Dark Refuge (25 page)

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Authors: Kate Douglas

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Chanku, #werewolves, #shapeshifters, #Montana, #Wolf Tales, #San Francisco, #sexy, #Erotica, #paranormal romance, #erotic romance

BOOK: Dark Refuge
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Sissy clutched Janine’s fingers as the Chanku Global Industries jet circled in over the mountains and lined up to the private runway at the Chanku headquarters near Kalispell, Montana. She’d never even been outside of California before, and had definitely never flown in a jet. For that matter, she’d never flown in anything, so to take her first flight in a private jet with amenities most people never see was more than a thrill—it was absolutely wonderful in a terrifying manner. She just wished she wasn’t so nervous.

Her life was so different. So far from what she’d been living a week ago that it was hard to believe she was the same person. Janine raised her head and shot her an impish grin.
I’m eavesdropping,
she said.
And you’re not the same person. Neither am I. Mbali and Mary aren’t either. We’re shapeshifters. Can you fucking believe that?

When you talk in my head, I can.

They were both laughing when the jet touched down on the runway. Sissy watched the ground speed by and then they were slowing and rolling toward a big hangar that held another jet and a couple of helicopters. Snow was falling—not a lot, but enough to hide the mountaintops—but she could see a cluster of houses at the far end of a huge meadow. A large van, more like a small bus, was coming toward them, and in a way that she’d not allowed herself to consider, it slammed into her that this wasn’t merely a trip to Montana. This was a visit to the place where most of the shapeshifters lived. She was going to be meeting more Chanku.

People just like them, but from what she could see, Montana was nothing like San Francisco. She was so glad Annie had taken all of them shopping, because it was cold outside. Colder than she’d ever experienced before, and the sudden case of nerves wasn’t helping. She was shivering, and her mind was spinning and she had no idea if she was just cold or had a serious case of nerves.

Leaning forward, she whispered to Em, “Too bad they don’t serve drinks on this plane. It just hit me that we’re here, that I’ve never been out of the Bay Area, much less out of California, I’ve never been in snow, and I’ve never been around a whole pack of shapeshifters.”

Em grinned and patted her hand. “We’re harmless, you’re one of us, and I’m probably more nervous than you. We told my father last night that we’d mated and he was not happy. As in really not happy. If anyone should be a basket case, it should be me. You are not allowed to be a nervous wreck. My turn.”

“Crap. I didn’t know that, Em. I’m sorry.” She squeezed Em’s fingers, but she realized her own nerves had settled. “I think your goddess is on your side, though, so tell your father it’s not up to him. That you’re the one who loves Gabe and he loves you and that’s all that counts.”

“You’re right, you know. Thanks, Sissy.” Em turned to watch as Gabe unbuckled his belt and went to open the door and lower the ladder, then she turned back to Sissy. “I hope you find someone soon who completes you the way Gabe does me. We’re not like humans in that way. Chanku do best when mated. I never imagined I would end up with him.”

“I think sometimes that Gabe is as surprised as you. Your father will come around. If he loves you, he’ll understand.”

“I hope so.”

They unbuckled their seat belts and Sissy walked to the back of the plane where they’d stowed their luggage. She gave Annie a big hug. “Thank you so much for the shopping trip. When you said it was going to be cold up here, I had no idea how cold you were talking about! It’s a lot nicer facing all that snow with warm clothes and even warmer boots.”

Laughing, Annie handed a bag to Janine and then reached for Sissy’s. “Cold has an entirely new definition in Montana. San Franciscans think it’s cold when the temps drop to forty. It’s not really cold up here unless it’s forty below.”

“I’ll remember that.”

Sissy stood in the doorway while Gabe went out first. Damn, it was cold! The air actually burned her skin, and the nerves hit again when she realized where she was, why she was here. But Gabe glanced at her and waved her down the steps. He helped Sissy with her bags, and she was freezing by the time she got away from the plane and waited for the van. Gabe stayed there at the bottom to help everyone down and then herded them all together like a little flock of shivering ducks as the van pulled in close to the plane. A tall, handsome man with long, dark hair got out of the passenger seat. He was smiling when he reached for Gabe and hugged him.

Then he turned to Sissy and held out his arms. “You must be Sissy,” he said. “I’m Anton, Gabe’s father. Welcome.”

He hugged her as if he’d known her forever. She hugged him back, but she had to force herself to close her mouth. Gabe’s dad was gorgeous, and he looked even younger than his son. Obviously he knew what she was thinking, because he leaned in close and said
sotto voce, “One of the perks of being almost immortal. None of that aging stuff.”

She covered her mouth but couldn’t hide the laughter. Anton merely lifted an eyebrow and grinned and all of her nervousness fled. Another man came around from the driver’s side, and he looked so much like Gabe she took a startled step back.

He came up behind Gabe, looped an arm around his shoulders and hugged him. “What’s this about you finding a mate on your trip? Sheesh, bro . . . we can’t let you go anywhere.”

“Mac! When did you get home?” Gabe turned and hugged him close, then stepped back with both hands on the man’s shoulders. This had to be the twin brother he’d mentioned.

“Flew in last night. It’s good to see you. Where’s Em?”

“I’m here, Mac.” She’d been standing behind the other girls talking, but she went into Mac’s arms for a hug. “How are you?”

He stood back, looked her up and down and whistled. “Damn, Emeline. You’re gorgeous. Gabe, I can see why you made it permanent so fast. You didn’t want anyone else to have a chance.”

Gabe was laughing, and obviously so proud of Em. “I’m not stupid. Do you think I’d let you see her when she was still free?” Then he spun Mac around. “Ladies, I want you to meet my baby brother. He got the brains, but I got the looks.”

Janine raised her hand. “Uh, Gabe? He looks just like you. So where’s that leave you in the brains department?”

“Smart ass.”

Gabe flipped her off with his comment, and they were all laughing when Mac rounded them all up. “He also got the gift of gab,” Mac said. “It’s freezing—let’s get these ladies close to a warm fire.”

Chapter 16


The huge buffet that Keisha and Xandi had prepared for the four new Chanku and their human friends was typical of the kind of welcome Gabe expected for new pack members. He stood back while Alex’s dad organized the extra tables and chairs.

“Expecting a crowd?” Gabe laughed, moving in to help as Stefan struggled with one of the larger tables.

“You’re kidding, right? Thanks. This sucker’s heavy.” Stefan grabbed one end of the table while Gabe lifted the other. “Anton gave your mom and my wife free rein with the preparations. They’ve been cooking all morning and still called in a caterer. There’s going to be enough food for an army.”

“Mom always says that sharing meals is the way to keep a pack strong and united.”

“Really? Xandi says it’s the sex.”

“Well, that too.” Laughing, Gabe helped Stefan make sure the table was aligned. Now all they needed were the chairs. He grabbed a couple out of the cart Alex had delivered to the room.

Stefan paused in mid-lift. “Congratulations are in order, I understand. You and Em?” He chuckled. “Never saw that one coming, but it definitely sounds right. She’s a good kid, smart and strong. And beautiful.” He turned away, as if he was considering more.

Gabe waited. Hoped he’d say something.

“I hope Oliver handles it okay.”

“That wasn’t what I expected you to say, but it’s a good call.” Gabe set the chair down and rested his hands on the back. “So far, from what we can tell, he’s not handling it at all.”

Stefan merely nodded. “It’s not my place to comment, but your dad’s concerned, and that’s a good thing. He loves you, and his sympathies have always been with Emeline. He’ll make sure things work.”

“Sort of a cryptic message from you, Stef. I won’t question you further—don’t want to put you on the spot, but thank you.”

Stefan nodded again, and then went back to setting out the chairs. More packmates were arriving and immediately pitched in to help. Gabe stood back and watched for a moment, enjoying the purity of love he felt within this room. No matter what happened, the pack hung together. They supported one another. He was getting the feeling that they had supported Oliver over whatever had happened with Em, but if he’d interpreted Stefan properly, there wasn’t total agreement on that.

He stepped into the big kitchen, which was almost too crowded to enter. All six of the young women were here, along with Alex and Annie and at least a dozen other packmates, and the level of conversation ebbed and flowed, though it was still too loud to hear anything.

He spotted Lindy and Nina off to one side talking with his sister Lily and her mate, Sebastian. Leave it to Lil to make the only two humans in the room feel welcome. “Hey, big sis!”

“My baby brother! My mated baby brother! Congratulations!” She threw her arms around him and he lifted her off her feet in a tight hug. She was tall, but he was still a lot taller and definitely bigger. He swung her around a couple of times before setting her back on her feet, but he held her elbow until she caught her balance.

Lily glanced at Nina and Lindy. “Proof the brat’s finally a grown-up. Used to be he’d spin me and set me down so dizzy I’d land on my butt. Thank you, dear Gabriel, for not making me feel like a fool in front of guests.” She raised one eyebrow, so much like their dad, and glared at Sebastian. “Unlike some men we both know and love.”

Gabe tipped an imaginary hat to Sebastian. “Thank you for taking on such an onerous duty.”

“My pleasure.” Sebastian smacked Gabe on the shoulder and they both cracked up.

Lily glanced at the women and rolled her eyes. “See what I have to put up with?”

“I wanted to make sure you two were having a good time.” Gabe smiled at Nina and Lindy and then took a quick look at the kitchen, rapidly filling to bursting. “This crowd can be a bit overwhelming.”

“It’s great,” Nina said. “Everyone’s been so nice. Sebastian said he’s interested in getting in on the salon we’re planning.”

Gabe raised an eyebrow when he looked at Sebastian, who merely shrugged.

“Hey,” he said. “It’s business. And look at these two. Even I recognize style when I see it, and Lindy designed both their outfits.”

“I have a feeling Lindy and Nina are going to take over the world. Or at least make sure we’re better dressed, with good haircuts.” He hugged both Lindy and Nina, kissed Lily on the cheek and shook Sebastian’s hand. “I’m sorry Em and I can’t join you guys for lunch. We’re eating with Mom and Dad and Em’s parents. I have a feeling your party’s going to be a lot more fun.”

Lily nodded. “I heard there was an issue with Oliver. Don’t worry. It’ll work out. Dad’s good, but Mom’s the one with the muscle. She’ll make it work.”

“She always does, doesn’t she?” He left the room, but not before stopping to give his mom a hug. “See you in the study in about half an hour, okay?”

She patted his cheek like he was still an eight-year-old, but it worked. There was something about his mom that inspired confidence. “Give Em a hug for me.”

He kissed her cheek and grinned. “I’ve only got half an hour. That’s about all there’s time for.”

This time Keisha raised her brows and smiled at him. “You’re your father’s son, Gabriel. You’ve always got time. Now go. I sense that little girl of yours is anxious and nervous. She needs you.”

He’d noticed that same sense of anxiety, but the mating link was so new, he was still learning to interpret feelings. Words were much easier. But his mom was right. Em was already a basket case.

The sense had been growing since they’d gotten on the plane earlier this morning, so he’d taken her directly to his room and left her with plenty of time to get settled. He’d been gone almost an hour, and he needed to get back to her now. The mating bond had allowed him to sense an unusual fragility in his normally strong mate. It was more than obvious Oliver’s strange behavior was the cause.

Gabe was ready to punch her father. The man hadn’t made any attempt to talk to her, hadn’t come to meet the plane, hadn’t said a word. It made no sense.

Satisfied the girls were in good hands, he turned to leave, but Mac was there, waiting right outside the kitchen door. Gabe crooked a finger and led him through the dining room, down the hall to a small study their mom occasionally used. Today it was dark and quiet—a good place to talk to his twin.

“What’s going on?” Mac stood there with his arms folded across his chest, and as always it gave Gabe the surreal sense of staring into a mirror. Probably why they were called mirror twins. “Mom and Dad aren’t saying a word, Oliver’s been holed up in their house since last night and Mei’s sulking like a grounded teenager. Are they upset about you and Em?”

Gabe stuffed his hands in his rear pockets and let out a deep breath. “They are, but we’re not sure why. Mac, do you remember about twelve years ago when Em was kidnapped? We were away at college, but did anyone ever say anything to you?”

“Em? Kidnapped?” He shook his head. “I don’t remember that.”

“Neither did Em, but Annie did, and she told us the story, how Luci, Em, Phoenix and Annie had gone to the mall and Em was kidnapped by a serial rapist who held her for a couple of days. She was raped and would have been murdered, but she shifted—took her leopard form—and killed the bastard. I know it happened, because it came out during our mating link.”

He lifted his shirt and showed off the slashes on his chest. Mac’s muttered “holy shit” seemed totally apropos. “Yeah, exactly. We waited, I walked her through the memories during a less stressful time and we were finally able to mate last night, but for whatever reason, her conscious memories of the incident were gone. There are no Internet stories about this guy that mention Em. He’s there with the long list of his victims, but Em’s not on it. And when the media talks about his death, all we could find was a reference to the fact that he was found dead in his home, badly decomposed, and cause of death was at first a suspected animal mauling but could not be definitively determined. Something’s going on, but we don’t know what. We think Oliver and Mei are involved in a cover-up, but from something Eve said . . .”

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