Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously) (24 page)

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Authors: A.M. Griffin

Tags: #Erotica

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King Taio stepped in front of the human and shielded her from view. King Taio widened his stance and held his
firmly in front of him. The specialized sword was infused with impenetrable metals. Taio could use his weapon to easily deflect a blaster ray.

“The control over the palace is returning to Princess Sa’Mya on this day. Stand down or be cut down. The choice is yours,” Taio declared.

“Preposterous! Princess Sa’Mya has always been in control,” Umar said. “I’ve done my part as her advisor. Who else was in a position to see to her best interests when her parents died? Hmm?”

Umar inched closer to Sa’Mya and the transporter. He could grab her, jump in the transporter and escape. He could at least ransom that spoiled brat for more credits. Maybe he could turn this thing around?

His useless son would have to fend for himself. His plan of creating a bond was ruined. He no longer needed Antony. His gaze darted around the room from one person to the next. When his gaze landed on Sa’Mya, she cringed away from him.

Ungrateful whore.

“Died? Well, that’s a stretch isn’t it? Princess Sa’Mya seems to believe you murdered her parents,” King Taio replied.

Umar’s eyes widened.

That bitch.

“Murdered?” Umar asked.

“She no longer has need of your services,” King Taio added.

A nervous giggle escaped as he shifted his gaze from King Taio to Sa’Mya. “Why would I murder my own sister? I loved her. The strain of the events of these past lunar cycles has been too much for my poor niece. You dumped her for the human slave and then poor Sa’Mya was captured by space pirates. Why, she is overwrought, delusional.”

Umar inched closer to Sa’Mya and held out his arms. “Sa’Mya, dear, come to me. Let me find your maid to help you get into bed.”

Sa’Mya stepped closer to King Taio. “No, uncle. It’s over. He knows everything.”

King Taio pulled Sa’Mya to his side, thwarting Umar’s attempt to grab her.

“Moira has ruined everything!” Umar yelled, unable to contain his anger any longer. “I finally had you back in my control and she had to ruin it by contacting this heathen. Sa’Mya, come here right now, you fool.” Umar stomped his foot. Spit dripped from his chin.

“No, uncle.” Sa’Mya stood her ground, shaking her head. “Stand down. You will be charged for your crimes against the crown and its people.”

Antony gasped and reached out to him. Umar pushed his son’s hands away.

“You are just as your stupid mother,” he said to Sa’Mya. His face flushed with anger. “She deserved to die and so do you.” Umar lunged at her.


Sa’Mya inwardly cringed, waiting for her uncle to strike.

Eva stepped around Taio, her eyes intent on Umar. Her
swooshed through the air. A collective gasp rang in the hall. Umar’s scream echoed off the walls. His upper half toppled to the ground. His bottom half stood erect, still supported by his legs. A geyser of blood erupted from him.

Sa’Mya caught her breath as everyone else did.

“Eva,” Taio said. “I gave you strict instructions not to interfere. You could have been harmed.”

Sa’Mya startled and tore her gaze from her uncle’s lifeless frame to Taio and Eva.

“Oh please, that clumsy fool didn’t stand a chance,” Eva replied.

“It is not the point. I should have left you at home.”

“Then I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to use the new
Ship made for me,” Eva said. She held her
up. Her lips curled into a frown as she watched crimson blood drip from it.

” Eva curled a long lock of jet-black hair behind her ear and wiped the blade on Umar’s pants legs. Once her blade was clean, she kicked on his legs so they too could fall in a heap on the floor.

“You killed my father,” Antony whispered in disbelief. He took two tentative steps forward to look at his father’s dead body. His hands visibly shook as he used a handkerchief to wipe tears from his eyes. “Father?”

Eva caught Sa’Mya’s gaze. “I did something Princess Sa’Mya should have done a long time ago.”

Sa’Mya didn’t fight the overwhelming urge to hug Eva. “Thank you so much, human. I will always be indebted to you.”

Despite their previous differences, Eva returned her embrace. “Blame it on the hormones. I was tired of hearing that bastard talk. Plus, he called me a slave.”

Sa’Mya pulled away and laughed. “Please just tell me to shut up when you tire of my voice. I would hate to meet the same fate as my uncle.”

No one would call the human female less than deadly. She had killed one of King Taio’s famous royal guards with her bare hands. Now Eva had added Sa’Mya’s uncle to her kill count.

Sa’Mya hugged Taio. “Thank you for coming.”

“I would say it was a pleasure to put that animal to rest, but I believe my mate had all of the fun.” Taio cut his eyes to Eva.

“Why didn’t you tell Taio about this before, Sa’Mya?” Eva asked. “Taio would never have let you return to your uncle had he known what was going on.” Eva took Sa’Mya’s hands into her own.

Sa’Mya grasped Eva tightly. Eva’s small hands were strong and reassuring. They stopped her own from shaking and for that she was grateful.

“After I left Sonis, I thought I could hide until I became Queen. I didn’t know he would get this desperate.”

“And you also didn’t anticipate getting abducted by space pirates either,” Eva said. “Tell me all about them. Ship said they were humans who escaped a work planet.”

“How did Ship find out about them?” Sa’Mya asked.

Eva laughed. “Ship knows everything. I had him do some recon work while we were on our way here.”

“What is ‘
’?” Sa’Mya asked.

Taio shook his head. “Don’t even ask. Since I stopped trying to figure out her human slang, I found my head no longer hurts.”

Sa’Mya cast her eyes down. “To be honest, I could have left if I really tried. I stayed because I felt safer with him.”

Eva threw up a hand. “Whoa, you said ‘him’ instead of ‘them’. Who exactly is the ‘him’ we’re talking about?”

“I meant them.” Sa’Mya shook her head. “Speaking of them, I have to get them out of the dungeon.”

“Wait. You plan to free them?” Taio asked.

“Yes. They meant us no harm. They treated us fairly well.”

“Why wouldn’t she free them?” Eva crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently.

“They abducted Sa’Mya and have crimes spanning across three galaxies. The only way they can leave here is if they go before the Galactic Council to be charged for what they have done.”

“They were forced into this life. We can’t place blame on them for trying to survive. The Galactic Council should have intervened against the Loconuist attack on Earth.”

“She’s right, Taio,” Eva joined in, her voice rising. “The Galactic Council should have stepped in to help us. We’re all trying to find our way. It’s unfair to be thrust in this new life and be penalized for trying to survive.”

Taio pulled Eva close to him. “I’ll speak with the Galactic Council and see what can be done. Until then, it would be safer for the pirates to stay in Sa’Mya’s dungeon.”

“Can I at least let them out? I’ll make sure they stay confined in the palace.”

“We would have more problems if they escaped before the Galactic Council cleared them. The safest place for them is where they are.”

Sa’Mya couldn’t possibly keep them in the dungeon. Kane would never forgive her for leaving him and his crew there. He would also never forgive her for handing them over to the Galactic Council.

“I’ll get a resolution as soon as possible,” Taio promised.

Eva broke free from Taio and grabbed Sa’Mya by the hand. “That’s settled. Tell me all about ‘him’.”

Sa’Mya peered at Taio, suddenly uncomfortable talking about this in front of him.

Taio looked from her to Eva. His face registered that the females wanted him to leave. “Oh, right. I’ve got security issues to attend to anyway. Jor’Dan!” As he walked away, a well-muscled male, standing two heads shorter than Taio, approached him.

Only after Taio left did Sa’Mya recount everything she’d been through. Once she starting talking, she couldn’t stop. It felt so good to finally release everything she had kept bottled up inside.

The rocky start she and Eva had gotten off to on Sonis seemed to dissipate. Eva proved more than willing to bury old gripes and open her heart to start a new friendship. On more than one occasion, Eva would say “typical man” or “he’s such an ass” or “as soon as I have this baby I’m kicking his ass” and the occasional “awww”.

Then, while telling Eva about Jess and her attack, Eva doubled over and grabbed her stomach.

Sa’Mya was instantly by her side. “Eva! What’s wrong?”

“Contraction,” Eva replied. Her breaths came out in painful pants. “Get Taio.”

Sa’Mya spotted Taio talking to a group of his royal guards. “Taio!” She waved her arm wildly in the air. “We need you.”

Without turning their way, he replied, “I’ll be there shortly.”

Eva held one hand to her stomach. The other gripped painfully on Sa’Mya’s arm. “For the love of God, this hurts!” she yelled. “Taio!”

“One moment, little one,” Taio said.

“Taio! I don’t think I can wait any longer,” Eva yelled.

Taio turned. Confused alarm crossed his features as he ran over and scooped Eva up in his arms.

“What’s wrong? What’s happening? Are you in pain? Is the baby in trouble?” he asked, each sentence coming out faster than the last.

Both hands cradled her stomach. “I’m in labor,” Eva said between pants. “The baby has decided to join all of the excitement.”

“My son will be born on Sonis soil!” Taio declared as he stalked toward the docking station. “Jor’Dan! See to all the necessary arrangements in my absence.”

As she was being whisked away, Eva peered over Taio’s shoulder. “It’ll work out,” she said.

Sa’Mya doubted it, but she didn’t have time to point that out. “Congratulations,” she yelled instead. Sa’Mya stood alone, waving goodbye to her new friend.
Only friend
, she thought sadly.

Sonis royal guards filled the common room but she felt more alone now than ever before. She wrapped her arms tightly around herself.

It was sad to see them leave but she understood Taio’s rush to return home. This day would be momentous for Sonis. This child would be the first Human-Sonis species. Sa’Mya prayed silently that father, mother and child made it home swiftly and safely.

Sa’Mya took a deep breath. The Sonis royal guards seemed to have everything in order. Her uncle’s guards and his son were corralled into a corner. Her uncle’s body had been disposed of. She was safe now.

She was officially Queen of Laconia. She did what her father would have wanted her to do. She dropped her hands to her sides and straightened her back. She went to Jor’Dan’s side. He was her new chief guard for the time being.

An official coronation would have to wait. The first order of business would be to remove her uncle’s belongs from her parents’ royal suite and put his son to death.

Chapter Twenty-Three


“Shut the fuck up, Jess,” Kane said.

He was tired of hearing her voice. She’d been bitching and complaining nonstop for the past…what had it been? Four days?

“Fuck you, Kane. Don’t you dare talk to me,” she said. Squaring her shoulders, she took two steps toward him, jutting her finger out. “Your dick is the reason we’re in this shithole to begin with. If you’d been able to keep it in your pants we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

That’s it.

After every one of her fuckups, he had kept her on his team. No more.

JB stepped in front of him, successfully blocking Jess from his view. “Ignore her.”

“Why? She’s right,” Kyle added.

Seeing nothing but red, he pushed JB out of his way. JB fell hard against the prison bars. Ryan and Eli both sprang from their seats on the floor and grabbed his arms, holding him back from Kyle.

“This cell is too fucking small for this bullshit,” JB said.

“Tell that to our pussy-whipped
,” Kyle barked.

Kane growled low in his throat. Kyle wanted to fight. Well, today was the perfect day for one. Kane pulled and pushed against Ryan and Eli, who staggered against his weight. “Let me go.”

JB swung, hitting Kane with a heavy crack on his mouth. Kane fell with a thump. Momentarily dazed, he shook his head.

Kane pushed away Eli’s outstretched hand, jumped up and wiped his arm across his lip. Blood stained his shirt and clouded his mind. He growled again.

“I’m sorry, man, but I had to knock some sense into you,” JB said.

“I’m not spending another minute with those two assholes,” Kane said. “As a matter of fact, I’m tired of all of you.”

This was the perfect time to separate. The crew was cramped into one cell because they didn’t want to separate from Jess. The rest of them could protect her. It wasn’t his job anymore.

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