Dangerous Lovers (188 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee,A. M. Hargrove,Becca Vincenza

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Vampires, #Paranormal, #sexy, #Aliens, #lovers, #shifters, #dangerous

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“Pity, because you’ll miss out on a lot then. Below deck you have to agree to anything and everything and that includes letting your lady go. So...sorry friend, it’s above deck only for you then.”

“What about singles?” Jurek asked.

“You asking for yourself?”

“No, for a friend.”

“Well then, for singles, it’s open season,” he said laughing.

Jurek turned to Liasare saying, “Drink up love. We’re getting the hell out of here. I’ll let the men handle that. They can go in their energy forms and no one will be the wiser. I want to get you out of this disgusting hole.”

He grabbed her arm to escort her out when there was a commotion from the back of the room. A woman started screaming and Liasare took off in that direction. Jurek followed her, but lost her in the crush. The crowd swarmed toward the screamer and Liasare tried to get to her. When she did, she realized she was witnessing a woman being raped by three men.

Her first instincts were to stop the whole process and she jumped on the back of the first man she could reach. He yelled when her fist connected with his lower back as she kidney punched him. He swung around, trying to bat Liasare away, but missed. She took him out with a pop to his rib cage, and an uppercut to his jaw and he flapped on the ground like a fish out of water.

The other two men looked at her like she’d gone crazy. They lunged at her, thinking she was a mere woman, nothing more than a pesky gnat. They couldn’t have been more wrong.

By this time, Jurek had made it to the periphery of the ring and decided to let Liasare have her day. Across the crowd he eyed Tak and Marik and they both shook their heads. They left, in search of what they had originally come to find.

Liasare was in a face-off with two huge dudes. All her training with Tak was paying off because these losers didn’t know the first thing about true defense. She watched their eye movements and could tell what they intended, before they even moved. They were both knocked out before they knew what hit them.

Jurek looked at his avenging angel, standing above the three unconscious men, decked out in black leather, with barely a hair out of place. He wanted to throw back his head and howl with laughter and would have done exactly that if they’d been in another place. But now wasn’t the time because there was a team of thugs headed her way and Liasare was their target. Not giving her time to notice a thing, he flashed them both back to headquarters and to the safety of their room.

Not expecting the ride, Liasare was a bit dizzy.

“You okay?” he asking, feeling her hands and arms for any signs of injury. When he could find none, he relaxed.

“Yeah. Why did we come back here?”

He explained and told her Tak and the rest of the team remained behind to see if they could find anything on the lower levels.

“That place was the ultimate in creepy. Maybe that’s why my skin felt like ice needles were sticking it everywhere.”

Rubbing her arms, he agreed, “Perhaps. There’s some bad evil shit in there Liasare. I could feel it everywhere on my energy field, scraping itself against me. We have to get to the source of this. I have a feeling if we do, we’ll uncover a whole lot of nastiness.”

“Jurek, what if we find stuff that’s more than what we can handle.”

“We can’t think that way. If it’s beyond us, Liasare, that means, the universe is headed for destruction.” He lowered his eyes then, and drank in the sight of her. Placing his hands on her hips, he bent his head to her neck and ran his tongue from her ear to her clavicle. Her breathing kicked up a dozen notches, followed by her heart rate. “Now, isn’t there something you said you wanted to finish when we got home?”

She regarded him provocatively and breathed, “Let me slip out of these clothes first.”

“Oh no you don’t. I’ve been devouring you all night with my eyes, feasting on you and now I want to remove them myself, very possibly with my teeth. You have distracted me to the point of sheer lunacy, so I think payback is only fair.”

He sent her a scorching look and that familiar current swept through Liasare, warming her belly and turning her blood into liquid flames. He discarded his clothing as she watched him with hungry eyes. Lord, that man set her on fire, she thought. That golden skin, jet black hair, along with his perfect symmetry of muscles, she would never get enough of him. Jurek lifted her and carried her to their bed.

He moved over her and rubbed himself across her body. Then his hand skated over her torso and ended at her skirt, where he unzipped and tugged it free from her body. Next he slowly removed her bra, sliding it over her breasts, teasing her nipples and making them tingle and ache for his touch. He sat back and admired her as she lay there in nothing but her studded choker, thong and stiletto boots.

“Oh what a sight before my eyes, Liasare. Where shall I begin? Your inner thighs, your neck, your stomach or your mouth? I want to suck every inch of your delicious skin and taste your sweetness in my mouth. Tell me, where shall I begin?”

Liasare was nearly writhing in pleasure with the mere sound of his voice and that exotic scent of him. Her heart hammered and she felt herself dissolving at his touch. Her brain wasn’t cooperating with her demands for her mouth to speak. The only sounds she could produce were moans.

Jurek chuckled. “Hmm, since you’re not answering, I guess that must mean anywhere I choose.” Running his finger beneath the elastic of her thong, he twisted it and with a pop, he snapped the thing right off of her. He bent his head then to the inside of her thigh and bit down, not hard, but enough to make her gasp. Then he sucked her tender skin and his tongue traced intricate patterns straight up to her core, delving into her, not wasting any time. Liasare’s back arched, and Jurek’s arm slid beneath her, pulling her close, concentrating on pleasuring her. When he knew she was close, he withdrew, but she tried to pull him back down.

“Not so fast love. You need to learn a bit of patience.”

“You’re cruel,” she panted.

“No, never cruel. I just like to tease you a bit first.”

He moved over her body and scraped his teeth along her hip, above her pelvis and across to her belly button, where he began his sweet, tortuous tongue tracing again. She was writhing, fisting the sheets in her hands, and calling his name.

He moved over her and claimed her mouth, not gently, but possessively. He sought everything she had to give, and slid up and down the length of her body, rubbing himself against her. He ran his tongue along the length of her neck, concentrating on the beating point of her pulse, moving to the hollow of her throat. Then his journey took him to her breasts where he lightly licked them, then clamped down on each of them, bringing a gasp from her lips.

Rolling on his side, he put Liasare on hers, her back up against his chest, and entered her from behind. Holding her tightly against him, he began to move within her, slowly at first, taking his cues from her.

“Is this okay, Liasare? Do you like this?”

“Oh yeah, Jurek. Faster.”

He complied, and taking his hand he reached around and dipped it between her legs. He pressed down on that most sensitive spot and then began sliding his thumb back and forth across it, matching the rhythm of his body as he thrust into her. He kissed the back of her neck and clasped her against him. She circled her arm around his neck, bringing him as close to her as possible.

Her breathy sighs were so erotic they were nearly his undoing. It wasn’t long before they were both shattering apart in each other’s arms.

“Is it possible to stay like this forever?” she asked.

“In my sweetest dreams.” He turned her on her back so he could look at her. “Tell me, did you like that?”

“Yeah...couldn’t you tell?”

“I sometimes wonder when I can’t see your face. Looking at you when we make love Liasare...the sounds you make send me reeling right over the edge. I want to see your eyes and watch those beautiful golden sparks light up when you come for me.”

“Damn Jurek, if you don’t stop talking, you’re going to have to do it again,” she said as she climbed on top of him and started kissing him. “Are you up for a repeat?”

“Only if I can watch you on top.”

She was only too happy to grant him that wish.

Chapter Twenty-Nine



Liasare woke the next morning to the smell of fresh flowers. She looked around and saw a bouquet on the pillow next to her.


Hope your dreams were as pleasant as mine...

Yours forever,



Next to the flowers was a box of very expensive chocolates from some far away planet and on his bed side table was a tray with a glass of iced lemon water, a glass of orange juice and another note.


Breakfast is awaiting you whenever you awaken...

Yours always,



Liasare drank the water first, then the orange juice and lay back down and brought the bouquet of flowers up to her face. She shouldn’t have done that because she felt the tears streaking down her face before she could force them back. She cursed that damn mother of hers and then Tommy.

Where the hell are you Tommy? Why’d you have to go off and do such a stupid thing like you did?

The door opened and she was instantly cradled in his arms, being soothed by him as he pushed her hair off her face and swept her tears away.

“What’s happened?”

“Just a memory. Nothing else.”

“Will you share?”

She sniffed, “It’s one from my days back in the medical facility. You know how they say when you’re in a coma and they think you can hear? Well, you can. I heard everything my mother said. She and January would argue about me. My mother wanted them to euthanize me...there was nothing wrong with my brain mind you. She just didn’t want a disfigured daughter. I heard her tell January she wouldn’t be able to stand to look at me with my disgusting skin, as she liked to call it. Later on when I was recovering, every morning Tommy would place a fresh bouquet of flowers on my pillow. I couldn’t move my arms because they were in immobilizers. Tommy knew how much I hated the smell of that place, so he would sneak in before academy each morning and place flowers next to my face to chase away that horrible medicinal odor. I would wake up to see lovely flowers next to me and smile. Then, every afternoon the she-devil would walk in the door, pick up the bouquet and throw it in the trash. Just like that. She would see the look on my face and smile. I never could figure out why she hated me so much. I still don’t know what I ever did to her. Anyway, this morning when I saw the flowers, it reminded me of how sweet Tommy had been.”

“I’d like to squeeze that woman’s neck.”

“Get in line. Thanks for these. They’re perfectly beautiful.” She brought the flowers to her nose and inhaled their lovely fragrance.

Jurek took her face in his hand, “I didn’t mean for them to make you cry.”

“I know. It’s just a memory. I have a lot of crummy childhood ones, Jurek. Hey, would you rather I called you Alaric?”

“I will answer to either. It’s whatever you prefer. Alaric is something that would distinguish you from everyone else. No one has called me that in quite a long time.”

“How do you feel about it? What is your preference?”

“I quite like hearing Alaric from your lips. It signifies the importance of my rank, but I’ll let you choose. I will say I’ve never been very fond of Alaricus though.”

“Then I won’t call you that. I do like Alaric. It’s very sexy, but I like Jurek too. Hmmm...maybe I’ll call you both.”

“Would you like for me to call you Sarah?”

“Never!” she said vehemently. “She’s dead and I never want to be known as her again. Besides, I meant what I said before. When you say, ‘Liasare,’ you make chills erupt all over my body. Your voice sings my name to me Alaric

He smiled at the way she said his name. “Very well. Come, let me fix you breakfast and we can talk with the team about what happened last night.”




When they entered the kitchen, all eyes turned to them. Liasare took a seat at the table while Jurek began gathering some breakfast items for her to eat.

“So, what happened after we left,” she asked.

Tak was the first, as usual to comment. “They weren’t happy with the three dusted piles of shit they had to drag out of the place Brownie. That was some kind of hurtin’ you put on them.”

“Yeah, well, they deserved it.”

All the men started laughing at her.

“Okay, I’m missing the humor here.”

“It was part of their show, Brownie,” Tak added, laughing.

“Huh? Show?”

“It’s a sex club. They do all kinds of kinky stuff. They were acting out a rape scene. You wiped out their act.”

Marik and Ludo were slapping their knees and howling. Jurek walked up with coffee, croissants and an assortment of fruit for her. She glanced at him and he was grinning.

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