fully entered the room …

“Braden, please. I know you’re upset with me, and we’ll talk about it, I promise. But … I really need you to leave. You can’t be here right now.”

Pause … What the fuck? Who the hell is Braden? And why the fuck did Reanna sound distressed?

Frowning, Kyle walked forward until he stood at the edge of the hallway and looked into the room. Tamara, Reanna’s sister, and Ronaldo, her other roommate, were sitting in the dining room, while Reanna stood near the front door with none other than that blond fuck from the night before, tears streaming down her face.

“I’m not leaving until you explain, Reanna! This makes no sense. We’ve spent nearly every day together for the past couple of weeks, and now, out of nowhere, you just want to end it?”

“I know,” she cried. “I’m sorry.”

“I don’t want an apology, I want an explanation. What the fuck, Rea?”

“And I said I’d give you an explanation, just not now.”

“Then when?”

“Later, Braden. I promise, okay? Just … go.”

“Go? After everything you just want me to go? What about last night, Reanna? What about what I told you, how I feel? I came over here to surprise you with a goddamn trip to Cabo for Christ’s sake. You can’t be serious!”

“I’m sorry,” Kyle heard her whisper. “I’m so sorry …”

Kyle’s jaw tightened at the sound of her soft cries. She was upset. That was pretty much the moment Kyle knew this wasn’t going to end well.

“Fuck your sorry, Reanna!”

And that was the second moment …

Reanna raised a hand, taking a step toward Braden. “I know you’re mad—”

“I’m not mad, I’m fucking furious!” the man shouted, then made the mistake of grabbing Reanna’s hand. “You lied to me. You told me you felt the same way!”

“No I didn’t—”


“Okay, okay …” Tamara stepped in. “I think she gets that you’re upset, and my sister obviously feels bad about blowing you off. So how about you just leave? Take some time to cool off and Reanna will call you later.”

Braden shot Tamara a look of utter disdain, dismissing the woman’s words with a flick of his wrist. “How about you mind your own fucking business, Tamara. It was probably you that convinced her to do this anyway.”

Looking taken aback, a scowl immediately covered Tamara’s face as she lifted a finger. “Excuse me!” she snapped, then pointed in the man’s direction. “I don’t know who the fuck you think you’re talking to, but she’s

Braden took a step toward Tamara. “And she’s
fucking girlfriend!”

delusional ass
, she is not!”

“Fuck you, bitch! If I had a fucking muzzle, I’d shut you up once and for all.”

“I’d like to see you try, dick—”

When ‘dickface’ took another step toward her sister, Kyle saw something he’d never seen before. Reanna snapped. And it was refreshing as hell.

“Stop fighting!” she screamed before forcefully pushing Braden back from her sister.

Kyle’s eyes widened slightly as he watched the man, that was surely two or three times her size, stumble back, and his little five foot four and a half love take a bold step toward him. Guilt of any kind had completely vanished from her gorgeous face, and in its place sat an anger fiercer than Kyle had ever seen Reanna exhibit since he’d met her.

Well, this was unexpected
. Suddenly feeling the need to observe, Kyle fought off the urge to cross the room and kill blond Braden. Something was telling him that Reanna, though small and not normally one for confrontation, didn’t want or need his interference in this particular battle.

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