Dangerous Lovers (187 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee,A. M. Hargrove,Becca Vincenza

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Vampires, #Paranormal, #sexy, #Aliens, #lovers, #shifters, #dangerous

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She bobbed her head saying, “I always thought that was kind of weird. So you’re what...like royalty or something?”

He nodded again. He wouldn’t take his eyes off of her, even a second. He was gauging every tiny reaction, seeing if she was going to smile, cry, scream or bolt.

Her eyes drilled into his as she asked, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

He shrugged, still not saying a word.

“How many more secrets do you have?”

“A few.”

“Are you ever going to tell me everything?”

“Some day perhaps.”

Liasare scooted forward in her chair, and took his face into her hands, holding it tenderly. She would never stop being amazed by his power, for right before her eyes, she watched his lacerations and bruises disappearing. She lightly touched his wounds and leaned forward briefly kissing the corner of his mouth.

“I don’t understand your reticence, but you must have your reasons. I love you Jurek, no matter what. So whenever you’re ready to tell me what it is that you haven’t yet, I’ll be here, waiting.” Then she kissed him, and not just lightly this time. She poured everything she had into that kiss, letting him know exactly where her heart was and that it was locked inside of his body.

He stood and pulled her into his arms, lifting her so they were eye to eye. “I was lost until I found you Liasare.” He carried her to the bed and they stayed there until they had five minutes to meet the team.




The team didn’t have much of anything. There were no details, except what Liasare shared, and what they found when they came to get her.

“What about going to Club Down? Have we given up on that?” Liasare asked.

“We haven’t even gone down that road since all this happened. Maybe we need to revisit that,” Tak said.

“Not for you Liasare! There’ll be no going to Club Down for you.” Jurek looked at Liasare and his eyes were dark and his mouth had hardened into a thin line.

“Why not? I’m more powerful than ever. We were willing to chance it before and that was when I was weak.”

All eyes turned to Jurek. “I’m taking zero chances where your safety is concerned.”

Liasare groaned. “Okay, why don’t we test my power and strength then. I need to find out exactly how strong I am anyway and what it is I can do, right?”

Jurek eyed her for a moment, and then nodded, “Okay. Get changed.”

Thirty minutes later they were assembled in the training room. It was Liasare versus Tak. She still had an aversion to fighting Jurek and held back for fear of injuring him. It was a mental issue with her. Everyone thought it was comical that she didn’t have that issue with Tak.

Tak and Liasare faced each other and he went to strike her, but she threw a surge of energy at him, defending herself. She grinned from ear to ear.

“Liasare, don’t use your energy. I want to see your physical strength,” Jurek yelled from the side.

“Okay,” she said with skepticism. She had no doubt Tak would take great pleasure in kicking her ass, especially since he was still brooding over their disappearing act.

Tak went at her again and she put up an arm block, spun and threw a kick that knocked him flat on his ass. He was up in a blur of motion, going at her again, but she watched his movements, exactly as he’d taught her and was ready for him. She blocked every move and fired back with either a kick or a punch and he couldn’t get a good knock in.

Liasare finally said, “Okay Tak, you can quit holding back. Give me everything you’ve got.”

Through gritted teeth, he snapped, “I have been giving you everything I’ve got.”

Liasare turned to stone. “What did you say?”

“You heard me Brownie. I haven’t been holding back a bit. You are fucking strong!”

Jurek stood on the side with the biggest grin on his face. She swung toward him, as if to say, “Did you hear that?”

But Tak, taking that opportunity to hit, struck her with a kick to her thigh. The crack was heard, followed by her scream.

“Fuck!” screamed Tak.

Jurek was at her side in a flash, as was Tak for she was in pure agony. It was clear that Tak had fractured her femur.

In moments, Jurek had healed her and when he was satisfied she was fine, he turned on Tak with a vengeance.

“Are you crazy! She was looking at me for fuck’s sake!”

“I didn’t realize it. I was already engaging into the kick when I saw her attention was on you. I didn’t mean it. You have to know I wouldn’t do that to Brownie on purpose!” his voice edged with urgency.

Jurek’s hand was around Tak’s throat, lifting his body into the air and cutting off his oxygen. Tak arms hung limply at his sides. Jurek released him and he crashed to the floor.

“Don’t. Call. Her. Brownie,” Jurek snarled.

Liasare had risen to her feet by this time and was at Jurek’s side, letting him see she was okay. “I’m fine. It was an accident, a hazard of training Jurek. And I don’t mind Tak calling me Brownie. I’ve kind of gotten used to it.” She wanted to defray the tension in the room.

Jurek ran his hand down her arm and nodded. She turned and walked slowly to Tak, where he still lay on the floor.

“Tak, are you okay.”

He looked up at her and said curtly, “Yes, I’m fine Liasare.” He rose to his feet.

“I liked it better when you called me Brownie.”

Tak looked at Jurek and he nodded stiffly.

They resumed working on Liasare’s abilities. Not only was she strong and able to throw out energy to stop her enemies, she could also envelop herself in it, making it impossible for others to touch her. She wasn’t able to maintain an energy form, nor could she travel as such, but Jurek was satisfied that she could protect herself if the need arose.

It was decided they would pay a visit to Club Down and Jurek reluctantly agreed Liasare would accompany them. They didn’t have much else to go on and maybe this would open up a few more clues.




The Planet Earth


Two days later they were back on Earth. Liasare had moved into Jurek’s quarters, at his suggestion, not hers. Actually, he demanded it and refused to even let her go into her old room. He sent Marik and Ludo in to retrieve all of her items, and had her moved in before she knew what had happened.

“Are you sure you’ll still respect me in the morning?”

He looked at her and laughed. “Where do you come up with this crap?”

“I dunno. I was serious though. What if these close quarters have us hating each other in a few weeks? You and I are both so damn hardheaded. I couldn’t bear it if that happened.”

He stood before her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Have you ever heard of compromising?”

“Well, yeah.”

“We’ll learn how to do it Liasare. I won’t live without you near me. I clearly need you by my side and I hope you feel the same.”

She nudged him with her shoulder and asked, “What do you think Jurek? Shall I push some of your buttons for you? Or would you rather I do something else with your buttons?” she whispered as she dragged her tongue down the side of his neck. Her fingers were on the front of his shirt when his hands pressed them into his chest.

“Insatiable is what you are,” he said against her mouth right before he pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. “Unfortunately, we have to meet the team to make some plans. But we can pick back up here later on.” He wrapped his hands around her bottom and gave her a squeeze and tugged her out of the room.

Chapter Twenty-Eight



Jurek was strung as tight as a drum. Every time he looked at Liasare, he wanted to drag her ass straight back to headquarters and lock her in their room, never letting her out again. He tugged on his pants, adjusting himself again. Damn her for talking him into allowing her to wear that outfit. She looked like every man’s wet dream.

He decided it was the boots. Those damn sexy boots. Up to her knees, black leather stilettos almost sent him over the cliff. Yeah that was it. Well, that and that strip of black leather she called a skirt. It barely reached her pubic bone and then hardly even covered her ass. With her belly bared for everyone to see, Jurek felt like he was going to go ape shit. Okay, maybe it was the leather bra that really did him in. That silver studded leather choker she wore around her neck didn’t help either. Fuck, she was so damn hot he wanted to slam her against the wall and take her right there. He didn’t care who was looking either. She was his and he wanted to show the world. She whipped her head around, stared at him and ran her tongue across her lower lip. There was no way he was going to apologize to her, or anyone else, for growling. He couldn’t help it, bottom line. His eyes told it all to her. And gods help him, she loved it and wanted him too!

How the hell am I going to pay attention to what’s going on around me when I can’t keep my eyes off of her? That damn outfit of hers is driving me bat shit crazy. I am so jonesing for her right now, I can barely think straight.

They entered Club Down and his skin lit up like lightening.
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.
He grinned at the little ditty. He and his team were ready for what was in store here. Liasare was the bait and the gods knew she would reel anything in, dressed as she was. She was to be surrounded by them constantly, either in their mass or energy form. Even though she was strong and infused with Praestani power, and armed to the teeth with daggers in her boots, Jurek wasn’t taking any chances with his precious cargo.

Down lived up to its name except they left off the other half. They should have called it
Down and Dirty
, because that’s what it was. There was anything and everything taking place out in the open for all to see.

In the middle of the room was a huge table where several couples were engaged in all sorts of sexual activity. Against the wall were dozens of manacles and other bondage contraptions. Some were occupied while others eagerly awaited their next visitors. Liasare had great difficulty hiding her shock. Jurek slid beside her and pulled her into his embrace, lewdly groping her, intending to get her to focus on the job instead of the scenery.

Stop gawking Liasare. You’re dressed like a pro but you’re acting like a virgin.

She looked at his full lips and kissed him them, hard, wet and lush. Then she grabbed his ass, grinding herself against him and returned his crude fondling. Sliding herself up and down his body, she felt his response as he hardened against her.

Good girl, but perhaps a little too good. God you’re sexy. I might have to make use of that wall over there if you don’t take it down a notch.

She smiled seductively at him and whispered in his ear, “Wait until we get home.” Her breath fanned his neck causing a tightening in his groin that only intensified as she ran her tongue along her lips and then blew him a kiss.

He swallowed down his desire and they continued their exploration of the club heading to the bar to grab a drink. The place was crawling with all sorts of vermin, from Xanthians to every kind of foul creature imaginable. Liasare’s skin began to prick, like tiny icicles hitting her skin.

“Something’s going on here,” she said in Jurek’s ear.

“I agree.”

“My body’s reacting.”

“Explain. Telepathically.”

She relayed what was happening to her.

Is it familiar to you? Have you ever felt this way before?
he asked.

Yes, but only slightly. This is seriously intense. It’s coming from somewhere inside this place.

I’ll let the others know. Don’t let go of my hand. Understand?

She gave him the slightest of nods as they picked up their drinks. Right before Liasare tipped her drink to her mouth, Jurek stopped her and took it out of her hand. He brought it to his nose and slammed it down on the bar. The bartender looked at him and stared. Jurek tranced him and the bartender walked over.

“Did you put something in her drink?”


“Who instructed you to do that?”

“I don’t know.”

Jurek looked around, but didn’t see anyone suspicious. He knew the man was telling the truth because when someone was tranced, they couldn’t lie.

“Bring the lady a beer, with nothing in it but beer. Got it?”

The bartender complied and Jurek hit him with more questions.

“So tell me about Club Down, my friend. My lady and I enjoy a colorful lifestyle, if you get my meaning, and we want to do a bit of exploring. What might we discover here?” Jurek asked.

“Ah, well, you’ve already seen what’s available above deck. But down below is where the specials take place.”


“Yeah. Shows, fun and more! Do you and your lady split up or only play together?”

“We only play together.”

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