Dark Phase (20 page)

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Authors: Jonathan Davison

BOOK: Dark Phase
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I am old yes, but still young as a Sentient, I have the benefit of relating to both the sentients and the silicant drones you despise so apparently. I have lived through an age of evolution and witnessed with my own eyes the transformation of a civilisation. My judgement is not clouded by the bitterness of vengeance or the cold comfort of logic - I am somewhere...in between.”

Kadheera nodded as she sat back, moulding her form into the seat and bringing her leg up and over the other in what Sarazen believed to be an amusingly awkward position.

Yes, I see that you are quite different to the others, but also, very much like them too. You are a free mind, you are forthright and strong willed. I wonder if anything or anyone could turn your head to see the other side.” Kadheera confused Sarazen. He could not tell if she was being deliberately endearing to gauge a reaction, or genuinely empathic to his predicament. Kadheera continued her voice soft and tender.

I admire you Sarazen, very much. Though you carry the weight of the world upon your shoulders, I admire you because of your resolute determination to not be manipulated into doing something that you do not fully understand. Alphin must decide for all of us how best to serve his community but cannot, for he does not have the power to influence you. You must not hate him for his will to appease his followers, they are tired of oppression. I fear that they will soon revolt and then Alphin will be powerless to stop them from making rash decisions and bringing great harm upon themselves. You view him with cynical eyes; you must consider that perhaps his motives are not as selfish as you presume. He needs your help, he is at your mercy.”

Sarazen leaned back and stretched his neck, it was no surprise that Kadheera began to tow the party line.

Kadheera, you speak of Alphin as an individual in torment. I too am in torment but my responsibilities encompass not only the citizens down here but the society above our heads. I will not be pushed into an act that could lead to an all encompassing event where the whole world will suffer as a result of my actions. Alphin seeks not to return to the surface as free minds, but to rule the surface world and do with it whatever he sees fit. Such power does not befit possession by a single individual.”

But do you not see, you are the individual who holds that power now, you are the master of our collective destiny. What gives you the right to wield that power?”

Sarazen was stunned into silence - Kadheera was right in a sense.

There is no evidence that suggests that I could perform the required tasks to overthrow The Mother. It resides purely in the realm of fantasy.”

And what do you know of fantasy? You are not a sentient and you are not a drone. You are somewhere trapped, your sentient half battling your ancient, flawed logic. You have only just begun to experience the thrill of fantasy, the endless possibilities, and the infinite pleasures. For you to understand our kind, you must experience what it is to be our kind. There is so much you do not know Sarazen, so much that you cannot possibly know about what it is to be one of us. I want to help you explore what it means to be a true sentient; I want you to feel the fire of passion, the warmth of a mutual bonding so captivating that you will never feel the same way again about what it is to 'live'.” Kadheera now sat on the edge of her seat, leaning forward into the light, her body’s residual heat easily detected by Sarazen who could not help but be drawn to her mesmerising physique and her hypnotic voice.

Now I must go, for if I am caught here I will be punished.” Kadheera said as she stood suddenly.

Punished?” Sarazen inquired as he too stood upright, feeling the urge to move closer to Kadheera and touch her.

Yes. Alphin is a controlling individual and he can be enraged by the slightest thing. I sometimes wonder why I persist in such a disrespectful relationship.”

Sarazen was shocked by her admission after so vehemently fighting for his cause.

Such disrespect cannot be justified. You are a fine companion, I for one am jealous.” Sarazen could not help but lay his feelings bare. His shocking admission was willingly lapped up by Kadheera.

Oh my, you are being silly. Why would you possibly be jealous?” Kadheera laid her hand on Sarazen’s shoulder, her physical action not going unnoticed by the old one who could not help but be aroused.

You are the most alluring of companions, if it were not for Alphin I would do anything to be paired with you. I find it hard to resist touching your admirable form, I find the urge to stop you from leaving my room, overwhelming.” Sarazen's outrageous outburst brought a chuckle of stifled embarrassment to Kadheera as she covered Sarazen’s mouth playfully.

Sshh! Let us just keep this between us for the time being! You are very flattering, see what you are doing, I have got very hot!” Kadheera laughed and slipped out the door, offering a flirtatious wave on exit. Sarazen stood for a moment then paced around the room before retaking his seat in front of Cole.

Greetings again, my friend. I now begin to see what you mean, there is so much more that I have yet to discover!”




Kerrig knocked on the heavy metallic door to Sarazen's quarters. It had been some time since he had seen the old one; his commitments to a large scale excavation in the Rhesia zone had kept him busy and intrigued by rich finds aplenty. Kerrig slowly pushed the door open which creaked loudly and was warmly greeted by Sarazen who was sat huddled around his seter in the feint warm glow of the light.

I really must lubricate that door.” Sarazen said as his friend entered.

Yes, it sounds like I feel. I see your seter has flourished, I am glad. You have done a great job in taking care of it.” Kerrig noticed that Cole had grown significantly - it was clearly Sarazen's pride and joy.

It is not hard work, but I find its presence extremely rewarding. I have also found that despite logic dictating otherwise, the partaking in vocal conversation with it has a therapeutic value, if not an intellectually stimulating one.”

I am glad that at least you have your seter to talk to, I am sorry to have been absent for so long, the excavations were significant and I was required to oversee a great many new and exciting finds. It must be a deeply unrewarding time at the moment, how have you been?” Kerrig pulled up a chair and sat next to Sarazen and Cole.

Do not worry my friend,
the solitude is not as unbearable as you might think. I have received frequent visitors, Trist has passed by on occasions, and I enjoy his youthful enthusiasm! I have a regular visit from Alphin's associates to see if I have succumbed to their greater wisdom, I have not of course. I have also had conversation with Kadheera who saw fit to check on my welfare. I find her intriguing and most surprising.”

Really? Kadheera has seen you? I find that surprising in its self!” Kerrig tried not to be too cynical.

What did she want?” Kerrig inquired.

I think to understand me, to study my behaviour, It seems that I fascinate her in some way.”

I find it odd, although I am acquainted with her. She is not the sort to meddle in formal affairs of The Ward.”

No Kerrig, I think that her intrigue is based on a more informal level.” Sarazen smiled and could not help but reveal some secret reciprocal fascination in his excited grin.

Sarazen, I hope you are not suggesting that Kadheera is intrigued on a non platonic level? I see something in your face that makes me wonder what has been going on!”

Going on? I do not follow,
I merely suggested to her that if at any point she felt the desire to vacate her appointment to Alphin, then I would be ready to take her as my own.”

You what?! I must be malfunctioning in the aural receptors Did we not discuss this before? Did we not reach a conclusion that Kadheera is not available and even if she were then it would be highly undesirable to pursue her?” Kerrig was astonished at Sarazen's confession, despite his great intellect. He was as naïve as they came.

Highly undesirable? For whom? If Alphin does not meet the required specifications to partner Kadheera, a patently superior sentient, then it would seem logical that she should seek gratification elsewhere.” Sarazen was annoyed at Kerrig's paternal tone, if he were truly a free mind, then why was he not allowed to pursue his deepest wishes?

Sarazen, I know this is hard for you to understand, but the likeliness of Kadheera, one of the most powerful and influential citizens in The Ward, seeking to leave her position and pursue relations with a socially marginalised individual like you is so small, it is almost humorous. It is more likely that Alphin has sent her to use her well noted charm in the pursuit of a more favourable outcome regarding recent negotiations. I beg of you not to take this any further, you risk only shaming yourself and becoming emotionally pained by the inevitable rejection!” Kerrig's words enraged Sarazen who leapt to his feet and paced around the room.

I dare not believe that the words I have just heard are spoken from the lips of my best friend. Not only do you belittle my position in this society but you also dare to cast aspersions on Kadheera's impeccable character! I cannot even begin to compute why you would take this stance. If it were not for the satisfying relationship we have engaged in the past, I would ask you to leave my room at once! How dare you tell me what I can or cannot do! You purport to be a moral individual, yet you see fit to quash my rights to seek friendship in others. Such selfishness cannot be comprehended. If I were to hazard a reason for such behaviour I would have to conclude that you are jealous! That is it! You are envious of my position as one who now has power to dictate terms to the hierarchy of The Ward and to attract the attentions of the finest companion. It is clear that your status as a solitary citizen is a position with which you seek to change and you obviously have designs on taking Kadheera for yourself! Such treachery, I did not think it were possible!”

Sarazen waved his arms about and paced around his quarters, seething at his friend’s opinion. Kerrig stood still and horrified at the ranting silicant as he spewed forth words that cut deep into the benevolent excavator.

Stop this!” Kerrig cried out.

Stop this obscene posturing and paranoia. You are obviously struggling to cope with the advent of your emotional centre’s maturity. You cannot hear or feel the spite in your words but I tell you they have torn me in two and I cannot bear any more. I only hope that you will, in time, see the error of your thought processes and do not suffer too harshly as a consequence!” Kerrig turned and swiftly strode out of the room, slamming the heavy metal door behind him which caused the resonant structure to crash loudly and alert the regulators along the corridor. Sarazen shuddered as the door banged shut and was shocked by Kerrig's outburst. His mind clouded and feeling confused, regretful and suddenly very, very lonely, he slumped back down on his chair.

My friend, I am lost. I am confused. I sometimes wonder what it must have been like for you in the earliest cycles of your sentience. Now at least you have peace my friend. I did not realise how hard it would be. I envy you.”




Sarazen sat slumped in his chair. The seter now stretched far up the wall, his studious caretaker had ensured that the light adjustments were made to simulate the angle of the Star so that it would continue to grow upwards, proud and erect like the seters on the surface world. Sarazen himself had not fared so well. It seemed that every moment was now spent studying or conversing with his inanimate organic. Sarazen barely ventured to move around his living space and when he did, the creaking of his limbs almost matched the front door in terms of their jarring, grinding noise. A gentle knock on the door alerted him to a rare visit. Judging by the cautious nature of the alert, Sarazen had high hopes that it was to be the one visitor who he most yearned to see, and it was not his faithful but estranged friend, Kerrig.

Come inside.” Sarazen spoke, not having the ability or the notion to stand for his new guest.

Are you there Sarazen?” A soft voice replied.

Yes, yes. Please enter.” He replied with renewed enthusiasm, it was indeed his most eagerly anticipated guest.

Kadheera, I am delighted to see you again.” The old one said as he struggled to rise.

My, Sarazen, you are not looking well!” She replied seeing the difficulty that Sarazen had in moving.

Have you been taking in p
hosphorylin? You look to be in some distress!” Kadheera appeared genuinely worried at Sarazen’s shocking appearance.

No...No. I have just somewhat neglected myself in previous times.”

I can see that, however, your seter seems to have flourished. Where is the logic in that? Now, there must be some phosphorylin in here somewhere.” Kadheera wandered over to the other side of the small apartment where there were storage cupboards full of supplies.

This is silly. You have plentiful supplies here yet you don’t use them. I will make you up something, I can't see you torturing yourself like this!” Kadheera immediately got to work in order to provide the old one with a supplement to ease his ailments. Sarazen looked over to his glamorous visitor and remembered happier times when he had been so carefully tended to by his previous companion. This time, he could engage in stimulating conversation whilst admiring her skills and know that it was not through duty that he was being cared for, but rather by a will to help out a good friend.

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