Dark Citadel (2 page)

Read Dark Citadel Online

Authors: Cherise Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary, #BDSM Erotic Contemporary

BOOK: Dark Citadel
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He rubbed his chin and studied her further. Had she wanted to be in a BDSM club, or had her date dragged her? Maybe he had, considering the way she was rubbing her arm.

Shaking his head, Dan leaned back in his chair. Looked like this couple would bear watching.

She’d be a pleasure to watch. To see tremble. To see helpless need in those big eyes. To see… He set his imagination aside. Wherever those thoughts had come from, they were out of place. He was a teacher tonight.

A roar of laughter from the corner caught his attention, and he glanced at the other DMs for beginners’ nights. All had been Dominants for years, all trustworthy men and women. Some with their own submissives, some, like Dan, without. A few were looking for a new sub to train. Dan wasn’t.

There were plenty of subs begging for his use, and he frequently enjoyed one for an evening, but his interest in long-term commitments had died with his wife three years ago. No one could replace his Marion.

“Then you’re ready to start.” Master Z’s voice broke into Dan’s thoughts.

Lecture was over; time to get the puppies moving. Dan rose. “Come with me. I’ll show you around the club and answer questions until your class begins.”

And like puppies, they followed him across the room, obediently at first. Then Dan heard the man whispering and turned. He caught a few words: “…stay right beside…guys trying to grab themselves a woman…saw how he looked at you. You belong to me…I’m in charge.”

“Uh-huh.” The woman rolled her eyes and tried to move away.

Buck grabbed her arm hard enough that she winced. His voice rose. “Are you listening to me?”

Having once been married, Dan could have told him those were fighting words.

And yes, Kari’s face turned pink with anger. She yanked her arm away and stepped back. “Yes, I’m listening, and I don’t like what I hear. I’m going home.”

Buck’s face darkened. “Don’t be childish. You knew this was going to—”

She spun on her heel, headed for the door.

He grabbed her wrist. “Look, honey, I’m sorry. Maybe I—”

“Let me go!” She tried to pry his hand off and failed.

Masters of the Shadowlands: Dark Citadel


Oh, hell, Dan thought. The guy apparently didn’t understand the basic
fuck off!

she’d put so politely.

“Let her go.” Dan set his hand on the wannabe Dom’s shoulder, tightening his fingers until the man flinched and released her.

“If she doesn’t want to continue, you can’t force her,” Dan said. He glanced at the girl. “Kari, do you want to leave?”

“Yes. I do,” she said. From the pissed-off look in her big blue eyes, she’d crossed the dude off her date list.
Smart move, sweetie
. Did she have a ride home? “Did you come together or—”

“Separately,” she said.

“Then I’ll walk you to your car.” And prevent any altercations in the parking lot.

“Buck, if you want to continue, go on in.”

The man stood there for a minute, then scowled at his date. “Fine. I’m going to take the class, since I already put out the money. I’ll call you later, and we’ll talk. I would have taken good care of you. You’re not being reasonable at all.” Straightening his suit coat, he headed for the door to the main club room.

“Well, then.” Dan looked down at his charge. She was rubbing her arm again.

“Are you all right, sweetheart?”

Startled, she looked up and he caught his breath at the hint of pain in her eyes, at the vulnerability. The
. His body responded as if she’d been stripped and tied to his bed.

“Um. Yes, thank you very much. I’m sorry about this,” she said, her voice was melodic, a little husky. And so very polite. What would it take to break through the politeness to the woman beneath?

“No problem.” He nodded toward the front door.

But as they passed the sitting area, Z lifted a hand, stopping them. “Kari, sit down, please.”

She took a seat and folded her hands in her lap, all prim and proper except for the pink toes peeking out from under her dress.

“I see you and your date have parted ways,” Z said. “But you obviously had an interest in this lifestyle or you would not be here. Am I correct?”

Her eyes dropped, and she nodded slightly.

“Excellent.” Master Z continued, “Since that is the case, Master Dan, could you secure her a drink and see if she would like to continue tonight’s class with you?”

The woman’s head jerked up. “Continue? But…”

Z’s glance at Dan was filled with amusement before he said, “Indeed, continue.

Master Dan has far more experience and is far more gentle than your…other choice.”

Z’s voice lowered, commanded, “Look at him now.”

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Instant compliance.
Submissive. Innocent. Temptingly lovely
. Before he could stop himself, Dan held his hand out. “We’ll go discuss it, Kari. Come.”

Again, that appealing obedience.

As he curled his fingers around the cold little hand, he could only think about the next time he would order her to come. With his fingers inside her and his mouth on her clit, yes, she would most surely come.

Masters of the Shadowlands: Dark Citadel


Chapter Two

Oh God, what was she doing?

The man’s grasp enfolded her hand.
Master Dan
. She didn’t even know his last name.

They crossed the room, heading toward a heavy wooden door. She halted abruptly.


She looked up. Good grief, he was even bigger than Buck. Somewhere over six feet, but when you’re short, anything over six feet was hard to judge. His shoulders were beyond broad. Like the other men in the room, his gold-trimmed black leather vest had nothing under it. Well, nothing except muscles and more muscles and a sprinkling of black chest hair.

His biceps bulged, and his forearms appeared almost as thick. The leathers he wore for pants were—wow, really tight.

When her gaze managed to move back up to his face, he smiled, laugh lines crinkling around his eyes. Her face heated, and she knew her pale skin reddened.

“You’re allowed to look, sweetheart,” he murmured, running a finger down her hot cheek. “I enjoy having your eyes on me.”

His eyes were a dark, dark brown, his face tanned and hard looking until he smiled. But when he didn’t… She remembered the hard look on his face when he had grabbed Buck. She bit her lip. Go home, she told herself. Now.

He started to push the door open.

“No. Wait, please.” She held up her hand. “If it wouldn’t inconvenience you, might I take a minute to think?”

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“Take all the time you need.” Crossing his arms, he leaned one shoulder against the wall, amusement in his eyes.

Just standing here beside him wasn’t going to work. Shoot, even Madame Curie wouldn’t be able to think with that man looking at her. Kari turned her back and paced across the room.

Stay or not? That was the basic question for tonight. So check the facts.

If she simply went home, nothing would change. Her life would go on. She’d never know if she might have learned something that would make a difference in her sex life. Nothing else had. How many relationships had failed due to her lack of interest in sex? She’d thought her basic personality or body created the problem. But the excitement she felt hearing about domination—heck, just the word itself—had been amazing. A revelation in a way.

She could definitely get aroused.

But this BDSM stuff appeared very, very strange. Kinky. And she wasn’t a kinky person in the least. Shoot, the school nuns had used her as an example of model behavior. “
Why can’t you be more like Kari? She’s polite. She follows the rules

Well, following the rules in the bedroom wasn’t working too well for her, now was it?

She reached the end of the room and turned around. Master Dan hadn’t moved, his patience apparently inexhaustible. Nonetheless, she needed to figure this out, pros and cons, and reach a decision.

In the Go Home column: First, she didn’t know nearly enough about this stuff. She scowled as she paced back. Her home computer had died last month—stupid technology—and she couldn’t afford to replace it yet. She sure couldn’t research BDSM

on the school computer. So she only knew the tidbits Buck had doled out. Her mouth tightened. She
being ignorant.

Second: She didn’t know this man at all. How dangerous was that? She could just imagine, all her friends and family mourning around her grave. The tombstone would read
Kari Wagner, Died of Sheer Stupidity

In the Stay Here column: It would be almost as bad to have her grave marker read
Died of Terminal Bedroom Boredom
. Unmarried and childless. There was a darned good reason she wanted to try this stuff, after all.

As for knowing the man? She glanced at Master Z. The owner had leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled, watching her pace. He was no dummy, and he’d basically recommended Master Dan.

And Master Dan sure wasn’t anything like Buck. She pursed her lips. She considered that a major bonus, right there.

What about being ignorant? Well, she might be, but she had a feeling that Master Dan knew
about the subject of domination.

Masters of the Shadowlands: Dark Citadel


She stopped in front of the door to the bar, could hear the sounds of classical music and muted conversation. If she left now, she’d never have the courage to return.

Her head said no. Her heart said go for it.

Master Dan straightened.

She placed her hand in his. Go it was.

“Nervous?” he asked softly.

“A bit.” No point in hiding the truth. Considering her heart was trying to pound through her chest, he could probably hear the noise.

“Let me make it easier. Right now, all we will do is go into the club room and talk.

Can you trust me that far?”

Just talk in a bar. She could handle that. “Okay. The bar.”

“Good girl.” His eyes softened.

Opening the door, he escorted her through, setting a warm hand low on her back.

Once inside, Kari paused to look around. The huge room boasted a circular bar in the center, and wrought iron circular stairs in the corners. Groups of plants sectioned the tables and overstuffed couches into secluded sitting areas. Flickering wall sconces and glass chandeliers hanging from low rafters provided shadowy light and made the hardwood floor gleam.

A scattering of people occupied the couches and bar stools. To Kari’s relief, no one was doing weird things or having sex on the floor. Leathers, latex, and skimpy dresses seemed the attire of choice—nothing too outlandish.

He followed her gaze. “Beginners tend to dress conservatively. You’ll see a big difference when the regular club members are here on Saturday.”

As they crossed the room, Kari spotted Buck at the bar. Her step faltered.

He noticed her, and his face lit up. Then he saw Master Dan with his arm around her, and his mouth compressed so hard his lips disappeared.

To her relief, he didn’t approach. She would hate to be the cause of a scene, or even the center of attention.

Without speaking, Master Dan slid his hand up to her waist and moved her closer, his nearness comforting.

Once past the bar, he found an unoccupied sitting area. Taking the very center of the couch, he pulled her down beside him. He smelled of subtly dark cologne, of soap…of
. And she was way too close. She tried to shift away, only to realize he’d wedged her between him and the arm of the couch.

“Does it bother you to sit beside me?” he asked, leaning back and studying her.

His leg against her thigh was hard, ungiving.

Did he expect her to be rude? “Um, no, of course not.” Trying to ignore the feeling of being crowded, she tipped her foot up, wiggled her toes. Why was she barefoot anyway?

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“Look at me.” He put gentle fingers under her chin, forcing her to meet his level gaze.

“Kari, part of the adventure is being honest with each other. When I ask you a question, I want an honest answer, not a polite one.” He smiled slightly. His fingers were warm as his thumb traced little circles on her cheek. “Let me show you what I’d like.”

He pitched his voice a little higher and said, “Master Dan, when I realized I was between you and the couch arm, I felt trapped. Like I can’t retreat if I want to.” His voice returned to its natural subterranean deepness. “Is that about right?”

How did he know that?

He kept watching her with those intent eyes, and each stroke of his thumb across her skin left heat in its wake. He lifted his dark brows. “Kari?”

“Yes,” she said almost inaudibly. “That’s how I feel.” The admission left her feeling as if she’d undressed in front of him, and she tried to look away. He tipped her head back, let her see the pleasure on his face.

“Good girl. I can tell that wasn’t easy for you.” He brushed a kiss across her lips.

Her lips tingled although the touch had been fleeting, a tiny hint of pleasure.

Dan studied the little newbie. Nervous as a burglar who’d tripped an alarm. And so polite. Her hands lay in her lap, laced together.

“May I ask you some questions?” He massaged her cold little fingers as he waited for her reply.

“Of course. May I ask questions also?” She fidgeted. He watched her fidget. His deliberate intrusion into her personal space definitely set her off balance.

“I hope you will since that’s my job tonight, being an instructor. So what do you do when you’re not in a wicked house of sin?”

“I’m a—” She hesitated, stiffening a little.

Smart girl, not blurting out too much personal information. Caution wasn’t a bad thing. “Ah. Never mind that. Why don’t you tell me about the assh—about Buck? I’m assuming he’s not your husband.”

“No!” Obviously horrified, she frowned at him. “I wouldn’t have gone with you if I were married.”

“Good to hear. Just a boyfriend, then?” And hadn’t the man looked steamed there at the bar. Dan automatically checked his surroundings. All clear.

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