Dark Legend (21 page)

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Authors: Christine Feehan

Tags: #Paris (France), #Vampires, #Women Healers, #Romance, #Love Stories, #General, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #Occult fiction

BOOK: Dark Legend
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"Well, Skyler," the judge prompted gently. "Don't be afraid. We want to do what's best for you, whatever will make you happy. Francesca has indicated quite strongly that she would like to be responsible for you, to be your guardian. She has room in her home and can easily give you every advantage, but you are old enough to choose for yourself. I would like to hear what you have to say."

The door to the bedroom swung inward and Brice walked in. "May I inquire what is going on in here? This girl is my patient."

The judge turned slowly, one eyebrow shooting up. "I thought you had agreed that we could question her today." He glared at Francesca's lawyer.

Gabriel reached for Brice's mind. The man was a whirling chaotic mass of contradiction. He was angry with Francesca, certain she had already chosen to be with Gabriel. It was in his mind to sabotage her efforts to gain custody of Skyler. Gabriel forced down his own desire to allow the man to completely ruin his chances with Francesca. At once he made the decision to interfere. He solidified outside the door to Skyler's room, shoved it open, and strode in.

Brice swore aloud, stepping back hastily to allow Gabriel entrance. Gabriel's tall, powerful frame dwarfed the doctor's. As he brushed by, he leaned close so that his words were heard by Brice alone. "You will tell the truth in this matter." He gave the command softly, his voice compelling the other man to do his bidding.

Brice found himself responding with words he'd had no intention of saying. "I did say Skyler could answer your questions," he admitted reluctantly. He glared at Gabriel. "She is high strung. All these visitors could very well upset her and send her into a regression." He avoided Francesca's dark eyes and the censure he knew he would see there. "I have serious reservations about Francesca providing a home for Skyler. I happen to know her home situation has changed and she no longer lives alone." He said it in a belligerent tone, his jealousy making him reckless.

The judge glanced at Gabriel. "You must be Francesca's husband." He reached out, offering his hand. "She has been saying some wonderful things about you. It is quite a privilege to meet you."

"What did you tell him? "
Gabriel took the offered hand with a firm, courteous .shake. His black gaze caught and held that of the judge. The man stood mesmerized, felt as if he were falling forward straight into that gaze.

"The only record they will find of you has a top-security clearance. I created a file on you explaining your absence. You were heroically serving your country. It is not too difficult to do such things when you know your way around the computer. It also helps to have people in high places owe you favors. You look like a hero to anyone who might inquire."
Francesca's soft voice brushed rather smugly in his mind.

"I hope my living at Francesca's house will not be a problem." Gabriel said, staring directly into the judge's eyes. "After all, we are still married. She was kind enough to give me a place to stay. Francesca is obviously the best person in the world for Skyler. I would not want to do anything to jeopardize such an arrangement."

The judge had never heard a voice so pure and beautiful as Gabriel's. His entire being reached out toward that voice, wanted to please the speaker.

"Francesca, there is no need to stay married to him. You're not obligated just because he came back from the dead," Brice put in, furious. "Has he done something to make you lose your mind? You don't know this man anymore. You haven't seen him for years. You don't know anything about him. He should have stayed dead!" Suddenly aware of the things he was shouting, of the difference between his voice and Gabriel's, Brice made an effort to calm down.

Skyler was gripping Francesca's hand hard, her incredibly long lashes shading her large gray eyes, hiding her mounting terror. At once Francesca touched her mind to reassure her, recognized Gabriel's comforting encouragement.

"We are with you, Skyler, right here."

To the shock of both Gabriel and Francesca, the young girl was able to reply on a mental path neither had everiused before.
What if the doctor won't let them give me to you? I can't live without your help. I know I can't. It would be better to just let go."
There was a desperate fear in her. Someone had touched her life with gentle understanding, someone she recognized as good. Someone who understood how different she was. Someone who valued her despite the terrible things that had happened to her. Now she might lose her rescuers.

Gabriel's dark eyes swept the child huddling close to Francesca for protection.
"Look at me."
It was a soft command, but impossible to disobey. Skyler's large eyes met his instantly.
"You will trust in me, in Francesca, and believe that we can sort this out. There is no need for fear. Those under my protection cannot be abused in any way. Francesca will continue to heal you and you will cease to worry over trivial matters such as this ugly argument. They cannot touch your life, little one. They will never be allowed to do so. They only believe they have such power."

Skyler visibly relaxed, allowing her breath to escape in one long sigh of relief. Francesca found herself beaming at Gabriel, her heart in her eyes.

Chapter Nine


Brice was watching Francesca's face. He found himself cursing silently at her expression as she gazed at Gabriel with pride. He knew he had to back off or lose her. He had never experienced jealousy and found it to be an extremely ugly emotion. What had gotten into him? Was this his true character? Of course it would be best for Skyler to live with Francesca, how could it not be? But Brice didn't want to share Francesca with anyone, it was that simple. Francesca had many acquaintances who called themselves her friends, but he was the only one she had allowed close to her. He was used to having a special place in her life. A teenager didn't figure into his plans for the future. Francesca knew many people; she had money and moved easily in the inner circles. She was beautiful and well liked by both men and women. By escorting her to charity balls and parties, he had become accepted too.

Gabriel moved. It
a mere shifting of his muscles, subtle but frightening all the same. There was something very dangerous about Gabriel, though Brice couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. Something about his eyes that wasn't entirely human. He tried to look away from those black, empty eyes, but instead he was falling forward, straight into their centers. At once he felt ashamed of himself. Brice had a very strong urge to retract his words. He cleared his throat and spoke almost without his own volition. "Francesca is the perfect guardian. Of course there's no question about that."

Brice managed to tear his gaze away from those cold black eyes. He had the feeling Gabriel was secretly laughing at him. To his amazement, Brice found himself clenching his fists. He was not a violent man, but he desperately wanted to hit someone. He also had the strangest feeling Gabriel knew exactly what he was thinking, knew it and was deliberately antagonizing him. It was in his every look, his smile, his pitiless eyes. Why couldn't Francesca see that those eyes were as cold as death itself?

Gabriel smiled, a flash of perfect white teeth. "Of course Francesca is the perfect guardian. You think so, too, is that not correct, Skyler?" His voice was soft and gentle, so beautiful it made Brice sound harsh in comparison. But it was more than that, it was the way he said Francesca's name that made Brice want to throw things. There was something very intimate, very possessive in his tone.

The judge turned to look at the young girl. "Is that so, Skyler, would you like to live with Francesca? It's up to you. If you prefer to answer in private, we can clear the room and just the two of us will hear what you have to say."

Skyler shook her head, hugging her stuffed wolf close to her. "I know what I want," she answered softly, but very clearly. "I want to live with Francesca."

The judge beamed at her as if she were a brilliant child. "Naturally. I can see you and Francesca have already established a close bond. I trust we can see to the proceedings as quickly as possible?" He fixed a stern eye on first the attorney, then Brice.

While Francesca's attorney nodded solemnly, Brice squirmed. "We haven't settled the matter of Francesca's living circumstances to my satisfaction. After all, I am ultimately the one who must decide if Skyler's environment is safe or not before I release her. She has suffered a tremendous trauma. I don't know if living with a male, a stranger, is conducive to her recovery."

"Brice—" Francesca put a wealth of feeling into his name. "Please don't force me to go to court over this. Skyler and I need to be together as a family."

Brice raked a hand through his hair. "I'm not arguing that point, Francesca. I just think we shouldn't move too soon. A background check is usually done on anyone seeking custody of a child and I don't think dispensing with it is proper since we know nothing about your friend here."

"But Francesca is the one seeking custody," the judge said, "not Gabriel. I have had ample time to read the files prepared by Mr. Ferrier on Gabriel, and I believe he is a good and decent man, well suited to caring for a child."

"What file? I didn't see a file," Brice protested.

Once again the judge was caught and held in Gabriel's slashing black gaze for a long minute. He smiled warmly. "I assure you, I read the file thoroughly and know everything necessary about Gabriel. It is a confidential document, not open to the public." He leveled his gaze at Brice.

"I am certain you will take my word for it."

Brice was more than certain Gabriel was manipulating the judge. Blackmail? Money? Was the man wealthy? Was that it? Each time Brice thought he had come up with a compelling argument, Gabriel would somehow catch the judge's attention and turn everything back against Brice. He glared at his rival. When Gabriel returned his stare, those damnable black eyes slid over him with malice, sending a shiver of fear down his spine.
Who is he? Where has he been the last few years?
Was he a killer, for the government? Did they really have killers that walked around freely? Was he a criminal and the judge knew him from a past experience? Brice felt sure Gabriel was holding something over Francesca's head. That had to be it. He was forcing her compliance. Maybe it was a good thing Skyler was going into that home. She could see what was going on and report back to him. It would be necessary to get into the girl's good graces and persuade her to watch over Francesca. He would have to make her his ally.

Brice nodded slowly. "I will give my consent then, Judge, as long as you have knowledge of his background."

Gabriel smiled pleasantly. "Thank you, Doctor, although I was unaware your approval was needed in this case. Skyler is technically a ward of the court." He sounded mildly amused at the presumption that Brice was needed at all.

Brice turned a dull red. Damn the man and his manner. His voice was so beautiful and compelling, so perfectly amiable no one could fault him, yet he was deliberately insulting. "Skyler is my patient. She needs my clearance to leave the hospital. I take my job very seriously." He moved at once to establish his authority.

Gabriel bowed with an Old World courtesy, a courtly gesture, as though he were a prince dealing with a peasant. Brice gritted his teeth to keep from swearing. He hated everything about Gabriel. His tall, well-muscled frame, his broad shoulders, the long shiny hair tied with a leather thong at the nape of his neck. How could a grown man look so well dressed with his hair like that? Brice hated the elegance of his clothes, the sensuality of his mouth, the inhuman look of his eyes. Most of all he hated the power that clung to Gabriel, the complete self-confidence. He carried himself like a man used to commanding others. It was easy to imagine him as a feudal lord in another lifetime. Brice felt as if Gabriel was secretly laughing at him, as if he was a source of amusement and no more.

Gabriel smiled at him easily, a show of those immaculate white teeth. How did he get them that white? Brice wanted to smash those glistening white teeth right down Gabriel's throat. "Skyler is well on the road to recovery. Francesca tells me she is stronger every day. I am certain it will not be much longer before she is able to be home with us."

To everyone's surprise it was Skyler who replied. "I am feeling much stronger." She said it defiantly, her voice soft and trembling but quite clear. "And if anyone cares about my opinion, I want to live with Francesca
Gabriel." She had no idea why she felt a sudden compulsion to add Gabriel's name when she really meant Francesca. Men frightened her. Even Gabriel, although she sensed only compassion and caring in his feelings for her. She was more astonished by her outburst than anyone. She hadn't spoken to anyone in months, yet now she was in a room filled with adults, strangers really, and they were deciding her life. It was terrifying and she was grateful for the stuffed animal and the strange soothing comfort it offered her.

"I'm glad to hear that," Brice said immediately, recognizing he needed to back down. "The stronger you are, the happier we are, Skyler." He turned his back on Gabriel as he spoke. He knew Gabriel would read the lie in his eyes otherwise. Skyler should have been grateful to him: he was her doctor; he had been the one who had risked his license by bringing Francesca in to see his patient without parental consent.

Brice made himself smile down at the child. After all, he could charm women. It was his best asset. "I'll have you out of here in no time, young lady, and that should please you immensely." His gaze swung around to encompass the officials. "If you're finished here, I suggest you leave and allow my patient to rest. She is quite pale."

Francesca leaned down to hug Skyler. "I'm going to have such fun preparing a room for you. I know the things you like,."

Skyler caught her arm, lowered her voice to a soft whisper. "I hid my mother's locket in my old bedroom. It's behind the paneling next to my bed. I don't want anything but that. I don't want anything of

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