Dark, Dangerous, Delicious Volume 1 (4 page)

BOOK: Dark, Dangerous, Delicious Volume 1
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‘”Okay giving a blowjob while going down the interstate. Well that and the time I did do the nasty in Steven’s office. His secretary almost came in on us too. I do miss Steven. Too bad he ran off with his secretary last year,” Marci said as she sighed and fanned her face.

“Well, that’s something and you can do better than Steven. The man was boring as hell.”

“I don’t know. He was pretty wild, at least in bed anyway. Okay, so nowhere else but still… What about you? How kinky could you really be? Do you and the stud muffin you live with do something really out there?”

“Jason and I haven’t had sex lately let along kinky sex,” Ginny groaned. Maybe that was the crux of the problem. She was certainly hot, horny and ready to pull out ten vibrators a night, given their less than lackluster sex life. Spanking hadn’t been on the menu for a few years. Damn it.


“But we used to go to this kink club every other Saturday night and he’d tie and flog me in front of others too. I really liked it. Like? Whew, baby I craved the delicious moments like a crazed woman. Course that was a good ten years ago and since then we’ve fallen out of the habit of indulging in our fantasies.” Ginny could hear the wind whistling through the bank of trees.

“I thought I knew you. I guess I was wrong.”

“Oh stop! I just want my strong, dominating man back. The very thought of being pulled over his knee, my naked ass in the air as he tells me in no uncertain terms what a very bad girl I am makes my cunt so wet. Whew…” Fanning her face, she licked her lips as the feeling of her nipples scraping against her bikini top gave her tingles all the way down her spine.

Marci shook her head. “Wow, now I’m freaking hot and bothered. Think I might have to take up the concept, if I ever get another boyfriend that is.”

“Trust me. You’ll love the way you feel as he tans your hide and then you have to stand in a corner for thirty minutes, maybe longer. I remember one time Jason whipped me so hard for lying to him I couldn’t sit comfortably for four days. And he washed my mouth out with soap too. I can tell you corner time was agonizing. The worst. So humiliating but very effective.”

“I can see you like this a little too much.”

Ginny waved her hand. “You can’t tell me you wouldn’t like a man to be in charge, punish you when you’ve done something wrong.”

“Yeah, maybe but corner time and being spanked like a child? I don’t know.”

“Don’t knock the concept until you try it. I just wish he’d discipline me on a regular basis. He tells me all the time I’m naughty and mouthy, bratty and need a hard spanking, but he doesn’t do a thing. Growl.”


“Oh God, yes. I have no clue what to do to convince him.”

Raising her eyebrow Marci leaned over, her look full of mischief. “Well, think about this. If you absolutely want to be spanked like a naughty girl, then do something to make him want to really punish you.”

“Yeah, I guess I could try that. Mmm… And Jason always made me suck him afterwards and if I was really bad he’d fuck me hard in the ass after tying my hands. Delicious,” Ginny breathed out as she eased her finger into her bathing suit top, absently flicking her finger back and forth across her nipple.

“Boy oh boy and I thought I knew all your dark and dangerous secrets. You know, I need another drink for this and have no idea what to say to you since I’m obviously no expert on kink. I can’t believe I’m about to suggest this, but I think you just might overheat if you don’t do something about this pent up need you so obviously have. So…” Jerking up from the chair, she adjusted her sunglasses. “Here goes. I’ve never known you to stop for anything or anyone. If you want a hard spanking followed by some serious corner time, then my suggestion is that you buy a new belt or flogger, or whatever else you like to be whipped with, and give it to him. Maybe you could draw him a picture as well. Now I’m getting the pitcher of drinks before we continue this conversation. Holy moly.”

Ginny stared after her and brushed the tip of her finger back and forth across her lips. Her BFF was so very right. She just needed to ask for what she wanted. Purchasing a new belt sounded like the perfect idea to get Jason in the mood. Maybe she’d select a spanking new hairbrush. Yeah, a nice wooden hairbrush was the perfect implement. Her pussy quivering, she eased back into her chair and inhaled deeply. She could go to the store a little bit later, purchase a few choice goodies, and be waiting for him when he got home.
Here honey, spank me.

Whew baby she was tingling all over. Ginny sat up and darted a look over her shoulder. She loved having a fenced in pool in her backyard. There were no prying eyes from neighbors either. Well, there was one neighbor who was a bit nosy. Nibbling on her bottom lip, she realized she was just about as horny as she’d ever been. Marci would be a minute or five. There was plenty of time for a little self-pleasure.

Closing her eyes, she imagined being tied to the posts of their iron bed, spread-eagled and completely naked, a pillow tucked under her tummy. Just like the good old days. She eased her fingers into her bathing suit bottoms and pushed the thin material aside. As she swirled the tip of her finger around her clit, she opened her legs wide and could almost feel his hand rubbing down her spine to her ass cheeks, patting both before he began.


She jumped as she imagined Jason jerking the belt from the loops of his pants. The moments of pure anticipation were the most intense. Sliding her finger up and down the length of her pussy, she jerked down her top, exposing her swollen and aching nipple. Flicking her finger back and forth until the bud became rock hard, Ginny sucked in her breath and pinched the tender flesh between her thumb and forefinger. She twisted until a slice of pain swept down and straight into her cunt.

“Whew…” Her heart racing as adrenaline kicked in, she realized she was panting as she pushed two then three fingers into her pussy. Her muscles instantly clamped around the invasion, drawing her fingers in deeper and another series of trickles jetted down her spine, forcing her back up from the lounger. “Fuck…” God, wouldn’t Jason spank her if he saw her masturbating outside? The thought giving her a giggle, she continued thrusting her fingers inside her wetness until she heard a cough. Then she heard a second and the first one was definitely different, much more masculine.
Fuck me.

“Well, I guess Marci was right.”

“Jason. I um…” Now how in the world was Ginny going to hide her naughty actions? She heard Marci stifling a raucous round of giggles and very deliberately she removed her fingers and adjusted her suit before turning to face the voyeurs. “You’re home early.”

“I thought I’d surprise you, but I see you’ve surprised me,” Jason stated, his eyes flickering. “Very interesting predicament.”

My lordy he looked pissed. Well, she was doing something wicked. “Who me?”

“I think you just did that something we were talking about,” Marci chortled as she looked back and forth between Ginny and Jason.

Ginny gave Jason a grin and eased to the edge of the chair. “Are you really pissed?”

“Let’s just say when Marci mentioned just about as soon as I got in the door you were longing for a hard spanking, I laughed. Now I think you need one.” Jason took a step forward.

“What?” Ginny rose to her feet. She was excited as well as turned on, yet the old apprehension had crept in.

“I think I should leave,” Marci said as she jerked a towel off the back of her chair.

Jason held his hand out. “No, you were curious about spankings in general. Maybe you should see one up close and personal.”

“Jason!” Ginny snapped, then instantly could see not only was he serious but she was in so much trouble for her outburst.

“Um…not sure I should stay,” Marci whispered.

Jason turned to look at her. “I insist and Ginny, please go get the hairbrush from your nightstand and when you return, only have a towel wrapped around your naked body.”

“You’re going to spank me not only in front of my best friend but out here where others could see us or hear us?” Ginny was mortified.

“Masturbating outside was okay but a much needed punishment isn’t?” Jason asked, his voice dipping to a husky level.

Ginny was quivering, her heart racing. Holy fuck the man was serious. “I…I… I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything. Just do as you’re told and I do believe we’re going to begin regular spankings again at least twice a week.”

She wanted to retort but as the words echoed in her ears she found herself walking, almost stumbling back toward the house. When she got inside she gasped, her legs shaking like crazy. This was really going to happen. Now she’d done it. This was going to be so much more embarrassing than being disciplined in front of strangers. To be whipped like a bad girl in front of her best friend was really…horrible.

Five minutes later she stood with a fluffy towel wrapped around her body. She was shivering as she nestled the wooden brush in her hand. She had to steel her nerves before she could walk outside. When she did, she gulped seeing Jason already sitting in prime position on one of the hardback deck chairs. As she took a few more steps forward she fanned her heated cheeks and could see an interesting look on Marci’s face. Her bestie was hot all over. Really? Maybe the girl was kinkier than Ginny realized.

“Ah, there you are. I was beginning to think I was going to have to shackle you.” Jason patted his lap.

Ginny looked down at the tops of his thighs, the sound of her own heartbeat thumping like wild echoes in her ears. This was really too much. Sniffing, she took a step forward, trying to look as nonchalant as possible. Yeah right.

“Come on. You wanted this and now you’re going to get exactly what you deserve. Hand me the brush and drop the towel.” Jason’s voice was stern but even.

Marci took a step back, a single moan escaping her lips.

Ginny eased in front of him, scanned the perimeter quickly and sucked in her breath as she handed over the brush, fingering the cool wood before letting go. Then she dropped her towel. And she’d never felt so naked in her entire life. She realized she was having trouble breathing as Jason held out his arm.

“Come closer. Over my knees. You can do corner time inside.” Jason patted his lap again.

As he eased her down over she palmed the deck and clenched her eyes shut. A spanking here. Holy shit!

“Thirty hard licks right now and later you’ll get my belt,” Jason stated.

”Thirty?” Marci’s voice was strangled.

“Thirty,” Jason repeated and rubbed Ginny’s ass.

Ginny braced herself, knowing his punishment usually came swift and hard.

Crack! Pop! Slap! Crack!

“Ooohhh…” Ginny squealed as she jumped, her ass on fire immediately. Boy, he wasn’t kidding.

“Hold still.” Jason pushed the small of her back down. “You’ve been very disrespectful lately with your bad attitude and your cussing. Always cussing. That’s going to stop. Do you hear me?”

“Yes, sir!” The old ways were settling back in and Ginny was mortified, but knew she needed his strong hand.

Pop! Pop! Slap!

Her entire body was tingling, her ass singing, and Ginny couldn’t help but cry out.

“Fuck!” Marci said through clenched teeth.

Whoosh! Crack! Crack!

As Jason continued the spanking, Ginny sniveled as tears welled in her eyes.

“I can see we’re going to need to talk about revoking privileges too.” Jason rubbed Ginny’s ass cheeks as he exhaled slowly.

“Yes, sir.”

Pop! Crack! Slap!

“That had to have been thirty,” Marci snapped.

“That was only thirteen.”

Ginny could hear the tone in Jason’s voice change. He was now very serious about her discipline. As the spanking continued she could hear Marci counting off, her voice getting more and more strangled the longer the spanking went on.

Pop! Crack!

“Twenty four!” Marci was now talking loudly as if droning out the noise of the slaps.

Slap! Crack!

While Ginny was crying, her legs shaking, she was feeling so much better, almost like she was being forgiven for all the outrageous sins she’d performed over the last few months.

“We’re almost done,” Jason said quietly.

“Yes, sir.”

Pop! Crack! Crack! Slap!

“That’s it! No more!” Marci insisted.

“I’m very proud of you.” Jason rubbed Ginny’s ass several times. “You’re going to learn to be a very good girl and I’m never going to let you down again. I promise.”

As he gathered her into his arms, she could see Marci panting, a tick in the corner of her mouth. The odd thing there was a look of pure need in Marci’s eyes and Ginny had to wonder whether her best friend would be asking someone for a much-needed spanking.

Minutes later as Ginny was walking into the house to stand in the corner for her required half an hour, she giggled. Maybe she should indeed always ask for what she truly wanted. For after all, she was a naughty girl.




She hated the darkness, loathed the way the chill ripped through every cell in her body, yet she was required to go out just before midnight. Both men were calling her, hungry as usual. Simone Beale pulled the cloak around her body and headed into the wind, every part of her body shaking. She kept in the shadows, terrified someone she knew would recognize her, question what she was doing walking all by herself so late. The swirl of darkness was also her friend, keeping her anonymity as well as her secret. And theirs…

The hotel was close enough, one she frequented for her ‘excursions’ as she preferred to call them. At least Steven and Michael were regular clients. They were trustworthy, surprisingly handsome, and the two men were secret lovers. Powerful men in several ways, they were considered highly respected in the influential town. Yet no one knew them as she did, or the key to the mysterious surrounding them. She shuddered as she pulled her coat tighter, the wind as well as the realization of what she was doing chilling her to the bone. Little did the public know about their particular proclivities that only she could seem to satiate. She kept their secrets as they kept hers. The relationship was very important for all three, given the men were also high-ranking Senators.

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