Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive (3 page)

Read Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive Online

Authors: Nell Henderson

Tags: #Dark Demands

BOOK: Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive
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“My f
ather’s just tired, Grace.  He
has no fight left in him.  But
one day soon he realise how
short sighted
he’s been and
realise that
Dark cheated him
,” she affirmed. 


Grace knew she was fighting a loosing battle.  Gina
, she wanted to try and put things back to how they’d been before
.  But
that was unlikely to happen.
She just hoped that chasing after Dark and trying find proof of his underhand methods wouldn’t get her into something she couldn’t handle.


“Study that list he gave you,” Grace suggested helpfully.  “You know what this business is like, people talk, and with
being new in town you won’t be the only one trying to find out what he’s up to,” she smiled and nodded at Gina’s bag.  “That list you’ve got is more than just contacts, those are his rivals too, so study it and speak to a few of them like


It was a good idea and Gina rescued the crumpled list from her bag and looked it up and down.  Most of the firms were unfamiliar but one or two she did recognise.


“Charlie’s company is on here,” she said
with a smile.  “It is one of those he’s crossed out though, but perhaps that means it’s worth a try, don’t you think?”


Grace wasn’t su
re.  Charlie Spence was a self centred man who was only likely to help if there was something in it for him.


But Gina
was desperate and ready to clutch at anything that might give her a foothold. 
dealt with
s for years and despite crossing
him off the list if the Scotsman
kept nothing else he was bound to keep her father’s old customers. 


“When we get home I’m going to r
ing him, see what he knows
  He’s one of the few people on here,” she said waving the list triumphantly, “who might be able to help me.


Charlie Spence had heard about
going bust and Dark’s buy out
when he heard Gina’s voice he wasn’t surprised. He could well imagine how angry
about the whole affair. 
So angry, in fact, that she’d be another in the growing group of people Dark had crossed and like the others she’d have a burning itch to get even so perhaps that meant they could use each other. 


“I’ve been given a list of names by
and of course
being an old customer,
you’re on it, Gina
told him
.  “
Primarily I’m looking for work and I know you have a lot of contacts, Charlie but apart from that I’m also looking for information, anything you know about the takeover and what he’s up to.”


“I can probably help you find a job but as for Dark, well my advice is don’t get involved with him, Gina,” Charlie warned. 


“A little late I’m afraid. 
actually had an interview for my old job today,” she told him.  “I didn’t tell him who I was but he turned me down anyway, can you imagine how hard that was to swallow?”


“Turn you down because you’re female, did he?”


“Yes, and he had the cheek to admit it,” she confirmed.  “Obviously he thinks he’s above all that employment law stuff the rest of us have to watch out for, Charlie?”


“That’s typical Dark tactics.  He’s ruthless Gina and particular about employing staff, but you really should treat it as a lucky break.  The man might have a lot going for him but he’s dangerous and particularly where women are concerned.”


More echoes of the warning Grace had given her.  What was it about this man that inspired such ideas?


What do you mean, dangerous?”  Gina pried further, a frown on her pretty face.  “You make him sound like some sort of sexual predator.”


“Well he certainly has a problem with women, that’s for sure.  So whether you care to believe me or not you’ve had a lucky escape.”


“You’re as bad as Grace, she doesn’t trust him either,” she admitted.  “And how do you know these things?  I can’t find out anything about him, online or in the press.  As far as I can tell he virtually wraps himself in secrecy.”


“You’re not speaking to the right people Gina.  Believe me the reputation he’s got is well deserved.  I could tell you a tale or two, in fact when we get together I just might.”


“That aside i
s he ruthless enough to have had a hand in
s crash,” she put to him.  “You must have heard the rumours, I know I have.”


wouldn’t put it past him
.  I have no evidence that would hold up though and just now I don’t want to make an enemy of
not openly anyway
” he admitted.  “
But take my word for it the wolves are baying for that man’s blood and it won’t be long before he learns that continually crossing people the way he does has repercussions, and serious ones.”


“So I’m not the only one who doesn’t like him then, who else is on your list Charlie?”


“I can’t tell you anything yet, Gina but just keep your eyes and ears open over the coming weeks and don’t be surprised if the Scotsman takes a few serious knocks.”


“But he’s just too big, surely.  Dark Industries is global so I don’t see how anyone can hit him hard enough to leave marks.”


“There are other global players in this game, Gina and they’re watching Dark carefully and he’s been careless.  So careless in fact that when the strike is made against him Dark Industries share price will plummet,” he told her with some glee.


“In the meantime will you keep your ears open about Deveralls and what he might have done to secure the takeover?  Our entire workforce have lost their jobs, Charlie can you imagine how that makes me feel?”


“I’ll see what gossip is doing the rounds but I’ll have to be careful I don’t want Dark spooked.  His firm is working on something new; a
forecast to become an instant market leader,” he told her candidly.
“Part of the sting against him involves a group of us getting there first and making sure it has serious competition.  We intend that our product will beat Dark’s to shops and that will have major repercussions for him.  But not a word, Gina, not to anyone.”


“Seems you’ve been busy, Charlie, I’m impressed.  But your plan really does rely on having the right information at the right time?”


Yes I agree, and that’s why I have someone on the inside.  Soon I’ll have everything I need to set up the competition then all I have to do is give my
new business
the nod and he’ll start manufacture.  He
has his own reasons for wanting to ruin Dark plus
his organisation has
the capacity and the money
to stop him in his tracks
.  S
o whatever it is Dark
planning it won’t stay a secret for much longer,”
he told her


Having met him
Gina couldn’t imagine
Dark being so careless.   He would never launch something new without strict security.
  Charlie might have his talents but this sounded way out of his league.  But what he’d told her about
’s new d
evelopment was very interesting.  If it was still in development and under wraps then it made the man vulnerable.
And perhaps that vulnerability was something she could exploit herself.


I wish you well, Charlie.
really is
excellent news
and probably no more that that man deserves
,” she complimented.  “But
given what you’ve told me perhaps you need to watch your step too don’t get into anything you’ll regret.  I don’t imagine Dark’s a push over,” she warned.


can handle
,” he answered her with contempt.  “A
nd it’s about time that big headed Scotsman
was taught
a lesson or two,” he
added scathingly
.  “
He won’t take this new product to market without real problems and he won’t have a clue how it happened.
  So don’t worry about me.”


“That smacks of a man who knows what he’s doing and has thought things through, Charlie,” she replied with admiration in her voice.   “If anyone can get him then you probably can, you’re no beginner in this business and people trust you.”


Gina knew Charlie of old and she was aware how much he liked to be flattered.  She could use this information and right now she could use Charlie so a few words of praise could pay dividends.


“Look why wait until tomorrow we could do with meeting up and discu
ssing the job idea,” he offered
.  “How about coming with me to a party tonight
at a hotel in town
? It’s
a bit of a birthday bash for Ben, Benito Carlotti, the MD of
‘Planet Electronics’ and I s
till don’t have a ‘plus one’, w
hat do you say?”


Gina smiled to herself.  S
’d been
few kind words
had paid off
  She was well aware that Charlie
had once carried a torch for her
so she expected him to
use her curiosity about
and her need for a job
to his advantage.  But this event was an opportunity she couldn’t miss it would
ive her the chance
meet others in the business and possibly
find out more about
what Dark was up to


“Strictly business,” she insisted imagining Charlie’s self satisfied face at the other end of the line while she listened to him laugh down the receiver.


“Why off course gorgeous, what do you take me for?
  And anyway I do have a lady in my life at the moment.”


Shouldn’t you be taking her then, I don’t want to cause you any embarrassment?”


“No it’s fine, this particular lady will be there anyway and she knows I’ve only got eyes for her.  But I’d ask you to be discreet and keep news of my new romance to yourself for now.”


“Of course, Charlie, but why the intrigue?”


“I can’t really say but for now I don’t want our names linked, not yet. So sorry Gina, this isn’t a date it’s more of an opportunity for us to chat and for you to network with others in our business.”


“I’m fine with that Charlie, its good of you to invite me. 
Is it posh?  Do I dress up?”


“Give it the works, gorgeous.  I saw you once in a lovely flowing red number; wear that if you’ve still got it.”


Gina knew the gown he meant and immediately understood why Charlie had remembered it.   It was low cut, scarlet silk, split up one side and very sexy. Very well, if that’s what it took, she’d wear it.


“I’ll pick you up at your house about eight,” he confirmed before they said their goodbyes.


If Charlie was right and
had developed a new product then she needed to know what it was and how near it was to reaching the market.  Charlie was her key.  If
he did know something and she handled him right, he was such a show off
he wouldn’t be able to keep what he knew to himself

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