Dark Menace MC: Stone (7 page)

Read Dark Menace MC: Stone Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #erotic, #motorcycles, #erotic romance, #tattoo, #bad boys, #menace, #biker romance, #collateral, #dark menace mc

BOOK: Dark Menace MC: Stone
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Maybe I should fuck around just to show
him that I don’t care either,
I thought to myself. Then we’d
both be clear on what we expected—or didn’t expect—from one
another. I shook my head, disgusted with myself for even giving it
a thought. I wasn’t a whore. I liked sex as much as the next
person, but I had to feel something for the other person. The first
moment I’d looked into Stone’s eyes I’d felt something, a
connection, but I’d chalked that up to lust.

I closed my eyes, trying to deny that my
pussy was still thrumming with the afterglow of one-sided sex. That
description caused me to laugh, but it was true. Stone hadn’t
received any relief. Well, not this morning, anyway. I knew he’d
been horny, he’d been sporting a hard-on the size of which gave me
serious doubts as to whether or not it would have fit inside me,
and then I’d had a clear picture of it when he’d removed his
sweats. The thought of him stuffing his oversized cock inside me
made me tingle all over.

I yawned, turned onto my side and clutched
the pillow to me with every intention of going back to sleep, but a
light tap on the door had me rolling back over. I knew that it
wasn’t Stone, he wouldn’t knock.

“Hello.” I watched as the door opened slowly,
and then a pretty woman peeked inside. When she saw me she smiled
and pushed the door open all the way. “Stone said you would
probably still be awake. I’m Trudy, is it okay if I come in?”

“Sure.” She closed the door and then sat on
the end of the bed. “I’m Rachel.”

“I know, I heard you arrived yesterday. I was
away for the day visiting my mom.”

“You live here?”

“Yes, I’m, ah, one of the girls.”

A sweetbutt, I smiled. She was young, maybe
around twenty, dressed in a floral sun dress that brought out the
blue in her eyes. I thought that blue must be her favorite color
because there were streaks of it in her platinum blond hair, which
was pulled back into a thick braid. I wondered how someone who
looked as sweet and young as her had ended up making a living on
her back, but I knew life wasn’t always pretty and sometimes you
just had to do what you had to do to survive.

“I just wanted to stop in to welcome

“Thank you for not welcoming me like the
other woman did last night.”

She laughed. “Rita is like that all the
time,” she explained.

“Rita?” So
was the bitch’s name,
and apparently she was known for her nasty reputation.

“Yes. She gets jealous of any new woman
around the prez. Got her sights on becoming his old lady.”

“She can have him.”

Trudy gave me a confused look. “You don’t
think he’s hot?”

“I didn’t say that.” I thought about it for a
second. “I’m sure he calmed her fears while she was sitting on his
lap half the night.” I wondered why that bothered me, but didn’t
dwell on it for long.

“You’ll meet the other girls later tonight.
There are six of us all together, Darby, Lulu, Sissy, and Rhonda.
We’re all friendly around here, except for, ah, Rita.”

“And you all live and work here?”

She nodded. “We do it all, whatever they
need. Dance, clean, keep the men happy. Ty told me you worked with
him last night.”

Was it my imagination, or had Trudy suddenly
turned shy? “I tended bar at my old job, so it was a good fit. He’s
a nice man.”

“Yeah, he is.” She had a hard time meeting my
eyes, and there was no denying the slight sadness in her tone. When
she finally glanced back up at me she expelled a resigned breath
and pasted a fake smile onto her face.

“Trudy,” I placed my hand over the crossed
ones in her lap. “I didn’t sleep with Ty. I’m not one of the
girls.” Her relief was instant. “I’m just collateral until my
brother-in-law pays his debt to Dark Menace. While I’m here I’ll be
working, but I won’t be sleeping with any of the men.”

Surprise crossed her face. “But you spent the
night here.”

“Not because I wanted to,” I assured her.

“Well, Rita knows, so be forewarned. She’ll
be out for blood.” She got up. “Look, a couple of us are going into
town later to do some shopping. Want to come along? We usually do
lunch somewhere, and we’ll be back before your shift starts.”

Stone’s opinion that I needed sexier clothes
convinved me that it would be a good idea to go with them. Besides,
they would probably know what kind of outfits would suit the job
best. “I think I’d like that. What time do we leave?”

“Great!” she smiled, opening the door and
turning back. “You have time for a shower and breakfast if you
want. We’ll be leaving at ten o’clock.”

“I’ll be ready.” She closed the door, and I
got up and headed to the shower. Stone wanted sexier?
Be careful
what you wish for, Prez.






We’d been waiting for about fifteen minutes
when I saw Lynch and his crew getting off the exit at a fast rate
of speed. I didn’t expect him to stop, acknowledging his hand
signal as he continued passed. It didn’t take me long to pull up
next to him, and we continued down the road. I wasn’t sure what he
had planned, but right before we reached the Predators compound he
pulled over, and the rest of us did the same. Following his lead,
we hid our bikes in the trees.

“Everyone loaded?” Lynch asked. “Remember, we
go in shooting. If you can take out Wildman and Killer, do it.” He
looked at me. “Was your contact able to locate Kat?”

I nodded. “Said she’s in the last room behind
the bar, and, brother--” I hesitated, knowing that he wasn’t going
to like what I had to say. “She’s been back there for a while, and
she’s not alone.”

“Fuck!” he snarled low. “Let’s go!”

We made our way to the trailer park, slouched
down behind the shrubbery and weeds that grew along the road. I
glanced back one last time to see that everyone had their guns out
and ready. Going in shooting meant exactly that. Giving the signal,
we ran the rest of the way, firing on anyone we saw in a cut or
carrying a weapon. In a second the whole situation had turned into
one big, fucking chaotic scene.

Men were running in every direction, some
firing back at us. Shouts and gunfire filled the air. So did the
screams. I saw a guy duck behind a dumpster and fired when he stuck
his head up to fire at me. He got off a shot before my bullet
struck him in the forehead. Commotion was all around me, and I saw
Lynch reach the door to the clubhouse, pull it open, and run
inside. Running to catch up with him, I entered the clubhouse and
ducked behind an overturned table.

Shots erupted throughout the room. The door
opened behind me and I turned to see my brothers entering. The
Predators began to fall back and take off when they realized that
they were outnumbered. It was too soon to know if the Red Devils
were still there, and so far I hadn’t seen any of their cuts.

I let my brothers take over, and began to
make my way towards the direction of where Lynch was behind the
bar. There was no fucking way to know what he was about to walk
into. “Brother,” I put a restraining hand on his arm when we came
to the door. “You let me go in first?”

“No fuckin’ way.”

He turned the knob, but the door was locked.
Standing back, he brought his leg up and kicked the door open. I
followed him into the room, my gaze taking in the scene before us.
Killer was lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Kat was beaten
and bloody next to him. I saw the wound on Killer’s neck, the box
cutter next to him, and it was obvious what had occurred. Lynch
went straight to Kat and got down on his knees.

With all the blood it was hard to tell how
badly she was hurt. “Fuck! Let me find something for her face.”

I went back out front and found the crew
rounding up the Predators who’d given themselves up. They were
being forced to crowd against a corner table, where a couple of
Lynch’s men were holding guns on them.

“First aid kit?” My gaze rested on the
Predators. It was clear that no one wanted to help. “That woman
dies in there, and you fuckers will be fucking next,” I threatened,
meaning it.

“Behind the bar, next to the register,” one
of them finally said.

“Tell Prez that Wildman and his crew took off
a half hour ago,” a brother said as I went behind the bar.

I acknowledged him with a look, and then went
back to searching for the first aid kit. I located it and rushed
back to Lynch. “I found a first aid kit, everything’s good out
front.” I handed him the kit. “Looks like Wildman and his crew took
off right before we got here.”

Lynch acknowledged me with a nod, opening the
dirty kit. “Fucking cowards,” he snarled. He rummaged around inside
before taking out the antiseptic wipes. “I need to wash her face
first, get me a wet cloth.”

Fuck! I went back out to the bar and grabbed
a bar towel, then ran it under the faucet. Spying a bottle of
whiskey, I grabbed that, too. Lynch looked up at me when I
re-entered the room. “This might help with the pain.” I handed him
the bottle and wet towel.

He gently ran the cloth over Kat’s bloody
face, which wasn’t as bad as I’d thought it would be. It was mostly
dried blood, and when that was gone all that was left were some
cuts and bruises, thank fuck. Her eye and mouth were swollen,

“Kat, baby, wake up.”

“He didn’t rape me,” I heard her say.

“I know, babe, do you think you can ride? I
have a van coming, but they won’t be here for a while.”

I took in her skirt and ruined blouse,
frowning. There was no way she’d be able to ride on the back of a
fucking bike. “Fuck that. We’ll take one of their cages, I think
under the circumstances they’ll be glad to see us leave.”

“What do you wanna’ do about Killer?”

I knew the only reason Lynch was asking was
because we were in my town, and if there was going to be any
retaliation my club would take it. I wasn’t worried about it, and
laughed. “Nothing. By the time they find out they need a new prez
we’ll be at my club. I’ll go get a cage.”

I passed Lenny on my way out to the bar. When
I entered the room I stopped to make eye contact with the two Wild
Marauders guarding over the Predators. “There won’t be any more
killing here today. Gather up their weapons, destroy their

I stepped outside, made eye contact with
Reggie, and motioned him over.

“Yeah, Prez?”

“Find us a cage for Lynch’s old lady and
bring it up.”

I looked around, checking out the bodies that
were on the ground. Thank fuck I didn’t see any Wild Marauder or
Dark Menace cuts. If any of the Predators were still around, they
weren’t showing their faces. My gaze went to the trailers behind
the clubhouse. They were most likely hiding out there, with their
women. I released a heavy breath and turned to go back inside,
anxious to be on our way.

“She fuckin’ did Dark Menace a service−” I
heard Lynch say as I got closer to where they were.

“Sure the fuck did.” I walked back into the
room. My gaze went briefly to Kat before returning to Lynch. “Got a
cage waiting out front, one of my guys will drive. We need to get a
move on before the Predators regroup.”

Lynch nodded. “Let’s go.” He scooped Kat up
before she could take a step, knowing that it would be faster if he
carried her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her
face against him.

She’d been through a fucking lot, but seemed
to be holding it together. I’d call ahead and make sure that my
crew was expecting us. I wanted Rachel around to help with Kat, and
Ginger, the club’s nurse, could examine her. Hopefully there
weren’t any internal injuries.

We made it out to the cage without
confrontation. After pulling the door open Lynch arranged Kat in
the back. Once he seemed satisfied that she was okay, he closed the
door. Things happened fast after that. We signaled to our waiting
brothers that it was time to leave, and set a hurried pace back to
where our bikes were hidden. The fact that we were in the country,
and a good distance from the local sheriff’s department, didn’t
fool me into thinking that we were in the clear. They didn’t always
use their sirens.

I came up behind Lynch. “What are you
thinkin’, brother?” Knowing him, I was pretty sure it was the same
fucking thing that was going through my mind.

“That with Killer gone, we just dropped the
Predators a new president.”

I nodded. “Yeah, been thinkin’ the same
thing. Your woman took care of one problem and left me an even
bigger one. You sure you didn’t fucking plan this?”

Lynch chuckled. “Hey, I’ve had the Red Devils
almost exclusively in my back yard for fuckin’ too long, bro--I’m
just sharing the wealth.”

“That kind of wealth can kill me.”

Chapter 8





After delivering a huge tray of drinks to a
large party, I stepped back behind the bar and released a tired
sigh. The place had been booming non-stop since four o’clock, and
with a virus going around the club two of the girls were out sick.
The other four girls were dancing and making sure that the men
stayed happy. Our shopping day had been cut short when Lulu and
Sissy started complaining that they weren’t feeling well. At first
we thought it might be food poisoning, until the girls confessed
that they’d had a ménage a trois with someone who thought they were
coming down with something.

I’d managed to pick up two risqué outfits and
a pair of stilettos at an adult shop that catered to biker babes
and BDSM patrons. Trudy had assured me that that was where the
girls bought their work clothes, and that Stone would approve of
most anything I picked up. After trying on several outfits, I’d
decided on a corset style dress made of the softest leather. It was
sexy, hugging my curves and falling just to mid-thigh. The front
laced up like a corset from my waist up over my breasts, and showed
plenty of cleavage. The other outfit was a leather mini-skirt and
crop top that hung off one shoulder.

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