Dating a Metro Man (27 page)

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Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Humor & Satire, #Humorous, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #General Humor, #General Fiction

BOOK: Dating a Metro Man
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“It’s the great mystery,” Regina said wisely. “You never know what love is going to bring.”

“Well I just kicked Cupid’s ass and sent him home with his bows and arrows between his legs. The man isn’t talking to me,” Jenna said sadly. “This is going to be a problem for the making up part.”

“Well, you know where he’s going to be Saturday night,” Alexa said, giving her a daughter a haughty look. “Put on a great dress and come seduce him.”

“Where is he going to be?” Jenna asked, perplexed at her mother’s comment.

“At Talia Martin’s welcome party, where else?” Alexa answered. “Casey and I are hosting.”

“Who’s Talia Martin?” Jenna asked, even more perplexed. “And why are you two hosting?”

Alexa blinked at Jenna several times in disbelief. Jenna was sleeping with Seth. How could she not know?

Lauren and Regina sat up straighter and leaned back in their chairs. If Jenna got mad and starting throwing things, they were both going to be making a run for it. They had both witnessed her temper tantrums before and they were never pretty.

Alexa cleared her throat. “Well—I assumed you knew this, and don’t know why you don’t, but Talia Martin is the woman Seth is hiring to help him with his business. She’s a single mother with two kids, and she’s terribly smart. I really liked her when I met her. Seth asked Casey and me to host a party to welcome her to Falls Church. Didn’t—didn’t Seth say anything to you about her at all?”

Jenna was in shock—utter shock. What else didn’t she know? She had been so caught up in the house, and all the work of it, that she had never surfaced to visit with anyone for literally two months now. Outside of Lauren’s wedding, all she had done was crawl into bed with Seth every chance she got.

Then she remembered the fight they had. Seth had said that she hadn’t asked him about his work since they had been sleeping together. He was right. It hurt even more to realize that he was right then and still right. Everyone knew what was going on in his life, but her. Her lack of knowing couldn’t have been more humiliating.

She had no one to blame but herself. She hadn’t even bothered to ask.

Jenna laid her head down on the table in the crowded bar and cried for how selfish and stupid she had been. The women at the table looked on in shock, but Regina grabbed Alexa’s and Lauren’s hands before they could touch her. Regina shook her head. “This is good,” she mouthed silently.

Alexa raised her hand to Eddy and motioned for him to send over another round of drinks. Jenna was going to need some serious lubrication for her ego until she could find enough pride to make this right with the man she so obviously loved.

As the drinks hit the table, Jenna raised her head and grabbed a mangled tissue to wipe her eyes.

“Mama?” she said.

“Yes, honey.” Alexa looked at her daughter with deep understanding of how much it was going to take for her to set this right.

“I’m going to marry Seth Carter and make you a grandmother soon. I hope this is okay with you and Daddy,” Jenna said, blowing her nose. She picked up her beer. “I’ve been an idiot. He’s the only one for me. He’s always been the only one for me. I couldn’t replace him and I couldn’t get over him. I’m addicted to his lovemaking. I have no choice. I have to marry him. I’m never going to be able to love anybody else.”

“Now you just need to find a way to tell him that,” Lauren said, smiling softly.

Jenna sniffed. “Not a problem. I’m crashing a party I wasn’t invited to Saturday night. I hear he’s going to be there. God help the person if he brings a date. Seth Carter is mine.”

Alex patted her hand. “Woman up, sweetie. Come looking your best. You don’t want him getting any ideas about making you compete.”

Jenna stood and walked to the woman who bore her, a woman who was also becoming a steadfast friend. “I love you, Mama. You’re the best mother in the whole world.”

“Damn straight,” Alexa said. “Now get rid of those man clothes and spend some money on yourself. I swear Sydney and his globe trotting is hard to get used to. Every time we have a fashion crisis, the man is out of town.”

“It’s okay,” Jenna told her, trying her damnedest to stop crying “I know exactly what Seth likes most.”

“What’s that, honey?” Lauren asked.

“Me,” Jenna said. “Me. It’s always been me.”

She turned on her heel and marched out of the bar.

“Do you think she’s sober enough to drive?” Lauren said, concerned.

Alexa shrugged. “I would say my daughter has never been more sober. It was like I got to watch her grow up five or six years in the last hour. I’ve never felt so old.”

“Well there’s where you’re in luck,” Regina said, smiling over her mineral water. “You got a younger man at home who can fix that for you. You’ll be back to your young self in no time.”

“Or after two or three times at least,” Lauren said, sipping her second glass of malted milk. She loved the way Regina laughed at her every comment these days. “What did I say? You know it takes more than once sometimes.”

Alexa shook her head. “All it takes is for Casey to smile at me. I’m glad Jenna’s getting a man Casey helped train. I just hope my daughter lets herself love him. The boy is crazy about her.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Regina said, laughing, then caught what she had revealed. “And I can’t tell you either. Sorry. I was just trying to say something equally validating.”

Lauren lifted her glass of milk. “Here’s to Jenna and Seth. May they find the love we have.”

“Here’s to my future grandchildren for whom I will also be an aunt. Please never tell the press,” Alexa said, holding up her wine. “At least Lauren’s child will have someone to grow up with.”

“You’re the only woman who ever toasted with malted milk. I’m not even sure your toast counts,” Regina said wryly, laughing as Lauren stuck out her tongue at her. “Here’s to true love, all the bumps, grinds, and g-strings.”

Lauren cracked up. “What kind of toast was that, Regina?”

“Sue me. I’m horny,” Regina said, gathering up her purse. “I’m going home to my man.”

“Here. Here.” Lauren and Alexa said in agreement.

Chapter 20

“Talia, that’s the third dress you’ve tried on. They all look good on you, darling. Pick one,” her mother said smiling.

Talia chided herself for being brave enough to take on companies but still scared to share her true feelings with her mother.

“Tonight’s very important. I want to look my best,” Talia said.

Her mother met her gaze in her mirror. “Because many of Allen’s friends will be there?”

Talia flushed and glanced away from her mother, but she heard the woman laugh.

“Do you think I’m being foolish with him?” Talia asked, looking on in wonderment as her mother just laughed harder.

“If you are, darling, you picked a hell of a man to do with it. Allen Stedman is prime,” her mother said, running a hand down her hair. “Besides that, the kids love him, and he likes them too. That doesn’t happen often. I don’t blame you for hoping it works out. I say go for it.”

“Go for it,” Talia repeated. “That’s very American.”

“Well, we have been here for several decades now. Your Allen was an American soldier, right?”

Talia nodded. “A military policeman, actually.”

“Well, I can certainly see him doing that,” her mother said. “What does he do now—besides put a relaxed smile on your face a few times a week.”

“He speaks French fluently, and recites poetry during—odd moments,” Talia finished, catching herself before telling a little too much. She lifted her chin to say the rest, hoping to communicate that she didn’t give a flip in case her mother did. “He works as the executive assistant for a beautiful older woman who designs lingerie. Alexa and Casey will be our hosts tonight. He also works for Casey in his security business. I’m not sure of everything he does there. I believe he works as a trainer at a gym as well, or so he’s told Mason. Then he also has a dream.”

“Seems to me things are getting serious if you’re wanting to help him with his dreams already,” her mother said, teasing.

“He’s a clothing designer,” Talia said baldly. “He trained for it for two years. He sews. He draws. He—I’m being obvious, aren’t I?”

“It’s quite okay, dear. I like your renaissance man. Your father likes Allen too. He said he was glad if you and the children had to be so far away from us that at least you had a real man to watch over you,” her mother said, watching relief pour into her daughter’s eyes. “Do try to plan an early Fall wedding if it comes to that. Your Aunt Margaret is wanting us to come to Kent for the holidays this year.”

“We thought we needed to wait six months for the sake of propriety,” Talia said meekly.

“Who knows you here well enough to judge? Screw propriety. Be happy, darling,” her mother said boldly. “You know it’s more fun shagging in your own bed. You’ve been married before.”

Talia spun on her mother and hugged her close. “Have I ever thanked you for blessing me with your wicked sense of humor and your happy outlook on life? I am the luckiest woman in the world. And I am also one phone call away from being wealthy enough to buy a home. I may get the call tonight. I am so looking forward to it.”

“Well, that’s splendid, Talia. You’ve put that amazing mind of yours to great use for you and your family. Now put on the red dress with the black trim and those monstrously tall skinny heels that make you look like a super model. You’ll wow everyone tonight.”

“Thank you,” Talia said, kissing her mother’s cheek.

“You’re welcome, darling,” her mother replied.

Mason appeared in the doorway. “Mom, it is two hands together on the clock and you said we needed to leave by then. I told Allen I would help you keep to the sedule,” Mason said.

“Schedule,” Talia corrected.

“That’s what I said, sedule,” he said, serious. “You need clothes.”

Talia looked down at her slip that looked like a nightgown. Allen would love it, but she needed to stop stalling and start dressing. “Oh my goodness, look at me. I’m still in my underwear. Thank you, Mason. I won’t be a moment putting my dress on.”

“You mother is nervous, Mason. Women get a little silly. Be kind and supportive, sweetheart,” his grandmother said.

“Always, Grandma Lily,” he said.

“You are a wonder, Mason Martin,” she told him.

“Assolutely,” Mason agreed, walking off down the hall.

Talia looked at her mother. “Allen cracks up every time Mason says that. I’m going to have the devil of a time trying to get him to pronounce it correctly now. He knows it makes Allen laugh.”

“You know how males are when they bond. I’m sure that’s assolutely true,” her mother stated. “I’m going to go wake your father now. He was napping on the couch with Kendra on his chest a few minutes ago,” she said.

“I love you, mother,” Talia said, smiling.

“I love you too, darling,” her mother said. “Be happy. You’ve suffered enough in your life.”

Talia zipped up the fitted dress and stepped into the heels. When she removed the clip from her hair, she brushed it to the front just the way Allen liked. She knew he would approve of what she saw in the mirror. It was amazing how much that was enough for her.

“Talia Martin,” she said to her reflection. “You have it so bad.”

*** *** ***

Seth paced the sitting room in Casey and Alexa’s house, wishing for the millionth time that he’d given in and told Jenna about this. He’d whacked her over the head with a marriage proposal, and then reacted poorly when she had asked for more time. Now he was here without her, feeling guilty and sorry for himself. He had only himself to blame.

When the doorbell rang, he dashed to answer it. It was Talia, the children, and her parents. He ushered them in and shook hands. Mason immediately attached himself to his side, making Seth grin again. He introduced him to Casey who asked him about his leg braces. Remembering what Seth had said, he asked Casey where his cane was. It wasn’t long before Casey was walking off with Mason following close behind to retrieve his cane.

Alexa was giving Talia’s parents a tour of the house.

“Casey and Alexa are just as wonderful as they were the other day,” Talia commented.

“You met them already?” Seth asked.

“Yes—well, I went by the office to ask Allen to lunch,” Talia said, flushing.

“If I’d known how well you were going to like the man, I would have put Allen in the contract instead of three months rent. He’s always looking for ways to make extra money,” Seth said, teasing. “He’s worse than me.”

“Nobody is worse than you,” Allen said, walking in with Kendra strapped to the front of him.

Seth looked at Allen, who met his gaze defiantly, then looked down at the smiling, laughing baby who kept giggling and cooing at Seth.

“Stedman, there’s a baby strapped to your chest,” Seth told him, stating the obvious.

“Yes, and I put her there all by myself. That’s what took me so long to get in here. Wrapping three yards of cloth around yourself is not easy. I’m just glad Kendra is a good sport,” Allen said.

Hearing her name, Kendra flexed and jumped in the baby wrap.

“Are you sure you want to carry her tonight?” Talia asked, chewing her lip, worrying that Allen might feel awkward packing the baby around all night on his person. She didn’t expect him to do that.

“Assolutely,” Allen told her, giving Seth a sideways look when he choked on a drink of his beer. “Carter, if you can’t hold your liquor—don’t drink.”

He looked back at Talia. “Walk around, look beautiful, and let Carter here introduce you to people. If any of the guys try anything funny, just nod in my direction and I’ll come break some fingers or something. In the meantime, Kendra and I are going to mingle and watch the crowd for suspicious people. It’s what we do for fun at these things.”

Allen gave Seth one hard look, and then tugged Talia to him for a kiss before striding off.

“A month ago I wanted him dead because I thought he was going to sleep with my girlfriend before I could. Now he’s packing a baby and making me laugh hard enough to spew beer out of my nose. He constantly surprises me,” Seth said to Talia.

Talia watched Allen’s very nice rear now encased in dress slacks move easily through the crowd. “My mother calls Allen a renaissance man.”

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