Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive (5 page)

Read Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive Online

Authors: Nell Henderson

Tags: #Dark Demands

BOOK: Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive
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No, Gina didn’t but she’d take that one up with Charlie later. 
gave him a sarcastic
smile back and looked up into his handsome face. “Don’t worry I can tak
e care of myself, Mr Dark.”


Dark smiled and shook his head.  ”Just be very sure, Gina.  The man’s a rogue.”


Gina rolled her eyes at him.  “And you are very different, I suppose,” she posed with more sarcasm.  “The man who thinks he can write his own employment laws and treat women like second class citizens.  Your tactics appal me, Mr Dark. 
But if you
think he’s that unsuitable you could just reconsider and employ
me yourself,” she added
  “And of course if you did it would prevent all that nasty business to come with the sex discrimination people.”


The threat was a bluff but she watched the fleeting look of doubtful amusement cross his face and took a
the champagne she was still clutching
.  It would do no harm to let him think she’d actually done as she’d threatened earlier today.


“So despite your poor opinion of me and my employment methods you still want that job?”  He shrugged and leaned against the terrace wall with his hands in his suit trouser pockets.  “I think that after such harsh criticism of my methods you have to be either very desperate or very stupid, Miss Haddon.”


“I’m neither of those things, Mr Dark,” she shot back at him.  How dare he think her stupid, was there no end to this man’s cheek?  “Like I’ve said before I need a job and you know I’ve been cheated so I think the very least you owe me is a change of mind.”


“Are you sure that’s all it is?  Are you quite sure that you don’t have an ulterior motive for wanting this job?”


Gina’s big blue eyes flew to his face searching it for any clue that her cover might be blown, and he knew her true identity, but surely it was too soon.


“You see despite your protestations I still think your presence here tonight is more than just coincidental.  So tell me Gina, what is it you’re really after, is it the job or is it me?”


Gina’s eyes blazed her answer as she shook her head furiously at him.  But nonetheless she had to admit that having him think she fancied him was better than him knowing her true reasons for being here.


“Delude yourself if it helps, Mr Dark.  But you know that job should have been mine today.  And I’m here tonight with Charlie because he was kind enough to invite me and anyway from I’ve just witnessed between you and the brunette I’d say you’d already got your hands full.”


“Worried that Lisa is a rival,” he asked smugly? 


“No, I’m not, because I’m not chasing you and I’m not in the least interested in your love life.”


Pity,” he smirked again as if enjoying a private joke.  “Because my love life, as you call it, is really very interesting indeed.”


“I need a job, nothing else so get of that pedestal you’ve stuck yourself on and see what’s going on in the real world,” she seethed back ignoring his last comment.


She was still fighting back, pity, Dark thought still very intrigued by her.  But could he push some of those barriers down?  She obviously needed the job so that must give him a big advantage, he reasoned.  But apart from that he knew she fancied him.  He recognised the sparks and knew that so did she.


“So enlighten me, what is going on the real world, as you put it,” he asked?  “But whatever it is I’m sure there’s still room for a talented young woman like you to make her way.  Surely it can’t be that difficult for someone with your assets to get yourself another job equally as good as the one I’m offereing,” he put to her.  “So tell me, Miss Haddon, what’s this really about, just why are you chasing this particular job and harassing me?”


“I’m not harassing you, how dare you suggest that,” she fired back.  “I’ve already said the fact that I’m here tonight has nothing to do with you so accept it and stop flattering yourself.”


Dark frowned; she was turning out to be more of a challenge than he’d imagined. 


“I don’t think your attitude is helping.  In fact if you want my advice, you are doing this all wrong.”


“Well I don’t want your advice, Mr Dark, just that job,” she reminded him with a flash of angry blue eyes.


“Well then, like I said, curb the attitude,” he advised.  “Because if I was you I’d behave very differently.  I’d take meeting me here as a great opportunity and I wouldn’t waste it by arguing.”


“And just how would you handle things, go on then tell me, give me the benefit of this great wisdom of yours,” she put to him sarcastically.


“I’d see it for the lucky break it was and determine not t
o leave until the deal was done,

paused.  N
ow he had her attention.


“I’d go for a softer approach and ditch the confrontation,” he smiled raising those dark brows.  “I’d use all my powers of persuasion, perhaps a little flattery but above all I’d try to impress me.”


“And what if I don’t like the sound of any of that?  What if I just stand by my qualifications and experience and tell you you’re making a big mistake, could you still be persuaded to change your mind then?”  She queried.


“No, Miss Haddon I afraid that’s not how it works.  If I’m going to change my mind then I want something in return, that’s only fair.  Like I said you would have to impress me,” he paused again watching the puzzlement on her face.  “And I’m not easily impressed so you could find it difficult.  But I’m sure we can work something out, don’t you?”


He was staring at her again with those mysterious dark eyes.  She’d no idea what he was expecting her to say or what he was thinking.


“I think you’re playing with me, Mr Dark.  And I think your suggestions are very questionable and I don’t believe you’ve any intention of offering me the job, not in a million years,” she threw back at him.  “You made that quite clear this morning.”


“But what if I said I’d
make an exception in your case?”


Gina gave him a doubtful look and shook her head.


“Think about it, think about that job you’ve apparently set your heart on,” he tempted while those chocolate eyes roamed slowly over her body before settling on the deep cut neckline of her gown.


“OK, go on then, tell me, what exactly would I have to do?”


“Are you really telling me that a resourceful young woman like you has no idea how to impress me, Miss Haddon?”   He asked amused at the bewilderment on her face.  “Well perhaps I should have made myself clearer.  What is it that most men want from a woman they find attractive and are in a position to wield power over?”  He continued. 


He watched her step away from him and stiffen, shock, anger or just sheer embarrassment, he couldn’t tell.  But the proposition was plain enough.  He wanted her and she wanted that job.  A fair trade, Dark thought.  Well it might have been if his offer had been genuine.  But he was loosing patience now.  This little lady was getting to him, her determination to resist, the way she always wanted to broker an argument rather than demur to his will, Dark felt the need so much it hurt.  He wanted to take her, take her hard and show her who really had the upper hand and do it in a way she’d not forget.


“So do we understand one another now?”   He asked still watching her.  “Because if we do then you need to get started.”


“What do you mean, get started,” she frowned stepping backwards from him.
  “What is it you expect me to do?”


I expect you
to start impressing me
, Miss Haddon,” he told her patiently.

Come here and I’ll explain,” he invited smoothly holding out his hand.


Gina had no idea what was really going on but she knew that Dark was playing some weird game with her.  But what harm could it do if she went along with him for a little while longer, she wondered?  There were plenty of people within earshot if things got tricky so when he reached for her and took her arm she let him pull her closer.


“Good, now lean against the wall,” he instructed twisting her around and pushing her back before taking her face in his two hands.


“Part those lovely lips and look at me,” he smouldered.  “Now I’m going to kiss you and you will kiss me back and you won’t struggle, is that agreed Gina?”


This was almost like a dream, he was looking at her with those gorgeous eyes and his mouth hovered so very close to her own.  What was she supposed to do?  Was this real?  Gina blinked, but nothing had changed, he hadn’t disappeared in a puff of smoke so this wasn’t a dream, she thrilled.  Matthew Dark was going to kiss her.  Gina’s insides seemed to dissolve into a sparkly fizz of heady excitement as he came closer

Despite deploring his attitude she couldn’t help feeling the way she did about him.  Her body
burned with excitement and every nerve
with wild anticipation at what was going to happen next


As his mouth touched hers Gina felt the heat intensify and uttered a little involuntary moan of pleasure.  At first he teased dancing h
is tongue seductively
between her full lips, exploring, forcing her mouth a little wider and savouring the taste of her.  Then hearing her moan again he took hold of both her arms and clamped them tight against the wall and kissed her hard and hungry.  The way she reacted, responded gave Dark all the encouragement he needed.  She might be all smart retorts and sarcasm but she wanted more and her body couldn’t hide it from him.


“Good start, but needs further work,” he said pulling away from her and rubbing his thumb over her reddened mouth.  “You need to try harder, like I said I’m not easy to impress, Gina.  Do you want me to show you how?”


Gina shook her head, what was this man doing to her?  And what did he mean

show her how



“Is this what I think it is, Mr Dark?”  She questioned as reality hit.  “Are you expecting me to sleep with you in return for that job?”


“Did I say anything about sleeping with me, Gina,” he chuckled softly?  “But we both know what’s going on here, don’t we?”


Gina shivered, yes she did know the score, what he really meant was sex and
her gaze from his
felt herself blush s
at the full impact of his offer.  Sex in exchange for a job.  The idea was outrageous and he was so cool about it, he’d not batted so much as an eyelash when he’d put this to her.   And what sort of an offer was that anyway?  Well obviously a Matthew Dark sort of offer, she told herself as her face continued to glow scarlet. 
What on Earth was going on
hadn’t blushed in years and now it had happened twice in one day and both times because of him. 


My offer makes you blush with embarrassment, Gina,” he chuckled again while running
an exploratory finger over the
silk of
of her dress and making her far too jittery to speak

But at least we understand one another,” he decided his fingers still dancing across her strap while his
male brain
calculated the most expedient
ay of
ing the gown
and how luscious
that figure would
look in the briefest of underwear. 
“All I need now is your answer, do you want to impress me some more or not?”


’s stomach was doing funny little flip over’s as he spoke.  She
could almost feel the heat
eyes as they raked
over her shapely body
again from head to toe. 

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