Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken (28 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hardin

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken
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Pushing him back from her sister once more, Reanna jammed her finger into the blond asshole’s chest.

“Do not ever talk to my sister like that, Braden. Do you hear me? I make my own decisions. She’s not to blame for
I do.”

“She’s been against us since we first met!”

“Her feelings toward anything that has to do with me are of no concern to you, she’s my family! You don’t confront her about shit, and you’re definitely not going to talk to her like that in her own home. If it has to do with me, then it is her business.”

“But, Reanna—”

Reanna cut off his words with a swipe of her hand, then shocked the fuck out of everyone in the room when she smacked ‘blond fucker’ in the face for attempting to grab her hand again.

The look of both shock and horror on the man’s face amused Kyle.

“Reanna,” the man breathed in shock. “Why—”

Furious, Reanna pointed to the fucker’s face. “Do not ever put your hands on me again, Braden Harrison, or I swear to

“But I didn’t—”

“You did!” she spat. “And it wasn’t the first time. You’ve been grabbing me this entire time and now I’m pissed!” She slapped his chest hard. “Don’t put your goddamn hands on me, and don’t come into
house yelling at
sister! I said I was sorry, and I am, for hurting you, but that doesn’t mean you get to stand in my home, raising hell like you have the right.”


“I don’t want to hear it!” she screamed. “You’re pushing me! You’re shouting, and being an ass, and I saw the way you looked at my sister. If you ever even think of touching her I swear you’ll regret it, Braden Harrison. There are only a few people in this world that I would and have killed for and she’s one of them!”

Silence …

Kyle smirked. If he were the blond prick, he probably wouldn’t say anything after that either.

After a second more of staring the man down, Kyle watched as Reanna walked past Braden to the front door.

She opened it. “Good-bye, Braden.”

With a sigh, Braden turned to face her. “Reanna—”

“I said leave,” she repeated firmly. “Right now. If you linger any longer I’m not going to stop him when he kicks your ass.”

And that was the moment Kyle knew she loved him.

“What?” Braden frowned. “Who, Reanna?”

“Me,” Kyle said, a genuine smile spreading across his face. He waved at the motherfucker. “
Ciao …”

“Who the hell are you?”

Kyle chuckled softly. “She didn’t tell you?” Kyle shook his head, and stepped into the living room. “I’m Kyle.” He motioned toward his love. “Reanna’s homicidal boyfriend.”

Though he knew Reanna was most likely surprised by his description of himself, he resisted looking in her direction. Instead he kept his eyes on Braden. It was time for the fucker to go. He was monopolizing time that Kyle would rather be spending with Reanna alone.

“Don’t look so shocked,
,” Kyle said to the man. “It was only last night that my Reanna and I decided to take our relationship to the next level.”

“You’re kidding me, right?” Braden looked to Reanna. “Is this a joke?”

Kyle answered that. “No.” Slowly he made his way across the room to where Reanna stood. “I assure you this is no joke.”

“But where the hell did you come from?” the man asked, making Kyle chuckle once again.

If only he’d had the patience to answer more of his questions …

,” Kyle said, looking to Reanna, “will you please open the door wider?” She frowned, but still did as he asked. Kyle smiled at her. “Thank you, baby.”

As soon as Kyle passed by Braden he pushed the fucker out of the door, completely uncaring of whether or not the fool fell down the stairs. Once he was out, Kyle took the liberty of closing the door, ignoring the sharp gasps behind him, and instead focused on Reanna, who was still looking into his eyes.

God he’d missed her. They’d only been apart for a small amount of time, but he swore to God he genuinely missed her.

“Hi,” he said, just as he made it to where she stood.

A small smile pulled at her lips. “Hi,” she whispered.

Bringing his hand to her face, Kyle gently caressed her tear-stained cheek. “Are you okay?”

She nodded her head. “I’m fine. You pushed him out of the door, Kyle.”

Taking one more step closer until her body was only an inch away from his, Kyle nodded. “He was blocking my path to you.”

Though he could tell she was slightly amused, she didn’t laugh, only shook her head. “Kyle …”

“I had no choice,

Nodding, she gave up, giving his chest a gentle pat. “Well, thank you for not …”

“Killing him,” Kyle whispered, finishing her sentence.

Her eyes widened. “I was going to say beating him up, Kyle.”

He shrugged, too distracted by the proximity of their bodies and her sweet intoxicating scent to care that he’d just frightened her. “Same thing.”

She shook her head. “It’s not the same, honey.”

He shrugged a second time. In his world, it was. But that was neither here nor there. Right now, all he could think about was kissing her. She was still upset, and everything in him was urging him to do everything in his power to make her smile again, make her … happy. So without any further hesitation, he kissed her—soft, deep, and with every bit of love, lust, and passion he felt for her in his heart. He wasn’t trying to overwhelm her with such affection, he just couldn’t help it. She did this to him. It was like even though he was as close to her as possible, it still wasn’t enough; he wanted so much more he just didn’t exactly know what more meant to him yet …

Standing on her toes, Reanna wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, moaning as she kissed him deeper. Kyle lifted her in his arms, giving her an equal amount of control and he nearly lost his fucking mind. There was so much in her kiss, so much that he knew he never would have caught had he not abandoned his lust for control. She expressed her passion for him just as fiercely as he did for her. It was as if she got it,
got him
—as if she, too, didn’t know how to express her feelings in words. In that moment, Kyle felt more connected to her than he ever had.

But of course it couldn’t last forever.

Reanna was the one that reluctantly pulled away from him. “Wow,” she breathed, gripping and gently squeezing the hand he had cupping her face. “Wow …”

Kyle nodded his head in agreement. Wow indeed. Kyle didn’t think he’d ever get used to … feeling so much emotion. But he had to admit, though it still terrified him, it also excited him at the same time.

“We have to stop. This is so inappropriate.”

Frowning at her words, he shook his head in confusion. “Inappropriate?”

Maybe they weren’t on the same page about the kiss after all …


Reanna nodded her head and motioned to the right of them. “They’re watching us, and they’re not going to stop because they’re nosey and disgusting.”

Sure enough, when Kyle looked to his right, both Ronaldo and Tamara were standing in the living room staring dead at them; Ronaldo smiling wide and fanning himself, and Tamara with an amusingly arrogant ‘I knew it’ face.

“I see.” That made sense.

He looked back to Reanna, gazing into her eyes as he tried to figure out the next best step to take. He knew he wanted to be alone with her, and by alone he didn’t mean just locked away in her bedroom. He meant actually alone, with just her and him occupying a single residence.

So what to do?

He didn’t want to go back to the City. That wasn’t an option. There was too much distraction there, work being the main one. And he didn’t want to stay here, either. He had nothing against Reanna’s sister and roommate personally, he was just highly uninterested in sharing a home with them any longer than he had to.

So that’s that
, Kyle decided with a nod. They had to leave … and Kyle knew exactly where he wanted to take her.

Gripping on to her hand, Kyle brought it up to his mouth and gave it a soft kiss. “Pack a bag,
.” Her eyes widened with confusion, but Kyle paid it no mind. Where they were going was a surprise, one that would hopefully bring them closer together. “We’re going away for the weekend.”

Chapter 13: Suits

Calls, calls, calls, too many fucking calls

Closing his eyes tightly, Mikilo rested his elbow on the arm of his chair as his nails dug deeply into his forehead.

This was

He didn’t understand how his brothers put up with this pencil pushing shit. Sitting in an office all day, talking on the goddamn phone. Mickey had only been confined in one for a few hours and he already felt the walls closing in on him. He wasn’t built for this shit; he wasn’t a fucking suit. He was an enforcer, a hit-man … whatever the fuck people called the family killer these days, that was what Mikilo
Aagney Akhilesh
Valente was.

He roamed free, both day and night, craving his next kill—his next chance to have his fun wherever Nathan sent him for his daily rounds. That was his life, that … freedom was everything he fucking lived for.

That was why his rational side, though fairly weak, could understand why Nathan chose to take that exact freedom as punishment for his silence on Kyle’s whereabouts.

Clenching his fists tight, Mikilo resisted the urge to throw every object on Kyle’s desk into the wall next to him. He felt like he was going to fucking explode, being stuck in here against his will, but he didn’t break, he
break. Not this time. This wasn’t the first time his brothers had backed him into a corner, demanding to know shit that Kyle had only entrusted him with. They were just jealous, the fucking bastards. Jealous that Kyle trusted him. Jealous that he told him where he was going and who he was going with, and jealous that it was Mickey that he’d called for advice before and after he nabbed the woman of his dreams.

No, Mickey wouldn’t break. Kyle gave him his trust, again. He valued Mickey’s opinion, and even after the many times he’d fucked up and spilled his secrets in the past, he still trusted him with this one. That meant something to Mickey. So his brothers could do whatever the fuck they wanted to him … he wasn’t telling this time.

The phone rang again.

Mickey narrowed his eyes on the object, willing it to shut the fuck up before he jammed his knife into it repeatedly. But, as it had been doing since he’d gotten shut in his brother’s office, it continued to ring. It was such fucking bullshit. Nathan’s big punishment was to curse Mickey with the job of consigliere until either he came forward with Kyle’s location, or Kyle came back, whichever happened first.

Grunting, Mickey reached forward, picking up the blasted object and putting it to his ear.

“This is Mikilo—”

He wasn’t even able to say his full fucking name before the line went dead.

He slammed the phone down before falling back in his seat.

It’d been happening all day. Every time the fucking phone rang, Mickey would pick it up, and state his name as he was supposed to. Yet every time, without fail, the person on the other line would hang up the fucking phone.

When the hell did he become the one everyone was afraid to talk to? Even on a fucking phone?

Rolling his eyes, he ran his hands down his face, releasing a long sigh as he did. He didn’t know what to do next. He’d been answering phones and going through Kyle’s shit for the last couple of hours, and now, he was pretty much clueless as to what he should do. It really made him wonder what the hell Kyle did on a daily basis when he was here. He always seemed so busy, but here Mickey was, doing his job, and he was bored as fuck. Perhaps Kyle’s days were more productive. It only made sense since Mickey had no idea what he’d do if one of the many callers actually said anything back to him after he stated his name …

“Mikilo,” Nathan’s deep voice sung in an over emphasized Italian accent, as the door opened slowly, “
posso entrare, fratellino?
Are you still angry with me?”

“Fuck off,” Mickey shot just as the man opened the door, laughing his giant Salerno ass off. Mickey glared at the door the moment he saw his brother wasn’t alone.
. “What the fuck are you guys doing here?”

This was not how he’d planned to spend his day.

“Aww, don’t act like you’re not happy to see us, Mikilo,” Dante chuckled, entering the office right behind a seemingly busy Lucca.

“Leave the man be,” Lucca muttered, never looking up from whatever paperwork was in his hand. “Can’t you see he’s upset?”

“Aww, he’s fine,” Dante insisted with a smirk. “Aren’t you, brother?”

Mickey’s face twitched in disgust as he watched them all enter Kyle’s office, Nathan still chuckling, even as he looked down at what Mickey assumed was his latest contract, and Lucca was doing the same as he walked forward and sat his fat ass on the edge of the desk. Dante, on the other hand, was carrying nothing, as he made his way to the front of the desk, his eyes shining with idiotic amusement.

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