Dangerous Lovers (184 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee,A. M. Hargrove,Becca Vincenza

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Vampires, #Paranormal, #sexy, #Aliens, #lovers, #shifters, #dangerous

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Liasare felt timid at first, but it wasn’t long before she found her pace. Using Jurek as her anchor, she moved her pelvis back and forth, found the exact amount of pressure, the perfect angle and let loose with wild abandon. Then Jurek touched her in the naughtiest ways and releasing his energy into her, set her off on a whirlwind of a climax.

After a bit of time, when they had both caught their breath, Jurek flipped her over and piled several pillows beneath her hips. Slipping inside of her, he began to move again.

“Liasare, you are so lovely...so breathtaking.” The way he said her name sounded like a breeze whispering through the trees. His words sent chills up her spine as they resonated with her. His exotic scent enveloped her, heightening her arousal. She turned her head to look at him and she caught her breath as she glimpsed his eyes. Solid orbs of heated silver stared back at her under heavy lids fringed in onyx. She’d never seen anything so sexy, so hypnotic in her life. She couldn’t have looked away had she tried.

“I could say the same for you,” she whispered back to him.

His tawny skin glowed in the early evening light, and his muscles rippled as he gripped her hips. He bent over her and put his arm around her waist, bringing her against him, rubbing his cheek against hers.

“Come for me again Liasare. Let me hear you moan with pleasure. I want to hear you call out my name and beg for more. It pleases me so.” It was all she needed to push her over the edge and he was right there with her. She could feel his length pulsating within her as he climaxed.

“Yes, Liasare, yes,” he called out to her.

When they were finally sated, they lay enfolded in each other’s arms, not wanting to move.

Jurek finally asked, “Tell me, was it everything you wished for?”

Liasare released a bubble of laughter and rolled on top of him. “What do you think Jurek?” she asked as she nuzzled into his neck.

He lifted his head, gave her a smile and stuck his tongue between his teeth as if to say,
I know I am one badass lover.

She punched him in the shoulder.

“Ouch! What was that for?”

“For holding out on me so damn long and torturing me so! And besides, I could punch you all day and you’d not feel a thing.”

He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment and said, “Punch me like that again.”


“Just do it, Liasare,” he commanded.

She did as he asked, and he narrowed his eyes in consternation.

“What?” she asked.

“You’re stronger. Much stronger.”

“Really?” she asked, smiling.

“Yeah,” he nodded. He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. That should have worried her, but she pushed the thought away. She was too blissful and she didn’t want anything killing her buzz.

“Kiss me please,” she begged.

“You don’t ever have to ask for a kiss. You can just take,” he said, flipping her on her back and dipping his head down to shower her with tiny kisses on her face, neck, shoulders and chest.

“Jurek, I don’t want you to go all freaky on me, but I have to say something to you. Promise me you won’t turn dark and bust things up in here.”

“Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this?”

“Because you’re not the warm and fuzzy kind of guy.”

“Hmmm. So?”

She fiddled with the sheet, looked at her crummy fingernails, and then quickly hid them.

“I wanted to tell you that I love you.”

“Oh that. Well, I know that,” he said is if he’d known it forever.

She looked at him and said, “You know that? Is that all you’re going to say?”

“Am I supposed to say something else?”

“Yes! I think something like, I love you too Liasare, would be nice,” she said, sticking her lower lip out.

He gazed at her then and something shifted in his eyes...something she couldn’t quite define, but it was there nonetheless. He brushed her hair off her face and tucked a loose strand behind her ears. “Hmmm. I suppose you would think that. I’m not an emotionally verbose kind of man Liasare. If you want me to say those things to you, then of course I will. I will tell you this though. When I found you in that dungeon, my heart bled for you as I felt it fracture into a million pieces. When I saw what your body had endured, my mind nearly cracked,” he swallowed the thick burning that had quickly formed in his throat, making it impossible for him to speak. Moments passed before he was able to go on. Taking a deep breath, he continued, “When you didn’t eat or sleep for days, neither did I. I was dying on the inside, not understanding why you wouldn’t talk to me. Liasare, you hold my heart in the palm of your hand and my soul is right there with it. They’ve been with you for quite some time, only I was a fool and wouldn’t admit it. I may not praise you with flowery phrases, but what I feel for you cannot be described by a single word. That I would give everything I own for you, including my life, goes without saying. No one could ever feel for you what I do Liasare.” He kissed her lips then and tasted the salt of her tears.

“Why don’t you ever say those things to me?” she asked as she put her forehead against his.

“Because I believe that actions speak much louder than words...I know, a very cliché saying but a truer one has never existed. I very much intend to show you how I feel every day of our lives. So my love, if you want me to say those words to you, I will, but I may need to be poked as a reminder every now and then, because they don’t come easy for me.”

He kissed her then and she felt something different, something entering her mind and soul. It was fulfilling, like he was pouring himself into her, sharing a part of himself that he’d kept buried beneath layers of protected armor, not ever allowing to surface. Liasare felt it empowering her, lighting her up from within her depths. She pulled away from him, gazing into his eyes, seeing herself mirrored in them. Understanding crashed into her, making her reel from what she now knew to be true.

“It was never fear for
if we made love. It was fear that you wouldn’t be able to disguise your true feelings, wasn’t it?”

“Partially,” he whispered. “I knew I wouldn’t be able to prevent my love from pouring into you, but the element of power
the other concern at the time. You were so sensitive to my touch, I feared for your safety Liasare. But I still fear for you because of my enemies too.”

“I’m not following.”

Jurek closed his eyes and she immediately felt their connection had been severed. He felt the same loss of feeling, for his eyes opened in surprise. The corners of his mouth slightly curved, as he let out a faint huff. “There is a lot I have to learn it seems. I have so much to tell you Liasare. Some of it you may not like, I’m afraid.”

He lifted her off of him and stood, extending his hand to her.

“Come with me.”

“Where?” she asked curiously.

“You wanted to frolic in the waterfall, didn’t you?”

“Well, yeah. But right now?”

He laughed, “Why not?”

“Weren’t we talking?”

“We can talk anywhere.”

Okay, she knew he had a point there. “But wait! I don’t have any clothes,” she worried.

“Liasare, this is my sanctuary...our sanctuary. No one comes here unless I summon them. You don’t need clothing anywhere here. Ever.” He flashed her a heated sexy grin. Her body instantly responded, flushing with heat as her heart thrummed in rhythm.

She placed her hand in his and followed him across the terrace and down the stone path to the series of waterfalls. It was heaven for Liasare as she stepped into the cool water, letting it slide across her skin. He pulled her beneath the shower of the first waterfall, and she laughed as the water spilled down her head, shoulders and back, sensuously kneading her muscles and relaxing her. Jurek watched as her skin glistened with the water sluicing down her body and found it was impossible to keep from touching her. His fingers traced the path the flow created from her neck, to her breasts, across her abdomen and hips and then followed it with his mouth, sucking and nibbling along the way.

Liasare was burning for him and even the cool spray of the waterfall couldn’t dampen the heat that had built within her. Jurek knelt before her, trailing kisses along her abdomen, until he reached the surface of the water. Standing, he lifted her up, settled her on his length and in one thrust he buried himself within her depths.

“Yes, Jurek,” she moaned as she pressed herself tightly against him, wrapping her legs firmly around his hips. “I’d always wondered how it would be with you, but I never thought it could possibly be like this,” she said breathlessly.

“Ah, Liasare, neither did I. You make the universe disappear before my very eyes. Tell me you want me.”

“I want you Jurek,” she answered him. “Tell me you love me. Now, while you’re inside of me.”

“Ah Liasare, I love you, so much more than I can say,” he said. “I need you more than anything I’ve ever known. I never knew how much I needed you until I thought I’d lost you. I’m half a man without you. I’m going to make you come for me now Liasare. I want to watch you. Please look at me. You’re so lovely when you climax.”

“Yes, please, Jurek.” He rotated his hips and then there was that flow of energy, that current of power that surged from him into her, hitting her on that very spot, making everything separate and break apart as each nerve ending caught fire with the explosion of her orgasm. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she might have screamed.

Jurek was definitely sure, because when she screamed his name, he cried out hers in return and followed her down that path to ecstasy.

Afterward, they floated in the pools under the waterfalls, relaxing. Liasare felt her body and soul healing in the waters. Under Jurek’s touch she began to feel the pieces of herself knit together again, only this time not only was her body stronger, but her mind was becoming more fierce and she knew her life now had direction, something that had been missing until she met Jurek. She still feared the unknown, and there were many questions Jurek had yet to answer, but her trust in him began to grow and take root that night, giving her faith in herself, their love for each other and their relationship.

Chapter Twenty-Five



“Liasare, come with me please. Liasare.” The voice was calling to her again. This was becoming a frequent thing, the beautiful woman of her dreams.

“What is it now?”

“Your time is nearing. You must be prepared.”

“For what?”

“You are the Key,” the beautiful Praestani woman said.

“Please. For God’s sake, would you just tell me what key? How am I supposed to know how to prepare if I don’t know what to prepare for?”

“Jurek will show you the way. Trust him. You must trust him. He will not fail you. He holds your heart within him. Let yourself go and trust him.”

“Tell him to trust me. He’s the one with trust issues, not me!”

Yeesh, this woman and her trust thing are driving me nuts!

“Hey, who are you anyway?”

“Someone who cares for both you and Jurek. Some who cares about the prophecy.”

“Okay, well, come back to me when you can tell me more. Right now I have to go back to sleep.”

“Liasare, what are you doing?”

“I told you to come back when you can tell me what this key is. Quit wasting my time. I’m tired of all of this already.”

“Liasare, wake up. What are you dreaming about?”

Liasare opened her eyes to see Jurek leaning over her. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and blinked several times.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“You were yelling in your sleep, something about a key and trust. What were you dreaming about?”

Liasare sat up and scratched her head. “I’ve been having this weird dream. This lady, and she has to be Praestani from her bald head and tattoos, keeps telling me I’m the key to something and I need to be prepared. Then she tells me to trust you.”

“What the fuck Liasare!” Jurek yelled as he flew out of bed and began pacing.

“Okay, what the hell is going on? Now you’re weirding me out!”

“How long has this been going on?”

“I don’t know. It’s happened another time I think.”

Jurek was at her side in a flash. “No guessing Liasare. I need exacts.”

“Hell Jurek. I don’t know. What is this?”

“What did she look like?”

“Like Naroo!”

He rolled his eyes at her. “Specifics, dammit.”

“I don’t know. It was a fucking dream! I didn’t know I was going to get interrogated over it. She was beautiful, like all the Praestani women I’ve seen. Bald with those lovely tattoos and those absolutely stunning eyes like yours. What else can I tell you?”

“Was she tall, short, thin, heavy?”

“She was perfect. Tall, and slender. Someone I would kill to look like. Her face was utter perfection...it was so beautiful I wanted to touch it. She glowed.”

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