Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive (4 page)

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Authors: Nell Henderson

Tags: #Dark Demands

BOOK: Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive
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Chapter 3


The party or ‘event’ as Charlie had described it was being held at
one of the city’s premier hotels. 
He picked Gina up in a taxi as arranged and seemed delighted to have her as his escort for the evening. 
Charlie had an image to keep up and h
e would relish
turning up to this prestigious affair with the lovely Gina on his arm.  He’d no intention of spoiling any opportunities she might make for herself but he’d enjoy
flaunting her in front of the host of influential business men who’d be there. 


they arrived Gina’s nerves began to jangle as s
he watched the large, expensive cars
pull up as they chauffeured
other guests to the venue
happened to change Charlie’s fortunes so much?  He was good at what he did and his business was successful but he wasn’t in this league. 
And another thing, how come he knew a man like Carlotti well enough to
wangle his invite here tonight?  Something had certainly changed in Charlie’s life, that was for sure.


He presented their invitations to the doorman and once inside they were met by a waiter proffering champagne.  Gina took one of the crystal flutes politely but she’d no intentions of getting even slightly drunk.  If ever she needed her wits about her it was tonight.


The main event room of the hotel was decorated with balloons and banners to celebrate Carlotti’s birthday and the garish colours clashed with the expensive deep burgundy and burnt gold tones of the usually more sedate décor.  A room here must cost a fortune, Gina reasoned looking round at the wealth of designer labels and jewellery dripping off the other guests.


“Can I introduce y
ou to anyone?”  Charlie
asked as he spotted a group he recognised and waved.  “There’s Ben
, the Managing Director of ‘Planet’, standing over there.  You should certainly meet him he could be useful he employs thousands of staff here and in the States.
  Come on, we’ll wish him ‘happy birthday


Gina looked towards the group and catching the eye of the middle aged man Charlie had pointed out watched as he became more interested and beckoned the pair over. 


It was obvious that
had recognised Charlie and he smiled a greeting but it was the voluptuous blonde he had on his arm that had his attention as they approached.


“Come on, we’ll join them,” Charlie insisted pushing her forward.


Now Gina was really nervous.  She rarely felt self conscious but this event was very different.  These were top people from large companies and if asked about her own background she didn’t fancy answering any tricky questions about her


But Charlie was so intent on joining this group she hadn’t time to argue the point with him.  He greeted Planet’s MD like an old friend and then started the introductions.  


“This Dave Smithies, Ben’s right hand man in the States.”


He was about Carlotti’s age and with a friendly smile he took Gina’s hand and shook it gently.


“And this is Kyle Hastings, apparently he’s the one to watch, isn’t he Ben?”  The group laughed and Carlotti clapped the young man with the attractive tousled, blonde hair on the back.


“Well I think so,” he praised in a rich Italian accent.  “Kyle is going to be my man in the
,” he confirmed with another round of back slapping.


Kyle Hastings was clearly embarrassed as Gina was sure she saw his handsome, young face flush slightly.  She smiled and shook the hand he offered her noting the firmness of his grasp.


“Charlie certainly kept you a secret.” 
once it was his turn
and then openly leered down her cleavage as he took Gina’s hand.  She had to practically prise it away from him as this powerful man held onto it for a little longer than was comfortable.


“I’m merely an ex business colleague,” she insisted.  “And one seeking work, at that,” she smiled.


laughed and seeing this as an invitation swiftly pulled a business card from his jacket pocket and handed it to her.  “Give me a call if Charlie doesn’t come up with the goods or even if he does and you fancy something more exciting,” he drawled and winked at her.


Gina smiled and taking the card thanked him politely.  But she knew there and then that there was no way she could accept his offer.  This man w
ould be a nightmare to work for.
He’d be another male boss who wouldn’t expect to
have to
keep his hands to himself.


But before he could take the conversation any further a familiar voice interrupted from behind her.


“Don’t miss me out,” a
n attractive Scottish lilt
intoned.  Neither Charlie nor Gina had noticed the tall dark haired man who’d followed them across the floor.  But as he spoke Gina knew immediately who it was and felt her heart skip a beat.


, she though
, even more ill at ease now with the way the evening was turning out.  What on earth was he doing here?


“Well if it isn’t the lovely Miss Haddon,” he pre-empted Charlie’s introduction and taking Gina’s hand kissed the back of it lightly. 


As his lips feathered
her skin she felt
the same sizzle of electricity
through her body
as she had earlier in his office but this time it was joined by
goose bumps prickl
her back. 
What was this?  Why this reaction every time he came near her?


desperately wanted to snub him, to step back, give him a disinterested look. but she couldn’t.  The effect he had on her was too powerful and rooted to the spot all Gina could do was scan him up and down
and gasp. 
He looked gorgeous dressed, as he was, in a beautifully fitted dark suit with a frilled shirt and bow tie.  Expensive attire that sat on his tall, broad frame perfectly
he had that
familiar smelling cologne he wore emanating from him


“Tell me Gina, are you s
talking me?”  He
seriously, his dark eyes narrowing with suspicion
as she looke
d up at him in dazed amazement.


Those eyes again, those deep, dark unfathomable eyes, they were all she could think of as they held hers fast in their questioning grip.


by way of explanation he added.  “T
his is the second time our paths have crossed today. 
And given what you wanted from me earlier
that can’t
be coincidence?
  I’m right, aren’t I; you have deliberately come here tonight hoping to see me?”


’s eyes darted from
Dark to Gina before settling on the Scotsman
with open hostility.  He obviously knew
and anyone watching the
se two men would guess from the vibe between them
that they disli
ked each other and would assume that this
hostility was down to fighting for
customers in
the same market.  But anyone who knew them both better would know the truth, and know that it had nothing at all to do with business rivalry. 


Gina hurriedly shook her head
she needed to gather her wits, and fast.
  “No of course I’m not stalk
ing you,” she insisted
“And after your shabby behaviour earlier why on earth would I, Mr Dark?”  She retaliated, pleased with herself for sounding so convincing.
  “When I saw you this morning I’d no idea I’d even be here tonight,

she added looking to the others for some support.


“You’ve got your answer,
, so why don’t you do us all a favour and leave the young lady and my friends alone,”
interrupted annoyed at
sudden appearance
and much to Gina’s relief


But ignoring him
gave her a look that said he
didn’t believe
and shaking his head
he tried to take her arm, the one that was still clutching Charlie Spence.


“You bad boys’ still fighting over the ladies,” a female voice interrupted from out of nowhere, a sexy, Italian voice that instantly had the attention of all the men in the group.  She smiled a greeting and placed a possessive hand on Charlie’s arm and removed Gina’s from it in the process.


Gina almost gasped when she saw the statuesque brunette standing beside them.  She was heavily made up but quite beautiful and dressed in a figure hugging, very short black dress that displayed her full curves perfectly.


“Mr Dark,” she smiled seductively at the Scotsman.  “Sir,” she smiled again and flitted her long black lashes at him provocatively.  “How lovely to see you,” she purred looking at him with an appreciative smile.  “You’re such a very naughty man,” she pouted.  “You will frighten our guests away,” then she turned and gave Gina a haughty look down her perfect, straight nose and added.  “Don’t forget why we’re here, darling.  It’s Benito’s birthday, it’s him you should be giving your attention to,” she added looking Gina up and down again.  “So please be nice to him, for me,” she pleaded, kissing his cheek and running her hand along his arm.


“Of course, you’re right, Lisa,” Dark allowed.  “Give me half an hour or so and we’ll catch up,” he promised placing a hand around her waist and patting her behind.  “You look lovely, as always,” he added softly and kissed her cheek again as she left the group. 


As she went she turned and met Charlie’s eyes for a few seconds then smiled at him, rather like the cat that got the cream, before she minced away in her ultra high heels.


Gina stared after her with mixed feelings, intrigue because no one had attempted to introduce her and a flash of jealousy because for one heart stopping moment Gina had thought she might be Dark’s date.  But whoever she was she obviously knew Dark, Carlotti and Charlie very well. She looked at the Scotsman her face full of questions but he simply took hold of her arm and addressed the others.


“Excuse us for a few minutes,
gentlemen,” he said.
  “But I need to have a private word
with Miss Haddon,” he announced.


Then gripping her firmly h
e guided Gina towards
the French doors and out onto the terrace
, leaving both
and Charlie thunderous at his interference.  But neither of them tried to stop him and simply watched as Gina swept off at his side.


Having him so close made Gina
quiver with nerves

She couldn’t understand why except that he was touching her again and the heat of his hands on her bare skin was having an intoxicating effect on her senses. 


re very rude,” she challenged, trying for some semblance of being in charge of her reactions.
“I’m here with a friend,” she said, nodding back
Charlie, “so whatever you want it’ll have to be quick.  I’m hoping he’s a prospective employer,” she emphasised, giving him a knowing look and trying to dispel any
ideas he might have.  “He was on your list so as you can see I’ve wasted no time.”


“I wish you luck, Gina he said.  “And working with Charlie
you’ll certainly need it,” he told her with a wry smile.  “He wasn’t your best choice.  Surely you saw that I’d crossed him out and for very good reasons.” he whispered.  “You must know about his reputation with women,” he warned.
  “And if you need any proof of his intentions check at reception.  Did you know he’s made a reservation for tonight, a double room?”

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