Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive (6 page)

Read Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive Online

Authors: Nell Henderson

Tags: #Dark Demands

BOOK: Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive
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Fully aware
how uncomfortable she was by
both his offer and
this study he blatantly settled his gaze on her cleavage.  The bodice of the dress was cut deep and showed off the round swell of her large breasts to perfection.  She was on display
and he liked to look and if he had anything to do with it, he’d do much more than just look later.
He raised a dark eyebrow and
pushed her against the wall again
before running a finger down her cheek and delicately rubbing her
full, red
with his thumb again.


“Arousal suits you,” he whispered, his deep
accent as
sweet as
a caress.  “
I’m flattered that my inspection causes such mayhem,” he purred gently. “I can see the need on your face and I can guess what turmoil is going on elsewhere in your body,” he added wickedly. 


Could she really jeopardise her own self respect and sleep with him in return for the job she wanted.  But remember why you want the job; she mentally nudged herself as if that reason would somehow make submitting to this man’s demands less of a problem. 



Chapter 4


“So what’s it to be?”  He asked her

“I won’t wait all night, I’m an impatient man,” he added. 


“You’re asking too much and you know you are, so no, I can’t just go upstairs with you, that’s not my way.”


Another smirk as he caught her fearful blue eyes in the gaze of his dark ones.


“You’re just nervous, nervous and cautious because you think all this has happened too fast.  But you shouldn’t be,” he tempted a sexy smile playing on his lips.


But that smile didn’t quite reach all the way up to those brown eyes anymore.  They had a hard, still quality as he stared at her.  Why did he have to be so very difficult to read?  What was really going on inside this man’s head?  And all the warnings she’d been given were back, cluttering up her mind.


“We both know there’s a heat between us, an attraction.  It was there this morning and now, after meeting again tonight, it’s even stronger.”


Of course Gina knew he was right and she smiled softly in agreement.  Why argue, like he’d said they both knew what was going on between them. 


Dark hoped she understood now, he was tired of waiting.  Gina wasn’t only argumentative but she appeared to have a strong resistance.  If he was going to take her tonight then he needed to break that down and quick


“Let’s give this a chance and see where it takes us,” he teased running one of his
masculine hand
over her waist and round her hips
.  “I can use the job as bait if you want but we both know it’s not about that anymore,” he whispered huskily then taking Gina
by surprise
he swept his hand over her buttocks and pressed hard.  “What do you say, Gina?”  He asked moving his hand in delicious, sensuous circles.


Gina gasped, his hands were on her, and on her backside at that, this was too much, and she felt her nerve ends jolt in response.  He felt the attraction too, wasn’t that what he meant when he’d said it was no longer about the job?  She was almost delirious with joy, the gorgeous Matthew Dark fancied her and wanted her in his bed.  She sighed in his arms and responded eagerly as he bent and kissed her again.  T
here was somethin
g about this charismatic
something very seductive that was fast drawing her in.


“Give me your hands,” he asked softly and as she put them both in his he kissed her fingers lightly.  “Now put them behind your back and keep them there,” he told her.  “Let’s see how good you can be,” he whispered brushing her cheek with his lips.


What was this,
another part of the game he was playing, Gina wondered?
But why the thing with her hands and why did it excite her so much?  A
shiver of intense heat seared through her body before dancing its slow, sultry steps low down.  Control, the word spun in her head begging her to be cautious.  He wants to be in control.  He’ll do things
to you
while he has you immobilised, she told herself.  This is his way, this is what he does with everything and everyone and the women he wants to bed are treated the same.  This gave all the warnings she’d been given a new and sharp validity, she realised
just before
she clasped her hands behind her back. 


Dark didn’t speak, he didn’t smile he just watched her obey him with a self satisfied look on his handsome face.  Then he lifted her chin gently with his hand and made her look into his eyes while he ran his free hand slowly over her breasts.


Wasn’t there supposed to be a preamble to such intimacy?  Shouldn’t he spout a few soft words or a bit of romance before going in for the kill?   His haste didn’t sit right; this wasn’t how ‘boy making pass at girl’ usually went, well not in her experience.  But this was different, this was Dark and in his world he did things his way, she reminded herself.   But as his fingers felt their way down her deep cleavage and pushed under the fabric of her clothes she uttered her first moan of pleasure and was lost.


He smirked and nodded his approval.  “I think you’re going to be very good at this,” he praised as he unfastened the side zip of the gown and slipped off a shoulder strap.  “You do want to please me, don’t you Gina,” he whispered as he swept half the bodice of the dress and the soft cup of her bra out of way and palmed one of her breasts hard. 


Gina gasped and felt her insides melt in the white heat of this embrace.  He moulded and stroked her naked flesh and
flitted eager fingers over
her sensitized peaks
feeling their growing hardness. 
She wanted to throw her arms around him, kiss him but he had her pushed tight against the wall with his muscular thighs holding her fast.  She couldn’t move and she couldn’t stop him either.  He dipped his head and
for the first time she felt his tongue on her flesh.  He
took one swelling rosy nipple into his mouth lashing and flicking until it was a tingling throb of hardness.   Gina
moaned again. It had taken only seconds but he had worked her into a whimpering state of acute arousal and she wanted more.  She
swayed slightly forward and managed to pull her arms free and flung them around his neck running grasping fingers through his thick, dark hair.  Almost at once
all the
intense pleasure stopped as her delicate flesh became a hot, mass of pain as his teeth close
around her aroused nub
and bit down
. .


Gina shrieked in pain her blue eyes suddenly full of glittering tears.  What was he doing, why hurt her like this?


“I told you not to move them, Gina,” he reminded her.  “If you don’t do as I say I will punish you.”


Gina was shocked at what he’d done and couldn’t understand it. 
“No you won’t, Matthew,”
she threw at him angry with him and with herself for allowing this.
  “Because if you anything like that again I’ll tear your head off,” she shivered.
I’ve had enough,” she wriggled moving her body away from his.  “You’ve gone too far and I’ve no intention of playing your games any longer,” she spat at him.  Her fire was back, whatever power had been holding her in this mans thrall had left.  “Charlie will be wondering what’s happened to me.  He was kind enough to bring me here tonight so I should at least spend some time with him,” she said fixing her dress.


Dark didn’t like her tone, he didn’t like it all.  And if that wasn’t enough, she had the temerity to consider the needs of someone like Charlie Spence before his.


If I’ve upset you then I’m sorry,” he apologised smoothly.  “But you have to understand that if we’re to have any sort of relationship then it has to be on my terms,

he shrugged.  “It’s how I am, I like to be in control.”


“That sort of controlling is way out of line and you know it is,” she told him angrily.  “You have to accept that a relationship is a two way thing, Matthew.”


“I’ve had no complaints up to now,” he shrugged again.  “Women generally go along with what I want and you are supposed to be trying to impress me, remember?”


I stopped trying to impress when you said it wasn’t about the job anymore.  But perhaps that was just part of your weird little game as well,” she shook the skirt of her gown and made to return to the main room.  “I still want that job but there are limits to what I’ll do to get it,” she assured him.


it’s my experience that women will do a lot of things to get what they want.  And you weren’t complaining a few moments ago, were you?


That was before you hurt me.  I don’t know what game you’re playing but it won’t work with me,” she chided as if to a child.  “I’m not a plaything, Mr Dark and if you hurt me like that again I promise I’ll hurt you back.”


“So there’ll be a next time then, I’ll look forward to that,” he replied still with a tease in his voice.  “Will that be before or after you’ve had your wicked way with Charlie Spence?”


“Now you’re being facetious, Charlie isn’t and never has been on my list of potential lovers, job or no job.”


“So am I still on that list then, or was I before I seem to have offended you?”  He smiled smugly, his dark eyes a little livelier now as they met hers.


Damn the man he was playing with her again.  “No you’re not and you never were,” she confirmed.  “So leave me alone,” she insisted.  “Charlie’s
just a friend, well not even that, a business ac
quaintance really,” she continued still trying to justify her actions


This wasn’t what he was used to.  Women were usually all too eager to fall into his bed and he couldn’t work out what made this one behave so different.  She needed something from him and that should give him the advantage.  Perhaps he just had to keep on pushing, push and eat away at her moral indignation until she agreed to do what he wanted.
And what
want?  He’d been forced to ask himself that
question many times as he continued to mess up every relationship he got himself into.  But he was complicated, and his needs were complicated too, he knew that.  But should he really care?  As he’d already proved several times he was rich enough to buy the silence of even the most vocal of bitter ex bed mates.


“OK, suppose I admit that I’m out of line for pressurising you,” he apologised.


“For propositioning me, you mean,” she corrected him. “And for taking liberties,” she added.


“So with all that said and agreed, could you still consider
me a little and
spend some time with me anyway?



Before Gina could reply
he’d pulled her close again and
his lips
were sprinkling
her soft cheek
s with light feathery kisses before nuzzling at her neck.
He’d surprised her but as she melted into his grasp he knew she had little resistance.


“You like what I’m doing, don’t you Gina?”  He teased in her ear as he trailed a finger down over the bodice of her gown again and rubbed lightly between her breasts.


Yes she did and Gina felt the rush of heat flame through her body and her stomach turned somersaults before sinking into a deep ache low down.  She wanted to turn and feel him
against her mouth, to feel
him press his lips hungrily
against her own and to respond as her body wanted too. 


Forget Charlie and anything he might offer you.  S
tay with me
, come up to my penthouse
and let me entertain you for the rest of the evening
,” he invited seductively.


Gina’s eyes shot up to study his brown, mysterious ones. 
The idea of sleeping with
the thought
of his hands on her body a
nd having him dictate her actions
like he’d just done
made her head reel with
dangerous pleasure that tingled through her with a very urgent and treacherous need. 

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