Dare to Defy (2 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Dare to Defy
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“I would prefer a lesson born of love, Father.”

He kissed the backs of her hands. “That is the reason you shall receive it from your brother and not the housemaster. Off with you now.”


* * *


Günter frowned as he held his hand out for his sister, and sighed with frustration as she stubbornly refused to take it. He beckoned to a guard to follow them to her chambers.

“I wish to have a watch placed at her door and below her window at all times. Summon the chambermaid and have all her hunting attire and arms removed from her chambers. Give these items to the priestess to guard. Notify the stable hands that she is not to claim a steed or depart without my instructions. Tell all that my signet ring will be given should any changes to my commands be made. Only under that symbol will my orders be disregarded.”

The guard bowed and, with a sympathetic look toward his sullen but beautiful princess, he sought to carry out the instructions. Gunther tsked, not missing the look on the man’s face. “Like the priestess, you have every man, woman, and child in love with you, sister. I fear they would dare defy me in order to protect you.”

“Perhaps they are wiser than you, brother,” Daynel grumbled, entering her chambers with Günter behind her.

“Must you always fight to win a battle, little one? You are already in severe trouble as it stands. Your need to utter the final word does not serve you well this day.”

“You taught me to never face a battle that I intend to lose. Why start now?” Daynel spat back, pouring herself a goblet of wine and downing the contents in one gulp. “I must know. Will you be true to your promise to rescue me should this Ethan be any less than you expect?”

“I promise to remove you from his hands should I believe you to be in a danger. Do not twist my words. Now, we have your punishment to attend to, so cease delaying me. Remove your gown.”

“Why?” Daynel’s eyes widened as he slowly unlaced his wide leather belt from around his waist.

“You know why. You shall not be sitting without discomfort for a day or two. Do as I say.”

“That…that is a child’s punishment, Günter! I will not submit to it!”

“I have not laid a hand upon your back end in many years. To both of our sorrow. Obey me, lest I anger.”

Daynel stared at him, the seriousness in his ice-blue eyes clearly seen. Trembling, she slipped out of her gown and stood before him in her cotton underskirts and chemise. He pointed to the edge of the bed.

“Lift up your skirts and lean across. Do not give me reason to remove your small clothes as well.”

He watched Daynel gulp back tears and she reluctantly obeyed him, her tiny round bottom raised for her discipline. Günter shook his head, wondering when she had grown from a frolicking child to a beautiful woman. Ethan had best be worth this pain that both Daynel and he were experiencing!

Drawing back his arm, Günter swung the heavy leather in a wide arc to catch both protruding mounds in the center. Daynel squealed, her fingers clutching the bedclothes as she raised herself on her toes. A howl pierced the room as the thick, wide strap fell across the same spot three more times and then ventured a tad lower to kiss her saddle spots.

“Günter! Stop!” Daynel begged. “I will never be able to ride upon a horse again!”

“You will. Just not today or tomorrow. Stay in place, I am not yet done,” Günter said firmly, sailing the strap briskly over the fullness of her quaking globes. Sobs broke loose as Daynel released herself to the pain of her punishment, and the disappointment that she had brought to her family. Günter sighed loudly, the strokes slowing in speed, but unwavering in intensity. He was required to be thorough, for Daynel’s own sake and safety. No matter how deeply it saddened him.

“I choose not to strike your thighs,” he said quietly, “for fear of splitting your flesh. Should you force my hand to punish you again, I will not exercise such restraint. You will also be bared. Heed my warning, Daynel.”

“I’m sorry I defied Father, Günter!” Daynel sobbed, her knees buckling beneath her as the thirtieth stroke found its way across her back end. “Please, forgive me.”

Günter, hearing her remorse, slowly lowered the strap to his side. Daynel slid to the floor and was sobbing quietly into her crossed arms. Resisting the desire to offer her comfort right away, and knowing her tears would soften his heart too much, he simply patted the top of her head.

“I will send a maid to help you ready for bed. You are to stay in your chambers until summoned.” He returned his belt to his waist, turned on his heel, and left the room. He closed the heavy door firmly behind him and paused, leaning against the door frame as he closed his eyes.

“Your Highness?” the guard bowed respectfully. “Is all well?”

“It will be. She was punished; yet, it feels as though I was as well. Do not allow her leave. Were all informed that only the showing of my signet ring would alter my orders?”

“Yes, Prince Günter.”

“Very well. I will send a maid here with food. Please…” Günter glanced at the door and lowered his voice. “Come for me if her tears do not stop in a reasonable amount of time. She has suffered enough today.”

The guard nodded his understanding. Günter patted his shoulder and left with a heavy heart. He ventured to his chambers on the far wing of the castle and quietly pushed open the thick wooden door.

“My darling? What ails you this fine night?” the stunning, violet-eyed woman asked from the bed where she sat brushing out waist-long, raven black hair.

“‘Tis Daynel again. Father had me punish her this eve,” Günter sighed, taking the brush from his wife’s hair and running it through her long, silky locks.

“She has the spirit of a Night Hawk. She cannot be caged,” came the response.

Günter kissed her neck. “You said that of yourself the day I captured you, my priestess. Ilesbet? Have you been happy these years?”

“You know that I grow happier each passing day since I permitted you access to my heart,” Ilesbet smiled, tracing her finger across his frowning lips. “I loved you the moment you rode into my village and arrogantly demanded water for your horse.”

“Yes, and you smiled as you picked up the bucket and threw the water in my face. I recall it felt like newly melted ice,” Günter grinned, nuzzling her throat.

“It was!” she laughed gleefully. “I feared you would beat me thoroughly for that unruly act. What a foolish girl I was!”

“And one to whom I have given my heart. Would you, mayhap, like to practice creating another heir for our king?” he smirked as he slowly peeled the gown from her shoulders.

“I have yielded five boys for you, my prince. Are you not tired of this old used body?” Ilesbet asked as he bared her to his eyes. Hunger grew in them.

“Your body grows more beautiful to me each passing day, and is never more lovely than when heavy with child. Should we try for a daughter?”

Ilesbet giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Aye, and have her be just as your darling Daynel.”

“Hmmm, on second thought…another son would be acceptable,” Günter laughed, scooping her into his arms and tossing her upon the fur-laden bed.

“I heard the maids speaking of a secret way to spark the interest of man,” Ilesbet said seductively as she slowly and deliberately untied his stays. She looked up into his rugged face and licked her lips daintily. “Might I make the attempt at the same?”

Günter nodded, his eyebrow raised. His shaft was already straining against the fabric, quivering with the brush of her fingers through the breeches as she teased him. He groaned when she finally granted his cock release from the confines of the cloth, feeling it burst forth with intent on seeking pleasure. He watched with wide eyes as Ilesbet touched the tip of her pink tongue to the swollen head, tracing the tiny, glistening opening before running it around the swollen ridge. He swallowed visibly as she opened her sweet lips and placed them over the twitching bulb.

A loud groan escaped him as she took him deep into her mouth, her throat vibrating as she released a purr of delight. Günter resisted the urge to grab her hair and draw himself deeper within her hot recesses. He closed his eyes, relishing the sensation of her tongue running over the underside of his cock and the pressure as she embraced him again in her mouth. She began to suckle upon him, writhing her body in want as she tasted him deep with her throat. She withdrew with care and pressed him down upon the bed. Her mouth found his cock once again and she mounted his torso, offering her ample bottom and moist charms to his fingers and lips.

Gunther ran his finger along her slit, which was already covered with her womanly dew. He inhaled deeply, the scent of her desire making him want to abandon the foreplay and plunge his rod deeply within her body. He stilled his urges and lifted his mouth to taste her sweet offerings. As Ilesbet milked his organ, suckling upon him like a baby to a breast, Günter flicked her swollen red knob with his tongue. Her moan excited him and he ventured further, tasting and drinking of her deeply. Her buttocks tightened under his hands as his lips latched upon the tiny beacon. He mimicked her motions, licking, suckling, and nibbling. He felt her direct him with her lips as she paid homage to his manhood, and returned the same. The pressure within him began to build and he fought not to surrender to her demands until she, too, was ready. Her hips squirmed with need as his mouth feasted upon her, demanding that she submit to the pleasure he brought her. Her body trembled under his hands as he grew more aggressive, biting the thickening lips of her sex before dipping his tongue within her. A muffled cry of desire was heard in her throat and she pressed her mound against his mouth, her convulsions only equaled by the copious fluid that followed. She sucked upon him as she climaxed, swallowing him in one starving motion. A cry was heard, unknown from whom it had come, as Günter lunged his thick cock to the depth of her throat and showered it with his hot, salty seed.

The sound of heavy breathing breached the silence of the room as the couple slowly eased next to one another on the bed. Günter kissed his wife’s lips, tasting himself upon her. “You are my heart. I will never tire of you,” he whispered into her soft, fragrant neck.

“And you are my breath. I will never live without you,” Ilesbet whispered back.

“What say you of another round? Perhaps try for a daughter that will be more of her mother than my sister?”

“You are as frisky as a colt on a spring day,” came the happy twitter. “Aye, show me that you can make a daughter as well as a son. As for her being like her mother, I urge you care in what you wish for…”

Chapter Two



Daynel sniffed painfully as she lay upon her bed, staring blankly out the large stone window. The heavy curtain had been pulled aside, revealing a picturesque landscape of rolling green hills studded in large, stark white boulders. Günter used to tell her that the giant rocks were part of a game of stones and that the young gods had abandoned them as they scurried to celebrate a feast day meal. A tiny smile crossed her face as she recalled leaving her own toys in such disarray in many occasions upon the ringing of the mealtime bell. Like the young gods, her stomach was more concerned with being filled than with playing.

She watched miserably as the silent maid gathered her leather breeches and vests, her bow and quiver filled with arrows that she had fletched herself, and the soft deerskin bindings that she used to confine her breasts and hair. A single hot tear caressed her cheek as the maid returned for the final items. Into a large bag went her favorite riding boots, scabbard, sword, belt, and dagger harness. Günter had shaped the leatherwork himself for her last name day, in honor of a dragon he had claimed to slay while protecting the realm. Daynel had listened in raptured bliss as he wove a glorious tale. His eyes had twinkled as he brandished his long sword, describing the imaginary battle between him and the mythical beast, his work-hardened muscles rippling as he ripped the heavy sword through the air, reenacting the battle for his life. His ability to spin a web of adventure and mesmerize the listeners would have made any court bard proud. With a flourish of his arm, he sang of the magical powers held by the deep indigo faceted stone “eye” that was embedded in the pommel of the broad short-sword, promising that it would always help her to see the truth and protect her from the destruction of evil. The scabbard, rendered from the skin of the dragon’s throat, would ensure that her blade stay sharp and unblemished and, finally, in a single hearty gesture as the tip of his sword pointed to the long ruby teardrop embedded in the silver casing that she wore around her throat…the fang. As long as she wore it, her aim would be just and true, and it would guard her as strongly as he did. She had laughed, clapping in childish delight, as she did all his adventures. She had been as enthralled by his tale as by the magnificent gifts he had showered upon her. Gifts that were now being taken away, for she had used them to shame him, their father, and their kingdom.

“Must you remove them?” she asked tearfully.

“I am truly sorry, Princess. Truly I am. His Highness demanded I do so, for your safety. Please, miss….Do not cry.” The chambermaid looked sad as she encircled her arms around her young mistress. “Prince Günter promised that if you were ever in need, he would see a way for you to have them again.”

“By then, it might be too late. Care well for these things. Please?”

“I will guard them with my life, milady. You have my word. They will be delivered to the priestess Ilesbet by my own hand.”


* * *


One week later, Günter frowned as the southern prince sauntered around the throne room, commenting on the lack of luster and color. He had arrived unannounced, storming into the castle without ceremony.

“Where is the gold? Your father is a king, not a pauper! This,” he gestured to the hides mounting the walls, “looks like a hunting lodge. The only things pretty in here are the guards standing watch.”

Günter held his temper in check, wondering what had happened to the quiet, unobtrusive boy he had met many years before. Ethan stood before him, barely reaching his shoulder and wanting of exercise and fresh air. His bright yellow robe barely covered his round abdomen, causing his pale, fleshy face to appear sickly. Günter grunted, noting that although he still had all his teeth, they were horribly stained by excess wine and poor hygiene. Shuddering, Günter tried to put aside his distaste and look for positive evidence that the prince would be a good husband for his sister.

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