Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive (10 page)

Read Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive Online

Authors: Nell Henderson

Tags: #Dark Demands

BOOK: Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive
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Gina blushed and turned away from her step mum’s curious gaze.  She needed to cool this right down she certainly didn’t want Grace knowing there was anything so intimate between her and


“Suppose I meet you at your office about one, is that OK?”


“I’ll be ready,” he promised still with the tease in his voice.


Gina put the ‘phone down pirouetted around the floor on her tiptoes.


“I’m meeting
Dark for lunch at ‘Bellini’s
,” she told a bemused Grace who couldn’t understand her enthusiasm. 


Grace was no fool.  Yesterday before the interview the idea of meeting
had practically terrified her regardless of what Gina might admit too.  But now, her attitude was very different and Grace was beginning to suspect that there was more to this than just wanting to get even.  She wasn’t stupid, something had obviously happened between her and
to have put Gina in the position she’d found herself in last night.  Grace hadn’t pried, in time Gina might decide to tell her and to explain just how she’d got hold of
’s penthouse key card. 


Grace was out of her depth.
here was no way she could advise Gina on men or how to behave with someone as notorious with women as
so she wouldn’t try.  She nodded at her news and simply buried her face again in the printouts and decided to wait until Gina wanted to talk.


But for now Gina had other things on her mind.  The problem of what to wear still needed solving.  It had to be something not too business but not over the top sexy either.  She needed a happy medium.  She had a red pencil skirt, short with a split up the front seam she’d wear that with heels and a cream silk wrap over blouse that tied at the front and wasn’t too low cut.  To go with it she wore an underwired bra
the same colour

s she stared at her re
wondered if she’d
come across as too obvious
, she hoped not.  But then she’d
certainly made it
for him to gain access to her body.
The tie blouse, the skimpy underwear complete with front fastening bra, she flushed at the thought and waggled a warning finger at her reflection in the full length mirror.  ‘Be careful girl,’ she told herself, ‘be very careful’.


She usually kept make up to a minimum. A little blusher a gloss on her lips and mascara to emphasise her large blue eyes then she’d brush her hair and let it wave naturally on her shoulders. 


Gina was pleased with the finished result and once a
gain pirouetted in front of
Grace.  “I’m off,” she told her.  “Don’t sit here all day go and get some proper rest,” she instructed.  “When I’ve met with
we can decide on the next move.”


She had a certain look about her, a glow that made her even more lovely than usual.  Grace knew what this meant and she sighed.  As she’d feared and despite Gina trying to cover her true feelings, she was smitten a
nd however exciting he
might make their affair seem, it wouldn’t end well.  It couldn’t,


Gina kissed her cheek and grabbing her leather shoulder bag she left the house humming happily to herself.




Once again Gina alighted from the lift and faced the glass walled office that had held such trepidation for her yesterday.  It seemed like a lifetime ago so much had changed.  Just how much could be measured by the eager wave she gave the dark haired figure sat behind the oak desk today.


smiled and rising he grabbed his suit jacket from behind the chair and met her at the door.


“You look lovely, as always,” he
complimented kissing her forehead
lightly.  The greeting was charming, friendly but made Gina clench her fists tight as she tried to control the urge to grab hold of him and go for his mouth.  She didn’t want this politeness she wanted to experience the same raw male need he’d exhibited last night.


“Mama Bellini’s,” she said with a smile and her voice quivering slightly.  “Italian and very expensive,” she added.


“Not your problem, you’re my guest, remember?”    Then he took her arm and ushered her towards the lift. 


Gina felt almost weak at the knees as he touched her.  The heat, the need, the sheer urgency for this man to make love to her was just so strong and pounded throughout her body.


“Can you feel the eyes,” he whispered conspiratorially.  “There are several of them watching us and wondering what I’m going to do with you.”


“And just what are you going to do with me, Mr
,” she asked huskily secretly hoping it involved him tearing off her clothes and eliciting every last ounce of pleasure from her sex hungry body.


“Well first I’m going to feed you, then...,” he paused.  “Well, we’ll see how responsive you are later to what I’ve got planned.”


Gina didn’t doubt he
would have plans but could she go along with them this time?  Oh yes, she wanted to scream but what about those things she’d found in his suite last night, well, she just have to hope they had nothing to do with his plans for her


“You have such a wicked reputation with women,” she said at last.  “Perhaps I should be careful.  We don’t want people gossip
too much, do we?”  Gina said wagging an accusing finger at him.  “But I suppose your employees can guess well enough what’s going on,” she teased.


“You have my assurance that you and they,” he said nodding at the office doors, “are quite wrong.  I’m practically living like a monk at present. I’ve had little time to do anything else since I came here but work and sleep.  And on my own,” he qualified seeing the look she gave him.  “So my reputation, in this city certainly, should be unblemished.”


Gina smiled at him but
vividly recalled the things she’d found last night
.  He wasn’t being completely truthful with her. He
must have
taken at least one very lucky woman to his bed sinc
e living here and if the rubies, she saw on his dressing table
were for her
then she wasn’t only lucky but a serious contender for his heart.


He gripped her hand tighter as if to affirm the truth in what he’d told her.  He wanted her to like him, to feel comfortable being with him.  The sexual banter between them just served to increase his need for her.  He’d known she’d be his next lover since that first moment when she’d stood up to him at the interview.  But somehow up until now she’d managed to dangle herself just out of his reach.  Even last night when he’d been so sure he’d take her she’d wriggled away from him. 


His handsome jaw line set firm as he reminded himself just how she’d done it and could only wonder at her motives.  So the next time he wanted to make the delectable Miss Haddon his lover he’d make sure she couldn’t escape until he’d
taken what he wanted from
that luscious body of hers.


He smiled and tugged her into the lift. 
He let it start the decent downwards then he pressed the button to make it stop. 
didn’t have long but long enough for what he wanted to do.  First he twirled her around taking in her beauty and looking closely at the clothes she was wearing for him.
  A short skirt that showed off her long, shapely legs and those breasts were still straining to free themselves from the restrictions of her blouse
, a simple ‘tie at the front’ blouse that would offer no resistance at all.  Had she planned it this way, he wondered his dark eyes aflame with need


took her in his arms and looked into her lovely face.  S
he was beautiful, delicate with full pink lips, irresistible lips.  He touched them lightly with his fingers drawing their outline and as she sighed
response to
he felt the shiver of desire course down her back. 
He wanted her, he’d wanted her from the moment she’d walked into his office yesterday, but on his terms.


“We must quench this,” he rasped
with a
that made Gina’s toes curl with anticipation.
  Then reaching for her hands he gripped them both in one of his own before holding them behind her back.  He was doing it again, immobilising her so that he could help himself. 


“You know how this works; I don’t want you to move.” He heard her gasp and then a low moan escape from between her parted lips.  Every little response, every little sound she
made his need sharper and forced his growing erection even bigger.  He ran his masculine fingers gently down the outline of her cheek and tapped those sweet lips lightly.


“Not a word,” he whispered huskily.  “Or the maintenance people will have us out of here in seconds.”


He was certain of her compliance.  The frisson of electricity between them was overpowering in its strength and his eyes dropped to her moist lips, they beckoned him with their fullness, their hunger.  He wanted to possess them, possess them along with the rest of her and he’d waited long enough.   He took her lips in a frenzied, passionate embrace, his tongue demanding and urgently seeking out every centimetre of her mouth.  Then pinning her against the lift side he tugged the tie of her blouse before slipping the clasp of her bra and letting her large, creamy breasts spill free. 


He rammed his body against hers and for the first time Gina felt his erection pressing against her.  She moaned again and tried to move her hands, she wanted to feel him to put them around his neck but his grip tightened and she heard the soft growl of refusal deep in his throat.


Dipping his head he gently took one of her aroused
peaks in
his mouth, the hard taut nipple
hot and swelled to capacity under his tongue.  T
he all too familiar stiffening
asserted itself again, he wanted her, he wanted all of her, to ravish her sweet body before he was driven mad with desire.
He used his free hand to slowly hitch up her skirt and ran excited fingers lightly over her silky underwear and stocking tops.  She moaned again, that delicious, inviting little moan and wriggled her body against his invitingly.


“Don’t fight this,” he whispered as with one smooth movement he eased her panties from her hips and let them fall to her ankles.  His mouth still had her nipple, his tongue slaked over it with slow languorous strokes.  Gina moaned again, his touch was glorious but this shouldn’t be happening, not here, the lift could start up again at any moment.  But there was no way he would stop now.  His fingertips skimmed over the silky smoothness of her thighs, practised fingertips, full of purpose and they swiftly found their goal, the sweet nakedness between her legs.


Gina was floating on a cloud of blissful delight.  Despite his grip on her hands tightening he was pushing her closer, closer to a fulfilment she could only guess at.  This man was like no other lover she’d known.  Her entire world had been shaken beyond recognition by him and in such a short space of time.  Her body was on fire with need and her sex ached to have him touch her there.  She knew she was wet, slick with her heady response to his caresses.  Her movements to allow him access were automatic as she parted her legs for him, her breathing shallow and her blue eyes thick with hunger for his touch. 


Moments later his fingers slid inside her; Gina closed her eyes, whimpered with delight and floated in her own pleasure bubble as his touch thrilled through her body.  She swayed and leaned into his chest her knees bent slightly allowing him to take her most intimate place in any way he chose to.


He was gentle and given he was holding her immobile, surprisingly so.  He slipped his fingers up and down inside her slowly, carefully feeling her, getting to know her.  His thumb pressed down hard against her clitoris and swirled a sensuous little dance that made her inhale sharply between clenched teeth and gasp.  Her sex pulsed and her labia swelled its glorious response to this sweetest treatment. 

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