Dare to Defy (6 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Dare to Defy
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“You wish pain today, my love. It has been many years since you have brought this upon yourself. Do you wish to tell me your reason?”

“I need no reason for my desire. The children no longer require a nursemaid and I may return to the longings of my youth. I trust you not to harm me,” Ilesbet said huskily, the strain in her shoulders sending waves of sensation through the length of her body. “Please. Give me what I need.”

Günter stared at her for a moment and then silently released her, settling her bare feet upon the cold floor. “Prepare yourself. We will leave for the thicket shortly.”

Ilesbet wobbled, her excitement growing as she anticipated the long-awaited event in the hidden thicket. He had last taken her there for discipline after she had overly indulged in sacramental wine and had displayed herself in a manner that displeased him greatly. That was well over fifteen years passed. She reached for a cape to cover her naked body, determined to find a way to lightly raise his ire and help distract both of them from the grim situation that plagued the kingdom. Her ploy worked. Gunther’s frown deepened when he realized that she had failed to dress properly or show any concern for her plight. She responded by simply lifting her chin higher and tilting her head.

Günter glared at her, his blood boiling with both an unusual anger and need. He knew she was working her magic upon him, stirring him to a place that he had not been in many years. He simply pointed to the direction of the stables and silently followed her out, cringing as her bare feet trampled over the hard gravel. She appeared not to notice and kept her head held high, nodding with a smile as servants knelt in deference to her. Günter mused about this observation, wondering the last time a castle servant bowed to him.

He also contemplated the number of people who maintained the old beliefs in the northern kingdom. Ilesbet said that the dragon gods fed upon faith and prayers, needing both to keep their magic strong enough to enter into the earthly plain. Were there enough left of the faithful to rally prayer and support to protect his sister and the future of the two kingdoms? Images from his frequent nightmares suddenly snared his mind, haunting terrors that only Ilesbet knew of. Her nightly reassurance of her gods’ power failed to calm his pounding heart when the images of death and destruction screamed around his sleeping mind. He envied her confidence in her faith and the power she held. He also thanked the gods that he had her as his.

Calmly, she climbed upon the mounting platform and slid to the bare back of her stone-white mare. Valkye’s pink eyes glittered in eagerness as her mistress whispered instructions into her perked ears. Gunther settled behind her, pulling Ilesbet’s body snugly between his hardened thighs, his cock pressed against the warm softness of her ample bottom. Together, they trotted outside the gates, pausing only once when a young mother begged a blessing of healing upon her sick child.

Ilesbet looked sad as the woman cried, holding the baby to her. She took the infant in her arms, cradling him as she offered a prayer of peace upon the woman’s heart. She knew the child would not survive past the morrow and felt Günter’s arms press around her as she gently told the poor mother of the baby’s fate and means to prepare herself. Sobbing, the young woman nodded, reaching for her son and kissing his tender little forehead. Hopelessness haunted the mother’s eyes as Ilesbet leaned over and pressed a kiss upon the top of the woman’s head.

“Come to me if you need me, daughter,” Ilesbet said gently. “You need only to tell the guards you desire me and they will allow you entry.”

“Thank you, Priestess. I will leave an offering to the gods for your blessing,” the poor woman sniffed, unable to hide the bitterness in her voice.

“My darling, you have already given more than the gods would have ever desired. You give them your faith and trust that they will embrace the spirit of your child when he departs this world. Let them bring you comfort now, and heal you. A healthy daughter will be born to you next spring and she will fill your life with delight,” Ilesbet said as the warmth of prophecy glowed through her. “Name her after your great-grandmother, Sanchae.”

“You knew my great-grandmother?” The woman’s eyes were wide. “She has been dead for fifty winters!”

“Not I, daughter—the gods. She honored them with her faith and they wish that she is to be honored with the naming of your child. Blessings will befall upon her, and you.”

Günter watched the sad woman leave them. Her gait was slumped with grief as she held her dying infant in her arms. She stopped once to glance back at them, and then hurried along her way. He kissed Ilesbet’s neck.

“Your love for our people always makes my heart fill with pride. I wish now that I could make love to you rather than be forced to punish you.”

“She harbors much anger toward both the gods and me,” Ilesbet sighed. “I fear for her. Should she choose to hold this bitterness, she will meet with a violent death. As for your wish, I promise that you will take me this morning, husband. And I will be given vision,” Ilesbet said dreamily. Günter sighed, understanding at last. She needed to be given access to her mind’s eye this day. And she could only be brought to that place through lovingly delivered pain. He just hoped that he had the strength to give her what she required this time.

The albino mare trotted through the heavily wooded glen, nickering slightly as a bird flew by her head. She needed no reins, for she followed her mistress’ verbal instructions, taking her riders to the place of prayer and secret solitude. No one else dared enter the priestess’ refuge, for the woods were believed to be charmed with protection spells that would confuse the uninvited and send them trampling off the side of a cliff. Günter felt the change as they entered the forbidden region, his skin crawling with tingles as the magic felt him out to see if he had permission to enter the sacred Runes.

Ilesbet melted against him, that same pulsating waves of magic filling her as they entered the holy place. She reached for his arms after he dismounted, joining him in a strong embrace. Valkye tossed her white head, devoid of riders, and trotted off in search of tender sprouts and fragrant flowers.

“You know what must be done, my love. Offer me to the gods,” Ilesbet demanded softly, standing naked before him. He nodded, drawing his dagger from his belt and taking her hand in his, pierced her palm with the tip. He then pierced his own palm and pressed blood against blood, feeling the sharing of her power into his soul. Ilesbet began chanting as she raised her arms into the air, summoning the forces of nature to join her. Günter waited in anticipation, for nature to obey.

The creaking of ancient branches resounded as the circle of trees came to life, entwining their long, supple limbs around the priestess’ wrists and forearms. Slowly, they lifted her until she swung, suspended in the air, her toes merely brushing the soft grasses beneath her feet. A drop of her blood fell upon the ground and a golden flower sprouted. That was to be the instrument of her pain and her pleasure, the very thing needed to bring her Sight. Soundlessly, Günter sliced the long flower at the base and felt it change in his hand as the remnants of his blood touched the stalk. The golden petals turned into leather and the stalk, a flexible switch. He swooshed it through the air, the sound of hissing causing Ilesbet’s head to turn with widened eyes.

“The gods have not seen fit to bring a switch to me before,” she whispered, a flash of fear in her face.

“The gods must realize that you have been needing more of late, and that I have failed to provide for you,” Günter said, snapping the switch against his trousered leg and wincing. Against her bare flesh, this instrument would indeed be painful.

“Aye, you have, husband. And I have been the most disagreeable wife to you as well.” Ilesbet forced a smile, her shoulders straining as she hung.

“Nay, not disagreeable. Greedy,” Günter smiled back, lifting the switch into the air. He drew his arm back and targeted it to the center of her bare, white buttocks. Ilesbet’s eyes widened in pain as she squealed her protest.

“Not so hard! You will draw blood!”

“The gods would not permit that, nor would I. However, they are impressing upon me the need for severity. Be silent and embrace your punishment for your defiance to my commands,” Günter said firmly, releasing the switch across her bottom a second time. Ilesbet struggled against the unbreakable hold of the enchanted branches. They would not release her until she was given Sight, and that would only occur when she released her body to the pain.

Günter shivered as red, angry welts rose across the delicate bare mounds of her pale globes, and his heart filled with both excitement and dread. The power of the sacrificial priestess tingled within him, instructing him to continue without fear of causing harm to his beloved. The next thrash fell upon the backs of her thighs and Ilesbet let loose a scream.

A golden flower sprouted beneath her body. Günter raised an eyebrow and then gazed up into her face. She nodded. A second switch was cut and joined to the first. The bases melded together and demanded him to continue. A second scream racketed through the air as his lashes kissed the backs of her thighs, causing a third switch to blossom. The gods did not desire him to use a switch…they demanded a birching. And Günter obeyed.

The flowers ceased sprouting after the bundle had grown to seven, and Ilesbet’s bottom was covered with reddened, angry welts. But still, she had not given herself to tears. Günter paused to view her carefully, seeing that she was still in this world. The sound of water caught his attention and he removed his shirt to soak it in the tiny stream that had appeared from nowhere. He offered her water through the fabric before dabbing the icy cold wetness against her scorched skin. She wriggled to escape the shock of the cold, but offered no protest.

Günter felt a wave of compassion through his spirit and placed the bundle down beside him. He held his wife’s body still and looked up into her face.

“You must release yourself, Ilesbet. And I will help,” he announced, raising his hand to the side and slapping it strongly against her welted backside. The imprints of his fingers mingled with the stripes and he watched, in fascination, as the flesh bloomed into a crimson red.

“Release her,” he commanded the trees. Creaking echoed as they obeyed the one who shared the powers of the priesthood. Carefully, they lowered her to the ground and Ilesbet crumbled upon the thick, soft grass. She still had not given herself to release. Günter lifted her and carried her to a long fallen tree, sitting upon it as he laid her damp body across his thighs. Her bottom trembled beneath his hand and he looked up to the sky.

“You only demand her release, but I choose the instrument. It will be my hand!” Günter yelled to the unseen gods, ignoring Ilesbet’s groan of protest. “She is mine and if you desire her pain, I shall give it to you. But it will be in the way of my choosing, not yours!”

“Don’t defy the gods, husband…” Ilesbet pleaded, feeling him position her bottom higher.

“I will defy them, and you. I will punish you as I deem necessary and yes,” he crashed his heavy hand against her tender creases of her upper thighs, hearing her scream out, “you will give them, and me, what is desired. Your submission.”

“Nooo!” she yelled, squirming beneath the cracks of his palm as he brought a flurry of deafening strokes to her skin. “Günter! Stop! I beg you!”

He ignored her cries, watching and waiting for the moment she would free herself from the confines of the natural world. As though the gods approved of his rebellion, his palm hardened with each stroke and Ilesbet’s begging grew more profound. Spank after spank, Günter’s hand tirelessly fell in a quick, unrelenting rhythm. The gods gave him the strength to continue and so, he did. He spoke to her of trust, demanding that she surrender herself not to the gods, but to him. Beneath Ilesbet’s face sprouted tiny violets as her tears finally touched the ground. The carpet of purple grew as her tears turned to sobs, covering his feet with the nodding heads of the tiny, fragrant flowers. He stood firm, knowing that her surrender was close and waiting for the sign of her arrival.

Smack after sizzling smack slowly turned the reddened bottom close to the violet color of the flowers that blossomed beneath Ilesbet’s tears. Determined to bring her to the place of her deepest powers, Günter snapped his palm to the upturned cheeks and felt her body shift beneath him as she released herself to his complete control. Under his hand she grew limp and a loud sigh was heard through the trees. She had passed through the Gates of the gods and awaited them to grant her the gift of True Sight.

Gunther shivered as an icy gust of wind groaned through the tops of the trees. Boughs creaked as the branches folded tightly around the trunks, exposing the expanse of the sky. Clouds tinged in purple formed a giant circle around the coppice as the woods grew silent of all but the wailing of the winds. He maintained a slow rhythm of powerful strikes, aiming for areas that had somehow bypassed a change of color. He was to continue and not stop, no matter how long she required to gain her vision. Any change would pull her back into the place of her body and possibly leave her sans the message she was to receive. And if that happened, it would require returning to the thicket the following day, repeating the encounter until one of them collapsed from pure exhaustion.


* * *


Ilesbet’s mind began to swim with the memory of her taking.

“No more!” she had cried, feeling every inch of her bottom erupt in pinpricks of pain. “Strike somewhere else, I beg you! Stay not upon that one place!”

Günter had laughed at her plea, striking her left cheek with gusto. “And when is it that you tell me how to spank a bottom? It is mine to do with as I will, remember?”

“Owwww! The Sight comes from all body afflictions! Ow!!” Ilesbet cried out, her first tear squeezing from her eyes. “Not from a spanking!”

“It comes from release of control. They may be your gods,” Günter had said sternly, “but I am your lord husband and master of your life. Surrender your will, Ilesbet. Not to them, but to me.”

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