Dark Redemption (4 page)

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Authors: Elle Bright

BOOK: Dark Redemption
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“Cut the shit, Ridolfi,” one of the men snarled. Kate dubbed him Thug Number
One. “We’re no longer brothers. There’s a price on your head and we’re here to
collect it.”   

Dominic grinned.
“The price or my head?”

“Both,” Thug Number Two answered. A mixture of admiration and disbelief crossed
his face. “You have some serious balls, hanging around so close to home with
the Cacciatori heiress at your side. I’d have thought you’d be half way to
Canada by now.”

“Running would imply fear,” Dominic said with a
shrug. “I am many things, but afraid is not
one of them.”

“You should be. The vamps want you dead. The Council of Elders wants you dead,
so every wolf in the world wants you dead too. Hell, your own father wants you

Dominic laughed. “It doesn’t sound like I’ll be winning any popularity contests
anytime soon.

“Popularity matters little when you’re dead,” Thug Number Three growled, riled
by Dominic’s nonchalant attitude toward his predicament.

“True, but the same can be said for stupidity,” Dominic jibed. “The only
difference is that stupidity can get you killed.”

“Well, you’d be the one to know. You were a dead man walking from the minute
you betrayed your kind for a bloodsucker.”

“Enough of this bull shit. Just shoot the bastard, so we can cut off his head
and take it to his father,” Number One snarled.

“You do realize I’m standing right here,” Dominic interjected. Kate could hear
the amusement in his voice. He tolerated stupidity better than she did. “That
I hope you realize I may have an objection or
two to the removal of my head.”

“Oh, you’ll object alright,” the wolf promised with a harsh bark of laughter.
“Your objections will fall on deaf ears.”

“Well, please allow me to provide you with an objection you can’t ignore,”
Dominic said, the softness of his voice belying the dangerous thread in his
tone. Kate knew that sound. Those men were in

Time seemed to speed ahead in fast forward. Thug Number Two reached for his
weapon. Kate opened her mouth to shout a warning at Dominic.




unmistakable sound of gunshots, muffled by a silencer and fired in quick succession,
split the air. The wolf thugs dropped like flies, one after another. Kate
marveled at Dominic’s flawless marksmanship as he squeezed off the three head
shots before the other wolves managed one. No wonder he had the reputation he
did. He was deadly.
screamed as the bodies hit
the floor.

“Kate, are you alright?” Dominic called to her.

hopped up from the floor, dusting the rubble off her jeans.

“I’m fine.” Dominic nodded at the three dead wolves, crimson haloes spreading
beneath their heads. “These poor bastards took the worst of it. Let’s get the
hell out of here before their friends realize they’re missing and come looking
for them.”

“What about our gelato?” Kate asked, half-teasing, but perfectly aware of the
shameless twinge of hope in her voice.

Dominic chuckled, shaking his head. “Get it to go.”

tossed a quick glance at
as the girl rose on
trembling legs behind the counter. “You heard the man.
to go.
Let’s see how fast you can scoop it.”

trembling, the girl hurried to work, preparing their order as she tried, and
failed, to ignore the three dead bodies on her shop floor. Accepting their
bowls, Kate handed Dominic his and grinned.

to date night and keeping it interesting,” she said, spooning a gob and holding
it up to him in salute.

laughed and scooped a spoonful to match hers. “Cheers.”

shoved the spoon in her mouth and closed her eyes in bliss. “Mmm. Okay,
we can go.”

“Are you sure you don’t want a sandwich and some
while we’re at it?” Dominic asked dryly, his eyes flickering to their fallen
attackers then back to her.

Kate read the message loud and clear. They didn’t have much time. “Nah, I’m
good. I ate earlier.”

Dominic chuckled, “Alright, if you’re sure.” He tossed a wad of bills in the
tip jar and nodded in farewell to
, gifting her
with his dazzling smile. “Thank you for the gelato.”

watched them in silence as they stepped over the
fallen wolves and out of the shop. Kate gave her a little wave as they faded
into the night.

The two of them took off into the night, racing the blocks to Dominic’s
apartment. As soon as they crossed his threshold, Dominic tapped at the screen
of his cell phone and held it to his ear. He rattled off orders in rapid
Italian, so fast, Kate was certain he spoke a different language than the one
she’d learned from Alex.

“I take it our stay in Rome has been cut short,” Kate said as Dominic pocketed
his phone.

He nodded and zipped around the apartment in silence, stuffing items into a
and charger.
Guns and knives.
, everything a couple needed to
survive on the road. Kate sprung into action, gathering her own meager

“Leave it,” Dominic said quietly. “I’ll get you anything you need wherever we

Kate didn’t like the idea of him risking his neck by venturing out to forage
for supplies, but didn’t see an alternative. They wouldn’t need much on the run
anyway. Conceding the point, she stuffed her hands in the pockets of her jeans
and waited.

A few short minutes later, they made their way through the darkness to the
reserved parking spot where Dominic’s car waited for them. It was the same
sleek, black
Dominic had brought Kate down
from Verona in. They slid into the car. Dominic fired up the engine and burnt
rubber as though the city was on fire.

Goodbye, Rome.

they carved their way out of the city, Kate tipped her head to look at Dominic.
“I’m sorry. It was careless and selfish of me to demand we go out.”

Dominic shook his head. “No, don’t apologize. I want to do those sorts of
things too. We just have to wait a while. Put a little space between us and our
families first. That way, maybe date night might not turn out to be so

Kate chuckled. “True. I like a little action on my dates, but that was a bit

“Agreed,” Dominic said with a grin. “Let’s save target practice and the
exchange of gunfire for special occasions.”

“Deal,” Kate agreed. “So, where are we going now?”

I have a place we can stay down there while my
people get the plane ready.”

“But where is the plane taking us from there?”

Dominic’s dark eyes were sad and tired. “I don’t know,
he sighed.
“Wherever we have to go to keep you safe.”

“And you,” Kate added.

“And me,” Dominic repeated, his tone less than convincing. 

knew what that tone meant. If push came to shove, Dominic would sacrifice his
own safety to protect her. Little did he know, Kate would die before she ever
let that
If he was going down, she was going
down with him.








The days that followed passed in a blur. Dominic’s people had prepared the
villa and they’d found it ready upon their arrival. Every effort had been made
to make Kate comfortable. Fresh blood bags had been stocked in the
refrigerator. The windows had been covered with black-out curtains. There was
even a tiny chocolate on her pillow.

Dominic would occasionally go out while Kate slept, to pick up essentials or to
take care of his business, but otherwise
her each day. When the night would come, Kate didn’t bother asking to go out.
She knew better. They talked, drank, laughed, and made love, but the ignorant
bliss of their earlier days was gone. The reality of their situation hung over
them like a black cloud.

Their families could discover them at any time. An enemy could come knocking at
any moment. Kate knew Dominic could protect them, but hated the idea of more
bloodshed. She hated the impermanence and uncertainty of their situation, of
not knowing what the future would bring. Would they run? Would they get caught?
It seemed they would always need to look over their shoulders for enemies in
the shadows.

Yet, it didn’t really matter. Kate had Dominic. He was all the certainty and
security she needed.

When the sun sank beneath the coastal horizon on their third day in Naples,
Dominic made Kate drink donor blood until she thought her stomach would burst
and her veins would explode. After she’d tanked up, Dominic told her it was
time to leave again. Kate didn’t question, she didn’t need to. If he felt it
was time to move on, she was ready. Besides, she could hide in a dark room

Kate followed Dominic around to the back of the villa. They drew to a stop in
front of a shiny black motorcycle. With its smooth curves and sleek body, it
looked expensive and fast. It looked like road rash in the making.

Kate tensed, hoping Dominic had a different mode of conveyance in mind.

“What’s this?”

Dominic patted the seat with an affection bordering on reverence. “It’s a
customized MV
F4 CC.”

Kate chuckled, “Yeah, I wish
that jumble of letters meant something to me.”

called a motorcycle,
. People, you know, ride on the back of them.”

Kate smacked his shoulder playfully. “I know it’s a motorcycle, but what are we
doing with it?”

Dominic cocked a teasing brow at her. “We’re going to ride it.”

“B-b-but, where’s the

I wanted her tucked in somewhere safe while
we’re gone. My bike is a lot easier to store on short notice.”

Kate threw her shoulders back and sucked in a deep breath. “Do you know what we
call people who ride motorcycles in my neck of the woods?”

Dominic’s dazzling smile spread. “What?”

“Organ donors,” Kate said, crossing her arms over her chest.

“That’s for mortals,
. You and I are far from mortal,” Dominic
countered, scrutinizing her with a bemused look. “You weren’t afraid to go sky
diving or bungee jumping as a human, but one little motorcycle ride scares you
as a vampire?”

“Well, I never took care of anyone who made themselves into a human pancake
while skydiving. However, I can’t even count the number of motorcyclists I’ve
seen come in mangled beyond recognition after being scraped off the road,” Kate

“Mere mortals,
we were to wreck,
and that is an impossible if, you would be just fine.”

Kate shook her head at him. “That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt.”

Dominic tipped his head to one side to study her. “The Kate I knew was

“No,” Kate countered. “The Kate you knew was stupid.”

Dominic’s mouth quirked up into an affectionate half-smile.
“You are many things,
, but stupid is not
one of them.”

Kate raised an eyebrow at him, but couldn’t hold back the smile that teased her
“Oh, really?
Like what?”

Dominic pulled her to him, drawing her back against the rock wall of his body.
“Like breathtakingly beautiful,” he said, pressing a kiss to the curve of her
neck, just below her ear.
“Compassionate and genuine.”
His lips trailed lower.
“Intelligent and loyal.”
breath tickled the sensitive skin of her nape as his lips brushed farther
downward. “And perfect in every way.”

Kate sighed and leaned into the warmth and strength of his body.

“Do you trust me,
?” he whispered, the
caress of his words sending delicious shivers down her spine.

“Of course I do.”

“Then get on the damn bike,” Dominic said, nipping at her neck.

Kate gasped and swatted his chest. Dominic chuckled in response, grabbed her
wrists and dragged her to him. His mouth claimed hers in a kiss that hindered

All Kate could think about was him. His body pressed up against hers so tight.
His mouth moving over hers, teasing and tempting her with the
sweetness of him.
As with chocolate in her human life, Kate wanted more.
She would always want more.

Dominic broke their kiss and cradled her against his chest. “I promise,
I won’t let anything hurt you.”

“I know,” Kate said. Never had she felt safer than she felt in Dominic’s arms.
She would follow him anywhere, even if it meant riding on the back of that

I’ll do it,” Kate sighed.

Dominic grinned at her. “You’ll love it, just wait and see.”

Kate knew her face betrayed her skepticism. “Sure I will.”

Dominic straddled the bike. With one final dubious look at the motorcycle, Kate
climbed up behind him. The seat wasn’t really made for two, but Kate molded
herself against his back and held on for dear life. Dominic leaned so far
forward as they started to move, Kate felt as though she rode on his back. On
the bright side, it was the perfect excuse to hug Dominic a little tighter, to
get a little closer.

Once Kate relaxed enough to realize she wasn’t destined to become today’s road
kill special, she fell in love with the ride. She loved the feel of Dominic’s
rock hard back pressed intimately against her front as she hugged his torso.
She loved how her thighs cradled his perfect backside as they straddled the
powerful machine. She loved how the wind whipped through her hair. She loved
the sensation of flying as Dominic leaned and maneuvered the bike with expert

The scent of him.
The feel of him.
The exhilaration of speeding through the air.
Kate was

Leaning her head against the muscled wall of Dominic’s back, she took in the
passing view of the sea as they flew down the seaside road. Kate could only
imagine how beautiful it would’ve been in daylight, with the sun sparkling off
the ocean like a jewel. Instead, the ocean was an endless sea of darkness,
undulating beneath the stars.

She inhaled, reveling in the clean, earthy scent of Dominic, combined with the
rich smell of his soft Italian leather riding jacket and the salty sea air. She
wished she could take that moment and put it in a bottle to keep forever. It
was so perfect.

She wasn’t a vampire heiress on the run. He wasn’t a rogue werewolf assassin
with a price on his head. They were two young people in love, enjoying the
simple pleasures life had to offer.

They made their way south, following the coast until the road turned away from the
sea, taking them inland. They rode for what seemed like forever, flying through
a dark sea of stars with nothing but rolling hills and countryside on either
side of them. Lights from the occasional town and lone building blurred as they
soared past them.

Dominic slowed at last as they entered the outskirts of a city. The buildings
there were plain and unremarkable, crowded together and marred with graffiti.
Kate thought it a strange place for Dominic to choose, but knew he had a reason
for his selection.

As they progressed deeper into the town, the landscape shifted. The heart of
the ancient town had been built within a small canyon, its buildings carved
from the sloping rock itself. The uneven roads wound up, around, and even over
the rooftops of the archaic, cave-like buildings.

Dominic rounded into a narrow street and slowed to a stop. A small stone
building, its dramatic parapets illuminated in white light, topped the rising
slope above them. He helped Kate off the bike and led her through an arched
stone tunnel and up a steep stone stairway.

The building was a tiny church, complete with a small bell tower. Kate admired
the simple, but beautiful stone façade, wondering how old the ancient building
was. Arched windows glowed with light from within. Stone wolves stood watch,
thronging either side of the worn wooden door. Cocking her head to the side,
Kate gave Dominic an inquisitive glance. “Where are we?”

“A region known as Basilicata,” Dominic said with a soft smile. She’d swear he
was being vague on purpose.

Kate resisted the urge to roll her eyes at his useless answer. In all fairness
to the man, she had asked where they were. “Okay, but what are we doing here?”

That slow, heart-stopping grin spread across his face. “That,
, is for me to know, and for you to find out.”

Kate rolled her eyes at that one. Dominic led her by the hand across the small
stone courtyard of the church. He drew to a halt at the base of the steps,
turning to face Kate. Kate’s heart stuttered in her chest when Dominic sank to
one knee at her feet, holding her hand in both of his.

“In all my life, I’d never dreamt I would find someone who made me want to live
forever, just to be with her. I never imagined I could love anyone with the
deep, unconditional love I feel for you. I would do anything, be anything for

“I know I’ve asked you once before, but so much
changed since then. You’ve changed and so have I. I’ve already lost you once.
And I never want to do that again.

“No more secrets. No more lies. I kneel before you tonight as a man with
nothing to offer you but my heart, my soul, and the promise that I will love
you with every breath that I take for the rest of our lives.

“Kate, will you marry me?”

Tears stung Kate’s eyes. “I’ve never wanted anything more,” she breathed, her
heart thundering in her chest.

Kate didn’t need the roses and the candles of his original proposal. She didn’t
need the flowery words of a Hallmark card. She didn’t need the big fairytale
wedding she’d imagined as a young girl. All she needed was this man and his
love. So long as he was the groom, she’d gladly be the bride.
Anytime, anyplace.

Kate threw her arms around his neck, colliding with the unyielding wall of his
chest. Dominic cradled her against him as he rose to his feet. Their lips met
and they melted into one another. A firestorm of passion swirled within her as
a tempest of heat and emotion, desire and

Straining to be closer to him, to be part of him, Kate wrapped her legs around
Dominic’s waist. She wanted him inside her, wanted to be as close as possible.
Her tongue delved into the sweet depths of his mouth, tasting and savoring him
as he made love to her mouth with his lips and tongue.

Dominic broke away with a throaty chuckle, heat and arousal shining in his dark
chocolate eyes. “Save it for the honeymoon,

Gasping with uneven, labored breaths, Kate growled in frustration.
She didn’t want to wait. She wanted him
It didn’t matter how blasphemous it might be to fornicate against the wall of a
church, she’d gladly risk it here and now.

Dominic’s delight in her eagerness was more than evident as a smile spread
across his face.
“How about now?”

Kate gaped at him in shock. She’d imagined
their wedding in so many ways, but never with her wearing faded skinny jeans, a
, and dusty sneakers. Then again, she’d wear a
burlap sack for a wedding dress, so long as she got Dominic out of the deal.
She swiped at her hair in an effort to tame the windblown mess,
What the hell.

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