Dark Menace MC: Stone (10 page)

Read Dark Menace MC: Stone Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #erotic, #motorcycles, #erotic romance, #tattoo, #bad boys, #menace, #biker romance, #collateral, #dark menace mc

BOOK: Dark Menace MC: Stone
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“Fuck!” he snarled between his teeth. In a
lightning fast move he rolled over, placing me on top of him. I
began to kiss and bite my way down his magnificent body, reveling
in the hiss of his breath and the groans escaping him. I reached
his mountainous cock. We exchanged a look. “Show me what you can do
with that sweet mouth, sweetheart.”

I slowly lowered my mouth, swallowing as much
of his hard muscle as I could. Every inch I went drew a deep growl
from Stone. His hand dropped to my hair and I felt him rope it
around his hand until he reached my scalp. It hurt, but it was the
kind of hurt that made my blood hot and my pussy wet. As I took in
the texture and taste of his cock, I felt more moisture seep from
my body.

Warm satin over hard steel, long and thick,
the bulbous head was bigger than the shaft. Ridges and veins pulsed
with blood, begging my mouth to glide over them and discover where
they led. The sweet essence of pre-cum gathered into a small pool
in the slit, tempting my tongue to scoop it out. All this came to
mind as I sucked Stone’s cock with vigor. I had a need to make him
come and hear his snarls of pleasure as his body submitted to

The hand in my hair tightened, and Stone
guided more of his cock into my mouth. I fought the gag reaction
when I felt him at the back of my throat. Once I had it under
control I worked my throat muscles and began to swallow, knowing
that I was squeezing him to orgasm. As I found a depth and speed I
brought my hand up to his balls. They were heavy and full, and I
rolled them gently.

“Sweet fuck, baby, that feels good,” Stone
rasped, moving his hips up and down. “Take it all.” One more inch
and my chin was hitting his balls. Every time Stone thrust his cock
to the back of my throat I swallowed, and he groaned.

I could see his thick thighs quiver, and I
knew he was close when his body grew taut and his speed picked up.
His breathing was ragged and then he was climaxing, filling my
mouth with a copious amount of semen. I swallowed as fast as I
could but some of it escaped out of the side of my mouth.


His convulsions slowed, his hips stilled, and
the hand in my hair pulled me up his damp body to his heaving
chest. I lay sideways in the crook of his arm, listening as his
breathing calmed, feeling his hand crawl down my body to my ass,
where he took a handful of flesh and squeezed. We remained silent,
exhausted, and after a while the hand on my butt stilled. The room
became too quiet, and I glanced up to find that Stone had fallen

Smiling, I closed my eyes and did the



I had no idea how long I’d slept, but when I
woke Stone was gone. Padding barefoot to the bathroom, I couldn’t
help but notice that the air in the room was heavy with the
evidence of what we’d been doing. Sex had a unique scent all its
own, kind of like gasoline, and the smell of freshly cut grass. You
didn’t have to guess what the aroma was, you just knew.

I grabbed a shower and shampoo and wrapped a
towel around myself as I used the blow dryer on my hair. Since my
hair was thick and hung to my waist, it took me a good forty-five
minutes to dry it, and like every other time before I thought about
cutting it. There were still a few hours before work, maybe I could
talk someone into driving me to town to a hair salon.

Tossing on a clean pair of jeans and t-shirt,
I decided to go to the kitchen for something to eat. As I neared
the bar I could hear the muted sounds of male voices, which
gradually rose in volume. I wondered what I’d find when I entered
the room. Stone and some of his men were sitting around one of the
tables, drinking and deep in a discussion that clearly had them on
edge. They seemed to be talking all at once, and hadn’t noticed me.
I hoped to make it to the kitchen before they did.

“Fuckin’ bastard didn’t waste any time.”

“We knew when Killer was ended he’d fuckin’
take over the Predators.”

“Not all the Predators are gonna follow the
Red Devils.”

“Maybe we can recruit some of them.”

Glancing around, I saw a couple of prospects
clearing off and wiping down the tables left dirty from the night
before. Ty was nowhere in sight, and neither were any of the girls.
Not even Rita, who had a knack for being around whenever Stone was
near. I was almost at the kitchen door.

“You know what this shit means, don’t

“Yeah, it means war with the Red Devils.”

“And fucking Wildman.”


I gasped and came to a dead stop. Hearing
that name, after all these years, still had the power to instill
paralyzing fear and panic in me. Surely there was more than one man
in the world who went by the road name of Wildman. I had to believe

All of a sudden I realized that the room had
grown deathly quiet, and I felt the eyes of every man at the table
searing into my backside.


It was obvious they’d noticed my reaction. I
closed my eyes at the sound of Stone’s questioning voice. God, I
hoped they didn’t notice that I was shaking. “Yes?” I had just been
about to push the kitchen door open, and didn’t turn around to face

“Something you want to tell us?”

I shook my head. “No, I, ah, just remembered
Kat,” I lied, thinking of something fast. “I should get her some

“They left first thing this morning,
sweetheart,” Stone explained.

I nodded and shoved the door open, wishing it
would take me to another place, somewhere where the name of Wildman
never crossed anyone’s lips. Ten years had gone by, I suppose I
should have counted my blessings that I’d made it this far. I tried
to tell myself that it wasn’t the same monster, but I knew in my
heart that it was. I was only glad that Mom wasn’t around. She
would never have survived the constant fear, and having to run
again, and then I thought of Maddie, sweet, innocent Maddie.

Oh, God!

I reached for the counter, sucking in deep
breaths. If I wasn’t careful I’d hyperventilate. Hearing that name
had brought back all kinds of fear-provoking memories. I grabbed my
stomach, feeling it churn. God, I had to get a grip. It couldn’t be
the same evil fuck who’d ruined my childhood and teenage years, and
my mom.

Beads of moisture dotted my forehead, and I
began to feel faint. I went to the sink, turned on the faucet, and
splashed some water onto my face. The kitchen door opened behind
me, but I ignored whoever came in, praying that it wasn’t Stone. I
reached for a paper towel and blotted my face dry, before slowly
turning to face him.

He frowned. “What the fuck? You look like
you’ve seen a fuckin’ ghost.”

I wet my lips. “I, I—” Oh, God, what the hell
could I tell him? That hearing the name of a man from my past
terrified me so much that it made me sick? Made me want to run to
the other side of the world? I realized that Stone wanted some kind
of answer. I gripped the counter when I felt another wave rush over
me, and my vision began to fade in and out. “I think I’m coming
down with what some of the girls have.”

I swayed. Stone took two giant steps and then
I was lifted up into his arms.

“Baby, why the fuck didn’t you stay in bed?”
he growled down at me.

Was that concern in his voice? I avoided his
eyes, afraid that he’d see the lies. “It, ah, just hit me.”

I closed my eyes when we walked through the
bar, unwilling to make eye-contact with any of his men. If they
were concerned they kept it to themselves, but I felt their eyes
following us. It didn’t take Stone long to reach his room, and then
he was laying me down onto the bed.

“I have business to attend to today. You stay
in bed, got it?”

I opened my mouth to tell him that that
wasn’t necessary, that I wasn’t really sick, but then how would I
explain my reaction? Besides, I needed to get a message to my
sister, and that might mean leaving the club for a little bit.

When he straightened he just stared down at
me for a long minute. Guilt had me imagining what the quiet
contemplation in his knowing eyes meant. Had he guessed that I was
lying? I wanted to ask him about Wildman, but fear kept me quiet
because if I didn’t ask then I wouldn’t know, and I could convince
myself that it just couldn’t be the same man that I’d known and
hated while growing up.

He couldn’t be.

Chapter 10






Something was fucking wrong. I was good at
reading people, and my gut was telling me that Rachel was hiding
something. Oh, she’d had a reaction, there was no denying that for
a minute. She’d turned white and looked like she was about to hurl,
but I fucking knew that it wasn’t the flu going around the club. If
it were, she’d be bent over the toilet right now.

For now I was willing to give her the benefit
of the doubt. I had club shit to do and didn’t have time to mess
around, not in the way I wanted to, anyway. I pulled my gaze from
hers and took her curvy body in from head to foot. That was a
fucking mistake because sick or not, she turned my dick to stone
and I wanted to fuck her again. She must have sensed it, too. Why
else was she blushing like a fucking virgin and lowering her

I smiled inwardly. “Why are you blushing,

Her gaze flew back up to mine. “Must be the,
ah, flu.”

“Yeah,” I said with a smirk, crossing my
arms. “Well you hurry up and get better, baby. The faster you do,
the faster I can get my dick wet inside your sweet pussy

Her cheeks turned redder, I chuckled, then
turned and left. My brothers were waiting for me. Rebel had got
word to us that Wildman hadn’t wasted any time in returning to the
Predators’ club house after he heard their president, Killer, was
fucking dead. Thanks to Lynch’s old lady, Kat, she’d rid us of one
problem while dumping an even bigger one into our laps. For years
the Wild Marauders had to put up with the Red Devils existing in
their backyard.

BJ, Boomer, Max, Bulldog, and Pit Bull were
still seated when I got back. Someone had gone behind the bar and
pulled out a bottle of scotch. Shit, we’d already been through one,
but I knew when tempers ran high we fucking consumed enough of the
hard stuff to replace the blood in our veins with pure meanness,
and the fucking need for war. None of the brothers wanted Wildman
and his killers in our town, but if he patched-over what was left
of the Predators, that’s exactly what would happen.

Seeing a full glass in my spot, I reached for
it and threw it back before even sitting down. Christ, the liquor
burned like acid going down, and settled in my gut as if it were
toxic fuel. Some of the brothers chuckled, but all my VP did was
refill my glass.

“She sick?” Max asked after setting the
bottle back down.

“Not fuckin’ sure.”

“Seemed like something she heard out here got
a reaction out of her,” Pitt Bull added.

I shrugged. I glanced up as Darby and Trudy
walked into the room. They looked like fucking zombies, with their
make-up smeared all over their faces and their hair sticking out
everywhere. It was obvious that they were both hung over and had
just crawled out of bed.

“You bitches sick or just hung over?” BJ

Both gave him the finger and continued toward
the kitchen door.

“Lulu and Sissy over that shit yet?” Max

“Almost,” Trudy answered. “Must be a
twenty-four hour bug, but don’t get excited. Rhonda woke this
morning tossing up her cookies.”

“Fuck, man,” Bulldog looked at his brother,
and then at me. “Hope we don’t get that shit.”

A low chuckle went around the table. Most of
us knew that the twins had probably double teamed Rhonda for most
of the night. She was their favorite, and one or both of them often
monopolized her time.

“Let’s get back to Wildman and what we’re
gonna do. Gather up the brothers and meet me for church in
fifteen.” I reached for my whiskey, and as I tossed it down I saw
Rita swinging her hips my way. I kicked back my chair and stood up
with the rest of my crew.

“Hey, baby.” Rita walked right up to me. She
put her palms against my abs and ran them slowly up over my

As they continued to wind around my neck I
reached up, took hold of her wrists, and pulled them away. I saw
right through her playful pout to the nasty scowl underneath it.
She couldn’t hide her reaction to my rejection, but I didn’t give a
fuck. I had everything I wanted right now in my room.

In my bed.

“Not now.”

“You’ve said ‘not now’ the last three times,
baby. You haven’t fucked me since you came in with that bitch. You
gonna let her have everything?” she asked.

Now I was scowling. “Let me fuckin’ clarify
things for you—you and I weren’t exclusive. You think your cunt was
the only one I was fucking?”

Rita’s face flushed with anger, but she was
smart enough to keep it under control. “I don’t mind sharing

“Like fuck,” I cut her off. “You think I
don’t know that you scared the other girls into staying away from
me? The only reason I let you get away with that shit was because I
don’t like going after my brothers and I knew you kept yourself for
me.” She didn’t bother denying it, her expression said it all.
“Your only mistake was in thinking that it would earn you a place
at my side.”

“If anyone has the right, it’s me. Everyone
knows I’ve been your main girl for two years.” She slapped her
hands on her hips.

“And your fuckin’ point is?”

She just stared at me for a minute, and I
could see she was sorting shit out in her head. Why the fuck was I
wasting time with her? I was about to walk away when her hands
began roaming up my torso again, her expression softened, and I
knew that she was going to play the sex card.

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