Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera (9 page)

BOOK: Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera
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The evening meal proved to be a long affair. With Ki and Drace leaving in the morning, Ki was held at table longer than normal, discussing affairs of the keep.

Drace sat for some time listening to Ki and her steward in discussion of the running of the keep in her absence, but he started having trouble keeping his eyes open. Finally, he excused himself and went to his chamber.

He removed his boots, and clothing, except for his boxer-like drawers. He lay down with the intent of listening for Ki’s step on the landing by his room.

It was very late when some noise woke him. The clicking of the door closing made him turn over onto his back.

Drace caught the faint scent of lemon before he made out her silhouette. He had left the curtains open, and moonlight shone in. His voice was husky from sleep, “Are you certain?”

Ki moved closer to the bed then stopped. Drace could see she must have gone to her chambers and brushed out her hair and changed into a shift and a dressing gown. There was a soft slither of sound as the dressing gown went to the floor, leaving the moonlight to illuminate the thin material of her shift. “By all the gods, I am sure,” she whispered.

Drace scooted more to the middle of the big bed then held out one big hand to her. She came to the edge of the bed and removed her shift.

“Oh good Christ,” Drace said softly, propping onto his elbow to look at her. He swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry.

The moonlight showed him womanly shadows and curves and her hair fell loose all around her. He took her hand and gently pulled her down next to him.

They lay face to face for a moment, Drace tracing her features with his fingers. His heart was beating so hard he was sure she could hear it. He took a moment to wiggle out of his underwear, and flung them unceremoniously across the room.

Ki put a hand on his chest and slowly moved it over his ribs then down over his lean hip and she marveled at the feel of his strength under her hand. Her hand trembled as she brought it back up his side then to his face. Drace leaned into her and kissed her gently. Ki sighed and buried her hands into his dark hair as she turned onto her back, gently pulling him to her. For several moments Drace kissed her then moved down to her neck and shoulders. His hand moved up to her breast and she gasped at his touch. Ki arched her back when his mouth followed.

Ki’s hands skimmed his shoulders and back as Drace moved down to her belly then slowly back up to her breasts. He teased her taut nipples with his tongue, then pulled one into his mouth and sucked gently. She moved under him restlessly as the sensation caused heat to shoot down low in her belly, and then resonated warmly to her breasts and thighs. She held him to her breast, wanting more, whimpering his name; her short nails digging into his shoulders.

When he moved away she moaned in protest. He whispered something soothing as he went all the way to her ankles; kissing and touching her with his tongue on his way back up. His hair dragged against her sensitive skin, as sensuous as silk.

Drace raised one of her knees and finally touched her where she throbbed with desire. He moved his fingers over her until she was writhing under his touch; her head tossing side-to-side, feeling something she did not understand building inside her.

Drace moved in between her thighs and when she thought he would finally join with her he dipped his head and touched her with his tongue. Her world exploded, and her hips jerked with the force of it; Drace held her with his hands until she cried out with the intensity of it. Drace moved up and over her then, trembling with effort to rein in his own desire. “Touch me, Ki,” he whispered. “Feel what you’re doing to me.”

She obeyed, touching the smooth, hot part of him. He bowed his head and gasped for air. “Oh God,” he groaned. Reluctantly, he moved her hand.

Unsure of Ki’s experience or lack of, Drace was trying to go slow. He didn’t want to hurt her, but all he had to go on was instinct. He looked into her passion-glazed eyes. “If I go any further, I don’t think I can stop.”

Her urging was to pull his head down for a mind-blowing kiss and arch her hips up until she felt his heat against her own.

Knowing her flesh was still tender from her climax; he entered her slowly, and felt a slight resistance. Resting his weight on his elbows, he caressed her face with one hand, and kissed her deeply. As gently as he could, he pushed fully into her and felt her stiffened for just a second in surprise. He stopped to give her time but when she moaned his name he knew he had not hurt her too badly. “Ki,” he breathed against her ear. “Am I hurting you?”

Her answer was to nip at his throat and move her hips insistently against his.

He looked at her then as the need in his body took over. “So hot, Ki, you’ll burn us both,” he said hoarsely and began to move in her, his weight still resting on his elbows, his face against her cheek.

He tugged her earlobe with his teeth and she bucked under him, feeling the strange, wondrous sensations building slowly again. She caught his rhythm, placing one long leg over his hips, moving to meet his thrusts.

Sweat glistened on his skin in the moonlight and Ki saw him close his eyes as his body began to tense. He whispered her name as his movements quickened and she moved to match it, the heat growing more and more inside her.

“Oh please, Drace, please,” she begged him mindlessly and finally it washed over her again, pulsing around him.

He threw his head back and groaned with his own release through gritted teeth; feeling like it would never stop. He dropped his head, resting his forehead against hers. He was speechless and breathless for a moment, his arms shaking in her embrace. He finally raised his head, and gave her a crooked grin as a bead of perspiration trickled down his temple.

Brushing her sweat-dampened hair from her face, he kissed her gently, both of them still feeling the aftershocks. “Ki, that was amazing,” he murmured then rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him to catch his breath,
are amazing,” he said to her.

Sometime later that night, he woke her, urgent in his need for her. This time he pulled her on top, her hair spilling over him. When they both found their release, she collapsed on his chest with a soft cry and they both fell into an exhausted sleep.



Morning sun was just starting to stream through the open windows when Estelle bustled in. She tripped over Drace’s underwear by the door.
The boy is turning into a pig,
she thought. “Up lad; Ren says Lady Ki is already gone. She will be waiting to take a piece of your hide if you do not hurry.”

She heard him mumble something rude and turned towards the bed to scold him. “Oh my!” she started. “Well, I guess there is no hurry after all. Call me if you need me.” She took care to close the door quietly as Drace stirred.

Drace slowly came fully awake to be aware that Ki had not left during the night. He lay in his favorite sleeping position on his stomach, arms under his pillow. Ki lay against him, one arm over his back and one long leg covering one of his.

A rather pleasant tangle,
he thought, and there were several nice parts pressing against him.

“Is she gone?” Ki whispered, peeping at the back of his head through her hair.

Drace raised his head, “Yeah.” He lowered his head again and yawned, “Wake me next year, okay?”

“As nice as that sounds, we should be moving. We have a long ride today.” She didn’t seem to be in much of a hurry to rise though. She made a humming noise in her throat.

Without moving Drace asked her, “Are you

Ki’s hand started a leisurely wandering. “Not exactly,” she answered, “Besides, lions do not purr.”

Drace moved suddenly and she found herself lying on top of him. “Oh yeah? I bet I can make you.”

She started to make a smart retort, but Drace did something next that almost did make her purr. They were dangerously close to the edge of the bed when her leg slipped off and he rolled her onto her back. Nuzzling her neck, he tickled the back of her knee, making her squeak.

Drace lifted his head, grinning. “I believe that was the most undignified noise I have ever heard from the great Lady Ki.”

She gave him a look that turned him rock hard. “I am just Ki now.”

Drace swallowed past the lump that formed in his throat. “But you
great.” He said softly. “Do we have time?”

It was her turn to smile. “They cannot leave without us, so I would say, yes.” She pulled his head down to tease him with her mouth.


Chapter Nine



DRACE AND KI CAME DOWN to the main hall an hour later dressed for traveling. Both carried bedrolls, packed saddlebags, and their sword belts.

Ki had a definite beard burn on her neck and cheek and looked thoroughly kissed. Drace had nicked himself twice during a hasty shave with cold water and his hair was nowhere near properly braided. In fact it wasn’t even brushed, floating around his head in long wild tangles.

Four sets of eyes with knowing looks took them in when they walked across the hall to have breakfast.

Estelle clucked over how the breakfast was cold, but said nothing about the two’s appearance.

Vashti and Ka Ril sat patiently; Ka Ril was polishing his bow with a cloth, one corner of his mouth turned up in amusement. Vashti sat smiling smugly. Cearan was pacing in front of the huge fireplace—
was properly braided. He turned to face the hearth, gazing up at his father’s shield and sword, where they hung in honor over the huge mantle, to hide his broad grin.

Ki gave them all a look that dared anyone to say a word. Estelle came back from the kitchen, having found some warm bacon, biscuits, and some honey. “Everything else is ruined so this will have to do,” she said setting down the plates.

Drace split a biscuit, laid two slices of bacon in it and added a dribble of honey. He leaned down to kiss Estelle’s cheek. “Have I told you lately you’re a peach?”

She did not answer him, although she flushed slightly, and then pushed him towards the nearest chair. She poured them both a cup of milk, which to Drace’s surprise was very cold.

“There is a cold spring that runs through the cellars in which we keep milk, butter, and other things. There is another that runs by the stables. Those springs were one reason this spot was chosen for Oralia. Our water supply cannot be cut off or tainted from the outside during a siege.”

He grunted acknowledgement, as his mouth was full, he was starving. The Lady Ki took a lot out of a man. He saw her appetite was rather hearty as well. He rubbed absently at a bite mark on his chest through his shirt and contin- ued eating.

When Drace and Ki finished, they stepped outside to find all the horses saddled and ready, along with two other warriors who would be in the party. There were two extra horses loaded with tents and provisions. The two men were even dressed in light armor. Drace recognized one as the dark auburn haired warrior who had been sparring with Ki when he had first arrived. Ki introduced him as Zol, a half Lion-kin man from Oralia. The other was a pale blond-hair, blue-eyed human man of about Zol’s height but of slighter build. He was introduced as Tren who had come from Trevess, the seaside city Ki had spoken of.

Once mounted the group rode out the west gate and then turned towards the northwest. They rode hard for a couple of hours, and then rode at a more conservative pace for a couple more. This cycle was repeated once more before the group stopped to set up a camp.

A herd of elk was spotted grazing in the distance. Ki looked at her brother with a gleam in her amber eyes, after spotting the elk. “Feel like a hunt, little brother?”

Cearan stood looking at the herd for a moment then pointed, “There is a yearling bull that looks lame. We can try for that one.”

“Yes, it looks promising,” she answered him. She turned to Drace, “If we do not spook them you should be able to see the hunt from here.”

Ki went to her tent and left her sword and dagger. Cearan did the same, returning completely weaponless, which surprised Drace.

Seeing his confusion, Cearan explained as they walked away from the camp in the direction of the herd. “We will hunt as the lion, my Lord. We will not need man’s weapons.”

Drace took a comfortable spot, leaning against a tree, the elk herd in clear view. Ki and her brother disappeared into a dip in the grassland. When they reappeared it was as a lioness and a large male lion.

The pair split up and melted into the grass, bellies low and tails twitching. If Drace had not known they were there, he probably would never have seen them until they attacked. As it was, he only caught glimpses of movement.

The elk herd did not get nervous until Ki and Cearan were almost among them. Drace saw the lame elk jerk up its head and turn to run. For being crippled, it made a surprisingly high leap at the same time the male lion attacked; lunging upward and catching the elk by its hindquarters—front claws hooking in and teeth digging for a purchase.

At that time, the lioness appeared out of nowhere and attacked from the front, making a grab around the elk’s neck. She wound up almost underneath as she sank her fangs into the elk’s neck in a stranglehold.

The elk made a last desperate scramble with its front hooves as it suffocated in the lioness’s tight hold. Drace cursed loudly as one slashing kick caught Ki. She did not loosen her grip however, and with Cearan’s weight on its back, the elk finally went down.

The rest of the herd had stampeded when the lions had attacked, and the dust from their departure rolled over the two big cats, hiding them from view.

Unthinking, Drace was running across the plain and was getting close to where the elk had gone down when a rider passed him, sliding his horse to a halt, causing Drace to stumble to a stop.

Ka’ Ril slid off his gelding and grabbed Drace by the arm and Drace finally became aware of what the elf was yelling at him “You must stop! They will kill you! Drace, stop!”

Drace turned to Ka’ Ril, his breath sobbing in his chest, “Ki’s hurt.”

“No. You must wait,” Ka’ Ril said in a commanding tone. “You cannot go over there right now. After a kill they are going on a lion’s instinct. They are not thinking like humankind but as the lion, and they will attack you to protect the kill. If Ki is hurt she will come around in a moment.”

Ka’ Ril’s horse had bolted back towards the camp as soon as the elf had cleared the saddle. Drace could hear the lions snarling and growling at each other, and realized how much danger both of them could be in at that moment.

Gradually, the noise and dust subsided and after a few more tense minutes, the two warriors, Zol and Tren rode past on the packhorses to dress out the elk, and take the kill back to camp.

Cearan walked towards them, Ki leaning against him, both splattered in the elk’s blood. Ki was limping but otherwise appeared unharmed. Both were grinning widely. At the expression on Drace’s face, the two stopped in front of him, their amusement fading.

Drace did not go to Ki but asked, “Are you alright?”

She still leaned on Cearan, “The elk caught me in the leg; just a bruise. I am fine.”

He looked at her a moment more then turned and walked back to camp without waiting for them to follow. Ki started to call after him, but Cearan stopped her. “Give him time, sister. He is a human from another land. He does not understand our ways.”

Tears tickled the back of her throat and she sniffed them back angrily. Ki pushed away from Cearan’s support and limped back to camp, her back stiff with pride.

Once back at camp, Ki washed and changed her clothes, then let Vashti examine her leg. The elf woman pronounced it only a deep bruise.

Ki watched Drace stay with the horses for a while, after helping to gather firewood. He was angry and she did not understand why. He finally joined the group after giving Pride a good rub down, drawn towards the smell of roasting meat.

Vashti had set out her magic crystals of warning around the camp’s perimeter and one of the warriors stood off from the camp to keep watch.

After they had eaten they sat around the fire, Drace by Ka’ Ril, across from Ki. He tried to keep his face clear of what was on his mind as he sorted out the day’s events.

Cearan watched him for a while with dark golden eyes. Thinking of a diversion, he sat up straight and addressed Drace, “I will tell you of the legend of the clans. We are taught this before we are even weaned.

“Many generations ago; so many the number is forgotten, the southern people envied us our lands. The mountains between us were not there then and passage was easy. We, the northern people, were peaceful and tried to live as one with the world around us. We even lived in harmony with many dragons. But the southern people began to come into our lands and, fearing the dragons and their magic, hunted them until their numbers were few. They hunted the lions and panthers and snow leopards for trophies. They hunted the grazers until our people started to hunger. It was unsafe for our women to gather the plants we needed to eat. It became a time of despair. The women and children cried and the men prepared to go to war. It was time to fight for what was ours.

“According to legend, the great God Arahtok, the lion god, had given this land to us and our people were going to take it back.

“Two summer turnings of war and finally we were victorious and the northern lands were ours once more, but at great cost. Only a small number of the many men returned. Again our women and babies faced starvation. The few men who had come home were weak from the wars. The women gathered and together they prayed to Arahtok to save them. They stayed together for a seven-day, praying day and night for deliverance. At last, their prayers were answered and Arahtok himself appeared before them, together with his mate, Tala, the goddess of women.”

Cearan paused for affect, looking at each member of the party. The others had heard the tale many times, but Drace sat enthralled, Ki watching him intently. Cearan continued. “All the women fell to their knees. ‘Help us, O Great One! Please hear us.’

“Arahtok spread his arms for silence. ‘I have heard the pleas of the faithful. My mate has heard them. She has wept many tears. I will help you. Despair no more.’

“Arahtok spoke again to the women, ‘I will give you part of the soul of the lion, panther, or snow leopard. You will become these at will and you
will be able to hunt for your families. Your men will become strong again and will be able to hunt at your side. There are many women and few men. The women who have lost their mates will be visited by a great lion who will breathe his essence into them and they will conceive a great warrior child.’

“It is thought that the great lion that visited the women was Arahtok himself in his other shape,” Cearan explained to Drace, and then he continued, “Arahtok told the women, ‘in exchange for these gifts I ask you to protect this land fiercely and all that live on it. Only kill what you need to survive, or in self-defense. Some land must be kept so the dragons that have lived and fought at your side will have hunting grounds. They have powerful magic. Look to them for guidance and as guardians. Become the allies of the elves and dwarfs. Together you will prosper.’

“The northern people had not been the enemies of the elves and dwarfs but had been afraid of them for they were much older races and had prospered in their own lands.

“The women were frightened, but agreed to this. Arahtok continued, ‘I will grant this, but understand in other worlds the lion part of your spirit would not survive long and you would eventually perish. Beware of magic that tells you differently. I will separate the northern lands by great mountains except for one pass and the sea. Not all southern people are evil and you may trade with the good, but guard this pass well. In winter none may enter your lands this way so that you may rest along with the land. The southern people will always covet these lands, but with these gifts you will survive. There will come a time you will need these gifts again. The dragons will be there to help.’

“Arahtok was finished and he left to make his mountains. The earth trembled terribly as the mountains rose and blocked the south. Tala, who was good and kind, instructed the women on the use of the lion powers and the limits. Then she too left to help her mate build the mountains. In the next few years, the grazers had very good breeding years and their numbers increased quickly. The crops were plentiful and the people began to flourish, thanks to the gifts of Arahtok.”

Cearan spread his arms wide and then lowered them to his lap. “That is how the clans came to be. Arahtok deemed the Lion-kin clans would rule and be the main protectors of all the others as we are in his image. It is a great honor, blessed be Arahtok, blessed be his mate, Tala.”

Ki and the two warriors of the clan bowed their heads and repeated the blessing.

Cearan rose to his feet. “I will take first watch with Zol.” He moved to the man who had stood outside the group and together they melted into the dark.

Ki excused herself, went to her tent and disappeared inside. Drace sat, staring into the fire, thinking on Cearan’s story. Ka’ Ril gently touched Drace’s arm, after Tren excused himself and went to the tent he was sharing with Zol.

Drace looked questioningly at him. “Go on,” Ka’ Ril encouraged. “Do you understand what makes her the way that she is now? She could not change if she wanted to, for it is ingrained very deeply into the souls of all Werre.”

Drace nodded and stood, then went to stand outside her tent. He scratched the cover and asked to enter. The tents were fashioned to be transported for battle use. Three short boards fit together to form a triangular support for the front and back, and three longer boards fit into the triangle’s points to make the sides. Elk hides, tanned to suppleness almost like canvas, were stretched over the frame.

Vashti saw Drace duck into the tent and then gazed at her husband, “His reaction today was of the heart, not his head.”

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