Dark Citadel (6 page)

Read Dark Citadel Online

Authors: Cherise Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary, #BDSM Erotic Contemporary

BOOK: Dark Citadel
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Her breath hitched, and she tried to look around, but he caught her chin and lifted his eyebrows. “What do you say to me?”

“Yes, Sir.” Her delicate fingers undid the buttons down to the waist. He watched with a steady gaze as she glanced at him before sitting up and pulling her arms out of the dress.

He enjoyed the sight of her, his pleasure increasing as she flushed. So modest.

Stripping would be one of the hardest tasks he could set her. But well worth it for him.

She was a visual treat with her breasts almost overflowing the lacy white bra.

“You have lovely shoulders, Kari.” He leaned forward so he could kiss his way across the pale white skin. She had little freckles scattered across her shoulders. He licked them and could swear they tasted like sugar. Since he was in the right place, he obligingly undid her bra. “Remove this.”

She slid it from her arms and leaned forward to place it, neatly folded, on the coffee table.

There were reasons he loved women who were bigger than stick figures, and here were two of the finest reasons: abundant, lovely breasts with pale pink nipples. Under his gaze, those nipples contracted. He touched them with just his fingertips, watched them tighten even further. “When I’m through tasting these, they will be as hard as pencil erasers and a lovely dark red.”

He waited for her blush, grinned, and stroked her heated cheek.

“Yes, exactly that color.” He let his hand slide down—not like he was able to stop it—under one breast, savoring the heaviness. With his fingers, he swept in a circle around one breast, then the other, never touching either nipple, tormenting until she arched her chest forward for more.

“You are still overdressed, sweetheart. Remove your panties.”

This time the hesitation was longer. He lifted her chin with one finger and gave her a firm look. “What do you say to me?”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered and stood. Her fingers trembled as she pulled up the dress. Her briefs were white, but low cut and lacy. Soft and innocent and sexy like Kari herself.

He knew she was no virgin, but she might as well be, given that her deeper passions had never been explored.

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She pushed her panties to the floor, stepped out. The folded panties joined her bra on the coffee table. Tidy little sub.

“Good girl.” He grabbed a fistful of the dress she still wore and pulled her between his knees. Trembling and soft, lush, and sweet.

And all his for the moment.

Kari shook inside, feeling far too vulnerable. He was still dressed; she was half-naked. Yet every time he ordered her to do something with a voice that would accept only compliance, she got more excited. Wetter.

Now his knees pinned her in place as he gazed at her body. His eyes were so hot, so hungry, that she brought her hands up to cover her breasts.

He caught her arms, gave her a disapproving look, and pulled her hands down.

“This is my body to play with this evening, little sub. Keep your hands down at your sides. In fact, put them behind your back and lace your fingers together.” His rich baritone deepened. “What do you say to me?”

“Yes, Sir.” She complied. Her hands behind her back made her breasts arch forward, almost right in his face.

He hummed in pleasure, leaned forward, and took one nipple into his mouth. His mouth was hot, lips firm, and as his tongue swirled around the nipple, she moaned, shocking herself.

When she tried to move back, he put an arm behind her. Fastening his grip over her laced fingers, he pulled her closer. His mouth tightened and his tongue rubbed her nipple against the roof of his mouth. Heat stabbed straight down to her core.

Then his free hand possessed her other breast, rolling the nipple between firm fingers.

“Oh, God.” Her vision blurred. She needed to move, to do something as an ache of longing burst in her lower body.

His grip tightened.

“You have magnificent breasts, Kari. I’m going to enjoy them tonight.” His dark brown eyes looked at her, studied her.

She looked away. This was a bar room, not a bedroom. No doors, no bed. That just wasn’t right.

Even worse, she was taking a man’s orders and…she liked it. Oh, she did. Each time he set those dark eyes on her, her insides softened until now her lower half felt like warm Jell-O. She didn’t seem to have any control over her own body.

Releasing her, he moved to the chair. “Come and sit on my lap. You look like you need a hug,” he said softly. He pulled her onto his lap and leaned her against his big chest. His heart thudded beneath her ear, slow and steady, as his arms snuggled her tighter. His hands were gentle as he stroked her back and arms until she relaxed against him, feeling like a pampered pet. She rubbed her forehead against his chest with a sigh.

Masters of the Shadowlands: Dark Citadel


“Not so bad, is it?” he murmured.

“Guess not.”

“Good. Then we’ll continue.” Before she could respond, he tilted her back until her shoulders rested on the chair arm with her bottom on his lap.

“Hey!” She struggled to sit up, but he set a hand between her breasts.

“You stay where I put you, little sub,” he growled, mouth flattening.

She froze. Her heart sped up as she got that strange, melting feeling again.

The corner of his mouth turned up. “You like being bossed around, don’t you.”

It wasn’t a question and required no answer, thank heavens.

His eyes glinted with amusement. “We’ll talk about that later. For now, you are in a very nice position.” He set his hands on her breasts, stroking and massaging, teasing her nipples until they were tight and swollen and aching.

And that was before he put his mouth on her. He sucked on each nipple, rolling the peaks. He nipped one, and she gasped as a current of heat shot from her breast to her groin. Her private areas were wet, embarrassingly wet, and throbbing.

“You taste sweet,” he murmured, then shook his head. “And you’re making me forget my job here. Give me your wrists.”

Her heart thudded hard. Setting her cuffed wrists into his broad palm was exceedingly difficult, but she managed. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a two-foot length of chain, and snapped each end to the cuffs.

“I’m being gentle with you, little sub,” he said. “Your hands can be in front as long as they stay where I put them.” He took her arms and pushed them over her head, making her back arch. “Do you understand?”

Why was her body almost shaking with need? “Yes, Sir.”

“Very good.”

He played with her breasts for a few more minutes until she had to press her lips together to keep from begging him for more.

Then he ran his fingers up under her dress. She gave him a wary look even as her core heated in anticipation of his touch. His hand felt huge, pushing her legs apart as his fingers teased her pubic hair, never quite touching her mound.

She stiffened as footsteps approached their sitting area. Three men walked around the corner. A DM and two newbies.

One was Buck.
Oh, no no no!
Her breasts bare, his hand under her skirt… What had she done? Kari made a grab for the top of her dress.

Master Dan glanced over at the men, then said to her, “Put your arms back where I placed them, sub.”

He pinned her with his gaze, and she couldn’t keep her arms from moving back over the arm of the chair. Her breath almost sobbed.

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His gaze softened slightly. “Better.” He looked at the men again and deliberately cupped her breast with his free hand. She stiffened, bit her lip to keep from moving.

Buck’s hands clenched into fists, and he took a step forward. “She shouldn’t—”

The DM grabbed his arm. “Buck, did I explain about interfering between a Dom and his sub?”

“Yes, but—”

“Go.” The DM pushed the other two back around the plants and paused long enough to smile. “Pretty sub, Dan. Doesn’t look like she enjoys being displayed.”

Master Dan shook his head. “Not this time, not with the asshole here.” A grin flashed over his face. “Next time, though…”

With a snort of laughter, the DM followed after the men.

Sir’s gaze returned to Kari, and he stroked her cheek. “I’m proud of you, little sub,” he said, his eyes as warm now as they had been cold before. “I know you don’t like being exposed like that.”

The approval warmed her inside, at least until she remembered the shock on Buck’s face. How the men had looked at her, and Sir had let them. “You should have covered me, or—”

His jaw hardened. “No, Kari. We discussed your interests earlier. Now that we’ve started, as your Dom, I decide what is correct or proper or desired. Aside from your safe word, you have no say, no opinions, no control.”

Her mind seemed to split, one part going, No, that’s wrong. The other half whispering, Yes, this is what I want.

He waited quietly, his fingers playing with the curls in her long hair.

Finally she sighed.

His lips turned up. “Come to any conclusions?”

“Only that I’m confused.”

“Good answer for a beginner.” He kissed her, taking his time, nibbling on her lips, sucking her tongue into his mouth, giving her his. His hand circled her breast, his fingers toying with her nipples until heat spread through her again, and she arched uncontrollably.

“There we go,” he murmured. “Now, I want you to stand up for me.” He helped her to her feet and turned her to face him. “Sit down. Ride my legs.”

As he lifted her dress, she lowered herself so she straddled his knees. The dress bunched around her legs. What was he going to do?

“Good. Now put your arms around me.”

After a moment, she dropped her cuffed wrists over his head, sliding her arms down until her hands rested on his ribs. Her face was almost even with his, her breasts jutting toward his chest. When he cupped one of her breasts, she inhaled sharply at the heady feeling, the punch of increasing need. Could he tell how wet she was? The Masters of the Shadowlands: Dark Citadel


thought sat uneasy in her chest, and she tried to pull back, but the chain between her wrists was behind his back. Her heart gave a thud. Then she realized if she lifted her arms, she’d be free. Okay, she was good. She settled a little more comfortably and looked at him.

He smiled at her slowly. “Give me your right foot.” He held his hand out.

She frowned. Lifting her foot that far would be really indiscreet considering she wore no panties.

“Kari,” he growled, and her foot rose before she could tell it no. He grasped it in a callused hand and pushed it down between the seat cushion and the arm of the chair.

“Now—” He gave her a hard look. “If that foot moves from where I put it, I’ll tie it in place. Is that understood?” He waited.

The warning sent a rush of arousal through her, fully as intense as when he was touching her. “Yes, Sir.”

She frowned as cool air touched her private areas. But the dress still covered her adequately. Thank goodness she’d worn a long one today.

Watching her intently, he leaned back and slid his left hand under her skirt to press against her mound.

Startled, she jumped and tried to lift her chained wrists back over his head. She couldn’t. He’d trapped her chain behind his back. She tugged at her hands, and her breath sped up. She couldn’t move her hands, couldn’t do anything, and he had his hand between her legs. Fear shot through her, followed by a disconcerting wave of heat.

He still watched her. Now he smiled slowly and pulled his hand out from under her dress. “You like being restrained,” he said softly. He showed her the wetness glistening on his fingers. “You’re aroused, sweetheart.”

She blushed from her breasts to her forehead, and he chuckled.

As he slid his hand back under her dress, she tugged again, feeling the world tilt at her helplessness, at the carnal feel of his fingers between her legs.

At knowing she couldn’t stop him.

His free hand wrapped around the nape of her neck, pulling her forward. His mouth settled on hers, hot and demanding, and as his tongue took possession, he slid one hard finger into her. She inhaled sharply, tried to pull back, but his hand behind her head didn’t release its hold.

His kiss deepened. Down below, his finger slid in and out, and she felt hot, needy, out of control. Exposed. She started to move her foot, to bring her legs together.

He lifted his head and gave her a hard look. “You don’t want to do that, Kari.”

She left her foot in place, her breathing heavy. His finger never stopped, and her vagina tightened around the invasion. Her raised leg trembled. And then his finger slicked out and up over her clitoris.

Her hips jerked uncontrollably. “Uhhhh.” She bit down on her lip to keep from more betraying noises.

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He stroked over the sensitive nub, spreading her slickness around her folds until her entire center tingled with need.

“Open more,” he said and moved his legs apart, spreading her, exposing her further to his touch. “You have a soft pussy, sweetheart. And you’re very tight.” With his words, he slid his finger back up inside her, making her insides clench. When his thumb circled and stroked her clit, her hands curled helplessly against his sides.

With a low laugh, he pulled her forward, pushing her forehead against his hard chest. She needed the support as he stroked inside her, curling and hitting a sensitive spot, one that sent blood roaring through her veins like hot lava.

She could hear herself panting. Her hands closed into fists, unable to move from where they were pinned against his sides. She could only take what he was doing to her. His free hand stroked across her breasts, sending sharp, spiking lines of heat through her as he rolled her nipples between his fingers.

Her thighs quivered uncontrollably. Everything tightened inside her. Each stroke inside and each flick of his thumb on her clit sent her closer, until her breathing stopped and the pressure built. Waiting, waiting… He pulled his hand back and then pushed two fingers into her, the thickness stunning, and she broke as devastating pleasure burst inside her, as her vagina convulsed around his impaling fingers, as her hips bucked to his thrusts, over and over.

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