Dark Menace MC: Stone (4 page)

Read Dark Menace MC: Stone Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #erotic, #motorcycles, #erotic romance, #tattoo, #bad boys, #menace, #biker romance, #collateral, #dark menace mc

BOOK: Dark Menace MC: Stone
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She stepped right up against him, wrapped her
arms around his neck, and kissed him full on the mouth. Prez let go
of my arm and greeted her with the same enthusiasm. Only his hands
went to the naked globes of her ass and squeezed before pulling her
against the hard-on he still sported. He dry humped her for a
minute before pulling back.

“Yeah, missed your tight pussy,” he said,
rubbing her ass.

He hadn’t missed her, but her pussy--nice. I
just stood there, feeling a slow burn go through me, because I
wanted . . . I’m not sure what I wanted. All I knew was that seeing
him kiss and touch the other woman, who was as naked as the day she
was born, made me jealous. And
made me mad.

“I guess you missed me, too, baby.” She
dropped her hand and caressed him, and I was about a second away
from telling her that his erection was for me. “How do you want me
to take care of this monster?”

I rolled my eyes. Prez caught
me and kept his eyes on me as he lifted his hands to her large
breasts. His movement was deliberate, he wanted me to react. It was
hard not to, but I didn’t. Not even when he bent his head slightly
to lick her nipple.

Okay, that was a lie, because my lower body
was reacting big time. I knew I was wet down there. Seeing his
tongue dart out to lick her hard nipple had turned me on. Using
just a little imagination, it was
nipple he was licking.
I crossed my arms in a show to convince him that I didn’t care, and
let out a huff. “Why don’t you just point the way and I’ll be gone
so you two can get down to business?”

For the first time the woman acknowledged me
by glancing around Prez. “Who’s the bitch, baby?” And then her eyes
were flashing fire up at him. “Are you banging her?”

He smiled. “Not yet—”

“Why you—” She raised her hand, and I held my
breath because she was going to hit the president of Dark

She never got the chance. Prez stopped her
hand in mid-air and I could tell by her expression that she
realized her mistake. He held her wrist tightly and growled down at
her. “You forget yourself, Rita. Don’t ever raise your hand to me
again. And I’ll fuck whoever I want.” He threw her hand back at
her, a deep scowl on his face. “Go back to your room and I’ll be
there later.”

Rita turned and walked off like a thoroughly
whipped puppy, but not before shooting me a hateful look that
caused the heavy makeup on her face to crack. I’d have to watch my
back with this one, because I knew a warning when I saw one.

“Good way to hold on to your old lady,” I
said, watching her disappear around a corner.

“She’s not my old lady,” he frowned. “You
think I’d let my old lady walk around here naked? She’s one of the
whores we keep around to satisfy the men.”

“Poor woman.”

Prez shook his head. “You’ve got it all
wrong, sweetheart. Rita likes being here. She likes providing
relief for the men. Sometimes she just needs reminding that we’re
not exclusive. In exchange she gets a place to live, food, and

“What a deal,” I said sarcastically before I
could stop myself. “How many of these lucky women are here?” Prez
grabbed my hand and started pulling me along again.

“The club has six members, not counting the
hang-arounds who come here on the weekends.”

I noticed several pairs of eyes following us
as we walked through the room toward what appeared to be a hallway.
There were doors on both sides, and as we walked past them I could
hear noises coming from the other side. The grunts and groans
confirmed the obvious. We seemed to be rushing, and then we came to
a door and Prez opened it and pulled me into the room.

“Anxious to get back to your, ah, whore, for
relief?” I couldn’t help asking with a smile. The smile fell from
my face when I found myself pushed up against the door.

“They’re called sweetbutts, sweetheart, and
are you willing to take her place?”

He may have been grinning, but he was also
turned-on. His powerful arms were on either side of me, the palms
of his hands flat against the door. He leaned in close, and I
couldn’t pull my gaze away from his for anything. Someone was
breathing heavily. Fuck, it was me, and I brought my hands up to
push against his rock-hard chest.


His smile grew wider. “You sure,

His cock was throbbing against my belly, but
I refused to acknowledge it.

“I can promise you it will be good.”

I had no doubt about that. The size of his
erection told me that he was bigger than most. My pussy contracted
with the thought of being filled by such a cock. I swallowed hard,
contemplating saying yes for just a minute. But I just couldn’t
give Prez the satisfaction of a victory when I knew that it
wouldn’t mean anything to him. I’d be just another pussy, a
convenient pussy staying in his room.

“Rita is waiting for you.”

“Your loss. I’ll be back to talk to you about
your job in a few. In the meantime, grab a shower and change.

With that, Prez pulled me away from the door,
yanked it open, and was gone. I knew that I was doing the right
thing by refusing him. I’d had one-night stands before, had done
casual sex when I was in the mood and didn’t have a steady
boyfriend, so I knew I wasn’t a prude. As much as my body wanted
didn’t, if that made any sense. I didn’t want to
like him, or be his friend. As far as I was concerned, our
relationship was a business deal, and it was probably best if it
stayed that way. Sex complicated things.

So why did the thought of him fucking Rita
hurt so much?

Chapter 4






Fuck. Rachel was going to be a major pain in
my ass. Having her on my bike, her hot pussy flush tight against my
backside, her arms locked tight around me, had been sheer torture.
Once or twice her hands had slipped to my lap, but I don’t think
shed even realized it. I’d had a hard-on for her since leaving her
house. I knew that visiting Rita would relieve it, but Rita wasn’t
the one I wanted. Reaching down to adjust myself, I headed for the

The first thing that I saw when I entered the
room was Lily giving Pit Bull a blow job while Bull Dog was
pounding her from behind. They hadn’t wasted any time. It was still
pretty tame right now but I knew the place would fill up soon. The
weekends were wild and raunchy. The hang-arounds would be there,
too, giving my brothers some new pussy to choose from while the
sweetbutt’s earned a little extra cash with paying customers.

“Whiskey.” I nodded at the bartender as I
took a seat next to Reggie and Shooter. “Any word from Rebel while
we were gone?”

The club had gone on lockdown while we were
in Maine, and Shooter had stayed behind with a few other brothers
to protect it. I hadn’t wanted to take a chance that the Predators,
a rival club from the next town over, would take advantage of our
being gone. They were a fairly new MC, not much of a threat on
their own, but lately they’d been in deep with the Red Devils.

The Red Devils were a bad-ass bunch of
criminals that killed, raped, and tortured.

“Not lately,” Shooter said. He motioned for
Ty, the bartender, to pour him another beer. “So, what’s with the
new girl? She club pussy?”

I shook my head. “She’s collateral for the
debt Manson racked up.” The only one getting in her pussy was me.
The question was, when?

“She his old lady?” Shooter wanted to know.
“Seems kind of pretty for the likes of him.”

“No, but she’s family.”

“What have you decided to do with her?”
Reggie asked, throwing back a shot. Ty set another one in front of
him without being asked.

“Fuck her till she can’t fuckin’ walk right,”
Shooter laughed.

Sounded like a good plan to me.

The door opened and a group of college-aged
kids came inside. I glanced at the clock. Yeah, it was about the
time that they started showing up. Things were about to get loud
and busy. Rachel would have had time to shower and change by now. I
got up and headed back to my room. It didn’t even occur to me to
knock when I reached my door, and I opened it, pausing in the
threshold when my gaze fell on Rachel jumping into her skin-tight

Her large tits were bouncing up and down,
too. Nice. If they’d been naked it would have been fucking

“Don’t you believe in knocking?” she bitched,
zipping up her jeans.

I closed the door with a smile, taking in her
shiny complexion and the soft thickness of her hair. Black hair and
green eyes, what a fucking combination. “I don’t knock on my own
doors.” She was wearing a black shirt with the shoulders cut out,
and it tied at the waist. It was sexy as hell, but I wanted sexier.
She’d need new clothes.

Her gaze focused on the front of my pants. “I
see you’ve been relieved.”

I shrugged. “Rita has a tight cunt.”
Something flickered in her eyes, but it happened so fast that I
wasn’t sure if I’d imagined it or not. I walked further into the
room. “Sit.” I pointed to the bed.

She moved hesitantly, as if she were nervous
to be on the bed with me. Good. I wanted her nervous. No, I wanted
her fucking terrified of me. I did bad shit, and though I didn’t
want to break her spirit I needed her to listen when I said
something. I patted the spot next to me.

“Well,” she slowly began to lower her sweet
ass down. “Since Rita has already taken care of you I guess I have
nothing to worry about.”

The second her ass settled on the bed I
grabbed hold of her upper arms and pushed her down onto the bed,
rolling over on top of her. She sucked in a breath, her eyes
growing round, her body straining beneath me.

“Get off me,” she said between her teeth.

Green fire sparkled in her eyes as she tried
to twist free. “You seem to be worried about my needs, and you
should be. I’m not an old man, sweetheart. I like sex, and believe
it or not, I can get it up more than once in an hour.” I was
beginning to wonder if she was even listening to me, she was so
focused on getting me off her. “I’d stop wiggling if I were

“Then get off me,” she hissed again. She knew
she’d made a mistake the second she arched her lower body against
mine in an obvious attempt to throw me off. Didn’t she know that
never worked? Stilling instantly, she glared up at me, breathing

Oh yeah, she definitely knew that I was hard
as fuck, and that worried her.

I purposely ground my dick against her.

“Have I got your attention, now?” She nodded.
“Let’s get some shit sorted, sweetheart.” Fuck, it was hard to
think with my dick nestled nice and snug between her legs. “If I
wanted to fuck you, I would.”

“You said you don’t rape women—”

“I don’t. When the time comes you’ll want it
as much as I do, I’ll make fucking sure of that.” I watched her
mouth tighten, which I took as a challenge to do something about. I
leaned in closer and ran my tongue over her bottom lip. “Loosen up,
sweetheart. It won’t be that bad.”

Her lips parted on a gasp, and I slipped my
tongue inside her warm mouth. She bit down on my tongue sharply,
sending a current of quick lightning straight down to my aching
dick. I jerked back and glared down into her eyes for a second. She
wanted to play rough? I took her bottom lip between my teeth and
tugged on it, ignoring her whimper of pain. Then, because she
tasted so warm and sweet, I ground my mouth down on hers.

Fucking hell, I wanted more, and I knew
Rachel did, too, as I felt her relax and she softened beneath me,
and began to kiss me back. I knew I could easily persuade her into
letting me fuck her. I wasn’t vain, but I knew how to please a
woman in bed, and something told me that she was fighting herself
more than she was fighting me.

I ground my dick into the crevice between her
thighs. Her responding moans just revved my engine to full
throttle. If we’d had time I’d have stripped her bare and made her
scream my name. I pulled back reluctantly.

“You’re a fake, sweetheart,” I whispered
against her swollen, wet lips. “I could have you naked and riding
my cock in a fucking minute.” She began to shake her head, causing
me to smile against her lips. “Yes.”

“No.” Her tone was low and weak.

I laughed out loud. She could say no all she
wanted, but her soft, welcoming body was screaming yes. For now,
though, I wouldn’t force the issue. I’d let her have her small
victory until a better time presented itself. I didn’t want to rush
our first time, as I knew that licking, kissing, and nibbling every
fucking curvy inch of her luscious body was worth the wait.

Besides, the club’s needs came before my
needs. It always had and always would.

I pulled back far enough to meet her eyes,
which looked cloudy with arousal. “Time to go, sweetheart. You’re
going to be working behind the bar. What you don’t know, Ty will
teach you.” I pushed myself away from her body and got to my feet.
She took my hand and I pulled her off the bed.

“Is that what I’ll be doing while I’m

“Among other things,” I replied, noticing the
slight trembling of her bottom lip, which was still swollen from my
nibbling. “You’ll do what needs to be done. Right now Ty needs help
behind the bar.” I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You

She nodded, and I reached for her hand. When
we entered the bar I wasn’t surprised to see that it was fucking
packed with some of the same faces I saw most weekends. I saw a lot
of leather, but most of them were fucking wannabes hoping to get
noticed. Sometimes it worked and we made one into a prospect, but
it didn’t happen overnight. We watched them closely, observing how
they interacted with others, how they handled themselves in staged
confrontations, and how well they fought when fights broke out.

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