Dark Love (The Two Sides of Me Book 3) (42 page)

BOOK: Dark Love (The Two Sides of Me Book 3)
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Bridgette died in the fire she set, ending her long sad life of unnecessary confinement and hatred. Mr. Saint was arrested on multiple charges of fraud, attempted murder and murder. My unsettling feelings about him were unfortunately confirmed.

Our lives have changed, Evan has lost so many people he once considered family, people he counted on and trusted. He has also gained people who truly love him though. My family is forever in his debt for having a big hand in saving my mother and sister as well as my niece and nephew and of course, his own sister, Gabriella. When Evan was pulled out of the burning church and handcuffed, he broke away from the police officers and ran three blocks to a firehouse and made them aware of the fire. No one had called it in yet, the police on the scene were there by chance and had their hands full keeping Evan from killing the men trying to save him from the fire.

We spent the next few weeks learning more and more about his sister and dealing with the legalities of pressing charges against Mr. Saint. After going through so much in only three weeks I can’t believe we are finally about to have our wedding. I told Evan we should skip it, we’re already married anyway and with so much happening it seemed like an unnecessary stressor. He insisted on giving me the wedding he believes I deserve. Apparently tricking me into marriage has triggered some weighty guilt for my husband. I’m over it though, that little white lie is but a blip on the screen after all we’ve conquered.

Isaac turned out to be the wedding planner of the century pulling everything miraculously together in no time. Evan and Isaac have an unbreakable bond now, they were friends before, even though Isaac was afraid to admit it and Evan refused to show it. It’s almost weird watching them kid around and spend time together. Evan has never allowed himself a friendship like that and I doubt he will ever be open to it again. Isaac is special, he saved both our lives by rescuing me. I have him to thank for saving the lives of almost every person I love.


The house buzzes with activity, for the first time ever I feel like the thousands of square feet here are necessary. My dress hangs from the dress hook in my closet upstairs. I got to see it two days ago for the first time when the dress maker herself hand delivered it and let it out ever so slightly at the waist by adding a new piece of lace. Evan surprisingly picked it out and the surprise isn’t that he was able to choose a wedding dress but the dress itself. It’s spectacular but I was shocked he was willing to allow people to see so much of me.

It’s form fitting and shear almost everywhere, the lace that makes up the white of the dress becomes thicker and more concealing in the important areas like my ass and my torso but allows my skin to peek through along my legs all the way to the floor where it again becomes more dense. My favorite part of it is the back with its lacy flowers that appear to be growing from the small of my back up my spine leaving my shoulders and arms bare. He has requested I wear the choker he bought for me to wear the night we announced my pregnancy to our family. I finally learn its importance. Taking me to Dominus felt to him like leading me into a den of lions, he knows the lifestyle most of his customers live and they still believe he is a part of it. He wanted me to wear the choker as a representation of his claim on me, something they call collaring, something I am not in agreement with. After discussing it we agreed that to us it is simply a piece of jewelry, a really extravagant one yea but just jewelry. I was hesitant to wear it on such an important day initially but as always I gave my man what he wants.

“Elijah, put that down!!” I yell and instantly cringe and cover my ears realizing my mistake, crash!!! Evan rushes to pluck our son from the floor where he stands surrounded by the remains of my favorite glass vase, tears welling in his eyes. I have nothing left, no possession left unscarred or in one piece, having three children has made sure of that.

“Oh buddy, did you have to pick that one? That’s mommy’s favorite.” I hop up from the floor where I’ve been coloring with Sophia and Nick. Elijah is my wanderer. I take my eyes off of him for five seconds and disaster strikes.

“I’m sorry, mommy shouldn’t yell, I know. I scared you, come here.” I hold out my arms and Evan passes him to me. There is a familiar feeling of partnership between us now that he holds a third of our ‘who we are as people’. I am one third my own person, a nurse and an artist; one third a wife, a lover, and a partner and one third a mother to the most cherished loved children to ever grace the earth. Being blessed with one child was unexpected and amazing and when we learned there were two, we were utterly over the moon. But when I went for an ultrasound late in my pregnancy and they found little Sophia hiding behind her brothers in her own sack we knew God had blessed us with nothing short of a miracle. Two people who were told that absolutely under no circumstances could they ever have children do not get pregnant with triplets unless there is some sort of divine intervention.

After that discovery we were sent to the hospital to be admitted and scheduled the next day for a cesarean section delivery. Some people feel like their lives end and the spark of passion dies when they have kids but the polar opposite happened for Evan and me. When those three little faces were held in front of us something shifted, the world became brighter, our love grew bigger. We became more unified. I snuggle my little boy and kiss his dark hair, he sniffles once and then wiggles free recovering from the dramatic experience with ease.

“I wanna go swimming!” he exclaims and Sophie and Nick are on their feet with him dancing around chanting

“Swim-ming, swim-ming, swim-ming!” I watch them in awe, my little mini me Sophia with her long thick blonde curls bouncing up and down and her father’s brown skin holding hands with her identical twin brothers who are the spitting image of their father except for their eyes. They both have my blues and Sophia has his sharp greens.

Evan has gone to get a broom and dust pan to clean up the glass and when he returns he raises his eyebrows questioning me with a look that says you wanna go swimming? I shrug “You have time?” The chanting stops and they hold their breath waiting for his answer. Nobody can take three year old triplets swimming by themselves.

Evan has been working in his office most of the day so I’m hopeful that he wants to get outside with us. Although Isaac is around here somewhere and I know he’d love to help, he’s wonderful with the kids.

“Sure. Come on everyone we have to get suits on if you want to go out to the pool.”

Yea!!! Daddy’s swimming too! Swim-ming, Swim-ming!” The chanting resumes as they line up and begin lifting their knees high
. Lead by Sophia,
they march out of the room. I start to follow them
, leaving Evan to finish cleaning up the glass. The kids break into a run when they clear the door, as always full of energy and rushing to get everywhere. Before I can follow, Evan grabs my wrist pulling me against his chest.

“Is Mommy going to wear that sexy black number she bought last week?” I bite my lip stifling a smile and press my thighs together when the warm heat of anticipation hits my core.

“Yes. I’m pretty sure she’s wearing the black one.”

“Mmmm…maybe Isaac and Gabby can take them swimming and Mommy and Daddy can take a nap?” As much as I’d love to, I know how much the kids want to spend time with their Dad. I reach up and slide the pad of my thumb along his full bottom lip.

“How about a compromise? Mommy and Daddy go swimming with the kids for a while and then take them to spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa’s house so Mommy can pay special attention to Daddy.” I thrust my hips into his growing cock and slide my hands over the flexing muscles of his back.

“What do you suppose I do with this until then?” He asks thrusting back and holding me firmly in place by the small of my back.

“Hmmm…good question…maybe the cold water in the pool will help?” I tease and bust out laughing when he tickles me mercilessly until I nearly pee myself! He drops the broom and hauls me to the couch to continue torturing me, kissing and tickling when the kids come rushing back into the room.

“Daddy’s getting Mommy!!” They all scream and pile on to help him.

“Uncle Uncle!!! I call Uncle!!” I yell from under my hands that are covering my face while I giggle wildly. Evan sits back on the couch and watches while the kids freak out jumping on the couch and roll all over me while I try to catch my breath. I see love and pure bliss reflecting in his eyes and my heart skips a beat. Amongst the insanity that comes with three preschoolers we still find moments when we connect, where the undeniable magnetic force pulls us together exactly the same way it did in the ICU four years ago.

When I walked into room 8 and saw him sleeping in that bed life as I knew it was over. I didn’t know it then, but I know oh so well now that he saved me just as much as I saved him.

I am Amy Lynn Garcia, daughter, sister, cousin, mother, nurse, grandma…no..no…call me Mimi I’m too young to be a grandma, writer and friend. We are all something to someone, and I love all the hats I wear in my life. I was born in 1969 which is where I lay blame to my compulsion to write erotica and romance, wink. That makes me…uh…yea 46, no way really? My mind is still very young but not naive I’ve seen a lot and experienced more, you may think I don’t know what’s going on but be assured this Mama knows what’s up! I enjoy creating characters that have something people can relate to, who are real, addictive and intriguing. Love has always been a desire just out of my reach, as it is for many people. I believe that is what draws me into stories with superb happily ever afters. I want to connect with people on that level, let them know they aren’t alone, that love can triumph over all, we all long for that special one that takes our breath away. 


My Biography simply put is this,  I am a mother of 5 daughters, born and raised in Iowa, and no I don’t see farm animals on a daily basis, just at the state fair once a year. I live in the suburbs, just a mom trying to make it and support her children. Divorced once, and another long term relationship failed as well.  I feel that qualifies me to write about relationship pain and disappointment. I worked a million retail jobs, was a receptionist in many hair salons, and attended college off and on for years before I finally settled down and went to college to become a nurse. Doing things the hard way is my specialty, point proven, I waited until I had 5 young daughters, one only 6 weeks old to go back to college. I received a degree in nursing and graduated from Mercy College of Health Sciences. I specialize in antepartum nursing or as I like to call it “The Anti Birthing Unit” where we keep premature babies in utero as long as possible. I’ve always had a calling to help people, even at the age of 5 I created hospitals in my basement and gave my baby dolls shots in the butt.  As much as nursing is my career, writing is my passion. Being creative has sparked a fire within me that is now burning out of control, ideas and characters flow from my mind constantly and unfortunately, when I’m driving or mowing the grass with no pen or paper. My ultimate goal when I write is to help my reader feel something, if your heart skips a beat, if you shed a tear, connect with my characters or if you can’t wait for the next in my series, my job has been done.

Dark Kiss book 1 in The Two Sides of Me series was released August 27, 2014 and is available on Amazon now.



Dark Thief, book 2 in The Two Sides of Me series is now available on Amazon.


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