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Authors: Breanna Hayse

Dare to Defy (10 page)

BOOK: Dare to Defy
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“This is the position a submissive wife should always be in. On her knees with her cunt high in the air to be fucked. Maybe I should delay my trip and take her now?”

“Then you lose your kingdom, you prick,” Daynel snarled. “The deal was to present me to your father unharmed and unsullied, before you could make your claim. If I am deflowered prior to arrival, then you cannot prove I was not with child of another man!”

“And exactly how do you know of the ‘deal’ made by my father?” Ethan squatted to look at her with sadistic amusement.

She spat at him. “Neither my father nor brother hide the truth from me. The condition was placed to prevent one of your feeble-minded pieces of shit from touching me.”

“She certainly needs to be trained, Sire,” the soldier said, grinding his boot into her cheek. “Perhaps a few lashes of the whip would teach her manners?”

“You are correct, my dear. There are conditions to keep you alive for the time being. As for you,” he said to the soldier. “A solid whipping would do wonders for her impertinence. I would love to hear the wench scream in pain for the rest of this journey. Tie her to the tree!”

Daynel raged, screaming obscenities as she was bound with her arms wrapped high around the tree trunk and her back bared to the riding whip. She bit her lip as the first lash cut into her skin with such force that it caused the flesh to split across the bone. As blood trickled down her flesh, a second and third cut followed and she felt the skin in her back give way as it was opened by the whip. She finally released a scream of pain as the fourth slashed over her shoulders. She felt hands tug away her breeches, exposing her pale buttocks and thighs. The whip fell unmercifully, digging deeply into her flesh and causing her to cry out in agony. She whispered Draiken’s name and slumped into a pain-filled faint.

Salt water splashing against her failed to revive the woman, and Daynel felt herself walking in the dream world, her mind filled with vision and direction.

Draiken stood waiting for her, his wings stretched behind him as his eyes glowed angrily.

“They have caused you harm, My Own. They will die.”

“Why do you not rescue me?” Daynel asked, her lips meeting his.

“I cannot go where I have not been sent. Not in this state. You will be with me soon. You must find your powers first.”

“I wish you to take me again. Bring me to the heights again,” Daynel said, her fingers running across the sensitive velvet of his wings.

“Not this day. You must claim your powers first before I may have you in my arms. You are destined as a high priestess. Call upon the elements to help you.”

I do not know how…Draiken? No, don’t leave me!”
Daynel called out, feeling her mind being drawn back to where her abused body was strung. She woke with a howl of pure anger.

“The beauty awakens,” Ethan pronounced. “Release her.”

Daynel slumped to the ground, her entire back, buttocks, and thighs burning with intense fire. Fire. Something within her blazed and she called upon the element to aid her, to destroy. A scream of terror pierced the night as the whip holder burst into flames, his living body running through the dark woods in an attempt to escape the slow roasting of his flesh. Daynel opened her eyes as she slowly lifted herself from the forest floor

“The witch! She did this evil!” a man cried out, pointing to her. “Her eyes! In her lives a dragon!”

Ethan stepped back, watching in horror as Daynel’s blue, vertically slit eyes glowed with vengeance. A second man released an unholy scream, the one who had bound her to the tree. He, too, turned into a running torch into the blackness of the night.

“Harm me not again,” Daynel demanded, standing. Before Ethan’s eyes, the bloody rips across her delicate flesh closed and left her skin unblemished. “The next man who lays a finger upon me will die. I give you my word. Do you have a ship?”

“Leave her,” Ethan ordered his men. “Forgive me, Princess. I did not know you held the power of the dragon gods. Had I been given such knowledge, my treatment of you would have been much different.”

His voice held a syrupy sweet tone that Daynel knew spelled trouble for her. He now had more reason to keep her alive, especially if he thought she could call upon the elements at a whim. Trying not to appear shaken at her new discovery, Daynel lifted her chin with authority, her eyes still glowing with power.

“You will take me to your ship and we will be on our way. I wish to see our destination before the next moon.”

“You desire power, don’t you, Princess? The power that comes with being my queen.” He touched her cheek. Daynel grimaced, seeing spittle on his fattened lips.
The bastard is delusional as well as insane
, she thought as she pulled away. He continued, “Yes, you do! With the riches of my kingdom, and the power you hold, we can rule the world! I need not the blessing of my father; I will just take the kingdom from him with you at my side.”

“I only wish vengeance upon the ones who sought to harm me,” Daynel narrowed her eyes; hopefully the arrogant man would be steered the wrong way. “I have no care about how the kingdom is seized by you.”

“Those who harmed you? Ahh, of course! Your father and your brother. They are the ones who saw how powerful you and I would be together and it frightened them. That is why they had you taken away from me!”

“What other reason would they have had?” Daynel asked, gracefully wrapping herself in her cloak to hide the shredded clothes. “Now let us be gone. I have wasted enough time.”

Ethan, happy to believe that fate had turned things in his direction, ordered the men to clear the bodies from the campsite and gather the equipment. Daynel looked down at Baldric sadly.

“I wish him to be placed on a pier and given up in flame before we leave.”

“My dear, that will take time and…yes. Very well,” Ethan sighed as she snapped her head to look at him. She was grateful the sky was too dark for him to see her shake with fright. How long could she maintain this appearance of having power? She was certain it had come from Draiken, not from within herself.

An hour later, she stood silently and watched the flames lick the sky as Baldric’s body was offered to the gods. A tear dripped down her cheek and she felt Ethan wrap his soft, flabby arm around her slender shoulders.

“A tear of joy that he no longer holds you captive? How many times did he try to take you for his own?”

“He was a kind and gentle man who saw to my every need. Do not speak against him again. And unhand me.”

Her words were emphasized by a loud roar of flames and a gush of wind, sending sparks into the night sky. Ethan tentatively withdrew his arm, bristling at her tone. He would find a way to tame her and make her serve him. Gods be damned…she would use her power to make him the greatest king that ever lived!

Daynel leaned over Firestar’s neck as they reached the beachhead. She whispered for him to take Baldric’s mare back home with him, hoping the animal understood the instructions and that Günter would deduce the situation. She found herself praying again, for the safety of the horses, her home and family, and, finally, herself. She did not know how she would find Draiken, either.

As soon as she slid off the horse, he took a sharp turn and galloped madly away, followed by Baldric’s mare. She held her hand up as an archer lifted an arrow.

“No! They will not be harmed!” she commanded, watching the man’s face pale as she glared at him. “Arriving at my father’s castle riderless will make him believe that I and my guide are dead.”

“And then they will not be prepared when we ride upon them with an army to take the castle. Brilliant!” Ethan surmised. “Almost as much as how I ridded myself of my brothers without anyone suspecting! What a powerful team we shall make together, do you agree?”

“Yes. Of course,” Daynel muttered. Mustering the dignity worthy of a queen, she stepped in the small boat and settled upon the bench, gripping the rim as it was rowed out to the small ship that housed Ethan and his men. Ragged-looking crewmen narrowed their eyes as she bordered, muttering curses and spitting on the deck. Several of the soldiers whispered to them, and the crewmen quickly scattered from sight.

“My cabin,” Daynel demanded, crossing her arms.

Ethan frowned, then nodded toward the ship’s bow. “She may take mine. I will occupy the steward’s rooms. And see to it that she is not disturbed.”

The guard nodded his head in understanding. Daynel was their prisoner, power or not.

Chapter Seven



Ilesbet’s eyes were filled with tears as she stroked the long neck of the chestnut mare as the exhausted animal panted for breath after arriving at the castle corral. Firestar snorted next to her, tossing his head with apparent agitation. Günter snatched the animal’s mane in his hands and looked into the dark brown eyes.

“Is she safe? Did she find her way to safety?” he asked of his wife while stroking the animal’s muzzle to calm him.

“She is safe, husband. But poor Baldric…” Ilesbet began to weep, burying her face in Baldric’s horse’s neck. Günter sighed, releasing Firestar to pull his wife into his large arms where she cried openly for the loss of her friend and faithful follower.

“He served her well,” Ilesbet sobbed, “to the very end. He helped her discover her power by giving up his life.”

“Power? Ilesbet…”

“She is called to be a high priestess, Günter. The powers of nature have been blessed upon her.”

“Blessed? In the same manner in which you are?
!” Günter roared, grabbing her shoulders. “
! She cannot suffer the same fate as you!”

“My sweet,” Ilesbet touched his cheek gently. “The pain in which we suffer is the price we pay for the power we receive. This power, if she learns how to summon it, will save not just her life, but the kingdom as well. Your kingdom. And the lives of our children.”

“If you are asking me to choose between my sister and my children…” Günter pulled away, anger painted on his face.

“Never! Günter, you must calm yourself!” Ilesbet ordered, her tears glistening in the sunlight. “The choice is not yours, but of the gods. She has been chosen.
, the Guardian of Three, placed the blessings of the gods upon her when you fashioned the eye, skin, and fang and presented them to her! Your spirit knew it was right and that she would accept the offering. The dragon presented itself to you that it might be slain in honor and be gifted to the next high priestess. He sacrificed his life so that she, and all who follow, might live.”

“I do not wish to speak of this right now.” Günter turned away.

“Husband, I have never used my powers upon you, but I am sorely tempted. Let us ride…”

“You are with child. You will not mount a horse.”

Ilesbet lifted an eyebrow toward him. Since her pregnancy with the twins, he had become overbearingly protective and unreasonable in his demands. Goat milk, three times a day. Brisk morning walks bundled in layers of bear hides that weighed her down and caused her to sweat as though she sat next to a fire. Fish caught only from his line and cleaned of all bones and scales. Ordered to bed as the sun set each night. Ilesbet tried to explain to him that, after bearing five healthy children, her body would have no difficulty carrying twins, but he would hear nothing of it. Particularly since she also carried a daughter.

“I do not make a habit of disobeying your requests when they are reasonable, but I have run short of patience. I am going for a long, refreshing ride and you may accompany me if you choose,” Ilesbet huffed, stomping toward the stables where Valkye was kept.

Günter growled a protest, following her. “You are not…”

“I am,” Ilesbet said, shoving him aside as she walked up the mounting platform. Günter swore as he found himself fighting against invisible bonds that prevented him from retrieving her. She looked upon him with seriousness. “I love you, husband, but even love has its limits. You must allow me to breathe, lest I grow discouraged by you.”

Günter felt the invisible ropes release the second she galloped across the yard and exited the gate. He flung himself onto the back of Firestar and shouted a command to the animal to pursue her. The powerful warhorse snorted in disgust, still damp and hungry from his long ride from the shore. Sensing no true urgency in the pursuit, Firestar slowed to a trot, ignoring his master’s commands to run faster. Günter cursed and kicked the horse’s shoulders with his heels, trying to urge him to haste. With a loud neigh, the horse skidded to a stop and to Günter’s surprise, fell to his knees to dump his rider upon the muddy ground.

Günter sat in the mud, mouth hanging open as Firestar friskily trotted away with a springing gait, appearing to be pleased with the discontent he brought about for his master. Anger boiled inside of the man and he imagined his wife’s bare bottom lying naked across his lap for a well-deserved period of chastisement. A period that he intended for her to remember for many days to come. That is, once he got his hands on the stubborn minx. With as much dignity as he was able to muster, Günter rose to his feet and unsuccessfully brushed the mud from his clothing. With a loud sigh, he plodded back toward the castle and nearly collided with his nearly inseparable twin brothers, Ran and Kres.

“Have you been taking a bath with the pigs, brother?” the blond Kres laughed, slapping Günter heartily on the back and ignoring the scowl.

“Some dirt on your princely face does you good,” the dark-haired Ran teased, running his hand over the top of Günter’s head. “You are still too ugly for words, though. Any news of our sister? Has she succeeded in driving the southern kingdom to its knees yet?”

“Ilesbet said she is well, given her plight. Her guide, though, was killed. We know not the details; however, we must assume the murderer to be Ethan or one of his men,” Günter said quietly, watching as the two large men bristled. He shared what he knew and waited in silence for the two to absorb the seriousness of the situation.

“We could gather an army of ten thousand in a single day and take her from his grip! Upon my life, should he harm her…”

BOOK: Dare to Defy
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