Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously) (21 page)

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Authors: A.M. Griffin

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously)
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JB rolled his eyes. “You would have to bring that up. That fucking piss-poor brothel. How was I to know they weren’t sanctioned?” He slumped in his chair. “You’re right. Bad plan, I’m never going to get any pussy. Unless…”

“Unless what?”

“Unless you let us say goodbye to Moira and Yazmine the proper way.
The Vengeance

Jess snarled.

Kane shook his head. “Absolutely not. We need to stay alert. The last time I gave everyone free rein, nothing got done.” JB blew out a heavy sigh. “Okay. This last time,” Kane said, feeling sorry for him.

Kane had to admit, ever since he put his foot down, the guys hadn’t complained once. At least the females were onboard and willing participants. They were able to joke about it now but rescuing JB from that brothel had almost gotten Kyle killed.

JB clapped. “Great. We have a plan.”

He would drop the princess off and go somewhere quiet. Get some fishing done. Maybe go see Jori, his former crewmate and his wife, Yeyet. So far, Yeyet was the one alien he didn’t want to throttle.

It shouldn’t upset him that Sa’Mya was married or bonded or whatever. Hell, he didn’t care for aliens and she didn’t care for humans for that matter. He’d tainted Anna’s memory for Sa’Mya.
was what pissed him off.

Impulse won this mental war. Kane started for the door. He had a princess to talk to. “JB, give me an hour then call a meeting.”

“What’s on the agenda?”


* * * * *


“We made contact with your husband.” He had thought of nothing else as he made his way to his cabin.

She was playing solitaire. The smile she wore as he entered disappeared from her face. “I’m not bonded.”

“Really? Tell that to the guy who’s negotiating your ransom.”

She stood and walked toward him. “What…what do you mean? What ransom? We have a deal.”

A bit of guilt tried to creep its way into his heart. “Jess contacted your home planet.”

She shook her head. “You must be mistaken. I never told you where I am from.”

He leaned against the wall. “You’re Princess Sa’Mya Lacolil from Laconia.”

Her legs wavered beneath her. “Which one betrayed me? Moira or Yazmine?”

He crossed his hands across his chest. “Neither. We found out that you were a runaway princess a while ago.”

“Why didn’t you turn me over?”

He raised a shoulder. “You were willing to negotiate the terms. But now it seems that your husband Antony is tripling your offer.”

“Antony! That’s my uncle’s son.” She scrunched her brows. “I wonder what my uncle hopes to gain from this lie,” she said, talking to herself.

“He posted a bonding contract with your signature on it. But it doesn’t matter who he is. He’s the one forking over the gold.”

“I can’t believe he’s perpetrating that lie.” She began to pace. “My uncle will come for me.”

“Tell me what’s going on. I’m tired of your games.”

“My parents were killed when I was five, leaving me the heir to the throne. My Uncle Umar has served as my advisor, overseeing the operations of the kingdom until I come of age.”

“On your twenty-fifth birthday,” he interjected.

She stopped and slumped in the chair. “Yes. I had to leave Laconia. After I am queen I can take control of my planet.”

“Yeah, but why run? Once you become queen you can get rid of him.”

“I could tell that my uncle’s desperation was growing and I was right. He forged a bonding contract between me and his son. With that he can continue to rule Laconia and I’ll remain a prisoner.”

“Why didn’t you tell me the truth from the beginning?”

She twisted her hands. A bead of sweat formed across the bridge of her nose. “I didn’t trust you.”

“And now?”

She refused to meet his gaze. “I don’t know.”

His heart slammed in his chest. She might as well have slapped him. It had the same effect. “I see.”

“Do we still have a deal?” she said, finally looking at him. “Will you keep me from my uncle until after I am queen?”

“There’s a question of trust, Princess. You don’t trust me, but you want me to trust that you’ll uphold your end of the bargain and pay us after we take you home.”

She shook her head. “No, I can’t go home without adequate help. Take me to Sonis. King Taio will help me get rid of my uncle.”

His mind raced. His help wasn’t adequate. He didn’t know exactly how to feel about that. “Why would this king help you?”

“He owes me a favor for releasing him from our bonding contract.”

He snorted. “First me then King Taio. It seems as though you have males at your disposal.” She was the spoiled brat he thought she was. But somewhere along the way he had forgotten.

“And Nebin. He will help me as well.”

She had fucked him to stay aboard his ship. What else was she willing to do? Would she also fuck King Taio for his help as well? His heart hardened. “By any means necessary, heh?”

She tilted her head. “Yes.”

That was her angle. She’d use anyone to get what she wanted. She’d kept him like putty in her hands, biding her time as it ticked closer and closer to her birthday. When she was done with him, there’d be others to fill his shoes.

“Why should I believe anything that you’ve told me or that you’ll even keep your end of the bargain?”

“You have to trust me.”

He smirked and shook his head. “You have a lot to learn about humans, Princess.” He initiated the door release and backed out. He didn’t stop as she continued to call out for him.


She stood in shock, her gaze fixed on the closed door. Returning to her uncle would be…disastrous.

Uncle Umar had gone too far with his scheme to rule her throne. In her uncle’s eyes, Antony could do no wrong. Antony, who preferred to keep his whores strung out on synthine. Antony, who with his spineless disposition preferred to have his guards whip and punish the palace staff for the smallest offense. The last such offense had been that his clothes were not perfectly tailored to fit his skinny ass.

It wasn’t unheard of for relatives to marry, especially on planets ruled by royal families. Laconia was different, royal matches were made of love bonds. She would have a love bond.

She had to make Kane listen to reason. He had to contact King Taio. King Taio would surely understand her situation and help her. Kane was delusional if he thought her uncle was going to give away gold in exchange for her. Her company had war vessels three times the size of
The Vengeance

She pressed her time-keeper. Four more rotations until her birth cycle. Kane needed to leave this airspace, go to Thalassa, anywhere to hide from her uncle. Angry or not, he had to listen.

Sa’Mya stepped in front of the communication panel, determined to argue her point.

The door slid open.

She jumped back, ready to stand her ground with Kane.


She froze, looking at the open door in disbelief. Kane had forgotten to engage the lock. She didn’t know who the assigned guard was, but he wasn’t there.

She found her courage and slowly walked forward. Her heart beat fast. She anticipated the door would close and lock at any moment. Sa’Mya stepped over the threshold into the empty corridor.

She held her breath, waiting for the inevitable. Alarm bells, lights flashing, shouting, anything alerting Kane and his crew of her presence outside of the cabin.

Instead murmurings of passion came from Moira and Yazmine’s cabin.

She glanced left then right. No one came for her. She finally let out a sigh of relief. The door closed behind her. The air on her back caused her to startle and jump. Her hand flew to her mouth, stifling a nervous scream.

She could leave but could she return? Sa’Mya took one large step to the right, out of sensor range, and then stepped back. To her relief, the door slid open. If she moved fast, she could find one of the communication rooms and return long before Kane found her gone.

She needed to get a message to King Taio. She prayed Moira and Yazmine were keeping the crew busy. Cautiously, she proceeded down the corridor. Right now she had to save herself, her kingdom and foolish Kane.

She finally found the small sub-communications room and entered, willing the door to close quickly behind her. Although she hadn’t gotten caught, her adventure hadn’t been easy. There was a standard for vessels of this size. The bridge housed the major communication station, and smaller communication stations were located in the middle and rear. This was to ensure that if the bridge were ever compromised, the crew could signal help from other vantage points.

Her only problem now would be to send an outgoing message without alerting whoever was monitoring the bridge. But she had no choice. She might get caught and she might not. Either way, she needed King Taio’s help.

She entered the message data and prayed to the Ancients as she released the communication. She prayed the message found its way to King Taio sooner rather than later.

She took the absence of alarms as a sign of success. She made her way back to Kane’s cabin, using the same unobstructed route she had taken to escape. She entered hesitantly. A sigh of relief crossed her lips when she found the cabin empty.

She did it. Now all she had to do was wait.

* * * * *


On a planet not too far away, another person let out a sigh of relief.

“I found you, little princess.”

Chapter Twenty


“Captain! Get to the bridge quick. We’re in trouble.”

Kane rose from half-sleep as JB’s words echoed over the intercom. Before he could respond, the vessel lurched forward. He slid up the bed. Pain shot across his skull and neck as his head crashed against the headboard. Everything on the floor slid from one side of the cabin to the other.

Shit. Tracking beam.

He jumped out of bed and scrambled to put on his pants and boots. “On my way. Brief me.”

JB didn’t waste any time. “A humongous vessel came out of nowhere, scanned us and locked us down in a matter of minutes.”

Shit. Not good.
“Get us out of here.”

“I’m trying.”

As fast as he could, Kane made his way to the bridge. On the way there, JB explained that he, Ryan and Jess were working on an escape.

Finally at the bridge, the first thing he saw was the enormous vessel in front of them.

Double shit.

“Where are Kyle and Eli?”

Jess looked up briefly. Her fingers didn’t pause from punching release codes into the vessel’s computer system. “Engine room.”

Kyle’s voice came across the intercom. “How does everyone feel about air? I diverted as much power as I can to the engines. Our only other option would be to go down to fifty percent oxygen, maybe that’ll help.”

“I’ve become very fond of air, Kyle,” JB yelled from his station at the monitors.

“Cut the air in the cabins before you cut ours. Those bitches don’t need to breathe anyway,” Jess snarled.

“Shut up, Jess. I’ll bet those are her people and they’re here because you screwed up and led them right to us,” Kane said.

“No, I didn’t. I made sure to scramble the channel so my message wouldn’t be tracked.”

“You better pray you’re right.”

They had been in sticky situations before but this time felt different. The tension in the room was almost palpable.

“Open up a com-link,” Kane said. He took his seat, preparing to start the negotiations.

“Yes sir. Open,” JB said.

“Greetings,” Kane said, addressing the larger vessel, composed as ever. “How can I assist you?”

After a brief hesitation, someone replied, “You will give us Princess Sa’Mya of Laconia or face certain annihilation.”

Everyone in the room looked at each other. They were in triple shit.

“And you are certain this Princess Sa’Mya of Laconia is aboard my vessel? We are a merchant ship on our way to pick up goods for resale.”

“We have no time for lies. We received communication from Princess Sa’Mya with this vessel’s signature.”

Jess hadn’t made a mistake. He had. Somehow Princess Sa’Mya had been the one to contact them. And it was his fault. But how the hell had she gotten a communication out?

He exchanged glances with JB and Ryan. Jess uttered death threats under her breath. Yeah, they were in trouble.

“Even if this princess of yours was on my vessel, she could have been dropped off on another planet. I don’t keep track of every stray my crew brings onboard.”

“If that were the case, we would have annihilated your vessel on first contact. Fortunately for you she is still onboard. We matched her heat signature to a female who is located in one of your cabins.”

Kane opened his mouth and snapped it shut. A definite first for a New York attorney, he was left speechless.

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